When IDIOT Cops Realize They’ve Been Caught

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cops are tasked with upholding the law but what happens when they're caught in their own misconduct here are four times when idiot cops realize they have been caught put the bike down James turn around put your hands behind your back turn around put your hands behind your back I'm you dude this is an officer from The Lion County Sheriff's Office on September 14th 2023 this Deputy responded to an alleged call regarding a strange bonfire near an apartment premises in Friendly Nevada when Deputy arrives at the scene he observes an individual named James Gresham leaving the scene on a bicycle the officer remained proactive in his approach since the call was from a high crime area watch how things escalate between the two what's up my man come here come here oh [ __ ] yeah know put the bike down put the bike down watch my bike cuz I told you to put the bike down why are you stopping me right now because you're riding your bike with noing light on riding it I got put the bike light right here dude put the bike down right here I no [ __ ] put the bike down James turn around put your hands behind your back turn around put your hands behind your back I'm you dude get on the ground James what have I done wrong 562 King get on the ground done wrong I've not done nothing wrong get on the ground James I've done nothing wrong am I being detained get on the ground James being detained subject stop 45 Willow white meil help get on the ground James you are being detained you fing idiot get on the ground I'm on the ground I'mma fuing tase you dude get on the ground put the flashlight down am I being detained yes for what put your hands behind your back for what put your hands behind your back what am I being detained for for [ __ ] not listening drop that flashlight notop that flashlight articulable reasonable susp I committed a crime yeah it is you took off yes it is is not yeah it is James not you still your supervisor you still call your supervisor relax no I'm not relaxing call your supervisor this fing harassment is going to stop shut up call your supervisor I want you to call your supervisor my I am the supervisor dip First Amendment audit yeah try the Fifth Amendment shut up first amendment audit you have no reason to stop me right now yeah you're riding your bike with no lights on right there in my hand it's got to be on the it was on the bike I just took it off no I just watched you right away when I rolled up you didn't tell me to stop there was no stop I was need nothing wrong yeah I told you to stop right here did nothing wrong you have no crime I committed 562 King detained 29 on last James call your supervisor I want to see your supervisor right now shut up I want your supervisor what' you ditch over here I want your super I'd like your super your shirt okay well I think he's down at the jail I like your supervisor sir I need to speak to your supervisor now this ain't happening yeah I you still on court conditions James I want no I'm not have any Court conditions none huh none zero I've not committed a crime you have no reason to stop yeah when I told you to stop to stopped your I stopped when you told yeah if you [ __ ] arguing with me I'm going to argue with I had to pull my Taser out you have no reason to stop me yes I do none what I've not committed a crime no Miser no felony yeah James called riding a bike without a headlight I got a headlight right there it's not on the bike James friend hey I'm not on the bike I'm in a parking lot private property what are you doing here you got any dope on you James no I don't now what I want your supervisor stand up I want your up I'm going to stand up where your face away put your feet apart you got any weapons on you nope well I don't know maybe something I don't know I doubt it though maybe something what no I don't know I don't know I got a lot of in my pocket been working on cars all day you got a knife on you yeah I know this I have I'm being detained for no reason I want to talk to your supervisor I want to see your supervisor what supervisor Jam you think we and call you yes First Amendment audit right now go yeah First Amendment audit you have no reason to stop me right now you're in violation My First Amendment rights and my fifth and my fourth and my ninth you feel part James yeah sure face the car face the car I want to see your supervisor taks I just told you dumb ass private property I'm right here in my house I live right there what's that for arguing I'm asking you some basic basic information my name's Jam Dr you know my name I asked you what your date of birth was I don't have to answer your questions I guess I do huh because I'm being detained right 5269 and this is illegal stop no it's not yes it is call your supervisor I want to see your supervisor do you think that may you just answer a couple quick questions but when you're rolling up here and then coming back you told me to come back so I came back yeah and then I'm telling you to drop the bike you're not Dr in the bike and then youing push you're trying to up on me my hand I didn't do nothing on you I ask why you were stopping me I saw P up here that's why I turned around to come back all right I knew you were going to come how about that yeah cuz when I roll up for this [ __ ] bonfire nothing to do with me you were there I was just talking to them asking them what's up with the bonfire oh they're barbecuing imagine that did you stop and ask about the fire I didn't you took off like where's this guy going I wasn't I didn't have to stop for you just Cas you pull up don't mean I stop my life I have when a crime being committed no I didn't commit a crime I committed no crime what was my articular reason I already told to come here and stop me I already told you there is no crime I like to talk to your supervisor sir don't right now that's fantastic yeah you can want one hand sh the other my first am right now that's right they have it on body camera First Comm there's no artical re not you should write this stop me unreasonable articulable Reasonable Suspicion sit tight dude sit tight shut up dudes sit tight the officer handcuffs Mr Gresham and tells him that he has been arrested for resisting observe how the deputy consults another officer Deputy Mullen for the arrest he has made trying to find justifications for it so the we're s we're sitting over there across a [ __ ] um at the sub dude there like [ __ ] huge Flames coming out thought the building was on fire roll up and then I'm like trying to ascertain what's going on he rides off on the bike and but it ends up being inside a barbecue which I don't even know if that's legal depends how it is yeah to the house right up he's pushing his bike up here and then it just went downhill from here as it usually does yeah I heard yelling I who he's yeah now I'm debating whether uh take him dude just for obstructing yeah it's not really he's riding his bike without a light yeah and I'm like well is this private property like was it through here yeah he came from this side and went through here it's it's probably Tracy bike not his also she's been Bing about it about what him taking the bike really that's hers she called us like a weeks maybe a few weeks ago now for it says that always comes by grabs it cuz it just sits outside there he'll he'll ride it and then bring it back and take it without asking it all that yeah is that your bike James okay is it like a mountain bike yeah that's the one that she was complaining about the white one I don't know if it's white I I've seen one a BX but she was complaining about one that out which apartment are you in what 18 sound now I'm like should I just take him for [ __ ] obstructing so what cuz I he's back behind this thing I roll up I'm like hey what are you doing dude come here thinking that he was trying to hide back here now it sounds like he lives here but as soon as he does he's like put the bike down he starts [ __ ] yelling coming at me and he's like tensing up dude so I'm like [ __ ] Tas you dude get my Tas out and then he's like not getting on the ground not getting on the ground he's just [ __ ] Bing we heard you yeah um you want to verify with 18 if he does say sure yeah said you live in Apartment 18 years the officer was determined to put Mr Gresham in jail because his ego did not allow him to accept that he had violated the rights granted to the citizens by the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution for those who don't know the fourth amendment protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures from law enforcement watch how the encounter ends you got a key to it at all is the door unlocked how are you going to get in I didn't know she wasn't home until I got here actually I came here and I left went over to Jeff's to Mama T's house cuz uh she wasn't here then when you pulled up I decided to come back home I don't have to answer this question but I will I didn't do nothing wrong I didn't want no trouble so I left the fire wasn't mine all right well when I'm rolling up and you're leaving like doesn't mean nothing sure does wasn't to stop what's that I wasn't asked to stop cuz you [ __ ] took off I wasn't asked to stop that's why I came over here and told you to stop reason stop me that's why I came over here and told you stop no reason to stop me what's your reason for stopping me for what's your reason for coming over here I'm on private property man yeah well why you come here what's that what is your articulable Reasonable Suspicion for property man because what what's because flight from the cops a flight from who I did wasn't stopped I know cuz you didn't give me a chance what you stop me for see what's going on with this fire that has nothing to do with me okay how do I know that if you're leaving it's not my fire it's not my house I don't live there how how do I know that when you off people live there barbecuing right you would have found out okay cuz they said they about them they didn't said they they didn't they they said they didn't know who you were that's what I'm telling you they didn't told me you didn't know who you were yeah okay I don't know I didn't know who you were oh yeah I'll walk over right now you you tell me going to tell you that I don't know who they are and they don't know who I am now now that I know who you are huh now that I know who you are but I didn't know who you are what I'm saying is this what was your reason for stopping you what was your reason for coming here that what cuz you're trying to get away from me no I didn't run from nobody I went home and now and I don't need to see no and maybe and maybe it would be more plausible if you did live there but now we can't now we can't even verify that you live there why don't we call Sharon then B okay why don't we call Sharon the person who lives there does Sharon live there yeah she sure does do so how you going how you going to get in there what do you mean how you going to get in the house home usually she's home at night I don't have to answer these questions I'm not doing nothing wrong all right don't ask the questions listen listen Carl I'm not doing nothing wrong I'm on private property you're harassing me you're me right now I'd like to see that doesn't change how we go about this I've had to study for my law for these W that I've been going through okay a little bit more ver and and how's that working out for you well you know it's been 3 years of uh my due process being violated I've been convicted of nothing since I've been here it's still going on drawn out get pissed off you get pissed off so you keep getting drawn out I get pissed what's that got to do with it I'm being charged for nothing you know what my charges are sir for 3 years you know what my charges are I had my sister de calls you're going to jail dude what resisting I'm not don't what are you doing dude face the car I'm putting your feet apart go ahead miss me to ja watch out don't my stuff mhm I'm see all right yeah I know too I didn't do nothing wrong you don't listen I do listen I came right to you when you pulled up there one who was running at me not me at you Bud yeah cuz you're trying to get away dud I'm trying to get away what are you talking you're it's on your body P it is rap [Applause] it all right oh [ __ ] oh [Applause] no you got there rocks drop that down there you go this your driller sure is remember it what there was a whole box was on the sheet of my car remember no I don't come on back here we'll get it what's that duct tape yeah have a seat mate but the Fourth Amendment states that the subjective intentions of a law enforcement officer have no basis for conducting a search or seizing an individual instead an objective reason or suspicion is required for such acts despite this Mr Gresham was charged with resisting an officer the the identity of the officer remains confidential if you think he was the only cop who realized they've been caught wait until you watch this next case you're going 3 miles under the speed limit you can drive at is the speed Li 53 my camera is that illegal yes it is cuz you're driving under the speed limit this officer is from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office on February 3rd 2022 an individual named Shawn was pulled over by a deputy for overs speeding at seol Pratt Whitney Road lockah hatchee County Florida giving you the opportunity to pass me you want to tailgate me in a police vehicle go ahead you're going three miles under the speed limit you can drive 55 is the speed Lim 53 my camera is that illegal you were going yes it is cuz you're driving under the speed limit you're not doing the speed limit do me a favor just do the speed limit okay limit what's your name and badge number what's your name and badge number you're refusing to identify after pulling me over what is your name and badge number this is the [ __ ] we get from [ __ ] law enforcement on my way to [ __ ] work getting your [ __ ] license plate I'm filing a [ __ ] complaint the officer quickly acknowledged that pulling over Mr Shawn was an error without legal justification despite feeling timid during the encounter the officer hastily drives away in the cruiser to evade the situation however Mr Shawn manages to catch up shortly after taking note of the license plate to file a complaint zjx O8 PBSO Sheriff going to be filing a complaint I hope you [ __ ] know what you just did you're violating citizens rights I'm filing a [ __ ] complaint piece of [ __ ] scumbag Shawn initially intended to file a complaint against the involved officer however the deputy lodged a complaint against Shawn at his workplace before him citing his behavior as rude while driving his company's vehicle consequently Shawn was unable to pursue a complaint against the officer the identity of the involved officer remains undisclosed if you think this officer realized too soon that they were caught with their wrongdoings then probably you aren't aware of this next case no but what's the issue with the car what's the issue with the car the're loud exhaust yeah but it's not from here this is Officer Torres from the Costa Mesa police department on January 8th 2024 a YouTuber on entrepreneur and car Enthusiast Mr Damen frier was pulled over by Officer Torres while he was driving his Lamborghini and coasta Mesa California he was allegedly pulled over because officer Torres thought that his car was too loud watch how this verbal Skirmish unravels hello see your license too yeah sure because of your loud exhaust yeah it's loud isn't it there you go okay for the registration Insurance yeah it's right here loud exhaust well hey can I use the H be Addis pardon me it's not taking it's not taking the uh British col colia what's not it's not taking this for some reason what you your Huntington be adds or no I don't have a Huntington Beach address okay I have my Canadian address okay what what's the issue yeah it it doesn't it doesn't not taking it this is all computer I I just do a paper one no but what's the issue with the car what's the issue with the car the low exhaust yeah but it's not from here [Music] what color is your hair sorry me what color is your hair it's brown what color your eyes green how tall are you 6 foot and your weight my weight yeah well it's the new year so it's a new me I'm trying to get down I think I'm 215 and your date of birth uh January 30th 1979 all that information should be on my license it's not it's not oh it's the kilog in oh kilos gotcha so let me see the registration yeah sure so what's the issue with the car being a bit louder it's from Canada so it's a tourist car it's not from [Music] here so what would the ticket be Mr frier recalls his encounter with officer Torres in 2019 where he was pulled over for the same reason Mr frier frequently commutes between Canada and USA and his vehicle belongs to Canada watch what the officer is about to do which model is this it's a merci alogo so what was interesting was you said Can Can you said can you use my Huntington Beach address I don't understand that is this vehicle registered to you it's registered to the uh Corporation in Alberta so it's an Alberta car it's got Alberta plates you can you saw that right I don't know what well you know now it's got Alberta registration yeah pardon me this is part of the company yes so what's what's the issue though like an out of state an out ofate car driving here is just like a noise violation what's the what's the ticket for November what's the ticket for I'll show you when I get done with this oh okay thank you without ADM go to the sign here yeah so what's the ticket for once you sign I'll explain everything to you you won't explain it to me before I sign it that seems a little unfair don't you think I L Muffler pardon me L mu what so I don't understand though is how is I want to know the law so how is it that the laws pleas sign here cuz you're kind of uh you guys know you condensation um not in trouble dude it's just telling you have condensation in your it's car understand you startled me that I wasn't sure you were there the whole time I'm sorry I was just telling you have condation in your ta appreciate it thank you so what's the ticket for what's it no I understand that so is it a fine or do I I'm warning you on the speed sorry you're warning me on the what yes I'll sign it but I need to I need you to explain to me what theed right now okay you're kind of delaying my no I understand but you're asking me to sign something I don't understand didn't mean to scare you dude I was just trying to tell you I didn't know if you knew or not I appreciate it can you explain the ticket to [Music] me he's asking to sign but not sign the tickets for he's asking questions but he's not explaining it I just got here so I have no idea why he pulled you over I lit was just driving down the street I saw he's out here so I just appreciate that maybe go talk to him cuz now he's walked away I just want to know what I'm signing he won't explain it to me a what it's a mercy logo Mercy L dud [Music] what I I just want to know what the ticket's for you're saying AOW exhaust but I want to know like okay so is it a fine I don't understand the court handles that no I understand the court handles that I need I need to understand if you're pulling me over why have I done anything wrong if I'm from another country like my car is legally allowed to be here when I come here I'm not told it can't be a certain loudness it can't be a certain thing so you're saying something's wrong with my car I did something wrong and I'm asking you okay that can you turn the radio down a little I can hear I have a helmet I can hear it's hard to have a conversation with you if you want to give me a TI there's no traffic [Music] available so I understand you're saying loud exhaust but H how is it a car from Canada is breaking the law2 can sign here I know but so the ticket what's the ticket for though do I have to fix it do I have to pay a fine 148 14 what do you mean that's for the court it's up to the court to decide you know you explain to them that it's up you're not telling me what the ticket's like actually going to do what do you mean that that's what the Court's going to decide well explain to them that the vehicle doesn't belong here or is not no the the vehicle belongs here are Canadian cars not allowed to come to the United States are Canadian cars not allowed to come here really like you're not going to answer any of my questions so I'm reading right here code loud Muffler speed visual estimation so your what's the speed visual estimation speed what pardon me well you just said that you're writing me a ticket for a loud exhaust but now you're saying there's a speed thing on here so you're trying to sneak something else on here and you're trying to get me to sign something where do we draw the line on this one I don't what you P for speeding and that loud exhaust but you just said just loud exhaust I mean he's delaying my duties right now you have until the 25th of uh march to take care of this if you don't agree with the citation you can go to court I will respond the judge make a decision okay yeah I think what we'll do is we'll go talk to your superiors a good day later wow officer Torres requests Mr frier to sign the citation and threatens him for an arrest when he is unwilling to sign it by saying that he's delaying my duties to a fellow officer Mr frier has indicated that he'll talk to his superiors goes on to file a complaint against officer Torres Mr frier was issued a citation during the encounter that he later took to the police department to Lodge a complaint Mr frier claimed that his vehicle was Exempted from such regulations under the treaty signed between the US and Canada in the complaint it is unclear whether Mr frier pursued any legal actions against officer Torres if you think this was the last cop who realized they got caught then probably you haven't heard of this next case do you realize that your your company caused a problem in our community do you have anything relevant to say to me yes I do okay I've asked you to stop okay I'm on public property you need to stop go ahead you need to stop you realize you're not wanted in this community and you've been asked to leave this is Officer Jay woy from the Beaver County Sheriff's Office on July 23rd 2022 an animal rights activist Curtis Walmer was partaking in a Pioneer Celebration Day in the streets of Beaver Utah Mr Walmer was accompanied by several other activists who were raising voices for two other animal rights activists who were criminally charged for rescuing two piglets from a facility the group aimed to set up a booth however Mr Walmer encountered officer woy who didn't let that happen watch how the situation escalates you're not good you're not you're not to be spread this is not a good look you're not supposed to be down here this is public property you're not to be down here doing this do you realize do you realize that your your company caused a problem in our community do you have anything relevant to say to me yes I do okay I've asked you to stop okay I'm on public property you need to stop go ahead you need to stop you realize you're not wanted in this community and you've been asked to leave I don't care I know you don't care that's the problem with your group you just don't care about people or anybody do you understand you've been asked to leave all of this for handing out some flyers this is how much all this is because all of this because your your group has has been a direct influence on shutting down Smithfield Foods you don't realize that's the major employer in our County you think know that lot there's a lot of people that have lost their jobs and you come into this community and pour salt into the wounds of the people that have lost their jobs it's not the intent you need to St well I don't care what the intent is what you're doing is causing a disturbance in the community I'm not trying to cause a disturbance I'm just trying to have conversations with people and if people don't want to talk with me I say thanks for your time and on your day okay I'm going to stand right here and I'm going to tell people not to talk to you then fine do that this is great content for us absolutely ridiculous this is this is very anti-free speech it's not permission put me on your film on your camera okay are you a public servant yes I am okay well then you can be filmed officers accompanying officer woy informed Mr Walmer that he did not give his consent to be recorded on camera and would be charged with disorderly conduct if he did so however it violates the First Amendment rights granted to the citizens for those who don't know the first amendment protects the right to film police officers in public spaces as part of the freedom of speech and the Press observe what tactics these officers opt for next no I cannot not a volunteer Public Service okay you got a badge on I'm a volunteer now get your camera you need to stop stop what sir okay causing a problem in our community I'm not trying to cause any problems listen sir when someone's asking you like this a public servant he's a volunteer type he's asking you nicely to please don't film him and we're asking you to stop filming himon fil him we're giving you a laworder to not do that if you violate that law order you're cing a disorderly issue we're not filming we're not filming him anymore okay we're filming you you two only drawing more attention to while we're here so I appreciate this thank you do you know do you know about this Midfield trial happening you need you don't have the permit to approach people about your product okay I don't need a permit to talk to people on a public sidewalk you need I don't need a permit to talk to people on a public sidewalk you're causing a problem in the community I'm not I'm asking people if they want to have a conversation if they say no I let them go people come to us sure they do not want you here okay that's that's fine then I'm keeping the peace and I'm asking you to leave all we're asking people no I'm asking you to leave okay here's here's a here's an example of what I'm doing have you all heard about the Smithfield trial okay okay they don't want to talk hey that's it I move on people don't want to talk we move on everybody don't have yall heard about the Smithfield trial upcoming these are the people that are trying to shut down Smithville okay it's not true these are the people that trying to shut down Smith it's not true they don't want us talking to people on public property these people the on let's go yeah yeah we're just trying to talk to people about the trial Miss Smith this is amazing this is gold this is this is golden this is gold hey don't stop don't talk to these people they're trying to shut down [Music] Smithfield right everybody aware so good for you that's we're trying to do these these police officers they they don't want that to happen I don't know they don't want that to happen just they just realiz their constituents and they're trying to take care of their consti you understand that right yeah I get it well thanks sherff yeah nice to meet you take care um that's all we're trying to do that's all we're trying to do listen okay here's the thing is as we're getting complaints on you guys yeah okay our job is to keep in peace yeah okay I get a complaint that means that in some way you are violating that peace we're not the harmony of the community call compl it is the harmony of the the community they don't want you here they've asked you to stop you guys did not stop I am going to issue all of you disorderly conduct charges cuz we asked you to resist before okay now if you continue I am going to have to arrest you okay I just want you not to do this okay let me make a couple phone calls I need to see your IDs first sure my ID is by the stands let get I can walk over the sheriff asked me to and the the community asked me to come down here and settle things down that's what I'm doing okay and I thought we got through with I thought it was okay okay and you guys you guys understood that okay you guys understood that this guy he's that's why he's getting okay I don't have problem your bels okay it's just I can't have your beliefs belief you have the right to do that but there prop chanels you got to take into account other people like I said they're coming into a community just dumping salt in a womb that is very open okay yeah that's people's people's why hoods their families their whole way of life has been changed okay yeah yeah yeah we don't think a corporation should have that much of a stronghold over overation only here for a protest yeah so get your license to protest having a conversation with a protest come on get your license to protest that's you know that that's right get a license to have your coners content in your C uh conversation is creating uh Discord in the community we' had people come and tell us that they don't want be here that's not our problem that's not our issue I know you guys don't live here okay you guys don't live here you come here and just stir things up and then you leave I have to stay here and I have to work with these people I have there is no struggle there is no progress heard that one before they expect me to help them Mak sense they've asked me to to not have you here if there's no struggle there's no progress well these people have got plenty of struggle on their plates with no jobs I don't know where you I don't doubt it but the we're literally we're literally going to shut down the count yeah and I think it's you guys are probably thinking that's a win for you guys no I don't I don't I don't want to see people out of work at the same time what you're doing is trying to put people out of work no we're not these people have it in their head that they productive members of the community they they are strug they get up in the morning they go to work they work with the pigs they do not mistreated okay every day day in and day out for years okay their pride comes from that they're feeding people literally the world sure okay just because you guys I don't blame you guys if you guys don't want to have for there is plenty of people that like that and rely on that again we're not that even that isn't even the core focus of why we're here talk we're not we're not here to talk about food okay we're not here to talk about but that's what that is the perception of a community is they're taking away their livelihood and you're taking away what they feel is important to them after this encounter Mr Walmer was cited with disorderly conduct and the deputies requested the activists not to spring up the issue again at a local Rodeo that was planned for later that day later on August 2nd 2022 Mr wolmer and several other activists filed a federal lawsuit against the officers involved for violating their first amendment rights the proceedings of this case remain unknown it's frightening to see cops realizing that they have been caught after being involved in misconduct and unconstitutional practices if you enjoyed this video be sure to drop a like And subscribe for more goodbye
Channel: Enforced
Views: 2,392,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enforced, Captain Cops, Audit, first amendment audit, 1st amendment audit, auditing america, news now california, sgv news first, high desert community watch, anselmo morales, photography is not a crime, san joaquin valley transparency, first amendment audit fail, walk of shame, news now houston, police fail, 1st amendment audit fail, public photography, auditor arrested, police brutality, highdesert community watch, cops triggered, news now patrick, east hampton
Id: R0WwbQelGCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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