When a person takes normal shower, does he have to make a separate wudu before praying Assimalhakeem

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Ultima Fatima says when a person takes a normal shower not the ritual hustle but a normal shower or bath does he have to make a separate woudl for praying or this normal shower will suffice this is a frequently asked question Fatima now if anyone asks you what are the pillars of evolution of Voodoo so we say that it is washing the face washing the arms till the elbows wiping over the head washing the feet up to the ankles excuse me the order so the face arms head feet is number five and finally the sequence meaning that simultaneously one after the other you don't leave gaps these are the six pillars of wouldl now if you take a normal bath to clean yourself or for Jumma or to cool down in hot summer the fifth pillar which is the order in wooden was it done meaning during your hustle or your shower did you wash your face first then your arms then wiped over your head then wash your feet in the sequence for woudl the answer is no because you did not perform moodle you simply just took a shower and left therefore you did not perform moodle but if you were in the state of menses and you saw your purity and you want it to perform muscle to become pure in order to pray or a person who is in his major ritual impurity due to sexual intercourse or ejaculation and he wants to uplift this major ritual state of impurity he performed the whistle the same way that the first person performed also to clean up but with the intention of uplifting is he considered to be in the state of Woodill after his major ritual hustle the answer is yes why the two actions are identical one is showering to cool down and the other is showering to uplift a major ritual impurity and they did the same actions why this one is not in wouldl and this one is because this one had just performed a major ritual hustle which uplifts his major impurity and when the major ritual impurity is uplifted the small ritual impurity is also uplifted and the man is in the state of Woodill and I'll give you another example I go to the Masjid the Akama is given I did not sit to rocailles I did not sit and I did not also pray to rock eyes of the heat in Masjid so I joined a man I prayed to them two Rakas after the MMO for Sarah the man next to me says I he how dare you sit without praying Torah cos theatre Masjid the greeting of the Masjid she said mmm sounds logical but then I say no I don't have to pray it because I prayed the fort which is greater than to hate and Masjid the hated Masjid went in a third example or a second who cares in hatch I delayed the Tawaf of a father known as toffee ARRA known as tawaaf al Hajj all three names for one which happens on the day of 8 onwards which is one of the pillars of Hajj if I don't perform it mahadji's invalid so on the last day of hatch on the 13th I finished everything all the rituals including the stoning I go to Mecca I perform seven rounds intending that this is how often a father which is a pillar and I leave heading back home afterwards immediately someone stops means it's wait wait wait did you perform the farewell tour off the Prophet said none of you should leave Mecca until or unless the Tawaf is the last thing he does so did you do that I said no so then you have to slaughter a sheep because you've abandoned an obligatory act the chef says no no you got it all wrong the guy just performed a pillar which is too awful a father and this suffices for something that is smaller than it like the farewell tough so Fatima in a nutshell if you perform whistle to uplift a major ritual impurity and you swirl the water in your mouth and in your nose you sniff it and you blow it out then you have performed a correct result and you are in the state of Woodham but if you play sports and you're all sweaty and you take a shower and you rinse your mouth and you rinse your nose but not performing woudl you are not in the state of woollen I hope this answers your question
Channel: assimalhakeem
Views: 57,657
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Id: 2tc2W329dUM
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Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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