What is the Authentic Atahiyyat Dua & The Right Way of Raising the Thashahhud Finger While Sitting?

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so you when standing up one should not stand with four fingers between the two feet like some schools of thought say and you go to the masjid and you find the people standing like this what is this if you want to answer the call of nature go ahead but don't come to the prayer when you're this tight so this is the way i'm standing is wrong some brothers when they want to come and pray they do this why he says the one on the right is far away from me and the one on the left is follow me and the brothers is doing this and doing the what are you doing this is done in karate in taekwondo but not in prayer so how should i stand stand normally the width of your shoulders should be relevant to the distance between your two feet don't stand like this because this is not pointing to the qibla and don't stand like this because this means you have to see your orthopedic surgeon you have a problem with your knees but stand in a normal way either like this or a little bit part away apart from each other make it natural the way you stand so i rose to the second rakah do i raise my hands no i simply unlock and resume my second rakah exactly as the first rakah and i recite the fatiha i recite an optional surah afterwards as according to the sunnah now one thing that we need to pay attention to and 90 of muslims are doing unfortunately it is a mandatory act of reciting the quran of making dhikr of making dua is to move your lips what do you mean sir if you pray the fatiha like this i just said i mean in my head i did not move my lips i did not move my tongue your prayer is invalid oof invalid yes it's totally invalid why see when i think of punching my cameraman in the face or taking the wallet of the man sitting there and robbing him of his money i didn't utter it i didn't act upon it there is no sin on me whatever goes in my mind there is no sin likewise if i just simply recite the quran in my mind without moving my lips with it it does not count it's just scanning things in my head i have to say i have to move my lips and my tongue and this is why when some of the companions of the prophet salallahu came to him he said to him your tongue must remain moist with the remembrance of allah which means that you have to move your tongue when reciting the quran saying allahu akbar the people they do like this and they keep on their prayer without moving the lips and this is totally wrong one of the things that a lot of the muslims also make a mistake in is keeping their eyes closed so what are you doing well i am daydreaming i think i'm on the beach in the cot or nice wow it's fun allahu akbar what this is totally hara why are you closing your eyes he said oh i'm distracted whenever i keep my eyes open the man in front of me is moving and the next one to me is touching his pocket and the third one is picking his nose and every time i feel tempted to look at my watch and sometimes it says and i would watch the chandeliers and the lights and the writing on the wall i get distracted so i close my eyes this is not permissible why because neither the prophet nor his companions had ever done this and they had more things to distract them than you now if you tell me that there's a child in front of you while praying sometimes you get these uh situations you get a three year or four year old child standing in front of you looking to you into your eyes and it's doing faces to you this would make you break into laughter so in order to avoid this you close your eyes for maybe five ten seconds until he goes away this is okay but to think that tranquility comes only through closing your eyes while doing this this is against this and it's not permissible also one of the common mistakes is that when you are in the rakuwa position and you say samia allahu liman hamidah people think that this is time for dua so they if you want to make dua either put your hands to your sides or to what i have indicated to earlier put the right on the left on the chest and say this is only done in kunut of witter when you're making dua in kunut of witter not during their prayers as usual i bow and i prostrate and then i sit for the first teshahoot so when i rise up from the second sujud to sit for my first shout i'm in the position of iftarash i sit on my left foot with my right foot erect with my toes pointing to the qibla and i begin to say at the hayat which is mandatory now my left hand is on my knee and thigh in here my right hand has two positions the first position is to grab the two pinky and the one next to it finger to attach the middle finger with the thumb doing a circle like this and to point with my index finger like this this is position one which the sunnah came with the second position is to make a fist with all four fingers pointing only with the index finger so either this or this now what do i do with the index finger the sunnah as in the hadith of the prophet whenever he sat allah he used to point his index finger moving it making dua with it so the sunnah is to point it like this shake it in its position not circling like some people do and not going up and down like people do rather than pointing it and moving it there is another hadith which is not as strong not as authentic which was narrated by abdullah zubair may allah be pleased with a man with his father that the prophet used to point and does not move but the most authentic opinion is the hadith of that he used to move it throughout so when do we stop sheikh you begin by saying with different variations of this the shahood and i'm moving my finger point out that i can say either one the hadith of umar or the hadith of abdullah and others or i can say that what i'm believing used to say which is and he said that we used to say at the time of the prophet when he was alive but after he died we used to say assalamu alain warahmatullahi so i can see say either one now this is the first shahood do i offer salutation afterwards by saying no the most authentic opinion is that this is the sunnah imam shafi said that if you add salutation upon the prophet asam in the first sheikh this is recommended and the vast majority of scholars say this is okay but it is not predation so you stop at muhammad now then you go and stand up for the for uh your third raka in fajr i continue muhammad al muhammad and i point out my finger throughout until i offer salah if i'm in maghrib i stand up for the third rakah i continue the third raka the fourth raka and then i sit for the four for the last the shahada or seek refuge in allah from the four things do this so they see your cheek as they reported it in the companions we used to see the whiteness of his cheek to the right and to the left we never bent our backs until the forehead of the prophet ali saw some touched the ground what is this it's a sign that they have concluded who are you signing this for so while in the shahood they finished the tashahud and the imam is still praying
Channel: mybetterhalf
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Id: TMew2iV7g9g
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Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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