How to memorize the Quran in an efficient way? - Assim al hakeem

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can you please give some pointers on how to memorize the Quran in an efficient way behnazir the Quran is the word of allah azza wajal allah mentioned in a number of different ayahs in Surat al Hammar well about the sermon for an elite victory for al Mahmood declare that allah Sojin has made it easy for people to memorize and to contemplate on and to understand so it is easy to my knowledge there is no other religion that the followers of such a religion could come forward and say we memorized our holy scripture by heart I don't know of any person on earth who memorizes the whole Bible old a New Testament word for word page for page let alone that it none of them can prove or show us that their Scripture is the same that was revealed to their messenger or prophet so even the Christians cannot come and say this is our Bible because I would say which Bible do you mean the do a virgin or King James version or the Revised Standard Version or or or or each church has its own version which is not possible and they are not able to bring us the original copy so from Aramaic to Hebrew to Latin to English can I see and cross-examine - no sorry this is all what we have today all other religions are the same fashion except Quran this book was revealed 15 centuries ago almost fourteen hundred and forty years ago and it's still intact not a single letter has been altered or changed it is in the same language that more than 300 or 400 million people speak today so you go to Morocco you go to Jordan you go to the Gulf and you ask them about the Quran and you open it to them they read it to understand it and not only that if you were to burn all the copies on earth more than 50 million half of parties would come and write another copy identical to that to those that were burned not a single letter changed because Allah preserved it in the chests of men this great or an memorizing it varies from one person to the other it's not one size that fits all the way I memorize it may differ from the way that this person memorizes it or that some people like to memorize the Quran before fetcher van so they stand up for prayer for night prayer tahajud and then they spend some time to recite it and read it and memorize it others prefer to do that after such a time there are those who prefer it to do it after a sir and those who prefer to do it after Maghrib and those who prefer to do it at night time so people differ there are people who master memorizing the Quran through the petition so the first I al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen hamdulillahi rabbil alameen they repeated a hundred times others memorize it by writing it and this was the old way of known as al khattab where the teacher sits among the students and the students have a small board and they write one ayah they memorize it and they erase it and they do this on and on and on until it is fixed in their heads and this is one of the good ways because usually writing is far better than repetition the most important thing in memorizing the Quran is revising it I know brothers and our sisters who on daily basis memorize one page of the Quran and this is very efficient and they finish the Quran like in a year and a half or maybe two years they finished memorizing the whole Quran but the quality of their memorization the efficiency of their memorization is like two percent I can memorize the face or one page of the Quran in less than four or five minutes because people often either know it by heart or they have read it so many times that it can be easily read but you come the following week and ask me about it to read it out of memory I can't I have to tell me give me a couple of minutes and revise it and I can do that so memorizing it is not an issue maintaining it preserving it is an issue because it quickly disappears you easily forget ayahs that you do not revise regularly I know people normal people who memorize the Quran but they revise one juzu every single day so every month out of memory they revise the Quran and they keep on doing this every single month I know a personal friend who revises to zoo every day so every 15 days he memory he divides the Quran out of memory so he does this twice a month and I know a relative of mine who devises five juzo which means every six days she revises the Quran and she goes on and on and on and don't ask about the quality of her memorization it is almost perfect NEIU recite this is nope this is wrong the correct is this why because she just revised it less than six days ago and she calls her siblings she calls her relatives and muharram every day five juzu you need someone to hold the Hannon and and follow up and correct you and this takes hours but don't ask about the reward so each one's effort is different to the other and I hope this answers your question
Channel: assimalhakeem
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Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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