I've Never Found One Of These Before | Vintage Furniture Refinishing - Repair - Restoration

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so I stopped at a garage sale recently and look what I found this is a dining table that I've never actually seen in person before here's the leaf which may give you a clue as to what it is I'll take it out of the van so you can get a better look at it this is a lane Acclaim dining table and if you're not familiar with laying Acclaim Lane is the furniture maker and a claim is the name of the particular line of furniture and they're known kind of for these dovetail details all the pieces had some kind of a dovetail like this in them it is in pretty bad shape as you can see I'm a little worried about these bleached out spots they're really light and I hope that I can get some color back to them this is a walnut veneer so it should have some nice Walnut color to it so we'll see what happens with those and this does look like it's been refinished before there are lots of squiggly kind of curly q sanding marks from an orbital sander so going by that I think it's safe to assume this has been sanded and hopefully it wasn't sanded a lot so that I can still do a little bit of sanding if I need to because this is veneer in the middle here this is Walnut veneer so there's only so much sanding I can do without going through the veneer time to start removing the finish and I think I'll start with the scraper foreign scraped off on the top of the table now and it looks like the worst part is probably this area over here there are some dark spots where it looks like maybe something got through the finish and into the wood maybe oil or something and there are those light areas the bleached out spots where there was no finish left probably for a long time but before I go any further with the top I think this is a good time to disassemble the table and start working on the legs and the apron and the underside of the top because there is some finish down there and some funny business going on where it looks like maybe it was refinished already or sanded badly there are a lot of scratches from an orbital sander here you can see some on this leg they're going in that direction and here are lots more curlicue marks from an orbital sander there are also some gouge marks running this way you can see some here they kind of go all the way down this area not even sure what would have caused those another clue that this has been refinished is that the tips of the legs the feet are usually painted black on Lane Acclaim pieces at least they have been on every piece I've ever seen and these are not black anymore so I'm thinking the paint was probably stripped off and not reapplied I think I just figured out what the gouges are from that I pointed out earlier it's probably from an orbital sander if the edge of the sanding disc touches a piece of wood like this one here it can dig into it and that's probably what this is from because I know somebody used an orbital sander on here that's obvious you can see the marks but anyway that's probably what that's from okay I've got the Finish scraped off of the top and the legs and now I need to try to address some of these issues the top here has got these light spots and it's also got dark spots um so I'm gonna have to try to do something about that but first I want to work on these outer Edge pieces and I don't remember if I've already said this in this video but this light would some people say it's Ash some people say it's Oak the old ads I've seen from Lane say it's fruit wood and this to me looks like Elm so I'm just going to call it Elm I may be wrong but I'm gonna go with that and this is one of the things that makes it really difficult to refinish laying the claim is the combination of this lighter wood with this Walnut veneer this is a solid piece these dovetails as far as I know are veneer you can actually see a seam here where this is a separate piece from that and on all of the Acclaim that I've worked on this wood always has this real kind of dirty look after it's been stripped where the Finish or whatever was on it before gets into the grain and just looks kind of dirty so I want to try to get this stuff out of the Grain and make it look more like this which is the leg and this I just scraped it and I sanded it until it was all clean which wasn't a big deal because there's no veneer on this on the leg it's all solid and while this is solid this is a veneer so if I just grab the sander and start sanding this I'm also going to end up going into the veneer and I don't want to do that yet at least I want to do as little sanding on the veneer as possible so I have to be careful so I think the way I'll start is to do some scraping with this card scraper and do some sanding by hand and see how far I get with that and then eventually at some point I'm gonna have to sand the Walnut veneer too but I'm just going to start with this for now foreign [Music] I was just sanding the top and I found some more evidence here that this has been refinished already before I had it there's some trips of finish going over the side here and that wouldn't have happened with the factory finish because they sprayed it on and they just wouldn't have been that messy so somebody probably brushed or wiped on a new finish at some point so I'll have to get those drips off now let's sweat this down and see how it looks I think it looks pretty good actually looks better than I thought it was going to look I'd still like to clean up this a little bit more here are some of those sanding scratches that are still here in the veneer kind of like little little squiggly lines hopefully you can see them but I guess if you can't see them it's a good thing but but they are still there and I'm not going to be able to get them out because I just can't I can't sand or scrape this anymore or else I'll go through the veneer so you're gonna have to stay but at least it's the bottom of the table so it's not going to be really that visible I don't think I think I'm done with most of the scraping and the sanding and I've got the table turned upside down and as you can see I disconnected the two pieces so it'll be easier to just move them around and work on them by myself I noticed that this edge of the apron this bottom Edge it looks kind of greenish in some spots like right here so I'm assuming this is probably Poplar here you can see the greenish bit there and down here too so I think I'll apply a stain to this section to get it a little closer in color to this the Walnut veneer so it looks like those dark and light spots on the top that I pointed out earlier aren't going to be too much of a problem when I get them wet they just look um maybe slightly darker than the rest of the veneer even the light spots this is how it'll look when finishes on it and even the light spots actually turn darker so I think I'm just gonna leave them I can't sand them anymore or scrape them anymore because this is veneer and I'll just go through the veneer so at this point there's not much else I can do about it and I think uh it's just going to be the way it is so now I'm going to spray some shellac clear shellac over the whole thing I've got a few coats of shellac on everything and now I want to try and darken those light edge pieces a little bit and I'll use some toner lacquer for this and I taped them all off because I don't think I need any of this toner on the Walnut veneer the veneer is far from perfect but I think it's going to be okay as it is I'm not necessarily trying to get this back to how it looked when it left the factory that's not what I'm going for but at the same time I don't like the high contrast look so much so I just want to darken the edges a little bit I'll also spray some on the legs so I think this looks a little too orangey now I probably went a little too heavy with the toner so I'm gonna try and just gently little by little rub a little bit off with some fine steel wool and mineral spirits and see if I can tone down the toner a bit that worked out pretty well actually now I think it looks great it's not too dark not too light I think I like it so I had a slight mishap with this leg I had it hanging Loosely in the table without the nut on there and of course it fell out onto the cement floor and got a bunch of dents in it there's one big one here and then a few smaller ones along here so I think what I'm going to try to do is steam out the big one and then um these little ones are pretty deep I don't know if they'll come come out with steam but maybe I'll try it and if it doesn't work I'll just fill them and then re-tone it so here we go and a hot soldering iron I actually did a similar thing a few videos ago I was working on a Haywood wig field table and similar situation I had the leg on there kind of loose and of course it fell off onto the concrete and dented it I was able to steam it out all right that's good it's almost completely up and it's good enough for me now maybe I should try yeah I'll just give them give them a shot these little little ones okay I think that's good enough now now I'm just going to take the finish off and put it back on okay I've got the whole thing stripped and then shellacked again and now time for a toner that's what I'm going for fish you may remember earlier in the video I put some gel stain on this bottom part of the apron and it looked good when I put it on and the table was upside down but when I turned the table right side up didn't look so good anymore I looked a little too red it just didn't look right so I took it off and I'm just going to try spraying it with the same toner that I've been using on the other parts time to get some black paint back onto these feet okay time to add the clear lacquer top coats and here it is all finished or is it not sure if I'm completely sold on the look of this one I was trying to give it a little more of a natural look as opposed to covering the whole thing in toner or stain but as a result there is definitely some color variation between the parts and I usually lean towards a more consistent color over the whole piece for instance the legs I think might be on the light side I think I'm gonna live with it for a little bit and see whether I want to just move it along as it is or take another try at it so stay tuned thanks for watching
Channel: Dashner Design & Restoration
Views: 156,292
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Id: S3xQWaGqfy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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