Probably should've burned this one

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hello everyone it's Trina from John's furniture repair we're here today with this lovely Pine table in for a Total Restoration so let me show you some details Okay so we've got a table with a pretty good split in the middle here looks like there was a patch at some point this thing has probably been repaired a few times it's quite old this top is nailed down from the top with big square nails there and it's actually a drop leaf a table with two sides so it's nice round table and big thick legs everything looking like it needs a little love Pine is really soft so it does get marred up pretty easily but we'll get it back to a beginning Point again so basically we're just going to be taking this top off of here and I'm because this has shrunk so much I don't want to just glue it together we're going to add a new piece of pine where we've lost widths here to be able to keep the table at the same width which is important for those drop leaves to function so first things first we'll get it all taken apart these are the supports for the the leaves and get the top off and I've got a piece of Pine here that will send through the table saw and splice in a piece here and re-laminate this top that will be the first thing we do so let's get to work [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that one decided to pull through although they're not coming out too bad so I just got to get this side going attached along the sides because this mechanism here has to move along this whole side so it's just along the ends there we go it's all loose here you can see giant nails most of them I guess that one pulled out two on that side funny how those sides both pulled out so let me just get this off all the way then we can get the two halves on the table all right so now I can get the other half of the hinge off here because it's underneath the frame a lot of them are built that way and we're not going to be using the nails again those are all going to come out and we're going to attach this table a little differently so I'm just gonna pop these through and this is how I collect beautiful nails like this going through the top I would table those not really a great place for them all right so I'm wearing two of the nails pulled through I'm just gonna get some glue under there I would actually like to make a new top for this table and I'm going to ask my client if we can do that just this section we can keep the two older leaves and then just match everything together just if you can see here it's got a little bit of a wave out it also has two very giant knots and a couple of splits that aren't great and this is supposed to be a functional table it's not just something that they're going to be looking at they want to use it for Christmas so I think I'd rather give them back just these two sections the main top if it could be new I think it'd be a lot more functional and you guys know me I fix everything that looks like it shouldn't be fixed but this is just a really soft wood Knotty Pine it's not something that particularly Fonda so I think if they replace it but I'll put these two halves together and then or fix up whatever we did here and then ask her what she's kind of going for in her aesthetic and if she just really likes The Rustic nature of the table with these tops you can see that really big knot here it is beautiful in its own way but um that whole Edge is just kind of like chipping and going away and it's right on the part that we'd like to do some joinery because having a gap in a table is not exactly maybe she wants that Gap in the table so I have some questions to ask my clients in terms of what she wants here and she just likes the rusticness of this table then I'll respect that and fix everything back to its wonkiness and leave it just like that which will also be beautiful I'm just feeling like these tops could or this table um would be much better if it was had a new section on the top there if it wasn't for the knots and the Warped it would be fine I don't mind having big nail holes through something to fix I don't mind having all the big scratches and stuff that we've got a work with but when something is really warped then when you go to have dinner on your table when you put your wine glass down and it falls over that's not fun okay so I'll let that dry the other side is fine it does have a giant chunks missing here too another reason why um there is a pretty big split happening right here and it's all loose in here and you can see the top we've got big splits coming right through where that nail was another reason I don't like nails in a top if it wants to expand a little bit here it really couldn't um good thing it didn't happen the other areas but we did have a patch here which I can feel is loose because splitting here and here as well the other end seems to be a little bit more stable but for some reason you could even see that movement there and here can you see that and here as well and I bet you I could just pop that patch up this just really had I mean it wasn't great Pine to start with I don't think to be honest the leaves though are pretty clean they've got a couple of small knots but nothing for splitting so this is pretty nice Condition it's a lot straighter and cleaner Pine um this one as well this has three knots but it's generally really straight and clean the edge on this one is chipped out a bit we can fix that that's not really a problem but this is kind of a giant mess of stuff so let me give a shout out to my client and see what we can figure out okay so I just chatted with my customer and she said do whatever you think is right Trana because she's pretty good client and she uh just wants me do what she thinks is best and then she said if you need to replace the whole table top go ahead I said okay um then we're not making it out of pine so the base here if you can see um it's a little closer the legs are I believe made with Birch so um this is a little it's a semi-hardwood so it'll fare a lot better for a top than the pine and uh yeah so we're just going to scrap the whole top and make a whole new one out of birch a couple of these legs do need a little bit of attention as well because they're kind of cracked and flaking this one is the worst one here you can see um this big split here it's kind of loose and it's starting to split up in here so what I'm gonna do is feed some epoxy into these areas my West system epoxy and just solidify the leg and then we'll take that all and smooth it off and up here as well we'll get the whole base apart of course it's got some splits happening um with you know there's a big giant nail here but also the wood is just kind of splitting and opening up here so we need to just feed some epoxy into those areas and stabilize the leg and the other two on this side are pretty good this one's got a pretty big situation going I don't know if you can see let me get you so you can see that's my job so you can see right here we've got a giant split going down the leg here and it's cracked all in here so um just kind of coming away in sections so I'm going to get this all apart and get these legs super solid and working well we'll keep the the whole base and the functionality of these guys because they're kind of cool and just make sure everything is glued up and looking good so to put the new top on we're not going to be using giant Nails going through the top we're going to be doing um a kind of like a slotted situation I haven't decided if I want to do one of the other there's one um way where you actually cut a Groove into your piece here and then you have little wood blocks with a little tongue that sits in the groove this gets attached to the top and then this little Groove just sucks down the top to the base and it can move with the movement of the wood on the top that I really like because there's actually no mechanical Fasteners to the table itself so the table won't ever split Beyond or split from moving the other way is just to do a simple slotted elongated hole where you you know I could do a pocket screw or some kind of screw to attach it to the base and you would just elongate that hole so that when the wood wants to expand and contract the screw just kind of rocks back and forth this way so I haven't decided which one obviously that one's easier than making the little dogs that go in a group but we'll see how time serves me and what I feel like doing then but anyways I need to call the mill and get them to um get me a couple of pieces of birch going or whatever they've got and uh yeah in the meantime I guess I can just work on the base and the legs so um yeah let's get this on the workbench and take it apart [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay so I've been working on sanding these uh legs and gluing them up and filling areas that are missing there's a lot of knots and stuff in this old wood a couple of the especially this one had big chunks missing from just being a big knot where they made it like using wood like this where there's a lot of bad wood usually ends up splitting and cracking and stuff so they're not made of the best material but we've got them good so we um over Christmas a long time ago when I started this project you're getting kind of a time lapse we decided to call the customer and get a new top made just because of the shape of this top and she said yes go ahead and we got this piece made it's a little bigger than the other one which we wanted and uh it's got a little bit of clearance for shrinkage which that one definitely had shrunk so we've got a new Birch top made and we can uh we'll need to cut in all the hinge grooves and stuff to this stuff I'm ready to glue this base back on and or glue the base back together we've done a bunch of repairs and we're ready to go so let's get it together and then we can get the top over here and start fitting that [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] so now that the frame is out there drawing and we'll wait for that until tomorrow I can get to working on mortising in these uh hinges so I'm just going to be taking the same side and copying the exact same location of where these are and fitting everything together that way so I'm just going to kind of eyeball this and then I will take the hinge and position it here to trace it out to make sure it is actually the right size for it I don't want a hole that's too big for the hinge you're not going to believe that these people did it because this whole table is kind of poorly put together so that's basically all I need from this piece of wood now I can grab the hinge and I've kept all this Hardware here these were the old nails that went right through the top and I've actually located I knew I had some of these and I found them these are actually the tabs that sits underneath and this goes into a Groove into the side rail and it holds the table down instead of actually screwing it too and allows it to move in that Groove as it expands so I've got those in there and I'll use those oh now we're just going to take this hinge and trace it out on here [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right so we've got the leaf mortises cut and now I'm not going to use the old table for the middle section because I want to make sure these guys work with the section the newer bigger table so I've got all the hinges in here and the barrel needs to be cut a little bit into the mortise as well so there's a little bit of a flare and then we do um need to give it a little bit of a chamfer on the Inside Edge here so that Barrel right here can kind of sit in it and nice and flatten in the hole so that needs to happen on both sides because the barrel sits in the middle see here on this mortise I've got a little bit of a flare down here so I'm just going to Mark where that flare is because I want to copy it on this side so it's nice and clean so I can bring my chisel out that way so this kind of flare meets both points for the barrel that sticks out here these I really need to clean up to I'm going to throw them in vinegar overnight and give them a scrub so we'll do that too after I've got all this work done these all cleaned up and in the table so I'm going to use a special centering drill bit for um hinges so this kind of little chamfered end here sits right in the hinge and centers the drill bit to the center of the hole so it makes just a lot easier they come in a bunch of different sizes they're from Lee Valley of nowhere else so I'm gonna get all these drilled and then we're going to put the original screws back in these slotted guys here yep [Applause] foreign all right I was getting ready to put a Groove into the top of this piece to use those little clips which I do like these clips because they provide a lot of movement for the wood to expand and contract but this wood is full of holes giant holes from the big nails that used to be in there and that Groove would have to be only about a quarter of an inch off of the top of that piece and I just feel like that's not a great way to attach this so I'm going to use something a little bit more not fancy but I feel like this is going to be a better attachment I'm going to elongate the holes that these attach into so this can move back and forth just the way it would if with the other piece of equipment but this will just be able to get down a lot farther in a hole and not have a giant Groove that would crack away if there was any pressure on this wood so that's what we're gonna do all right so the top is installed just found another little wood chip that I'm gluing up here to show you the inside we've got our Fasteners holding the top on and I did elongate all those holes so there's wood movement for this new slab to do its thing so I need a wood sample from the customer so I'm going to put this aside for a little while and when I get that back in we'll start thinking about color but I think it's looking really good and I'm glad we got that new top all right so um I did have to go pick up a stain so there's got it last week so it's been a couple days so I'm going to start with this very yellow this is an Old Masters Gel Stain really opaque um I'm just gonna start doing my tests on the inside underneath this table here and gel stains are nice because you can get a little bit more of an opaque and leave it kind of painted on situation you need a lot of colors I'm going to get my sample chair out and I'm just going to keep looking that's way too yellow but that's okay because we need to start from there so I'm going to wipe that off and then try a little bit of the raw Umber and I might have to spray the raw umber instead of wiping using a wafing stain there is a wee bit of color in the green which makes me think there was a bit of a stain instead of a spray over when I'm just looking at this sample here so I'm just gonna go over with my raw Umber and that does get into the grain a bit and it is pretty close it's hard to see this is a bad place to do a sample but it's starting to get there so I'm going to do another sample with um the again yellow gel stain and then I'm gonna spray a burnt bumper over top I mean sorry I'm about number yeah I don't recommend spraying over wet Gel Stain but I'm just doing color consultations here so it's not super important [Applause] Okay so I don't really like that one as much too too green and yellow so we're gonna have to try a little bit more of a reddish stain over top or spray over top instead of the raw umber it looks like a little bit of Brown medium brown mahogany tint so I'll try this over top and I'll try it over top the stain as well Okay so I don't think that yellow is the right thing after going all the way over there and getting it I think that the base is a lot more neutral than what it looks like trying to think about what this is the the treble with color it takes quite a while I don't show you guys this process a lot but um I'm gonna have to completely rethink this stain and come from a more neutral it might just be straight up raw umber so I'm going to try that and see because it keeps looking like raw umber to me but then it needs a little bit of warmth so okay so you can see my two samples there this one's obviously darker but it is a little too grainy so I don't think stain is the right way to go um I might have to tint this whole thing so I'm gonna do another sample here with just the raw Umber [Music] tint you can see how green that is and I can see from looking at it it's going to need a warm up so then I'm going to hit it with a little bit of the medium brown Walnut so not very much yet either this is a very tricky color and this chair isn't very even either but some areas it looks like it would be okay some areas not it's almost like this thing has a white wash and then a color which would be weird but I'm going to keep working on this you don't have to come with me the whole process and I'll let you know when I got something okay so I've been working with this sample board so I can hook it right up to the chair for some Direction and I think I'm pretty much there can't hard to see on this one because it's still drying but this is a white wash started with a white wash then a bit of the light walnuts which is a very yellow opaque color and then a bit of raw Umber and to get it there a couple of good coats of the medium brown Walnut so super complicated color whole bunch of dumb steps the wood is also a little bit different than this wood it's very very fine but once we get it coated with lacquer it'll look a little bit better this is just because it's raw it's looking like that so this chair does have a lot of variation there's light Parts here goes to a very dark leg and so on so we don't have to worry about it getting it even but we do have to stay in that family but when you look at when you look far away but you always wanna kind of back up and take a look I want to go on the lighter end so I can adjust it if I have to but far away you can kind of see once that stupid Sheen is gone that it is in that family so that's going to be a little bit annoying now I could mix up a white wash and a gun and then the light Walnut and then the raw Umber and then the medium brown Walnut but this is where toners shine you can switch your colors easily without cleaning your gun in between and it's a small piece so I'm not going to mix up any lockers to go in my gun I'm just going to use the toners and I'll just clean these guys up in here and we'll stain the whole bottom the same color or spray spray it and then tint it same color upside down then we'll flip everything that way we can do the legs and hit all the bottom of the turns a lot of times you see legs refinished and everything on the bottom side is missed because they never turned it over so it's a good way to start your tables upside down so you can get your skirts the underside of your table your leaves in the middle of the table get that all beautiful cleaned up don't want to miss stuff because that's uh that's not the best job when you have messy areas so um too bad I waited till I have this stain which I'm definitely not going to use it's just I really thought this color was a good starting point but it's just too vibrant so we'll not use that and just stick with the toners [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] looking really nice glad we got a new top for this piece because it's going to be a lot better for use it's just more practical for function on this piece and we did the legs they had a million cracks in them so we've got them all evened out they're looking really good so got our pull outs working foreign standards no we didn't do any stains there's a total tint over this piece to get this really weird kind of opaque color but I think it looks good I think we could have even done a bigger top on this table but it's kind of a side table for my customers so it's just a small table for extra youth so thanks again for joining me on this journey this little drop leaf table was a little bit of work and I think it turned out really nice so thanks for watching if you want to support the channel you can buy me a coffee the link is in the description below the video and once again just thank you for everyone who comments and who is kind and thank you for joining me cheers [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: John's Furniture Repair
Views: 76,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trena, john's furniture repair, thomas johnson, antique restoration, furniture, shop, workshop, tools, stripping, spraying, sanding, woodworking, mohawk, walnut stain, table, festool, tiktok, at restoration, dewalt, bleach, this old house, beard meets food, kardashians, mr beast, pine table, gordon ramsay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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