What's Your Waiting Style

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oh hello out there and welcome my name is father Anthony Meza and welcome to my weekly Wednesday scope as I as for those who know I scope every Wednesday afternoon at 12:30 Eastern Time and usually I kind of talk about whatever it is that I blogged about that morning and this morning I put on my blog which is father Anthony com it's fr Anthony com the title of today's post was what's your waiting style and are we gonna talk about everyone's favorite subject which is waiting because we all love to wait so much we're gonna talk about not just the importance of waiting but kind of the how of waiting and how we should be waiting is there a right way to wait and a wrong way to wait that's our topic here for today Before we jump in go ahead and let me know who is on the scope hello from England hello from Virginia back to you welcome thank you for joining me right here who else is on the scope tell me Garrett from Kentucky tough lost last week nice to see you Salam from Calgary david from arizona welcome Jackie from Mississauga Heidi from Florida Debra Lee from Michigan hello Hobart from Fairfax Sydney Australia viola from Canada Minnesota and Stockholm Pomona Dallas Mississauga Mississauga Andrew and Andrew from Florida great to see you guys again George from Albany Ashley from Elk Creek hello to you as well hi Tony from Seattle Mike from Minnesota Nuveen welcome 3:30 a.m. for someone god bless you sorry that made you wake it up stay up stay up that late but hopefully I'll put you to sleep okay that's my that's my job as a priest is to put people to sleep someone Sam from dirty Jersey I didn't say it he said it letter from Romania welcome Nicoletta welcome from Minnesota and Tina and Kareem from Oakville do me a favor if you guys want to share this scope and get the word out then you can easily swipe right on your screen and when you do that you'll get a little menu to be able to share the scope on your different social networks that you have connected so if you know someone out there who might benefit from hearing a message an encouraging message on waiting then go ahead and share it thank you so witty and Rita Salib with two bees and Danno Abdul Neuer 7 I think that's the guy at 3 o'clock in the morning not sure hope none of your friends are up but hey they'll get it when they went they'll see the message in their timeline whenever they do wake up all right so our topic here for today thank you everyone who's retweeting and posting this on Facebook our topic here for today is about everyone's favorite subject and I say that sarcastically which is waiting all right we all hate to wait there's not a person I know in the entire universe that enjoys waiting for something and I consider myself especially anti waving odana woke up especially to watch this wow that's a lot of pressure I especially hate the topic of waiting or I don't know I hate the topic I hate actually waiting ok I am an impatient person by my nature and I think the society we live in leads us to being more impatient and here I have a test for your 3 question test to see how impatient you are as well raise your hand or I should say give hearts ok give hearts if any of these following are true ok and tell me how true it is give some hearts if you are a kind of person who and the light turns green and the car in front of you hasn't gone and it's 2.4 seconds that it's been green that you start honking on the horn did you lay on that horn lots of hearts going up right there that's the way I am too when I'm in a rush to try not to but sometimes you're in a rush you that thing turns green that guy doesn't go boom you lay on the horn raise your hand or give some hearts if you're the kind of person who puts food in the microwave for 30 seconds but at 27 seconds you've had enough waiting and you just take it out because you cannot wait those final three seconds I see lots of hearts over there ok raise your hand or give some hearts all right if you like me if you like me get into an elevator I'm sorry when you're waiting for the L of and you push the button okay and it lights up and it hasn't come in a while and what do you do you do the same thing I do you push it again and again and again and again or if you're one of those people who not only pray if you're not only one of those people pushes that you get inside the elevator you push the closed door button that's a huge one for me if there's no one else walking on why are we sitting there waiting just staring at the sky wasting all that time I push the floor I'm going no one else walking boom push the closed door button alright if you do any one of those things you may hate waiting as much as I do or crossing the street yeah me personally okay I hate to go out to eat alright I don't enjoy going out to eat I always rather eat at home than going out to eat and their main reason why is this is you awaiting I counted you have to wait at least five times at least five times every time you go out to eat you got a number one way to be seated number two you got to wait for two order number three you gotta wait for the fruit to come before you gotta wait for the bill to come number five you have to wait for your wife to finish eating because she is not eating as fast as you do and you eaten two seconds flat okay and that's at a normal pace okay that's at a normal place that you go out to the other place you gotta wait to order drinks other place you got to wait for the bill to come back whatever it is so I hate waiting and if you hate waiting then we are all in the same boat no one likes waiting but here's the thing about waiting as much as I wish I could erase waiting from the world and say you know what life would just be great if you never had to wait for anything you can just push the button and everything just happen exactly the way you wanted life would truly be great that way because waiting is such a waste of time you may agree and I may agree but there's someone out there who disagrees and that is God God likes waiting and God actually for us requires waiting waving is actually an essential part of our spiritual growth and if we don't understand how to wait properly then we're going to miss out on what God wants to do in our lives okay there's a verse okay there's a verse from James chapter 5 verse 7 and it says see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain you also be patient okay basically what the scripture teaches us is that our spiritual life is a lot more like a plant or a tree bringing forth fruit than it is instant food okay fast food or or Amazon a prime now okay where you can order stuff and it's then one day shipping okay that's kind of world we live we like I want some right now I push the button and it comes to me as quickly as possible we like I want to watch this show not to wait for it to come on I go Netflix on demand we like things right here right now problem is that doesn't work for our spiritual life and our spiritual life is much more similar to a tree bringing forth fruit and a farmer when he's trying to bring forth fruit from a tree alright he knows that in order for there to be fruit you have to have a period of waiting what is that waiting look like we know that waiting is a requirement okay and waiting must happen but my question for today is what's your waiting style meaning what do you do when you wait and most of us the reason why we hate waiting is because we think waiting is very passive we take in a very passive kind of wait we think that waiting just means kind of stand or sit on my hands alright and do absolutely nothing and just kind of wait and just wait and just wait and just wait and we hate that all right that's why like I said we'll do anything we'll pay whatever it takes for one day shipping all right we'll do whatever it takes to be able to watch whatever show we want right now we always want things right now but is that truly what waiting is okay a good friend of mine Sam Bashara who's on this on the scope right now put a nice comment on my blog post this morning he said that he thinks of waiting not as a passive thing but as an active thing and you can liken it to a waiter at a restaurant like the kind of waiters at restaurants that I hate all right what does a way to do I actually used to be a waiter all right back in the day when I was in college and I was the best waiter not because I was the nicest not because I was the friendliest move because I was the fastest and at the end of the the shift we would all count our tips all right and it was always between me and his lady named Irene I was like 21 years old okay Irene was probably like 60 50 50 60 something like that years old she was really old we were always the top two but the difference between our stacks of money was very very very different I had a stack like this all $1 bills okay this was back before credit cards okay all $1 bills she had a stack like this that she had fives even tens even 20s okay because she was nice to people and talk to people and asked about people she had regulars and I was in and out in and out in and out so I did by volume what she did by quality okay cuz that's the way I am all right which is obviously a much I was working much harder for the same amount of money okay because not everyone wants my fast food like we done with that you know with that do you have anything like everyone not everyone out everyone likes the way I do okay but I was serving I was doing unto others as I want others to do unto me alright anyway Sam said that being waiting on God re to answer whatever pray we're all waiting on God for something is much more like a waiter in a restaurant what is a way to do a waiter comes and says are you ready to order and then if you say yes he's there and he writes down your order or if you say no he says okay can I get you something to drink while you're while you're preparing a gets you a drink alright I think he'll come back a couple minutes later say you're done yet are you are you ready yet anything else I can get for you he's constantly checking on the customer that's what waiting means okay waiting on the table did you ever think that maybe our waiting style needs to be more like a waiter and less like someone who's just sitting on their hands but maybe our waiting needs to be like that farmer how does a farmer wait does a farmer just plant the seed go inside and say his prayers and just keep looking out the window until the fruit comes our farmers out there every day he's pulling weeds he's adding fertilizer he's watering he's you know straightening it out he's making sure that the the the animals go away a widowed farmer is waiting and waiting and waiting and it's a very active thing like a waiter at a restaurant we need to be the same way there's two extremes two- extremes and how we wait on God all right both of them are equally as bad the one extreme is the do-nothing all right that you know what I'm waiting for God to fix my marriage okay what are you doing about in the meantime nothing I'm waiting for God I'm waiting for God to to solve this physical illness problem I'm waiting forgot to solve it okay are you healthy are you exercising are you doing your best to get some to take a walk at lunch like what are you doing alright are you praying about it are you fasting about are you just waiting on God waiting for God to help me solve this spiritual problem okay well are you daily in the Word of God are you practicing repentance like what are you doing to wait because waiting I'm sitting on my hands that's not the right kind of waiting but then there's the other extreme of waiting which is the impatient waiting which is the neurotic waiting which is that like I said that push the button 1,700 times okay God now okay God now okay God now soul his problem God songs problem consoles problem solve this problem got alright there's a nicer are some lamentations chapter 3 verse 25 and 26 has been my my memory verse for the past few weeks okay it's very nice and it says the Lord is good to those who wait for him alright the Lord is good to those who wait for him to the soul who seeks him now watch this verse it is good that one should wait blank on the Lord who knows what that blank is it is good that one should wait blank on the Lord or I'm sorry for the salvation of the Lord not on the Lord it is good that one should wait blank for the salvation of the Lord anyone know what the blank is anyone anyone I'll give you a special shout-out here on periscope very good so rora okay wait quietly not patiently wait quietly okay maybe other translations might be patiently okay joyfully is implied there but it's wait quietly it is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord question for you you who pushed the button 1,700 times all right with God could God describe you're waiting style as quiet or would God describe you're waiting style as headache as good when we wait quietly okay parents we understand this with our kids kids say you know can we can I have this and we say okay wait and I'll give it to you all right and then they come back is it can I have this can I have this is gonna have this can I have this gonna have this gonna have this that's not a good way to wait okay and even if I was going to give it to you before it you may mean I want to okay okay you're waiting style made me not want to give it to you because you're driving me crazy with the constant asking it's again it's not good to be passive but it's also not good to be neurotic because it shows lack of trust if I say to my children and they say you know when are we gonna eat and I see dinner will be here soon and they keep asking when's dinner Wednesday they start looking for crumbs here and there that means they don't trust me all right I want my children to trust me and God wants his children to trust him as well so what God does is he tells us whatever it may be that he's gonna do first and he may make promises to us and then he asks us to wait all right wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord and the question of waiting quietly is really a question of trust do you trust God enough with what he said that you can wait quietly and again not passively but quietly while he's working does that mean we have to stop asking a prayer after we after we ask once no I'm not gonna say that I'm not saying we have to stop asking and prayer no but you know there's a difference in asking in prayer in a trusting way versus in a I don't trust you God and when are you God and is it I'm putting myself as like judging God like how come you haven't done this God and God you need to do this god you versus me to say you know what God you know you know the desires of my heart and you know what I really need so God I'm asking you but in the meantime I'm gonna wait patiently and I'm gonna trust in you there's a difference in how you ask all right we should ask and because he told us that asking you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened so I'm not saying don't ask I'm going deeper alright and and so often we fixate on like like the what like the outside should I pray or not pray well I'm saying there's a right way to pray and a wrong way to pray and there's a right way to not pray in a wrong way to not pray okay so it's more about the kind of that inside God looks at the inside not on the outside but if we read it every day in our prayer wouldn't it be praying in vain it wouldn't be again it goes back to the inside the vain part is not the outside the vain part is the inside okay it's it's vain if there's no if there's if it's lifeless God wants to know what what's on our heart so there's nothing wrong with repeating a request to God there's nothing wrong but in the end like take st. Paul as an example alright in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 it talks about the thorn in the flesh that he prayed three times that it would leave him okay and God said no all right and what it says that he prayed three times doesn't mean he said three prayers I please got to remove this it means three seasons of Prayer like he dedicated this Lent to it okay nothing then you go to cated a period of two weeks to fasting prayer and then nothing like three seasons of prayer then at the end God told him no so he stopped praying about and he started praying for God's grace more than he started praying for the removal of the thorn in the flesh so what I want to say is there may come a time where yes it is wrong to pray about it there may come a time all right I'm not saying that across the board but what I'm saying is at some point in time I tell my child I'm not going to give you like I'm not gonna give you a car okay until you're 16 I'm not gonna give you a car so stop asking so there may come a point in time where where God like we're asking yeah it couldn't be negative but I can't say we should stop praying what I want to say is it's the intention of the heart and is your heart a trusting God heart or is your God a God does know what he's doing heart all right how do we know when God is saying know about something that's a bigger question and I can't really answer that but I can say that God speaks to the one who truly seeks him so here's what I would do if I was you okay I would continue to pray about it in sincerity of heart but I need to pray I always have this idea of being in neutral okay when I pray that I need to be in neutral I'm not going in with an agenda I'm not going in saying I need you to heal this person because I'm saying God I want you to heal this person and I really want this person to be healed but God I trust you in the end so if in the end you say you know what their sickness is for their salvation and yours I say yes sir it's hard for me to accept when I say yes sir someone is dying and I say God bring them back from the dead and God says no and I say yes sir say god this is really what I want it's about the neutral okay more than it is about the thing okay I got a problem in my marriage all right I got a problem my kids or I'm looking to get married and I say God please let this be the year that you solve this problem please God let this be the year did you solve this problem and maybe God comes back to me and says I'm trying to solve the problem but you actually are the problem and it's not me that is causing the problem it's actually you it's your attitude is you don't repent is you're not sincere maybe God is coming back at us it's about our attitude okay that determines it not about the words that we say okay the Lord is good to those who wait for him to the soul who seeks him it is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord my question to you how are you waiting on God I know you're waiting on God because everyone is waiting on God for some but my question to you is how are you waiting patiently or impatiently are you waiting quietly or noisily are you waiting joyfully as someone said or miserably all right when people look at you okay and you tell you what you're waiting on God do they believe that you had serve a God who is a great God who loves to give good gifts to his children but just does what's best and sometimes I may not know what's best or the people around you believe that your God is a miserable God and your God likes to torture his children and that's why you're a miserable person what are you portraying about waiting on the Lord all right every one of us needs to answer that question okay I read a nice quote recently and put it on the blog this morning Oh what if it's problem a weaker eye during prayer will God reject our requests I can't answer specifics okay I'm not saying God will deny your request but maybe God will redirect you or maybe you'll come and say this and maybe not so actually you deal with this so I can't give specifics here's a nice quote though this is a nice one that you want to hold on to if you're in the waiting phase even when our problems are over our head they're still under his feet that's nice even when our problems are over our head they're still under his feet that is the spirit the inside spirit that needs to characterize our waiting even when my problems are over his head they're under his feet and I'm trusting in God and I'm waiting quietly and waiting patiently I'm waiting actively all right but I am trusting in him that he's gonna always do what's best okay any questions that anyone has I would be more than happy to answer whatever questions that you got and like I said you can always still share this scope I swipe it right across the screen you can give me some hearts by pushing on that button over there that's your way of showing me some appreciation and encouraging me okay yeah there we go love seeing those hearts anyone have any questions about anything xx Miah Miah XX says I've been praying for a new job for years I've been miserable at work and nothing is going through okay someone asked where's the quote from I don't know it was only like someone's email that's where I saw it I'm sorry that you you are praying about work and nothing is coming through I I can't I can't tell you what's going on okay but what I can tell you is that the starting point is to trust that God has a solution okay because like I said our problems never overhead never under it but they're still under his feet so my my starting point is God has a solution and I'm gonna seek Him till I find it now maybe the solution is like I said earlier maybe it's something on my end okay maybe I'm not diligent or maybe God is trying to point me to a direction to say you know what like you're you're lazy I'm not saying you are I'm saying you're I'm saying someone could be oh you're not you're not in a feel that that necessarily you're talented in and you need to shift directions or maybe what God is saying is you need to get up and apply to more jobs like I can't really say starting point is assumed that God has something great all right and what do I need to do to get it and then the second step after I've kind of gotten through that is then at some point in time I have to wait on the Lord and just trust that you know in the right time he's gonna do the right thing I shouldn't say always just the right thing but he'll do what I see is the right thing okay it's because someone here needs me sorry I think I missed the beginning of that one right there any other questions that you got thank you my pleasure and I'll be praying for you me Afiya that's how you pronounce your name my mom said sometimes Sunday's aren't enough thank you so much my pleasure I'm the only Christian in my family I try to talk about it but always ends up going south sorry to hear that any scenario waiting might not be the right thing to do maybe alright maybe in the sense that again the way I defined waiting alright no because like I said waiting implies action alright so I'm waiting for God you know like I said I'm waiting for God to heal me okay it's never wrong to wait but maybe the waiting involves you know stop and putting the brownies down okay and putting the donuts down and getting on a treadmill so in that sense it's it's wrong oh hi mere huh in that sense if you define waiting as passive than yes you know we can't just wait forever I even remember when Moses was gonna cross the Red Sea and the people kept crying to God you know and and God told Moses enough crying okay get up and cross the sea like get up okay like enough crying but the people tell the people to stop crying to me start doing something but I guess my point is I define waiting on God that is part of the waiting on God process that's my own point because I kind of picture waiting is like the end result so there I find one delay happens God still has worked me here to do absolutely okay could be I I can't say I can't in this I can't answer your specific questions because I can only give generalities so in general maybe God wants you there maybe it's something on your end I can't say but I can tell you when you go into neutral alright you go into pray or neutral man God will make it clear okay that's it for today last one I trust God in my mind what a lot of times Ivan is you trust him with my heart how do I do that that's a that's a tough one I wouldn't make too much of a distinction between my mind in my heart all right don't-don't-don't out think yourself all right trust God do your best don't make a distinction between my mind in my heart and just say I trust God alright and sometimes I'm not feeling it but that's okay I still trust him alright so don't divide yourself you are one person or one whole person so if you say I trust God and I'm gonna do what it takes to trust God that's it okay and eventually they'll seek down to your emotions and your feelings but don't don't don't out think yourself okay don't outsmart yourself okay thank you guys very much I appreciate your time and I will see you all next week take care
Channel: Fr. Anthony Messeh
Views: 2,043
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: 3masV6v6G48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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