EDC Every Day Carry with the Wazoo Cache Belt

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hey everybody this is Josh here the Great Britain Green Beret I wanted to take a minute and show you my everyday carry cash belt from hua Zhu survival gear right up front I'm obligated to tell you that I'm required to at least one time call this a cash a belt due to an ongoing ongoing debate that has been going on for a couple of years with the great folks over at Oise new survival gear so weigh in down below let me know what you think I say it's cash a they say it's cash and you know that's that's debatable and there are some facts that I'm ignoring to make that debatable but weigh in below let me know how you pronounce it how you think it should be pronounced and if it's anything other than cash a I'll also ignore those facts as well but comment below let me know what you think it is and maybe you can help settle this debate so what I'm going to show you today is the belt as it comes the cash belt as it comes as well as two different kits that you can get for yours and then in the future I'm going to show you kind of how I personalized mine and make it my own just kind of what personalized means but I'll show you what I do with mine to make it more user friendly and more useful to me for my particular method of enjoying recreative in the wilderness but I'll show you how it comes first I've got a couple of extra kits so I can show you what they come or how they come packaged in case you want to get some put some links below on how to get this stuff for yourself if you're interested in it if you want to just get more information on it you can get it from hua Zhu and then what I'll do is because I already have this stuff in my personal belt which we'll get into in the future is I'll probably do a giveaway for these two kits that they sent me as examples that I could break apart for you and show you also share this video out with your friends comment below let me know where you stand on the cash a cash debate keep it in mind that it probably should be cash a even if it isn't that in common usage and also your comments below and questions interview for and drawing from this video here to be announced in the future so make sure you like share comment below and you'll be entered to win one of these kits that I'm gonna talk to you about right now all right let's take a look at the actual belt itself alright so this is a really solid nylon belt and because of the way it's constructed obviously it's it's it's quite solid but unlike a regular kind of money belt where you have to take it off to get into it this one actually has lots that are closed my hook and loop closures are velcro closures all the way around so why are you wearing it you can actually get down in here you don't have to take it off to get down to some items it's got a couple of sewn in paracord lanyards that you can use for kind of some of those smaller items you can attach those to there then of course you've got a metal belt buckle that opens inside here it actually has a small keeper with elastic you can probably can't even see that on there as a small keeper with elastic in there that you can slide your signal mirror in there and keep it right underneath the buckle where it's nice and protected and then the other side has a bottle opener on there so next time you're at a bar you're trying to pick up a lady and you really want to impress her what you can do is open up her bottle for just using your belt hey baby I don't believe I've seen you in this neck of the woods before let me get this for you if after that if you take the container she's about to drink out of and put it that close to your junk and open this up and she doesn't rush to give you her phone number then you can thank the guys at hua Zhu I'll put their email down here below thank the guys at hua Zhu because they just saved you from spending the rest of your evening with a real prude I'll talk to you quickly first about the everyday essentials kit and when I'm looking at kits I look at it in terms of essential kits like what I need to provide for needs so I'm always looking at what I need for a fire what I need for shelter what I need for water food first aid navigation signal and tools those are the things that I'm always looking to make sure I kind of go down that mental checklist to make sure I've got things to provide for my immediate and kind of supplementary needs in any type of emergency any type of environment so when I break down the kits I look at it like that and one of the challenges I think with micro kits kind of the Altoids tin style micro kits is one coming up with something that's that's not you know setting the bar here at nothing not not looking at something that's just better than nothing we're looking for something that's adequate and I think logic does a really good job of sourcing things in their kits and that are not just better than nothing they're actually adequate and that's difficult to do in a micro kit and keep in mind every day carry this is something that you carry every day this is not your primary first aid kit or sorry it's not your primary survival kit it's not your primary kit that you're using this is what you're using when you're down to this having said that the stuff in here is actually adequate and I'm gonna do probably a series of videos on these because I've been using these like I said for quite a while and there's actually some useful items in here which is a challenge to do with a micro kit so and thinking about you know those categories of needs and survival priorities the things I'm trying to take care of I'm looking at what do I have for fire and in this case the everyday essentials kit comes with a small ceramic striker and a small ferrocerium rod to actually get a spark type ignition this is a good choice especially if you have a lighter in your pocket this is a good choice as a secondary way of making a fire that's not susceptible to weather conditions it doesn't matter if it's raining it doesn't matter if it's cold this is this is you know kind of a good go-to in these little ceramic strikers work really well and you know for tinder yes I can source natural tinder from the wild yes you're going to need to do that as well you're gonna have to source sustaining fuel you're gonna have to source kindling you're gonna have to source natural tinder for this to transfer you know heat to and start kind of that that that train of fire that chain reaction you're going to need you're not gonna you're not gonna stay warm with this but this is just kind of something to help take the spark from this rather quickly and you know start that chain reaction and get all the way out until you get that that sustain the sustainable fire what's interesting about these they're actually these are first aid tinder packs or fat packs these have you know inside this little straw that's been compressed down not only does the plastic of the straw burn but inside is a piece of cotton that's kind of rolled up in there and that cotton instead of just being treated with petroleum jelly it's actually treated with triple antibiotic ointment this kind of acts as a a first aid piece of kit as well as a fire starting aid if you need it if you don't need it if you can process your dry natural tinder down to the point to where it'll take a spark from a fair cerium rod which you should be able to do in most cases then save this for first aid save it for a rainy day save it for emergencies so that is the fat packs that's kind of what I have available for fire I can also you know go into other things for fire anything in this kit that is made of plastic or rubber I can use as an aid for for fire started kind of kind of alternative tinder source if you will I've got Ranger bands on here that are rubber bands that'll burn really well I've got the plastic like I said on these I've got a couple other things that are encased in plastic straws I can use these longer plastic straws as kind of a bellows kind of a blower to get my fire going this duct tape there's gonna burn really well these plastic zip ties are also gonna burn so there's a lot of different things in here that I can use to start a fire I'm not just limited to this but primarily you know the lighter in my pocket Plus this is what I'm gonna use for my fire kit now as far as a shelter kit that every good shelter kit has something to sleep under something to sleep on something to sleep in and some cordage to kind of hold it all together it's difficult to fit a lot of that into a belt and do a micro kit so but we do have cordage what we have here is tech-noir cordage it is basically very similar to Kevlar except that it does not you know violate any military patents or it's a lot easier to source so tech Nora cordage this is 25 feet of cordage I could also use that for a bow drill string if I need to as an alternative source of ignition for my fire so I've got tech-noir cordage it's primarily can be used for shelter I can also use it for bow drills all right so that's kind of what I have available for shelter I could probably use the duct tape for a few things I could use this fishing line for a few things and I could use these zip ties as well for some shelter applications but primarily that falls on this tech Noir cordage and that's 25 feet so fire shelter for water with the everyday essentials kit which is kind of a smaller kit than the one I'm going to show you in a little bit the adventure kit what this has is - Mike your prayer micropure tabs these are made by Katahdin these are actually water purification tablets they're held on with a couple of Ranger bands that are useful I could use those for fire shelter applications as well or just to hold things together and then I have a food-safe bat that's also heat-resistant you know kind of like an oven bag for a turkey but this is actually a container and I can actually not only use the tabs to purify it inside that but I can also boil water in this and reuse it several times so this is kind of a little miniature emergency water kit that I think is outstanding so that's for water now as far as food food is not going to be that much of a priority but I still do like to eat and I like to have things in my kit that I can use in order to secure food obviously if I want to do traps and snares I've got the tech noir cordage that I can use I could use this braided fishing line right here let me see how much is in here that's the 40 feet of braided fishing line inside this straw and again I can use this straw as a blower for my fire so I've got that I could use that for gear repair as well then inside this straw I've actually got three split shot sinkers I've got three small fishing hooks it looks like maybe four can't tell no three we've got three small fishing hooks and I've got two safety pins which I can use for gear repair and some other things as well that's up what's inside that straw so as far fewer mitt goes I've got some land-based trapping that I can do and I've got some water-based fishing that I can do and I can do you know kind of passive and active means so that is that is definitely a decent little trapping and fishing kit for something that's made to fit inside of a belt continue it on fire shelter water food as well as gear repair I can use the tech Nora cordage I can use the the braided fishing line I can use the safety pins in here for gear or clothing repair and then there's also a small magnetized needle inside here and that's important for a couple of different things I can use that needle for gear repair but also the only thing you really have in this everyday essentials kit that you could possibly use for navigation is that magnetized needle and that's a couple of techniques for a video later on but using that magnetized needle and this braided fishing line I could make a compass with that I'll show you how to do that in the future so that is kind of going in the same vein of the gear repair as well as using this duct tape I can use that for some first aid applications which is also another video as well as gear repair zip ties kind of the same thing I can use those zip ties to fix things then onto signal really for signals your primary and most useful signal is most likely in areas where you can have one is most likely going to be your signal fire but you also have you know orange zip ties here that you can use as trail markers and then universally you have an audible whistle that you can use that's an active signal but it's audible so it works day or night so if you had to choose one signal it would be the ability to start if you had to use two signals it would be the ability to start a fire to use as a signal fire that can be used that can be seen day or night smoke olfactory all kinds of different aspects of signal as well as audible with a whistle you know that allows you to get someone's attention and day or night and hopefully be found if you're in that type of emergency so this is the everyday essentials kit right now moving on to the more robust and what I feel is more complete adventure kit as far as complete for everything that I like to do when I recreative the great out of doors this has everything that you had in the everyday essentials kit with a couple of upgrades plus a few items so we'll go over those rather quickly same thing fire shelter water food the first-aid signal navigation those are all things as well as tools that I'm for in a grade kit this one I think really nails that down for a micro kit that does a really good job so anyway for fire I've got still the same ferrocerium rod but now instead of that small ceramic striker I've actually got this small ceramic blade the ceramic knife that gives me just a little more versatility as far as that tool yes it still works 90 degrees spying on the back but it's also got a sharp edge yes it still works as a ferrocerium rod striker but it also has that cutting edge on it as well so that's a little more handy in my opinion still have my three first aid tinder packs but now in addition to the tools I've got inside this straw I've got a wire saw that can be used to kind of help bust down some some kindling bust down some lumber to get myself a good fire going also could be used for shelter applications if I need to get holes for my shelter this is a great way to do it for such a small package this is what you would go with still got 25 feet of tech-noir cordage for that shelter as well so fire and shelter that's kind of taken care of now the water kit in the adventure kit over the everyday essentials kit that I showed you earlier is very similar it's a little more robust and then you have that the the two water purification tablets the Katahdin micro tears instead of two Ranger bans you've actually got three so those are useful for a number of things but you also still have the food safe high temperature rated bag that you can boil water in as well as use this container to use these tablets but in this one you also have a water pre-filter sort of sort of like a like a coffee filter almost to remove debris and keep that out of your bag which I'll show you in a future video when I actually get into using some of these things so more robust water kit as far as food you still have a lot of the same items as far as food you've got the same you know obviously tech Nora braided fishing line you got the same hooks and sinkers that you can use for that but you've also got this brass snare wire this is a pretty heavy gauge brass wire this is 15 feet I've actually used this trapping it's a nice heavy gauge and it's actually put into this tube in such a way that it doesn't kink up the wire so that you end up breaking it where you don't want it to they did a good job on that and that gives you an additional tube as well as the saw does let me here turkeys it gives you an additional tube to use for anyway brass snare wire that you can use for trapping and that opens up a lot more options as well so for trapping for shelters for gear repair what have you so fire shelter water food I swear I hear turkeys all right back to where I was after hearing those turkeys their fire shelter water food kit this kit has been enhanced by the addition of that snare wire which is 15 feet of snare wire so it's reasonable to expect that I can get you know three to five snares out of this wire and of course I still have my other options as far as active and passive land base and water based with the teknorg cordage the braided fishing line the hooks and the sinkers that's all still in here for gear repair I still have that magnetized needle this fishing line I can also use that brass snare wire course and the tech Nora for gear repair still have the duct tape still have two zip ties the zip ties are also brightly colored so I could use those going into the signals portion of this I could use those to mark trails and I still have the audible whistle and the ability to make signal fires as well just like I did with the other kit this one also has a small thumb light that you can use for signaling at nighttime that's a nighttime active signal and then it adds a small signal mirror that you can use for an active daytime signal as well as these which I think are a really really cool idea not only can I use those to keep my water container shut but these are basically bread ties you know that you pull apart and you'd use like a twist tie for a bread but they're brightly colored on one side and they're reflective on the other so those will actually glint if light hits them at night so that's another way you can mark trails and use that as kind of a passive signal tide to find your way back or lead someone to you on a trail a lot of good uses for those I think these are really cool and of course they pack extremely flat you know in order to fit into the belt so great addition there so fire shelter water food some gear repair some signal first-aid of course with the first date tinder packs and using the needle along with this thread or the tech nor cordage along with the tape there's another technique for some non-invasive suturing techniques you could use from wound closure and I say suturing but it's it's more it's not suturing it's a it's a different technique that's non invasive doesn't involve putting a needle in anyone's skin in the wilderness by untrained hands without having any sort of local anesthetic or antibiotics presses anyway so all of that plus you get a button compass here that you can use for navigation on top of the magnetized needle with thread which we'll talk about in another video so that is the adventure kit 22 different items in here the everyday essentials kit it has about 15 items so you've got a couple of upgrades in here as well as some additional items that make for a more complete kit in my opinion alright so every day carry counts on you carrying it every day so the easiest way to do that is that integrate it into things you're already wearing and using every day I know some folks that use wallets because you carry that every day some folks use a certain type of pants cargo pants that they fill the pockets they load the same stuff in every single day this is a really good way a lot of folks wear a belt so this is a really really good way to integrate your everyday carry into something that you're going to carry every day because you count on that in an emergency so this is the wazoo cash belt which I'll get into in the future of how I use mine and kind of want to put in mine as well as a quick look at their everyday essentials 15 piece kit and then more robust adventure kit 22 items in this one so if you want to win one of these kits go ahead and and make sure that you like comment below and share this out so that more people can see it and we appreciate that so we will get you the links to all this stuff in the description below for those of you that don't win you can still get it from wazoo and these are outstanding pieces of kit so I am going to close out with that appreciate your likes appreciate your views appreciate your comments and your questions please subscribe if you haven't already and look for more videos in the future on this and several other topics thanks for watching honestly I do think it's cash in English for those of us here and in America but because I have more culture than the folks over at Oise new survival gear you know in Spanish it's actually el cachet that's what I'm going with a more cultured than they are
Channel: The Gray Bearded Green Beret
Views: 35,707
Rating: 4.8708973 out of 5
Keywords: Ranger, Green Beret, The Pathfinder School LLC, Survival, Preparedness, Fire, Camping, Hunting, Trapping, EDC, Everyday Carry, Every Day Carry, Cache
Id: IouFDrjlOwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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