Keyhole Fire and Campfire Steaks! Green Beret Bushcraft Camp Build Part Four

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so I'm gonna establish a fire pit and this is going to be kind of a you know a semi-permanent camp obviously I'm going to improve the structures and all but you know the fire pit is gonna kind of be central to what I'm doing and I've got a lot of rocks right here off to the side that are close by so that's a resource that I'm going to use so I'm actually going to build up a fire pit and establish kind of a keyhole style fire here in the center I've already kind of mapped it out I wanted because this is oil cloth I've got about one full pace off of that and this part is actually gonna only ever have coals in it and that part will actually have you know any any larger open flame so that's a full probably a good full step and a half probably two steps before you ever get to open flame and that's protected oil cloth and protect me while a minute at a keyhole fire if you're not familiar with that is designed to have a fire out here and rate coals into this area and you actually cook over the coals you know so this is kind of your cooking area and this is kind of your warming area so I'm going to establish that with some rock and as the wind picks up I gotta get louder so I apologize for the fluctuation but I went in cleared as much leaf litter as they could down to the bare ground just to kind of see what I've got underneath here and make sure that all that's cleared out of the way and I've got some uneven ground here but I'll try to remedy that with the The Rock placement as I build this up so I'm gonna get started on that [Music] hey well we'll call this a work-in-progress and then definitely not the prettiest thing in the world the functional is what I'm going for and I can always come back in and shore up any rocks that loosen but I think as it rains and settles we'll see where we're sitting with this so I'll start a fire out here and I'll rake those coals in over here and grill some steaks no final touch put on my Yuko candle lantern for a good start so whichever one of you guys it was that recommended that typically don't carry Zippo supposedly fuel but whoever it was recommended these Thunderbird refillable deals I can vouch for you told me that probably four to six months ago I don't know how long it's been so I got one and I've been carrying it and it doesn't leave fuel so basically it has the character of a Zippo in the case of a Zippo but it also has you know a refillable butane lighter so that I can actually use it just like I would have Beck all right so a really good piece of kit right there so whoever recommended it thank you and I can highly recommend that as well the fuel does not leak out of those as is really like this lighter all right we're gonna start the inaugural fire here put me some cotton down to catch this and I'm just going to process this gender down real quick there's some inner bark and outer bark a mixture of various barks i'vegot Aspen in here probably some tulip poplars some cedar like quite a few different barks gonna give me some course stuff going for the outer layer I'm alright with that pull me up a little more get me some medium stuff going put that in the center and get me some fine go on here that's that's pretty dry so I'm not all that worried about it but should always build your tinder bundle properly don't try to shortcut fire with fire will humble you very quickly we'll find material for the center and then there's stuff that I'm collecting on this cotton is actually what I would call kind of a fine superfine lightly rake over the top of that we found your medium to fine coarse I'm gonna take all that dust and superfine stuff put it right in the center there we go there is my bird's nest and it only seems appropriate since we ran a traditional can't here use a traditional fire starting method normally I would use solar but it's coming through the trees it's not going to be powerful enough but I think what I'll use is some charred Punk wood start punk wood there's a little bit chalk in there that some a i'ma do as well so whatever takes it and you know Clinton steel there we go big ol chunk going right there you think more place that in the tender bar know which way is in the window find out shortly here I think it's kind of going that way Housekeeping you we'll call the wind swirling I'm very calming about blowing a tender bundle the flame just kind of watching what it's doing once it gets to be that real bright white it's about to go looks really cool going through the the Sun right now so take my time with up there it goes I guess it's time to get you going huh drop that in give me some smalls on there I'm gonna get this going and then I'll go get some maple oh that kind of thing just because this is mostly white pine in here to get it established which I'm fine with to get her going this is really just kindling sighs at this point you give me a cold bed going and then I'm gonna give me some steaks going that'll do go give me some maple all right so I got my coals established here and I kind of scraped them up into the keyhole portion of the fire and that's where I've got a nice warm bed of coals with some green maple on top of that I'm gonna cook my steaks and kabobs right on top of that right I think one of my early on projects is gonna be making a making a proper chair here you got a bushcraft it up it came out pretty good I think I think ribeye is one of the finest meats on the planet long red braids gonna be looking for this I've got our LT right cutting board in one of our fealty right kitchen knives but I like it for my steak a little taste test here [Applause] now do fine something about ribeye man it's just hmm if I could find a cow that's made up of nothing but ribeye I'll buy two of them male and a female and I'll breed them and it really is the finest part of the cow in my opinion especially this part filled ribbons of fat take a look at that I mayn't doubt in my hands because I just do that kind of thing sometimes I get perfectly ribbons of fat perfectly layered that's the best part ah I'll do chase it with some mushrooms no yellow squash zucchini cherry tomatoes gotta be careful with these you pop in your mouth I'll burn inside of it that wasn't too bad a red pepper long red braids being ornery she's got the pineapples on here she likes me my pineapples and drink my pineapple juice huh all right so I'm gonna finish this I'm not gonna torture you with making you watch me eat this entire thing but I'm gonna eat this entire thing and we're gonna have fat hmm that's eaten right in the woods I'm pretty satisfied with how things turned out I mean this shelter is solid this can be really happy with that really having a fire pit I think I'll do since it's getting dark now is I think I'll forego having another fire I've got some coals left from cooking I think I'll probably just turn in get some sleep try out this browse bed for the long haul for the long night I wanted to drop my knife real quick before I went to bed but it's dark so I'm not gonna worry about that I don't need it while I'm sleeping I'll do that in the morning also in the morning when I wake up I'll uh I'll get a fire going I'll show you how I do my coffee because a lot of people want to know highly technical cup of coffee I'll show you how to do my coffee and you know probably you know as far as this goes I'll probably make some rope with that that sisal twine I got it probably makes them rope to replace just this kind of quick twine that I used make it something a little more durable so I'll probably make some rope and I'll with that I don't know if I'll dip the ends maybe I'll probably just whip it I don't really have anything to dip it with I get dip it in candle wax but that wears off pretty quickly so yeah that's what's on the agenda for tomorrow so I'm gonna crawl inside and go to sleep here take my boots off put those inside probably put them down at the foot of the bed just because you know beat smell I almost smell my own feet got my weather will pillow switch me on half always a good time when you get the wool hat on that means it's time for some sleep I'm Titan here I like a lower profile shelter because it holds the body heat in a little better and Plus this mattress is gonna compress a little bit more why sleep so see you guys in the morning I actually got to turn the camera off then I'll see you in the morning
Channel: The Gray Bearded Green Beret
Views: 51,085
Rating: 4.9336786 out of 5
Keywords: traditional bushcraft, bushcraft camp building, bushcraft camp, solo overnight bushcraft camp, bushcraft camp setup, solo overnight camping, traditional bushcraft gear, 10 cs, bushcraft skills, bushcraft camping, wild camping, vintage camping gear, bushcraft build, bushcraft camper
Id: jE1av8RlucY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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