Fix'n Wax

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[Music] all right so I was cooking earlier I was cooking some summon s mucks punky dope broad kind of you know fend off some of the vampire mosquitoes that we have around here the ticks all the parasites we have around here so a lot of the same stuff you know in another video is one to do that my wife sourced the ingredients for me but another thing I want to make is I want to make a backs of a batch of fixing wax so my wife sourced all the ingredients I think she got almost everything off of Amazon everything when possible is is organic and natural but fix and wax has a ton of different uses you know from you know it's its main use that I want it for is to protect my leather to protect my carbon steel especially being here on the coast but anybody that knows me knows that I'm a fan of carbon steel but you do have to protect that because it's not exactly corrosion resistant as well as all my wood stuff like my axe handles tomahawk handles knife handles things like that but fiction wax isn't just used for that you can also use it for medicinal you can use it you know for your your cuticles dry crack hands especially in cold weather chapped lips things like that you could wax your boat with it you could back wax your bowstring with it it's just an all-around great wax that's that's been used for centuries the best I can tell it you know goes all the way back to the Egyptians but I can't really figure out you know exactly who started it or what to give you that information traditional fixing wax is a beeswax and a tallow recipe which I'm waiting on you know sources from tallow I'm going to do that in a future video this is actually a recipe that I found on bushcraft in one of the forum's when I was researching this fixing wax and this particular recipe came from medic three-one-seven so if by chance you're watching this medic three-one-seven this is your recipe that I'm using here and if anybody knows and let them know him or her I guess I should say or they but anyway make three one sevens recipe someone else in that threaded said they had found it on YouTube I searched YouTube trying to figure out the original source of this you know maybe where medic three-one-seven got it but I couldn't find it so long story short it's not my recipe and I got this personally from medic three-one-seven on bushcraft USA so let's talk about the ingredients real quick you need 10 ounces of cocoa butter and I'll put these in the description but you need 10 ounce of cocoa butter 8 ounces of beeswax 3 ounces of shea butter this coconut oil you need 1/4 cup of coconut oil you need 1/4 cup plus 2 teaspoons of olive oil and then at the end you need about 10 drops of peppermint oil which i think would make it quite nice so what else we'll have of course measuring cups then I've got some wax paper so that I can line my tins that I'm going to fill this with to make little fix and wax cakes basically so that's what I've got going on here and then of course because I'm melting waxes any time in heating waxes or oils I always use a double boiler concept garage doors always open for ventilation just always think safety wear safety glasses if you want I don't personally want to but that doesn't mean that that you shouldn't if you feel like you need to but anyway actually I'm going to start heating my wax and while that's heating I'm going to start making my molds so give me a little bit this is a pound of beeswax I only need 8 ounces so I'm going to use that and this I'll use you know for something else beeswax is great stuff I like to carve the beeswax you know into smaller chunks just because it melts faster that feathers sticking it's beautiful it's really hot down here not even in the garage with the garage door open so the beeswax is nice and soft which is nice for cutting and I'm using my work companion to cut it with I'm going to set them on the coast and beeswax is actually a really good preservative for sorry the garage doors open you're going to hear cars this isn't something you do in the woods but I'm using my my more companion which is a carbon steel blade like I like and beeswax is actually a great protectant for your carbon steel so I'm accomplishing two things at once here carving up my beeswax but I'm also coating the blade to protect it this particular brand of beeswax is really nuts this is a bee's works yellow beeswax for 100% natural yeah cosmetic grade non premium quality it's a really really good beeswax I like the texture of and the consistency and I love the smell of beeswax anyway but if you're wondering what brand I'm using does it matter I don't think what brands are using just that's the particular one that my wife sourced and my wife research is all that kind of stuff so I know it's good based on her research all right so I got my beeswax cut I'm going to get my double boiler going like I'm on a cooking show I'm going to get my double boiler going I'm gonna start melting that beeswax I've got room to put the rest of my ingredients in there I've got my eight ounces of beeswax now I get my double boiler going set my pan inside there alright so basically while this is going to church down a little bit so you can hear [Applause] now while this is going down what I want to do is add the rest of my ingredients except for my pennyroyal I'm gonna save that for last so I've got my eight ounces of beeswax I need ten ounces of cocoa butter 1 ounces 2 tablespoons so I need 10 ounce any 20 tablespoons of cocoa butter that's probably most of this container a bit kogatana may be a challenge to get out you see this is 16 ounces I need 10 and at I'm going to go warm that up I'll be right back so I had some cama trouble but we're back online now but you can see I've got my beeswax melting the double boiler my cocoa butter is right there in the middle you might be putting the cocoa butter in like I said it's ten ounces of cocoa butter which is equivalent to you know 20 tablespoons so we're back up and butter now what do I do now is throw in my next ingredient I need three ounces of shea butter which is roughly six tablespoons of shea butter and hopefully this comes out a lot easier then the cocoa butter did yeah that looks nice one to three so this is where this differs from where those cooking shows is I'm not a chef they'd probably be like have it all done by now five and six so I got my shea butter in then you a quarter cup of coconut oil get that in there quarter cup coconut oil they need a quarter cup plus two teaspoons of olive oil there's my quarter cup plus two teaspoons of olive oil there we go so I've got all my ingredients in here and I'm going to do is melt those all together I think we're all right there let that melt for a while I'm going to start setting up my molds for moulds I've got a couple different kinds so I've got some moulds new scans and I've got some screwtops tins that I usually keep tinder in but I thought this would be a good thing to put in there I'm going to line the bottom of these tins with wax paper so when I pour them into the moulds it doesn't stick to the mold all right so all my waxes and oils are melting together right now and wait till that all melts down give it a good stir then I'll have my my peppermint oil all right all my wax is melted which is what I've been waiting on and give it a good stir to make sure that all the oils and waxes blend together best I can all right then the last ingredient is whatever essential oil you want to flavor it because like I said this can be used as a chapstick I'm going to use peppermint oil and that's going to take about 40 drops which may be a challenge since this isn't a dropper but I'm going to guess to me that's 40 plus a little extra anyway so now that that's in there give it one more stir it will be almost time to pour what's that simmer together for a little while all right so remember this is going to be hot so I'm going to use the set of pliers because I can't find my pot holder hold on to that dude good I'm just going to pour it into the mold now this would probably be messy I'm guessing looks like our wax is solidified in the mold so that's good pop one of these and see what it looks like some nice cakes pretty here needs a little more time to get solidified but that gives us the idea all right so what I want to do is take all that excess that fell out I can put that back in my nuts pot use that another day well anyway this stuff is great for your hands rub that in to see how this does is a pretty old sheet we'll see how this does for that take some of that rub it in since I got so much extra here like I was saying you know aside from using it for your hands for your cuticles for chapped lips you know if your hands get cracked the main reason I wanted it for was you know to protect the leather kind of nourish my letter so this old sheath is a good example look how nice that looks nice and nourished one of the main things that I want but I wanted to make this fixing wax for you know what's to protect main thing I wanted it for was you know to protect the wood on my handles from the axes protect my leather and protect my carbon steel to keep it from corroding so what I'm gonna do is since I've got this extra here most of it I can put back back in the pot and when I make some work and get some more containers I can melt that back down and pour it in but just for an example of you know you can kind of see you know this leather is getting a little bit dry this isn't that dry but the steel needs to be protecting the wood handle needs to be protected so I used some of this extra here and I'm just going to work it into the handle work it into the leather stuff works great on this letter that's going to protect that letter letter it's going to nourish it of course the leather on the sheath that stuff is crepe on that leather all right and then I can also use it on the steel to protect the steel from corrosion real careful not to cut yourself yeah that puts a nice thin coat like do take a rag and wipe off any excess which I'll do in a little bit so you know all my wood all my leather all my carbon steel and keep that protected and make my tools last a lot longer or get a rag and get that excess off and then leather sheath so yeah that is fixing wax like I said it's a you know traces back centuries I can't really pin down exactly where the origin of it was but I've read you know that was used back in ancient Egypt as well so the main reason I wanted it for was to protect my wood on all my tools to protect my carbon steel and protect my leather for all of my tools but you know also when I'm up in Northeast dry cracked hands it works great for that my hands are like butter right now go for your cuticles and works great is like a lip balm you can use it to wax your bow you can use it to wax your bow string just tons of different uses not only for your tools but also you know kind of medicinally in a sense but yeah hope you enjoyed the video I will post the recipe in detail in the description box also in the description box you'll find links to all my social media if you haven't already done so please subscribe to our Channel and follow us on any of the social media that you'd like to use and if you have any questions comment below thanks a lot for watching [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: The Gray Bearded Green Beret
Views: 39,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fix'n Wax, Fixin' Wax, Fixing Wax, DIY, Survival, Bushcraft, Hunting, Trapping, Camping, Knives, Axes, Ranger, Green Beret, Pathfinder
Id: M6Il_lkyigs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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