The Most Powerful Mob in Minecraft!

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- We've gathered all of the mobs in Minecraft to see which one of them is the strongest. And if you think it's the warden stay tuned. You might be surprised. But first we got a problem here. YouTube told me that no one has ever subscribed with their eyes closed. So if you're up to the task take a shot in the dark and subscribe below. It's free and it helps out a ton. Now let's start with the mobs that do the least amount of damage and work our way up. And in that case, I guess we should talk about the small slimes first. Now, even on Hard mode, these baby blobs deal zero damage and the best they can do is push you around. So clearly not our strongest mob and the same could be said for the baby hoglins and baby zoglin variants. Now, even though these aren't as cute as the small slimes they only deal about 0.75 HP per hit. And keep in mind one HP is half a heart, so that's pretty pitiful. And to put that in perspective even the llamas can do more damage than that. Granted it's still only one HP or half a heart. But at least you'll see that damage show up on your life bar. And as an added bonus, llamas are the only mob capable of damaging the player in peaceful mode. Even wolves and bees can't do that. But as long as you don't hit the llama, they won't attack you. So it's still effectively zero. Phantoms on the other hand are where we start to go from mildly annoying to just straight up annoying. These deal three hit points of damage on Hard mode. Well, when up to four of them can spawn a single night that does start to add up. Those we'll see later in the video. These mobs are nowhere near the deadliest things that come out at night. And take the zombie for instance. Just a base level zombie with no tool or weapon can deal up to four and a half hit points of damage in a single hit. That's two and a half hearts each time that we get close which is nothing to sneeze at. Though speaking of sneeze, even the Panda is stronger than that. Sure enough, this neutral mob can deal up to nine HP when it's aggressive. Granted, you need to find an aggressive panda variant which isn't super common, but when you do I suggest stepping back, especially before you get any armor. And I should mention from this point on you should be getting some armor because the damage is about to get fierce. For instance, a skeleton that happens to pick up a Power five bow can deal an average of 10 damage per hit. Half your health bar wiped out just like that which is intimidating, but there's still a zombie that's stronger. See this zombie villager can deal 10 and a half hit points of damage. And how is that? Well when curing a zombie villager on Hard mode it can get the Strength two effect naturally. So even when you're on survival, you'd still have to deal with this powerhouse. I mean, 10 and a half is the same amount of damage that an enderman can do, which makes this no joke to deal with. And what's even crazier, we're not even halfway through the list and the damage will only get even more intimidating as we continue. And to see that we'll need to explore this ocean monument. In Hard mode one of these elder guardians can attack for 12 HP with its laser beam. Plus it has natural thorns that can damage you for three points each time that you get hit which sounds like a lot, but for a mini boss it's actually pretty humble. And to see why we'll need to head to the Nether. Over here you'll notice that just a piglin with a sword is cable of the same 12 damage per hit, which I think is unfair. Considering that if we were to use that same gold sword, we could only do four hit points of damage. So clearly these porky pigs are better than us at sword fighting but they're not better with a sword than these little vexes. Now they may not look it. These little sprites can deal 13 and a half hit points of damage when they attack. And again, to put that in perspective that's more than double the amount of damage that we can deal with the same iron sword. Plus they're much harder to kill since they've got a small hit box and they can fly through walls. But hey, at least they don't poison you. Since, as we'll see with the cave spider a Poison effect can do a lot of the heavy lifting. Now at first, this mob only deals three points of damage on impact, but over time that poison takes you down an additional 12. Meaning if you suffer the full effect you'll be down just over seven hearts of damage. And for a comparison, that's the same amount of damage that the Ender Dragon does with her melee attack. Yeah, I was surprised too, but both a cave spider and the Ender Dragon can deal 15 damage from a melee attack. Though, I figured that the Ender Dragon's knockback is far more deadly than anything this cave spider can do. But unlike the dragon you can't use the water bucket to save yourself from a wither skeleton. Like the cave spider, this is another case where a potion effect pushes the damage well over the top. Except here it's a base attack of 12 with a bonus five hit points of wither damage over time. So you'll see the hurt much faster or you would if the wither effect didn't also blot out your health bar. With the ravager on the other hand, it's a lot more obvious. This illiger beast can deal a whopping 18 points of damage on Hard mode. That and some serious knockback while they're at it. And it's one of the few mobs that can destroy blocks by charging into them. I'd say, this is one of the more intimidating on the list. Though even if that's true, their still not even the deadliest mob that you face in a raid. Sure enough, this vindicator right here can hit for 19 and a half hit points of damage in a single hit. And folks that takes us right down from full health to a half a heart, but here's where things get wonky. Now the vindicator does that much damage with an iron axe but a piglin brute can do all that and more with a golden axe. I know it's unfair, but get a listen to this. Since it's possible to give a piglin brute an enchanted axe these pigs can deal 24 points of damage with one hit for Sharpness five golden axe. And that's overkill territory folks. In fact, it's so overkill that even if you were to give a zombie a sharpness five netherite axe, it would still deal less damage than a piglin brute only dealing 22 HP compared to the brute's 24 which just makes no sense to me. Well, luckily we've got the golems to prove once again that iron is stronger than gold. Now the weird thing about an iron golem is that it can deal damage variably. So one hit might deal 11 HP while another deals over 32 HP. And clearly it's that higher end that you need to worry about, especially if you're a zombie. But we can still take it one further. See that range gets bumped up when we add in a Strength two effect. And with just one splash potion we can make your iron golem deal up to a respectable 38 points of damage per hit. And that'll teach you to build your pillars three blocks tall instead of two. Now we get to see the mob that I'm sure that many of you have been waiting to see. The new 1.19 warden. And to its credit, this big bad can deal a lot of damage. With a melee attack that does 45 health when it hits which easily makes this the scariest mob you'll find down in the deep dark. But if you venture up to the not so deep dark this creeper still reigns supreme. With a point blank explosion a creeper can deal 64 hit points of damage on impact which still blows the Warden out of the water or skulk, I guess. And honestly, it's just amazing to me that this basic mob still deals more damage than any of the bosses. And you heard me right. The creeper's explosion does more damage than the wither standing at 64 compared to just eight. However, the wither's skulls do apply extra Wither two effect which accounts for another 40 points of damage over time. But even then the creeper's explosion takes the crown. Or it would if there wasn't an even stronger explosion in the game. As it turns out the explosion that happens when you spawn the wither can deal 103 hit points of damage when you get hit. And not to mention the fact that you still have to fight the wither after that which is no treat either. Though thanks to this glitch at the end fountain we can negate all of that damage, even on Hard mode. The charged creeper on the other hand, not so much. And as we pointed out in our video about what's the most damage possible in Minecraft, a charged creeper can deal over 127 points of damage when it explodes point blank. That's the same as an end crystal or needless to say a whole bunch of damage. But rest assured it's still not the most powerful mob in Minecraft. And for any Ender Dragon fans out there you'll be happy to know that this settles the score. See while the Ender Dragon only deals 15 points of damage with its melee attack and an Ender Dragon's fireball can deal 180 HP. But the way that it does it, it's a little weird. See this dragon breath deals six damage per second. And since it persists for around 30 seconds that makes this the second most powerful attack that a mob can do. But wait, if we talked about creepers, the warden and even the Ender Dragon, then what's left. Well, you might be surprised to know that the strongest mob in Minecraft happens to be the ghast. Now that sounds ridiculous. I mean, if you get hit by a ghast fireball, even in Hard mode it'll only do six damage on impact and that's still true. But while it can't do that much damage to us there's one mob in the game where if it gets hit by a ghast fireball, it'll take 1000 points of damage. And that's of course the ghast itself. Since Mojang wants it to be a guaranteed kill when you get the return to sender achievement a ghast fireball, when hit back by the player, will hit a ghast and only a ghast for 1000 hit points of damage. And with that folks, here's all of our data in a nice list. And these are the ones that would kill you in one shot. Folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video. So see if they're right and have a good one. All right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 4,787,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9HQ8kDJx2YU
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Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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