Minecraft But It's Only 1 MEGA Block...

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this has to be a world record this mega block is huge uh Donnie oh hold on I'm gonna go ahead and just mine and quick oh my goodness bro I got a tree let's go yo can you show for a second man what what wait what I've been trying to tell you I have no with you bro I'm actually trapped wait trapped on what bro I'm legitimately in a cage wait on a Bedrock block you're on the mega bedroom I don't even dude I what okay quick don't worry bro I'm Gonna Save you wait go quickly yo this Flex they're trying to kill me I'm coming quick okay I have no idea what's killing quiff but there we go okay we got crafting table we can't even get to the next freaking block okay Gamers we gotta freaking hurry up and help quiff two dirt okay I guess that's gonna be good hold on what the heck did you guys just see that is this block haunted dude this is crazy this block is literally bigger than my forehead and my future I don't know why I'm roasting myself and come on yes honestly I don't care if oh I was just about to say I don't care if we get a bunch of dirt because low-key we just need blocks to get to the other block over there the other mega block we got a wooden Paxil which is just a multi-tool I guess that's pretty useful what speaking of useful we got poop what is this supposed to do I just placed it down oh my goodness all right bro don't tell me wait this is actually a block right oh wait it could be used as a block all right well I guess poop isn't completely useless and it looks like we have a progress bar that we need to come oh no Birch dude disgusting but I guess we still have to use it Gamers wait poop sucks I can't even oh okay I really hope we have enough blocks to get to the next one block maybe we can plant another tree that should be pretty good and whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that oh it's a little is it coming after me it's a little block and we got a rooted pickaxe wait hold up I don't think this thing is a weapon but who cares pop okay it's not dying oh there you go dude we got a piece of dirt that's awesome this pickaxe looks so sick and it gives us haste mine's quick with the strength of a root okay well I mean I guess I'll take it whoa it was not kidding Gamers it mined so quick and we got mmm yummy it's muddy okay honestly after the poop I just hope that's not what's on the carrot bro yeah freaking mud and oh oh we just gotta water block um I guess that's cool dude this block is insane it was I was just gonna say it drops literally insane stuff we got something called a dirty heart heart that seems to be covered in dirt oh my goodness Gamers please tell me that these things are not poop bro oh gosh I already know man I got poop Hearts don't make fun of me okay I need every thing metal saber this looks sick it's like a leaf sword and oh wait it looks like in shoot air bro why are there so many get out of here die nerd that one's not die oh that's the one I placed oh my goodness I almost got knocked off that's what I get for being an idiot I was trying to kill the wrong grass block I'm sorry bro we're messing around too quickly Gamers if we don't hurry quiff is gonna die and I just realized we're in a hardcore mode and more Health okay I don't know why it's giving me so much health this is sucks it's almost like there's gonna be danger ahead I mean yeah obviously that's gonna be the case but we got another water block that's pretty good and some more wood I'll definitely take that and more poop oh my dude do I want to use this poop I can't even like build with it I mean I can but like I can't place blocks and oh yes okay some armor it's a muddy chest plate it's a bit uncomfortable but still protection why is everything made out of poop on this freaking block I don't like it I want to complete it which wait we're actually almost done and I'm getting hungry so let's eat our muddy carrot on yummy I love mud and oh no bro that's the same effect as the poop no we just ate poop and we get another dirty heart dude we are getting so much right now that is actually insane and more poop carrots yay I love poo please never quote that what is this sauce egg I wonder what laid this hold on uh this mega block is a sassy Baka bro I hate saying that word but I just do it just to cringe you guys out yo we got the chicken mobile I swam only uses a couple times dude maybe we can like just fly over once we complete this border okay more Birch I honestly I'm fine with that another Apple I guess maybe what wait the Border it's expanding bro wait quiverter said he can't Dodge he's or can't type he's dodging yo yo okay wait no how are you attacking me I'm telling you relax please this can't be possible this can't be possible I'm gonna die like you need to be a little bit faster I don't know what he's dodging but uh I really hope now we can fly with this no we can't we cannot fly with this oh my goodness I'm dead no I'm not no I'm not no I'm not oh oh oh goodbye Chicken Mobile and other chickens that just came out of nowhere dude that was such an L bro we just wasted so many blocks okay I think it's gonna be fine we got this I have a good amount of wood just don't fall bionic because if I do No One's Gonna Be able to save quiff and the video ends because we're in our core mode oh my goodness we're cutting it really close go go go go go go go go go go oh my no no oh my gosh I failed quick we actually don't have any more blocks unless yes dude oh my goodness we got some blocks right here our Mega bundle why isn't this in vanilla Minecraft I don't know this is insane it came with a starter kit I didn't even realize oh I don't even know how I placed that block right there but I'm not gonna ask any questions wait what's going on why am I oh the Border just closed on us no okay this is gonna be super interesting Gamers because now we're on the Cobblestone what oh hello Mr statue man what the heck is that Pro's actually the stone Emoji get out of my Island nerd yeah stupid statue actually thought he had a chance versus us holy crap Gamers am I an idiot or is this block huge probably both wait why is it not breaking hello why is it not breaking oh wait they do break it just takes a long time time we got 22 iron from one of those Mega ores dude that is insane come on come on come on whoa whoa I'm getting insane stuff from this Cobblestone rubies and a block chunk structure I literally don't know oh hey yo wait oh what my pickaxe doesn't mind diamonds are you kidding me okay yeah we definitely need an iron pickaxe and I thought this rooted pickaxe was actually good but I guess not oh what did I just got Mega coal contains Mega amounts of fuel power wait a second if I just put this in here then oh dude this is crazy right you gotta be freaking oh you gotta be kidding me wait we just gotta copper hammer is it mine diamonds it does My Diamonds oh my goodness who do a copper pickaxe was gonna be good oh this is amazing for a second there I thought we were screwed it we were never gonna get a freaking good pickaxe bro oh and yes dude we're getting more mega blocks and what is this A rock Gauntlet yo this is sick I feel like Thanos but with the B bad nose it says multi-tools so I guess I can just literally no no don't explode the diamond no are the the freaking whatever oh it has an insane punch dude okay okay well we don't need uh a better pickaxe we have a freaking Rock Gauntlet that is insane and I'm assuming please tell me this can break this come on please I'm smacking the booty of the gold there you go oh my goodness 23 Gold let's put the gold in here and then oh my goodness dude this is so crazy we can already make ourselves a golden apple wait we got two Mega ores I didn't even realize let's melt this and continue oh hello you might be nice but you need to get off my Island sir oh my my goodness a giant spawned what okay we actually gotta watch out oh we got another block chunk structure we can use these to get to the next Island oh my goodness okay yep we're dead and whoa I just got balls food Fireballs okay whoa this looks actually really powerful something I should probably not waste and instead use right now yeah Fireball fight oh dude that is no way I just wasted all of them okay hopefully we get some more uh okay we can also just store everything in here if we want oh my gosh we got more of the insane Mega coal some dire right all right we got another gold Mega Blok all right not bad oh an emerald helmet yes finally we're getting more armor no stupid skeleton stoblies more balls yes I love nope not gonna say it and oh my gosh I was about to say when were we gonna find diamonds we got a mega diamond ore oh dude this is gonna be so sick I hope I can mine it bro these things take forever give me a lot of diamonds please yes no some of them fell but it's okay we got most of them about what we got 23 diamonds let's actually make ourselves like literally there you go we're stuck we gotta hurry though Gamers because at any moment Cliff is gonna freaking die it's gonna be our fault and then he's gonna be like Danny you suck no this isn't so bad here we are just getting a bunch of diamonds while Cliff is just dying to spike if I stand a corner he can still attack me in the corner no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my goodness hello oh I didn't even look at you I didn't even look at you I have so much health though you think you can defeat me oh we got an ender pearl okay now that's actually pogbro and we're so close to finishing we got paint steel pants wait it has knockback resistance okay even though they're not better than the diamond leggings I think we're gonna use the steel pants protection were accounts Gamers go go go go go go go go go go we have so much freaking oars wait what we got a sub button with a smiley face oh that's so creepy well Gamers if you're new I guess just slap the Subscribe button like this wait what am I getting bro there's so much random loop I think half of it fell to the void but an obsidian tree ax we got an anvil I guess an arrow that's not too bad honestly these blocks aren't so bad yeah we have a bad doesn't matter though because if we die everything is over and now to complete the Cobblestone there you go okay everything is moving the border is moving and we have the ender pearl I don't know if I can land that okay we're gonna have to speed Bridge our way over there we gotta hurry and safe quick Gamers let's try and use the ender pearl is that actually gonna land oh oh my goodness we actually did it wait is that where quiff is I see you I actually see you wait move forward oh my gosh do you see me I am I looking at you is that you yes I'm at the border bro I'm coming bro I'm coming please come please let's meet your ice cream quickly okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming at any moment this is gonna get really really really dangerous and oh we got a golden apple okay maybe not I think we all can kind of guess at some point at some point wait a second we got an ancient bow whoa this thing looks insane it shoots the warden Sonic Boom but why did I get it oh gosh wait I know why I know why listen the words about the spot the words dude no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait maybe he doesn't maybe he doesn't know I'm here no it can sniff my butt I just farted died oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yo we comboed it off bro that was insane oh my goodness this ancient bow is crazy okay we're getting a lot of blocks which is good mom please have mercy okay okay we're good we got a protection three book but we have oh my goodness yes yeah protection word counts Gamers Enchanted pantalones anyways please don't be bad please don't be bad please please please please please okay I'll take blocks man I honestly just don't want to Warden oh but skull cards yo this is crazy and if I eat it okay that is well that was sick although every time we've gotten something like pretty good there's always a freaking ward in that spawns oh my god oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm actually dead I'm actually dead I'm actually dead no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no wait no freaking way bro the warden nearly knocked me off I clutched it oh we need blocks okay we gotta be very careful he doesn't see me if that clutch doesn't deserve a like I don't know what does bro we're actually okay you know I'm just gonna YOLO I'm just gonna YOLO hey where'd he go what wait where did he go I'm so weirded out but I guess we're good dude honestly that is so weird I'm just gonna need a God Apple just in case dude not another one oh my gosh oh my gosh no reset him flying oh look at him we really just gotta be careful for the stupid warnings man our Gauntlet is not strong enough versus them we gotta keep using the bow oh my goodness we got so many enchanted books knockback and fire aspects I have an idea bro now this is gonna be sick you know I mean no I mean oh my gosh no no no no no no oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we're good we're good continue continue our progress bar is almost there come on how many wardens that we freaking have to kill in this video no I hope someone's counting bro oh my goodness get out of here and no I'm not worried about you oh my gosh she nearly died okay okay okay and yes there you go oh my goodness Cliff I'm coming oh my gosh these blocks are so dude they're so weird they're invisible YOLO speed bridge I'm a Florida crackhead yeah I knew these block chunks were gonna come in handy oh gosh oh gosh okay the border is closing in oh hello oh Chris sees me I don't see him though oh my goodness okay what is this block quick I don't know how long I'll survive this bro I know yo he really needs to hurry right now once I'm trying to Doge this as best I can he face to hurry I'm actually quite terrified of this block because we nearly died before oh never mind maybe this block is good we got a thick boy of a totem it's a gas totem all right let's just keep going oh my gosh we got a mogas I have a little pink boy hello and I can ride here it's not the most efficient for mining the block but I don't oh no I do care what is this a sword on a stick what yo this is actually kind of sick oh no but if we got a weapon that means oh hello wait what that what the heck is that yo it was crazy oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what those are crazy zombie and it dropped a realistic heart oh no okay I just got realistic Health uh right because this video couldn't have gotten more random oh lightning I can now throw lightning interesting we got the sunblock what is what does this do wait oh my gosh no no nogus okay he just keeps farting now okay and now we got what the heck is this a diamond sword sword sword okay I guess I could just oh I broke it already Okay I don't know what I would need no no no no no he killed my Among Us no one kills Maya Moga I can fly temporarily oh my gosh oh my gosh take this nerd we have to fish him to death oh my gosh I'm nearly dead I'm nearly dead what if I'm sorry bro I might not be able to do this my thing just broke we have the freaking bow now wait he's coming now get him with the sword fire aspect yes oh bro I might just quit no we've made it this far why does he have a bald spot Herobrine oh he just says hello uh I'm just gonna go and place it right here I don't oh gosh wait what the heck I'm just gonna go and just awkwardly oh we got a hook shot that's actually really good just in case we get knocked off wait a second this is actually kind of another right sword section what it's like a sword inside of a sword inside of a sword why could I have had this for the Wither oh no wait I mean we're gonna get no no no no no no no no no no you gotta be kidding me bro you gotta be kidding me right now take this I hate this Vlog I literally hate this block but we're so close come on oh my gosh we're gonna jet pack no way oh my okay wait this thing is hard to control dude we can get to quiff now I got the Bedrock Miner what is this we can use this to break the Bedrock oh my gosh Cliff Chad I'm coming finally I just got kick for flying yes oh my wait what's going on what is that yes what wait I'll keep going oh Cliff No you only have a couple seconds of flying bro all right dude no I I did not just go through all that just for you to die to a bubble you're an idiot
Channel: Bionic
Views: 1,589,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, bionic, minecraft but it's only 1 mega block, minecraft but it's only 1 block, one block, 1 block, minecraft one block, minecraft mod, mod, mods, minecraft mods, mega block, minecraft mega block, challenge, family friendly
Id: iKyIMHwTD-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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