What's the difference between 1000 and 2200?

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what's the difference between 1,000 ELO and 2200 ELO well you're about to find out because my opponent is recording this game at the same time that I am and we're going to go back to back with what he's thinking about what I'm thinking about so you can see the difference hope you guys enjoy I had to accept right so let's have a look I'm going to do Scotch game opening which I've been doing for a bit I'm not sure my previous two higher rating players 1400 and 1300 I beat I think today might be a bit harder so this is all known territory for me at the moment but feeling a little bit nervous as to as to what's to come is he going to take he does so I'm going to take with the Knight and he does take back with the Knight and again there's not a whole lot of options here I'm going to go with the main the main line here Bishop to C5 and just attack the Knight on D4 so he could either trade or defend would be the two main moves here so that's what I'm expecting guess you could play C3 although that's not really the as as popular as Bishop E3 and Knight takes C6 now is he going to bring the queen out there's some tricky line I watched a Daniel nitzki video where he brought the queen out but he's not done that maybe I forgot about that line as well I think it was after one more move but let's see also you'll see we're doing 1510 today um a couple of people have asked for 1510 so this works well so the bishop coming out obviously this is essentially hanging because we've got this and this so I'm not going to leave this here I could defend with the pawn and then take and then it would be defend take I think taking I think defending with the pawn is a good option because then also yeah I think defending with the pawn is a good option famous last words and and on Knight takes C6 there's a little little tricky line Queen F6 which we can play we'll see if we get a chance to do that Bishop E3 I'm not totally familiar with that I think we still play Queen F6 and then the Knight jumps over here there's also Queen G6 line which if he plays Bishop E3 we'll talk about that more in just a second okay he does go C3 uh right away which is a good move right it's still defending the pawn I'm not sure if it's significant that it's different than Bishop E3 like is there a reason that it's maybe bad I'm wondering if I can play a move like D5 because usually usually when you see C3 you want to be thinking about D5 because a lot of times the the drawback to D5 is they're going to take you your queen comes out and then you lose a Tempo Pawn's on C3 so maybe D5 is a move that I want to consider the question is do I do it like right now or do I think about doing it later I'm even considering Knight to F6 I'm not sure if there there's a difference with that move unfortunately I'm not like super familiar with the scotch Theory so I don't really have a lot of um you know opening lines to go off of I'm kind of just having to to think through this so yeah let's see if I play D5 right away I think I'm pretty happy with that because if he takes here I can just trade pretty happy with that unleashes my Bishop if he goes for something like Bishop E3 I could probably just take that takes takes takes we could take here looks like we're fine the Knight usually doesn't have any good in between moves from that Square so yeah I think D5 is an okay move let me just check Bishop to B5 here and is that going to cause me any problems I don't believe so because I can always trade the Knight if I need to or even just play Bishop to D7 let's see if we take take take let's see takes takes we could trade the Queens First bishop to D7 yeah maybe we could get into a little bit of trouble though we do have Knight E7 yeah I think I think we have a lot of of options so I'm not worried about that let's go ahead and play D5 and I'm I'm taking my time because this is a longer game so when you're playing longer time control games you want to make sure you're playing good moves right you can't treat it like a bullet game where you just play a bunch of moves that are okay and expect to win you have to play good moves so that's why I'm thinking through this um a little bit extra also the fact that the scotch is not an opening that I've really studied extensively I want to be a little bit careful with with what I do and now let's just kind of take stock of where we are a little bit behind in development Nelson's got his bishop and Knight out we've just got the Knight out so far as we talk through this I'm pretty sure Nelson is showing where there's some line that's happening that's going to just destroy my position so porn push he's inviting the take isn't he and this is I always get nervous when people who are a lot better do stuff like this because you think it's just a free porn there's no such thing is there so what happens if I take I take a free pawn and I kick the Knight no it's not a free Pawn sorry obviously the The Queen Is there so it's not a free pawn it just opens up that file so there then there's Queen comes here and then I can protect with my queen but then it's a trade I don't really want that is it better to I think I'm going to go with taking this KN I think I'm going to take any disruption that I can to a national master in terms of porn structure so I'm going to obviously I say obviously I assume there's going to be a takeback with the pawn now okay so he does take it now of course we could just take back but there's also this idea in the scotch of Queen F6 and you go for checkmate and the point is it's a nice little in between move that's that's kind of difficult for white to deal with now what I need to understand is does the move C3 and D5 change this idea and actually it does it does because he has Knight to D4 so normally in this you know when you do this there's no Pawn on C3 and my Pawn would still be back on D7 and you can go there because Knight to D4 is not an option you would simply take it doesn't really do anything but in this case Knight to D4 stops the Checkmate and saves the Knight so I can no longer even consider that and I do have to take this back I don't have to think any further castling would be good maybe bishop there so does take with the pawn now obviously we've got this do we want to defend that pawn we could defend putting the bishop here is an option I feel like that might be a decent option I want to get the bishop out I'm not going to put it here or here am I or there here is okay too but if we go here and Nelson takes then I take here and then we're eyeing up this fork with the rook and the King I'm sure he's seen that already but are there any other better moves any pieces hanging I don't see any pieces hanging this is protected here this is protected here this is protected here this is the only hanging piece at the moment this is protected that's protecting there that's protecting there Queen and King are protected so I'm going to go here and let's see what happens he goes Bishop D3 Okay so of course I want to look at the capture just to see what's happening here so if I take that and he takes me back we could trade queens and maybe grab a pawn but that's not going to end well because there's a fork okay what if I actually take here first with the bishop trying to lure the king away but the Queen's actually defended so there's no tactic there so it doesn't really look very appealing to me to take this I mean I guess you could say because he loses castling rights that's not terrible and then we could defend this instead of grabbing the pawn so like Knight to E7 maybe bring the bishop out in Castle it looks okay but then my double isolated pawns and this actually do look bad like right now I like it because if I recapture it fixes my Pawn structure I'm probably going to just leave that all that to say let's check you always want to check if there's some sort of a tactic with this I don't think so doesn't really look like there's much happening there but I'm looking knight to F6 he might play E5 am I okay with that uh if he takes I'm definitely okay with that if he pins me uh H yeah it's kind of an annoying position actually maybe what about this move let's just see D3 would be very bad lots of weaknesses castling would probably be White's best move I wouldn't be able to take that because of the the pin here so H don't love that honestly I think I should play Knight to E7 and the reason is because here I don't want to get into trouble with a pin with all that said I think Knight to E7 is the safest move right now it fixes the problems with with my queen getting pinned in some cases I don't have to worry about the pin because I would have F6 and it gets ready to Castle do we have anything else we can do as well we need to start getting these other pieces in the game so Knight comes out there interesting is it time to pin I think I'm not going to change what I would normally do just because I'm playing someone that's really good I think that's a good option so yeah he does Play Bishop G5 and like I said now it's different because instead of the Knight being on F6 we could just play F6 ourself and kind of waste a Tempo now it does create weaknesses right like here I have to be careful but what I'm thinking is I I'm going to be okay because I have the bishop which can kind of fill in those those light squares also I really like the fact that I'm gaining a Tempo I don't have to play that move I mean I could just castle that's an option too but not really concerned about this move because G6 looks like it would create a double attack I believe white would lose a piece so let's go ahead with F6 Queen isn't really able to move much too now can only go to these two squares so obviously this is massively winning for me I'm definitely definitely winning this and uh yeah I'm sure you have no doubt you have no doubt that I'm going to win this with the the mighty pin because obviously then I think it would be pin and take with the queen that yeah see it's moves like this that people that are lower rated never or very rarely I think a lower rated player often plays this against me and I've had that before and then I just take and then do that but obviously this is winning a Tempo and then I have to move the bishop now which isn't great for me I'm not going to move here because I'll get kicked where's good I could move back here or I could threaten a high value piece as well for example I could could push this Pawn then Nelson would have doubled pawns I would have doubled pawns I could go here then I'd have doubled Pawns in the center not ideal if Nelson took I have a check doesn't do anything though it doesn't do anything I have a check and then here we don't the move the king well at least that prevents castling though doesn't it that check prevents castling so if I check there he has to move the king so at least it prevents castling then but the issue with the no it doesn't because another Pawn push this is the thing you have to you have to be careful with isn't it because then I'd put the queen here oh my God it's a check it's amazing and then this and then both my bishop and my queen are under attack and I can't move both of them at the same time time so that wouldn't be good with that in mind I'm going to go here okay so what's he attacking uh C7 not concerned probably going to Castle one thing that I do want to pay attention to is this bishop and the reason I want to pay attention to it is because it's undefended whenever you have pieces that are hanging like that you got to watch out for tactics I don't see anything the only piece that I'm really concerned about would be the queen somehow attacking this like for example like a check here and you know and losing my Bishop so that's something like if I I mean I'm not going to do it but if I was playing let's say D4 boom there's a check and then goodbye to my Bishop so you want to keep those things in in mind same thing with castling I'm opening up you know my king here is there some sort of a fork or the queen lands there checks me takes my Bishop no there's not so I'm okay what about this can the queen land there again it's it's covered but I'm just giving you guys the types of things you want to be careful for right because if you lose a piece here that's that's really bad but I think we're okay castling I'm also paying attention to the bishop here if he takes and tries to come Checkmate me do I have a response so let's actually think through that a little bit takes takes let's just say queen here what would my response be actually yeah G6 we could play kind of weakening the king side I think we could probably get away with it because it's gaining a Tempo and then maybe we could launch an attack the other option would be to just Gambit a pawn not recapture here and just like go for quick development I wonder if I could take here so we do have the queen five to worry about but then we have G6 takes we could grab this or grab it this way the idea is that if he takes I'm going to trade bring this bishop out try to Castle it's actually a tricky position I think I'm going to go with castling it just feels like the safest move but I do need to come up with some sort of a plan against this right because you don't want to just walk into a a Checkmate threat and have no response so what am I going to do options would be don't take with the pawn maybe take with the Knight to create a threat yeah I could probably get away with taking that um or if we take we're going to have to maybe F5 actually totally shuts down the bishop that might be the way to do it or G6 like I said so okay so I think I have some options I'm going to go ahead and castle and we'll see this is going to be an interesting decision if if he goes for this um but I've seen enough that I'm that I'm comfortable I'm going to have option to defend so we've got castled castling over there and this is definitely something I want to do as well I mentioned castling before Nelson Has castled do we want to another thing I was looking at it'd be definitely good to get the Knight a bit more Central and get the Knight developed so obviously we can't go here because of this Pawn here would not be great doubled pawns and on the edge of The Bard is not what we want I'm tempted to Castle as well I just want to see if there's any opportunities now that Nelson Has castled for example if we take there take don't do that because of Queen takes obviously if we Castle then Rook is going to be here still protecting this Pawn so that doesn't leave it hanging so that's good we have a bit of a tactic Queen here and then maybe for example moving this Pawn with this threatening the the check there obviously there's that Escape Route so it's not Checkmate I think the safest and the move the safest move and the one that I normally do is to Castle I will say I think Corner chess is playing pretty well so far I haven't noticed any any huge mistakes I mean I felt like Bishop G5 was a a little bit of a you know wasted move but other than that I think they've played for the most part pretty solid okay and he decides the castle probably a good decision get the king out of the center I'm thinking about Rook B8 only because I like to put my Rooks on open files and I attack a pawn at the same time I'm thinking about Bishop E6 because I want to develop and where else do I move the bishop to I can't go here I can't go here can't go here so I've got kind of like these options I guess you could consider this but that seems like a bunch of time for I don't know why that's so valuable so probably Bishop E6 Knight to G6 uh why would we do that Bishop's going to go back I don't really know if that benefits me yeah the only thing about Bishop E6 is it's an undefended Square so I have to watch out for stuff like this I think I would probably just move it move it around like that and I would be okay uh don't really see anything else that I can take advantage of in this position so yeah I'm going to go ahead and play Bishop to E6 Knight is probably the next thing on our agenda I feel like our Bishops are pretty active we've got this scope here obviously this is staring into the pawn but I want to keep keep this kind of tension in the middle between these two pawns I don't want to open up the center and unleash the uh the game so I'm going to keep that there I also don't really want to push this Pawn because it then stops my queen getting out so I think maybe pushing these pawns here is a good idea I think that's what I'll go with eventually pushing these pawns I think Knight first that's going to be my first plan of action if nothing else major changes on the board also we could going here allows us to rroo threatening this bishop this bishop is very active and probably the most active piece on our position because it's targeting this and I mentioned earlier I don't want to do this Pawn push but actually I can't anyway because of obviously that revealed check on the king so it's tempting now to go here with the pawn Nelson's just done Bishop moving the bishop out and the reason for that is what does that do what does that do that is an interesting one isn't it I don't know what that does I'm sure it does something must do but what why the bishop there obviously this is not under attack we've got the Rook Defender once this pawn moves and then take that Bishop is then eyeing up a maybe targeting The Rook is that what the idea is possibly but if I go here Nelson's going to have to move the bishop no he's not going to move it there cuz take not going to move it there cuz take could move it there or there here I would take and and that would bring the pawn or the queen I think I'm going to push the pawn this is not hanging luckily sometimes I do that where you push the pawn and then the one behind is now hanging so yeah luckily that's not hanging okay B4 so obviously we want to save the bishop really only looks like we have two options and you know I don't really feel like this bishop here is doing a whole lot yes it's attacking a pawn yes it's pinning the pawn but do I really care about that I kind of feel like White's Bishop is a little bit more active here so I'm leaning towards actually trading this off by going for Bishop to D6 I'm not really worried about A4 because I would play A5 you know so I could just leave it there but a lot of times I want to look for can I pair that with something like if I Knight's on F6 and we can hop in or maybe The Rook is Unleashed in this case I don't really see that so I think I am going to go with D6 and maybe just trade these off of course if white takes me I'm happy probably will take with the queen to connect the Rooks and we can start thinking about where we want to put those guys I think here is no actually I think he's going to go there isn't he I think he's going to go to b six because he still wants to keep an eye on this I think that's quite powerful so I don't think he'll go here but we we'll see I feel like oh he does go there fascinating I'm really interested at the end of the game me and Nelson are going to go through this a little bit and see what you know what's what basically do we have anything with this Pawn push take take and then we just lose a bishop so no if we get more active with the queen though is that an option oh my God that's just completely hanging isn't it I almost didn't spot that that Bishop is just completely hanging so if we don't do anything with it Nelson will just take so that is hanging we either can put the queen here no that would be taken so we can either push this Pawn or move the bishop maybe to here doesn't really do much or we can take and then encourages the queen I don't really want to encourage the queen because I don't think he's going to take with the pawn maybe he would because he can get this one out of the way so maybe that would help him UND double his pawns as well so I don't massively like that if we push then Nelson takes and then we disrupt our King is very open so I think the best option I think is going to be Queen is there a problem with Queen to F3 if we go Queen to F3 Pawn takes then I think we're fine so Queen to F3 Bishop takes I take the bishop Pawn takes and then I can move the bishop out of the way because the queen will be targeting the bishop I'm going to go here I think Queen to F3 let's have a look on the yeah we'll have a look on the game I think that's going to be the best move we'll see all right Queen F3 so he wants to recapture this way it's probably a good decision and is also clearing the way for a rook here so we'll keep an eye on that of course do I have any tactics if I take this if he takes with the queen then maybe because Bishop to F5 guess there's check so I don't even think I have any tactics if yeah almost but it does no it doesn't quite work CU something like Queen Che would put a stop to that so I don't think there and also you could take this way I don't think there's any Merit to taking there uh I'm feeling like we should attack this with our Knight so do we do it now or do we trade first and then attack the queen probably I'm going to go here usually when you trade it helps your opponent like if he takes me my queen gets to come into the game so probably we just go here are there any other moves that like make sense is what I'm trying to see takes takes takes nope you can't really take advantage of that yeah I think we're going to go with the Knight first this is well defended don't have to worry about that let's go Knight to G6 he's very I don't know if this is the right term but it looks like his position is very closed in terms of obviously his Queen doesn't have a lot of scope here this Rook hasn't developed yet the Rooks aren't connected obviously ours aren't connected either but I feel like we've got a lot of scope with this bishop I guess he's got some here and some here which and he's more well targeted towards our King side I guess it looks like so that's a slight difference so knight move bringing the Knight into the game and and the idea behind this knight move is this bishop isn't it because it's being attacked twice defended once now could be a time to take back I don't like that too much though we could we could push this Pawn that is an option what's our best option because if we push the pawn Knight takes we take the pawn then we have an open we have doubled pawns and we have an open King file maybe we could use that to our advantage Slide the king across and then Target with the Rook up here maybe or do we have a tactic if we push this pawn and Knight takes here then we've lost a bishop check King comes out ah the Knight would be there so it would take our Queen so that doesn't work if we push this pawn and then he takes there we take no that doesn't work either so I think I think the way to do it is to also I think this serves the purpose of starting to push these pawns on the king side so I think that's as far as I can see I think that's the best option we'll force him to make a decision about the bishop and if he goes back then I'm going to start thinking about hopping in here right or hopping over here and maybe launching an attack somehow I need to figure out how the Queen's going to get over there but uh that's kind of what's going through my mind as we bring pieces because one thing you'll notice about the position I have all three of my pieces that are now in the game and this guy is still over here right this guy's still over here so if we do launch an attack I'm going to have a little bit more material over there which could be you know could be just what I need so we'll see if that if that happens or not oh interesting move he plays G3 so my initial reaction is that can't be a good move because you're first first of all you're moving a pawn in front of the king uh you're creating weaknesses here that I could immediately take advantage of if I want to I mean The Rook could move and maybe the bishop can come back but yeah that just feels like I should be able to take advantage of this the question is how so I'm thinking about trading here to force the pawn to move because then it also opens up up the G file unfortunately my queen can't activate uh can't get over there immediately but H also play Queen D7 trying to line up this way so yeah it's it's just a question of how do we take advantage of that at this point take with the Knight now I don't really think The Bishop's going to be as valuable as the Knight right now because of the weaknesses here I definitely think this is probably what I'm going to play but interesting how do we get the queen over there is the really the big question something like takes takes takes F5 no maybe Queen E8 and we move the Knight we bring the queen that way that might make more sense yeah okay so let's think about that takes I think I definitely want to take I just want to open up the king so let's go ahead and do that and then I'm I'm still thinking like what what's the followup going to be I think there might be a porn push coming eventually on this side now as well let's see what happens here but I feel like this Knight has been languishing in the stable too long not doing anything so we need to get that Knight into the action so takes okay it's going to be a takeback isn't it and that's going to be the start of what I feel like is disrupting my chances but we do have a fork to be fair we do have that cheeky Fork which he's gonna see obviously he's definitely going to see that but I'm leaning towards Queen E8 because when this diagonal is blocked a lot of times the easiest thing to do to get the queen involved is to go like this now we have to watch out for F5 but we have a in between move but also play F5 myself and the idea is if he takes I take this looks fantastic because now my Rook I Knight and my queen are all coming to the party doesn't have to take he could play E5 we jump the knight in we still have to figure out how to get the queen over there I mean I guess I should start with the obvious if I just go there right away I'm expecting maybe Queen G3 F5 E5 is annoying because it stops me from bringing the Rook over yeah E5 is such an annoying move so hm yeah definitely feels like I should have something I just don't see it at the moment and so probably going to go with F5 and then if he locks up the center at least then I could take my time and continue to try to attack over there is what I'm thinking maybe even something like D4 to unleash this diagonal could work for me I think F5 is probably the move here we already talked about the trade here which looks Fant fantastic for me and so yeah let's go ahead with F5 we have 3 minutes we have to move a little bit faster or maybe finding a more active place maybe attacking with the Knight that could oh how would I deal with that that's quite annoying isn't it attacking with the Knight I could put the queen here attacking with the Knight would be annoying I can't go there because I'll be taken I can't kick the Knight with a pawn because I just moved it over that would be annoying PA push stopping my Fork makes sense right because I mentioned about that fork he's obviously going to see it he doesn't want to retreat the bishop and get rid of the development that he's done so he's attacking this Pawn threatening his own fork with the that's clever isn't it threatening his own fork with the bishop and the queen if I take then he'll take with either the bishop or The Rook not The Rook because then I would just take with the bishop so I take the pawn he takes the pawn I take the bishop he takes the bishop and The Rook is there does that give us anything extra that we want not really not really if he if I allow him to take that's going to be an issue isn't it there's an option of a push that is always an option close up the center a bit is that going to favor us or him pushing that pawn I'm going to push with the idea of Queen sliding over and Bishop doing another Fork that's my master plan that's my genius because if Knight takes obviously we just take with the pawn so that's my plan there while my opponent is thinking I'm going to start thinking as well how do I break through if he plays E5 because this is really what I'm expecting right E5 you can immediately bring the queen over and oh actually we're just attacking F4 and he can't defend that yeah I think I was making it more difficult than it needed to be that's actually a super obvious way to just win the pawn and once you win that pawn you're probably going to win this pawns you're kind of just winning two pawns essentially so there we go I didn't see that initially I was stuck on Knight H4 and like other Queen moves but if he plays E5 we're just going to go Queen H4 so that's pretty actually pretty easy so taking like I said does not look good again we're going to win the pawn and and now yeah now we can kind of see like why that G3 decision really doesn't look like it's working out for for white you know he could have just traded the bishop went on with the game and he would have had these nice three pawns just sitting here without really any weaknesses for me to attack so I think that was a pretty big big mistake he does go with E5 and let's just verify everything's defended so we're good to go here let's go ahead Queen H4 like I mentioned and we're just going to win a pawn there there's just no way for white to defend the pawn and it happens to be the only Pawn that's supporting this Pawn so really I think we're going to get two pawns out of this deal Queen now this is getting oh oh God oh this is I don't like how close this is with the Queen to my king in check and okay so this Pawn is the target as well isn't it because attacked twice defended once it's not going to be a check here because that would just be simple take check here take and then pawns I guess it could be that as well now now here is defended it's not going to be there is there a way if he takes with the Knight this is an issue for me Isn't it this is an issue if he I'm thinking of bringing the Knight over if he takes with the Knight and I take I'm not going to take back CU I've just lost a pawn against someone who's definitely capable if I go here he can't take with the Knight because I'll just take the queen so I think that's the only move because the other move that I'm thinking of is Knight bringing here but that doesn't do anything for this part of this attack that's happening so I think by going here it prevents me losing a pawn he can take the pawn by doing this and then bringing the knight in but that's less scary to me at least than having the Lost porn the Knight and the Queen attacking down on my king so I think I'm going to go for that Queen to G3 that's my thinking of course if I see an opportunity to like checkm make the king I'll do it but right now I don't see that so we'll go ahead and focus on the pawns because once we get rid of the pawns then The Rook can come up and over and that's when you start looking for checkmate and again I mentioned it earlier I think in the video the Knight the Knight has not moved this is bad if you ever find yourself playing a game where you never got your pieces in into the action you know you know something went wrong right and that's that's a big part of the problem I mean imagine if White had a knight that was just like sitting somewhere like here defending the pawn or you know I don't know here and it was attacking something and giving you more options right um it' be much more difficult for me but because these pieces are are out of the game I I'm just just coming in here okay so he goes Queen to G3 so of course we can't take with the Knight or we lose our queen of course we don't want to trade queens or we just make his pawns look amazing and I would probably lose the game I believe the only move here that even needs to be considered Queen takes F4 looks good to me let's go ahead and grab the pawn and it does trade Queens so we lose the ability to like go for a quick Checkmate but when you're going to be most likely winning two pawns that's going to be a a good end game and that being said the King still actually looks in a very precarious position also the fact that he has to waste a move now uh saving the bishop right kind of gives me some time to do something uh right away now are we going to get a queen trade is that what's going to happen we do and I'm just going to do that instantly because I don't want to waste time and that's what I was planning so okay we're a pawn down Bishop is under attack here from from The Good Old Knight so we've got a hanging Pawn in the center a very open King they just whittel me down hasn't we haven't developed the knight at all yet and this is under attack so we have to move to safety where is a good Square for do we have any Forks to watch out for that Forks that checks the king but it's not a fork where's a good Square for the bishop not here obviously not here not here I think we only have this Square or this Square so what's the best option I think what's going to happen if he I think this square and what's going to happen if he checks us here he's going to check and then we can move towards so I don't see it's a massive problem yet so let's move here and the reason I want this square and not this one this one obviously keeps an eye on this Pawn but it's well defended and not much is going on there not much is going on here either if we were on that square but this Square we threaten this fork with this Pawn that's undefended and and basically weak because it's been doubled earlier on I guess he's going to go here maybe he could defend with the Rook I I don't know if I'm going to trade because I I really kind of want to go KN check and then start pushing this pawn and so then then I think we can launch a little attack here of course trading and going into the end game looks fine because we're already up the pawn and if I like let's just say trade push F4 this guy's going to be abandoned so we could pile up on that and I'm going to most likely win the end game relatively easily with two extra pawns that being said I really do just like the look of Knight H3 it's a very annoying situation for the king to be in especially if I get my Rook my knight and my Bishop involved in the attack okay did not consider that move I guess it makes sense he wants to uh come over over here the problem with this idea is that this is so far from like the action that I just I I don't feel like that's going to be very helpful for for white so here we go I think I will go for this check and so that's the the threat there we have the check I don't feel like moving into the corner is a safe idea I feel like going here then he's going to check again maybe then we can move again I feel like going here is the better option we'll obviously see but we can't take the Knight obviously because of this so that pawn is kind of marching on can we do anything on this side if this Pawn comes here we could just take oh no because of the Rook The Rook so that is an issue isn't it so this bishop is an issue but we can threaten a higher value piece we can threaten a higher value piece so I think I'm going to do that we're even on time now he was very generous at the start I'm putting pressure on the king but I also have a very clear follow-up F4 stops F4 from White which means that this Pawn is weak which is great but it also unleashes my Bishop which defends my knight and brings it into the attack which is Al great so that's why I'm so excited about Knight H3 because I see I see this followup yeah and here we go F4 there we go we defend that we stop this guy we might even push this if we need to or bring the Rook up and go for like a Checkmate or something we could totally Checkmate in this position with the rook and Knight and the bishop right especially if if this guy decides to come over here and start hunting down pieces that don't really matter at this this moment right let's see yeah F3 looks really good Rook here looks really good of course if we lose the KN then we have check King goes here check he is going to go for that right so two ways to approach this that I'm seeing one and two of course there's probably more maybe even Bishop here or something but this seems to be obvious and Rook F5 so let's start with one at a time F3 check you can't go there you could go up or you could go in the corner if you go in the corner how do I get my Bishop there is is the question move the knight move the bishop move the bishop yeah that looks very very good for me I like that let's check Rook F5 real quick what's the idea all the idea is I want to go check he goes in the corner I'm still going to play F3 yeah so I think I'm going to start with F3 and I might follow it up with The Rook move or I might follow it up with the knight move but F3 looks very very powerful so let's go ahead so we've got the check interesting we can move back but like I said before I don't like that idea of being pinned in the corner so I'm going to go for getting the king out and now this obviously because that check he delayed this problem he's probably I don't know if he can defend this Pawn as well I'm thinking he's going to move the Rook over I guess he can move it to any square but I don't know if he can defend that pawn too I don't think he can so like I've said before my genius is incredible even against a national master I find ways to win porns in incredible I know you're jealous of my my chess abilities you only wish you could be as brilliant as me so bearing in mind after saying that that literally for this entire game even while saying it multiple times this horse night I should say say but this Knight has literally not moved and I'm just going to get destroyed in the commentary about this because what is it doing he literally not done anything meanwhile his Knights have been very active definitely attacking a lot more I need to get that Knight in the game especially it would be very good see this is why I should have done it earlier because it would have PR prevented this and then I could take with the Knight and then if he takes with the Rook I just take it doesn't work does it need to get that Knight out earlier I allowed him to open up the king so he's defending there but can I not just take the Rook can I not just take this Rook what a this is a trap isn't it this this is some like Checkmate trap it is a check some there okay this is some Checkmate trap because I can't actually go back because of this Pawn you think you can go back but you can't I only just realized that I can't go here I can't go here can't go here so the only Square I can go to let me just check that yeah I can't go to these Rook I can't go here I can't go there so the only Square my king can move to is here so what's he going to do next what's his plan can he Checkmate me with Knight goes there then I could move over so yeah if Knight goes there I could move over is there a way he can Checkmate me oh God I want to take the I'm going to take the Rook I'm going to take the Rook I know that must be the wrong move because there's some weird Checkmate coming that I didn't calculate properly but I can't see it I'm expecting the king H1 he could go here like I said but that also looks very bad because then we're going to get this Rook involved somehow and then this rook's going to come over maybe if we have time might not even need that Rook he does go King G three interesting so do I actually just have a simple Checkmate is the first question here Rook up I lose a rook we go ah but then the the pawn is undefended oh all right so what if we do it a different way what if we do it oh okay what if I go Knight G5 loser Rook check this is defended this is taken away this is you have to go to H four in that situation so boom boom King's on H4 now we have Rook check forces the king to go here and then there's got to be Checkmate right there must be G6 forces the king to go here or here uh oh no my Knight's here yeah so it has to go here and then Checkmate so did I miss anything though let's just think about that did I miss anything if he plays like here then I would have to just move my Rook probably otherwise we should get checkmate the other way to do it would be to go here trying to do this but I really want my knight to be here I'm running out of time so I'm going to go ahead and play it I definitely saw a Checkmate if he takes my Rook I think White's best move is Knight to D2 to stop me from going here in which case like I said I'll probably just move this Rook yeah so Knight to D2 there's also some idea of like throwing this H Pawn down the board Bishop here to reroute the bishop so that I could bring maybe The Rook up and Checkmate I mean there's so many wow there's so many ways you could do this and a minute and a half is not really long enough to look at all of them I'm not at my skill level so probably what I'm going to do if he goes here is just save my rook and then continue the attack the thing about sacrificing your Rook is you kind of have to like have you have to see the the Checkmate or the followup you can't just like eh we just give up a rook and see what happens especially not without Queens on the board right if queens were on the board that'd be a different story but Knight to D2 would be a very good move here see if corner to chess can find this one I'll be very impressed if he plays this okay didn't play it uh that's a that's a tough move to see you'd have to kind of see the Checkmate and it's it's hard to turn down a rook right so here we go Knight to E4 and as long as we didn't miscalculate there's a Checkmate here which I don't think we did so you could see there's just no squares for the King right I can't see where the Checkmate is so we got the check which I mentioned I can't go here I can't go there can't go there I have to go to one of these squares now now where am I not going to get checkmated oh I can't I can't go here sorry so I don't have a choice there's no choice I can't go to those squares so I have to go I can't take the Knight I don't believe so I have to go here that's literally the only choice and is there a Checkmate coming there's literally only one choice so I don't feel bad about taking time taking no time on that move I should say and then Rook comes in where can I go now and and I can only go here I believe yeah I can't take that Rook so I feel trapped I think that's checkmate with Rook to F5 is it or Bishop oh dear good game oh man and you've got to go here to H4 and that's when we come in with the Rook we go with the pawn and then we deliver the chck me with the Rook yeah okay and let's just see there's also G5 but I guess I don't know if that's like faster it probably doesn't matter we'll just go with this one that we already calculated it's forced because it's all checks and oh there's even uh there's a faster Checkmate right I could do that or this is better let's just verify yeah all right well well played I would I'll say by Corner chess um found some nice moves didn't make too many huge blunders I mean the game kind of got away after G3 but very well played I'm actually going to analyze the game with Corner chess uh we're going to do a little meeting and talk through it so if you want to see that he's going to be posting that on his channel I'll link it in the description go check that out but I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know how we can improve this series and I'll see you next time stay sharp play smart and take care and again big thanks to Corner chess for playing against me go check out the follow-up discussion that we're about to [Music] have
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 217,206
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Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: 2nsfNuHX7xI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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