HOW TO THINK - Beginners Watch This! Chess Rating Climb 481 to 557 ELO ( speedrun)

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hey guys continuing the raid and climb we're 481 about to cross the 500 Mark here we go so Scandinavian defense easiest thing to do is just take it and when they capture with the queen we'll gain a tempo of bringing out our Knight all right so they just go back which is pretty solid for for black let's develop both Knights probably gonna play D4 get the Bishops out Castle and keep it simple opponent plays F6 so as soon as I see a move like that um I've said it before you know this diagonal I want to keep an eye on also this diagonal there's some weaknesses that are created here because of this move now I don't see anything immediately but I am going to keep an eye there let's go ahead and actually play Bishop C4 and immediately kind of try to take advantage of some of those weaknesses I'd like to move my knight potentially and think about this move but I'm just going to kind of keep that in the back actually now might be a good time so let's think about this if I capture this and black recaptured I do have Queen H5 check and there's kind of a common tact to hear of after G6 I can capture here and Fork both of these pieces question for you guys watching the video though there's one move that black has in that situation that I'm afraid of can you figure out what it is so just to recap tags takes Queen H5 check G6 takes here with the fork what am I afraid of if you had a chance to look at that what I'm afraid of is that after this happens black can play Queen E7 which actually pins the Queen to my king so I won't be able to get the Rook so that's uh kind of the only thing that I don't love about that line and so with that in mind I think I'm in a castle and now I would be comfortable playing that but I think right there it was actually just going to be trading at night for two pawns and then the queen trade would have been forced I would probably go into an end game just just down that material so doesn't quite work in this case but I am keeping my on and now now's a different story because now the same line except if Queen E7 happens guess what there's no pin and I'll simply take the Rook okay so now I am going to play it you can see how that subtle difference of castling uh determined whether or not I was gonna go for this line and of course if black doesn't block with G6 the king's in trouble if it goes here I have an immediate Checkmate if it goes over here still probably going to be hunting the king and I'm happy with that and so G6 was kind of the only move I was worried about but now we do have follow-up which is actually going to be a triple Fork on these these pieces okay see exactly what I was talking about Queen to E7 if my king was still here I would have been pinned right but I'm not and so I am able to take this this piece I can also take this one but Rooks are better than Bishops so I will take the Rook with the check and after King here we actually have a nice little tactic it's [Music] um removing the guard I believe is the term we're going to bring the bishop in oh he doesn't do that okay well I'll just take it and here's a Checkmate so kind of like the four move Checkmate if you get the queen on F7 uh the game is over so there we go let's play a new game a 511 all right let's play E5 we're just mirroring the pawns let's defend and all right let's go for the two knights defense we'll see if our Point okay our opponent does not go for the fried liver so this is a line I covered on the channel before in a video capturing here and the point is we give up the piece so that we can Fork these guys and get it right back and it actually turns out to be a very nice position for us so I will take this and this is an interesting moment because at first glance it looks like we might be in trouble there's two pieces lined up here it's pinned we can't move it um of course we could defend but there's also an aggressive move here that I want to there's actually two aggressive moves that I want to look at Queen to D5 and queen to G5 both of these have different ideas this one the point is we're forking these pieces and then if the let's just say the bishop takes we would simply take back here would be hitting the Knight and I don't know where the knight's gonna go to if the Knight takes I could again take this way and be hitting the bishop or I could actually just take the bishop so a lot of options and then also Queen G5 the idea is that if this happens yeah I probably wouldn't go for this line but it could get pretty wild I think after looking at that I do like the queen D5 one better so let's go for this a very complicated and wild position already okay wow what a move by my opponent um very very clever idea of basically saying I'll defend my knight if you try to take my Bishop um I will come over here and try to Checkmate you and uh quite a few things to think through here so in a position like this what I'm going to do is kind of start with the obvious moves so the what's the obvious moves here capturing one of these two pieces right if I take the Knight what's going to happen well Queen takes and can I recapture no I cannot because it's pinned so that would be a huge blunder so I can immediately eliminate that move what about taking here um well what's white most likely going to do I think it's pretty obvious they're going to take here with the queen I'm gonna have to move over and then what's the situation looking like I don't see an immediate move for white they could take here which would kind of just be a trade they might try to push this Pawn forward and unleash the bishop which is a little bit scary but I would have some time to react um so definitely thinking about taking the bishop now do I have any other moves well what about the move G6 because I'm noticing that the queen uh would either have to move or if yeah white couldn't really sacrifice that they would lose the queen they would have to move the queen away and then I could probably capture one of these pieces and I gained a little Tempo on the queen so I think that's probably the better move this also looks okay but it is a bit scary allowing the queen to come in and then if after this pawn moves like I have to watch out for the threat here so rather than deal with all that I think G6 is probably the move that I'm gonna play so G6 but a very tricky position surprising move by my opponent uh that's pretty pretty good for a 500 rated player to be thinking that aggressively honestly okay so here we can't take with the queen because we would lose it so we have to recapture this way and we still have the attack on the queen and the Knight it looks to me like um Queen G5 is probably the only move for white Save the Queen defend the Knight but I do have an idea against that and so let's see if that's what white is going to do he does play that very very solid all right so let's see which one do I want to do this one attacks the queen right away it's probably gonna have to go back to here or here and then maybe I could follow up with Bishop D6 or I could just immediately play this put the pressure on the Knight also threatens the four gear I think that's maybe that's better so let's play Bishop G7 um and white has to figure out how they're going to deal with the threat on the Knight D4 and F4 probably the only moves but you do have to watch out for on passant as well as this Fork here and I don't know how White's going to save everything okay wow interesting move so they try to counter attack my queen um so how do I deal with both of these things at the same time well I saved my queen and I capture the Knight with my queen and so there we go we get the piece and now we're just in a winning position all right let's complete the trade all right so um let's finish our development is what I'm thinking about doing let's go Bishop E6 develop and attack at the same time also gives me the option to Castle either direction and we'll see what White's gonna do first okay they're attacking this giving up the pawn I think um I don't think I want to take it because it looks like after The Rook takes there's a fork and I'm going to be losing a piece so F5 is a move that comes to mind um or just castling and getting my king out of this the line of fire here so pretty good move by my opponent actually let's go ahead and play F5 we'll defend it but D3 and F3 would be a would be a pretty good move yes and I can't really capture because of this so I think um what's the best thing to do here I think I'll go ahead and capture this Pawn and after this happens I'm going to get my Bishop out of the line of fire with a check and then I'll either uh probably Castle this way with the plan of recapturing the pawn like that I think that looks like a good a good idea but it's it just you do have to be careful when your king is in line right if I were to make a casual move here and just like let's say capture this I'm in trouble the rook's gonna capture bam hit that bam hit that it's also pinning it to my king so I do have to watch out for that so let's go here check save the bishop and then we'll deal with the King next move I'm gonna go this way okay so let's do that we'll Castle kingside we can recapture with the Rook double up Rooks and we have a nice aggressive position here on on Weiss King all right that looks to be a free Pawn so let's go ahead and take that I'm not worried about this one because I can capture with a pawn and defend my Bishop normally you have to be careful lining up your pieces like that but in this case I see I see a way out okay I will take it with the rook and again I'm not worried about this because there's a back rank thread here on on White's King so the rookie can't actually leave and capture me even if this were to happen so the same plan I'm going to bring this Rook over double up and we have the ability to come down here and deliver the Checkmate on White's King if they don't stop that okay um so let's go ahead and trade just because we are up to piece trading makes our life easier and we'll bring this Rook over threatening the back rank Checkmate so I'm leaving this intentionally because I have a bigger threat which is Checkmate on F1 if white were to capture this so they have to deal with that maybe something like H3 bringing the Rook back and then we will save the bishop at that point they do play that all right so let's go ahead and trade remember when you are ahead a significant amount of material like a full piece in this case trading generally speaking makes your life easier so that's what I'm gonna do we'll take it with check and now I'm going to try to think about how do I want to deal with you know deal with this attack is there like a safe place that I can put my bishop or can I attack something and so this Square looks very nice for my Bishop because it's defended by the pawn it's right you know in the center attacking a lot of controlling a lot of important squares so I think I'm just going to go ahead and do that so I'll just go here relocate it to there notice the important thing about this square is that none of the Pawns can attack that square so that's kind of an important feature this Square would not be as good because B3 A4 and I have to move again right B5 and I don't have to worry about moving that Bishop right now I could just leave it sit there and attack stuff okay so speaking of attacking stuff I see the opportunity to put my Rook on the second rank line up here seems to be a very annoying threat for white to deal with only move that I see is Rook to G3 but then the Rook is kind of taken out of the game and it's stuck defending the pawn and I can okay well they don't do that so I will just take the pawn but if they did that I was going to go ahead and start bringing my king you know over to probably this side of the board um and hunt down these Pawns but in this case we'll just take that okay and now I'm looking for a Checkmate actually whenever you see your opponent's king and there's not a lot of squares that are available you want to start thinking about do you have any checkmating ideas so if I push this Pawn check the King goes here check the king is going to be able to escape so how can I prevent that well maybe bring my king up so let's go King G7 now I'm threatening Chuck checkmate and if the Rook comes down I can come here and I'm threatening Checkmate this way so I don't know if that's an easy threat for white to deal with yes they can play The Rook there but then I can still go check and I'm winning the rook and don't really see too many other options for why any other options for white for that matter okay so they don't see that and we do have the checkmate with the pawn there all right good game almost 500 497 here we go all right let's play E5 again let's defend and we'll see what White's gonna do okay so they play the rui Lopez um one option that you have here is What's called the Berlin defense where you just bring this Knight out right away and this is a super solid opening this is you'll see this a lot at the top levels um playing this you can actually capture this way and it looks like I'm losing a pawn but if Whitewater capture this there's this follow-up Queen to D4 move and you actually get your Pawn right back and you get an aggressive Place placement for your queen so what we're going to do here is we're going to pin the Knight and if white attacks us I'm going to try to illustrate yes perfect so I'm going to illustrate What's called the um the fishing pole trap and essentially what it is is you play the move H5 and if yeah if the opponent takes you you capture with the pawn and it unleashes your Rook and now you basically try to get your queen to come over and deliver the Checkmate so that's what we're going to look to do now we have to be a little careful here that we don't give uh White the option to defend and save themselves so let's think through this carefully how do we want to do this so um moving the Knight and then bringing the queen here is one option the only thing I'm worried about is if I let's just say capture this what if the queen takes does is that going to mess up my plan looks like it kind of is so let's see if we can think of a different way to do this so Queen to D6 the point is that if the Knight moves we have Checkmate back there there is going to be D4 and so is that something that I'm okay with I can also go Queen to D4 myself try to attack the Knight this way where's the Knight going to go if I do that there's a lot of ways we can approach this let's actually go with Queen to D4 I think uh there's Knight takes G4 do I really want to allow that hmm yes interesting the only issue here is there's Bishop F4 if the bishop gets to F4 it can actually really defends pretty nicely this so um mm-hmm all right we'll play Queen to D4 this also sets up for me to Castle queenside um and I think I think that this isn't the ideal situation for the fishing pole trap but this is kind of the general idea you give up that piece it opens up the rook and you look for checkmates there's a different version of it actually where I think the Knight is not on F6 I think that's the difference because if the Knight wasn't on F6 I would just immediately go Queen here and the game is over and that's kind of what I was trying to do and I guess I forgot that the Knight was blocking you know white just blenders at night so we're basically right back uh into a winning position but yeah I kind of misplayed that a little bit just to illustrate right here yeah I think it's if this Knight was like back here is kind of the standard trap and then you bring the queen over and like that anyway it works out this way for us let's keep going that's a good idea to keep in the back of your mind a fishing pole trap it's very dangerous and we did cross 500 so all right here we go okay looks like a Caro con we're just gonna get the center and we're just going to defend with our Knight and we're ready to recapture okay um let's just go ahead and trade we'll just keep it simple straight off the pawn develop our pieces okay let's play Bishop E2 we'll just go ahead and break the pin right away so that our Knight is free to move our opponent does trade it but now we have this bishop hitting the D5 Pawn I'm probably going to Castle next move yep I think we'd go ahead and castle probably we'll bring our Rook to the open half open file I should say go ahead and do that we are threatening this Pawn now um so this point is pinned so that's not defending we could take take I'm just wondering what happens after the check here looks like there's a nice little tactic where black actually does come out on top so this is a bad move uh and the reason it's a bad move is it weakens these squares so I think I'd like to take advantage of that right away and I'm going to play the move Bishop to H6 and this is a really annoying move because it prevents black from castling so remember the king cannot pass through check on the way to Castle and so that just kind of guarantees that Black's King is going to be stuck in the center for at least another few moves black could move these in Castle queenside that at least gives me two moves to potentially try to attack the king okay so black is trying to get rid of my Bishop but in doing so they actually trapped their rook and so we'll play Bishop G7 and The Rook is now stuck and we'd simply take it next move okay um what's the threat well that's defended maybe the queen is is trying to come over here at some point later and threaten Checkmate but we'll have time to deal with that so I'll go ahead and take the Rook I also still have this pin and I'm looking at this Pawn right here now might be a good time to take this next move depending on what black is going to do okay so we have this we have this both look like pretty good options um this one maybe looks a little bit better to me so I'll take this one with the Knight the reason is after I take here with the Rook Ink's probably going to go to D7 I have to waste some time with my Rook um and so this way I think I'll just keep that move for later and and go ahead and get my knight a little bit closer to the action okay so now I think it's a good time to play this move it's a fork on these pieces so if the king simply moves we're gonna take the bishop same thing here and so probably the bishop needs to go back but then it opens up the square for a fork and it doesn't look good for black you can see the importance of castling and bringing your Rooks to the open for half open files um where the king is it's very very dangerous all right let's go ahead and take three piece don't have a lot of things that are being attacked uh that black has to be careful for okay so let's count here one two three four Defenders we have three attackers so we can't quite take that although maybe we can because if you look carefully this Knight can't actually move so if I were to take here this Knight has to capture then we take again the Knight can't really move if the queen takes I'm happy because I'm getting a queen and so even though it doesn't really look like it I think we actually can take that probably take with the Knight or the bishop since my Bishop is kind of stuck in the corner maybe I should just take with the bishop maybe then actually maybe the night first so that I can follow up with the bishop which Forks these guys it's probably doesn't matter but I'll go ahead and take with the Knight and whenever you have pins it a lot of times opens up tactics just like this and so here we can see even though I lost my knight I'm gonna get a rook which is actually a good trade for me okay so is there a threat that we need to worry about well these are being attacked but um The Queen Is Not assisting the Knight so I don't have to worry about that but also just take the Knight it is under Fire my Rook is under attack so I probably want to deal with that um what's the easiest way to do this probably let's just throw in a check save the rook and then maybe we take this next move but notice how I was just kind of identifying all the different things that were going on in the position the fact that my Rook was attacked the fact that I could take the Knight you know was my king safe and then decided to play uh this move and here we go now I can take that and at the same time it defends my rook and so that's great we're setting up now to probably bring the queen over and there should be a Checkmate soon to follow oops okay so like I mentioned I'm gonna bring the queen and um start looking for checkmates here okay I don't see one just yet I can't go there I can't go here um I can't go there because the queen I do have this ah and there you go so there's the Checkmate so you keep looking at your different options make sure you you know check out all the options before you just dismiss it um and here we see a good example of there's the Checkmate Queen can now come down and that's game over okay 5 15. play another one all right we're gonna play E4 and maybe we'll try to play a different opening this game just to kind of mix it up try to play a Gambit or something okay um so there's one Gambit here it's not really a good Gambit as far as I wouldn't play it at the top level but anything below like 1800 this is a probably a fun one to play but you give up the pawn the idea is you can sacrifice your Bishop here and then come out with a queen check to win back the night okay so you're gonna see what I'm talking about and I'll show you why it's not really a good opening as well but um it's it's annoying for black and they have to kind of know what they're doing or they can get into trouble so you do this and then you come over and you take back your piece now why is this tricky for black well because they can't Castle their King is kind of exposed they have to be careful however if they're smart and they know what they're doing uh they can play Bishop G7 Rook f8 put their King back on G8 and it's kind of like they castled and it's actually a better position for black so that's why it's not really an opening that I would play at the top level but um lower rated players tend to have a hard time with this and so I just just a good one I wanted to show you okay and we see a blunder here which um is pretty straightforward we just take the Rook okay identify the threat uh packing this Pawn not really a huge concern I'm going to go ahead and take the piece and I do see that after this I can Castle get my king away and save my uh bishop and everything is fine so I am planning ahead for that uh even if it looks like I might be ignoring it okay I actually didn't see that um but we can simply side set that is a good move from our opponent because it forces us to not be able to Castle but that's okay we'll just go here the reason I'm choosing this way is because I want to be able to use my rook and so this gives me the option to play rookie one and activate the Rook if I would have went to F1 The Rook is kind of stuck and can't come over so we'll go here um I did I did miss that one but uh you know or oh okay and now I'm seeing uh a Checkmate right so let's be careful uh good good attempt by our opponent I will say that also have to be careful of this because sometimes if the queen can sacrifice sorry if a piece can sacrifice there could be some Perpetual checks I don't think it works in this case but I also think that I like this move better so we're just gonna defend with the Rook we defend the Checkmate and at the same time we attack the queen remember what I say about you can do two or three things at the same time that's pretty good I'm activating a rook hacking a queen I'm defending the Checkmate three nice things all at the same time that seems like a pretty nice move also I'm starting to think about this like if this bishop comes out somewhere uh The Rook would be attacking my queen but keep that in mind you know does black have any tricks uh tricky tactics or anything related to that okay um looking around kind of scanning and I see this move which looks like a nice Fork where I can win the queen so I don't think I have to think too much uh past that we can just go here and take the queen okay and now I'm just kind of looking for pieces that are undefended and I noticed this one so we'll take that with check and let's see we'll take this with check and that looks like Checkmate next so opponent actually had some nice threats there I missed that Queen E4 move but uh there you go and let's go ahead and play a new game well they want to rematch all right we'll play them one more time play them one more time okay let's try to play um another interesting opening let me think what we should play here um let's play this one we'll play B6 this is a what is the name of this opening I don't actually know what this is called but we're gonna feed and Kettle the bishop over here but we're gonna play E6 and this is a way that you can set up your pieces if you would like uh okay let's go E6 and basically what happens is this bishop kind of cuts across the center and then this bishop a lot of times can go to B4 if the Knight comes out pins the Knight potentially trades for the Knight and you get a lot of control over these two squares and so yeah you're gonna see what I'm talking about after I play Bishop B4 eliminating the Knight and what ends up happening is now look at this we've got these guys we're really controlling I don't know why um white did that they could have taken us if they didn't see that so we'll just keep taking stuff over here but assuming they would have taken us we played Knight to E4 and kind of get some control of the center that way okay we'll take that okay so what's the threat our Bishop is under Fire but I think we will simply Retreat we could also play Queen E7 to defend but then it leaves this Pawn and defended and so I think probably the best thing is just retreat and we'll Castle next move most likely okay so the Rook comes up and what do I notice although they're both on the same diagonal so Bishop to C6 looks like it's going to win some material and I know I said I was going to Castle but my king is pretty safe I don't have to Castle immediately and because this tactic is available I think I will go ahead and go for that all right and our opponent does resign let's play a new opponent now and let's play uh let's see if we can play a different opening here let's play D4 and maybe we'll play a London we'll play a London I don't really play the London often but we'll give it a shot so basically you play D4 you bring your Bishop out you make this little Pawn pyramid kind of deal and it's very solid so we're gonna see that here you don't have a lot of weaknesses when you play the London and that's one of the reasons why it's a pretty good opening for beginners and you can basically do the same thing almost every game pretty much against whatever your opponent is going to do so lots of of reasons why you might want to try this if you haven't if you haven't ever played in London all right let's go ahead and put the Knight here so these guys are enacted we can always recapture with this Knight we just have a lot of control over these dark squares right you can see how all of our pawns are kind of controlling dark squares we got the bishop we got this Knight and very very solid um let's put the bishop on three eventually we probably will want to play E4 and keep pushing in the center but that's only when you're ready so you set it up like this first you get all your pieces looking nice and pretty you Castle you get your Rooks where you want them and then you probably want to think about pushing one of these pawns forward to gain some more space but we will we will wait before we do that all right let's go ahead and castle and I think what I will probably do next okay so it looks to me like our opponent wants to play E5 which is not really a big deal um they can do that and doesn't really bother me too much I'm gonna go ahead and bring the bishop back this is a move that you know sometimes you can plan ahead like I did here I was gonna have to probably move that Bishop anyway and so I went ahead and did it early and so now that E5 is played I don't have to worry about that I can do something else one of the nice things about the London is you've got so many pawns protecting this D4 square that even if they attack it like this you can just let them take it and you just recapture right and you're fine but I'm not really worried about that I do want to make sure that that E4 is not an option because that would Fork my pieces but there's nothing defending it right now so I'm not concerned about that maybe after F5 then I would have to um but right now that's fine so I think what I'm gonna do let's see probably gonna move my queen just to get out of the pin I just want to give myself options in case I need to move this Knight or something I don't want it to be pinned so let me go ahead and move it now where do I want to move it to you're here here let's go here just creating the battery which doesn't do a whole lot at the moment but um really I'm just trying to get out of the pin so that's kind of the idea okay and actually after this move all of a sudden this battery now becomes much more attractive as far as I mean I might even want to sacrifice this right now takes takes takes Bishop is going to be under attack Black's King is weaker um I don't have to do that but it's something that I'm kind of thinking about yeah and I think I will I think I will actually um you know is this the best trade no I'm giving up three points for two but practically speaking when you can open up your opponent's king uh I think it's a it's a good you know a good thing to think about especially at lower levels if you're not like 2500 or something you can probably you'll probably see that you win more games than you lose when you play this way okay so you have the thread here already that black has to deal with and what I'm going to be doing now is start thinking okay they didn't see it um good move otherwise they're trying to trade queens and control some of those squares unfortunately for them they forgot about the bishop but um what I was going to say is I was going to try to think through how can I get some more pieces over to the king side to attack potentially moving this Knight playing F4 and getting the rook in was one idea and some other ideas depending on what black was going to do but unfortunately we didn't get a chance to see that okay is there a threat with this move I don't really think so it's not really going there uh pushing this Pawn okay I don't really care about that and so I'm going to continue on uh with my plan so I'm gonna play I'm actually gonna play D5 and just kind of shut down these these dark squares if I can maybe next move I'll play E4 and the point is this bishop just looks really bad to me and gaining this this control of the square looks pretty powerful so E5 makes sense to me also secondary idea is it takes away this Square from the Knight but B4 is actually a threat to trap the Knight so a lot of things that that move does kind of all at the same time okay so C6 I think the best move was just before because the Knight that we talked about can't go back you can't go here and so B4 just looks like the most logical move yes we will lose a pawn it doesn't really matter we're gonna get the Knight over here all right so let's count up here we have one two three four it's only defended one time let's go ahead and take it and if black or you have black captures this looks good because of this this Square we can hop the knight in but this looks good because then The Rook can play a role so both look good I'll go with this yeah I'll go with this one but I could see merits to both of them this one keeps my pawns looking a little bit nicer um but yeah both of them looked looked pretty good all right let's go ahead and jump in here defended by the queen and we have a Checkmate threat is the big one but also an attack on The Rook so Rook F7 seems to be probably the only move that really saves the game for um for black they didn't see that forgot about the Checkmate and so we'll go ahead and take that okay good game to our opponent let's play a new new one here and all right let's play a different opening just to just to mix it up a little bit let's play the Scandinavian this this time and [Music] um there's two lines that I like to play you can either capture with the queen or you can calculate they didn't even take it so we'll take here and this is gonna go into like an end game sort of not necessarily an end game but trading Queens early you're more likely to go to an end game but because white doesn't have castling rights I think that that makes a lot of sense for us to do and usually when this queen trade happens what I like to do is Castle queenside as quickly as I can and I get the tempo of The Rook putting the king in check and so it's like you develop all your pieces and get on the offensive very very quickly when you do this you can see already white has to deal with the check to their King which it's not like a super powerful check to be honest with you they can just block it and they're fine but I do like that my king is safe and my Rook is already active in the game so that's that's kind of what I like about it okay and they do play a nice move and defend let's just develop our pieces here and and create some attacks we'll attack the pawn on e4 alright so our opponent sidesteps the pin but they don't deal with the threat on the pawn and so we will go ahead and take that all right so since we're ahead I'm leaning towards just trading normally I wouldn't give up my Bishop for a night but in this case since I won a trade and kind of simplify some things I think I will we already got the pawn so as we get closer to the end of the game that's better news for us and so I am going to go ahead and actually just do this double trade to make that happen as quickly as possible and I think I will play yeah we'll go Knight to D4 it's attacking the bishop so threatening another trade also threatening the fork here and just a nice Central Square for the Knight okay Bishop check so how do I deal with this well I could move to the side but then white has time to do something maybe defend this or I could play this move F5 which blocks the check but also attacks the bishop and I still have this thread over here so it's much more difficult for white to deal with this now they can still play Bishop to D1 which would be a nice move for white saves the bishop and defends but then I gain some space with my pawns I can play E5 and I actually have these two Pawns in the center okay they didn't see the fork and so I will go ahead and do that and take the Rook okay take the Rook and let's go ahead and play E5 it's a nice uh centralized move here controls all these squares with my pawns also lets out the bishop and so that's looking great okay this is under attack I think I will again do two things at the same time E4 uh saves my Pawn from being captured but also attacks the bishop and actually have the bonus here that the bishop is trapped like it only has one place to go over here and then I can play G6 and I have this really nice pretty Pawn chain which is um totally taking away all the squares from the bishop so white is in trouble and about to lose lose this bishop as well okay we'll take the bishop yes we're gonna lose a pawn but Bishop is obviously more valuable all right and now things have kind of settled down it's time to finish the development where do I want to put this I don't know there could be lots of places let's go to G7 because we're attacking here and probably F6 kind of blockading this past Pawn seems like a pretty good Square for it and so this is kind of what I'm what I'm leaning towards right now okay so the king comes up um I think what I will do is bring this Rook over to defend the pawn so again doing two things at the same time defending the pawn but also activating a piece that I wasn't really using okay so we have both Rooks lined up and I'm starting to think about moves like Rook to D3 check forcing the king out of there maybe Rook over to F3 check yeah if the king comes up um also at the end of the game Rooks on the second rank tend to be pretty powerful so I would like to go here of course I can't because the Knight would take me so maybe B5 and then Rook to D2 is a powerful move because this is going to be a fork on these two Pawns and the Knight is really the only thing stopping that from happening so let's let's play B5 now I could also just take this Pawn once the Knight moves but I think it's going to be more beneficial to me to actually get the Rook down there um and then I'm actually going to be threatening to take like all three of those pawns so yeah I think that's what we'll do instead oh hello now that this happened I'm gonna change what I just said I was gonna go here but because the night in the Rooker position this way this is actually a fork and so I will go back to the bishop because of that it's a you know just a basic tactic um otherwise if you imagine let's just say that the Knight would have went like here I was probably gonna bring the Rook down and said okay all right let's play one more game for this video we're at 5 50. and um let's play Knight to F3 this game just kind of mixing it up maybe we'll play like a king's Indian type of setup okay let's play G3 King's Indian attack you and keto this bishop over here and usually if they have the option to push E4 on you you want to take that away so I will play D3 first before I play the bishop I don't want that pawn to get annoying and face my knight away okay Bishop to G2 defending and we will be very happy I will be very happy to see that why because now this bishop is very very difficult for our opponent to deal with and already we can see uh you know some some nice benefits even if we didn't have that though this was going to be a long-term piece that was going to put a lot of pressure on our opponent so whenever you play The King's Indian very happy to see it now here this is a tough decision normally it's a no-brainer Bishop for a rook when you play the king's Indian sometimes you actually have problems along these light squares I'm going to go ahead and do it because I do see a relatively easy way to kind of fix things so and but you have to be careful like for example if I were to play the move E4 here black could actually sacrifice the queen comes in and all of a sudden I'm getting Forks now maybe I could survive by going here to unleash the queen but that looks like a very dangerous position I don't want to put myself in that so I'm gonna play the move F3 and it's not a move that you would normally play but in this case I have to because it really deals with this threat very nicely okay and now I think we can play E4 and kind of shut down the queen along that diagonal since I've lost my Bishop I want to put some pawns on those light squares to help control those squares okay and that's what I'm I'm doing here all right so let's keep developing we've kind of solidified our weaknesses that black was attacking now we want to finish our development notice how like a lot of times there's a balancing act of like okay I want to develop but I also have a weakness that I need to deal with and so you have to kind of go back and forth between like okay develop a piece okay deal with this weakness okay develop a piece deal with this weakness and that's one of the difficult Parts about Chess is knowing like exactly when to do what thing and some people get confused about that it comes with a lot of practice and exposing yourself to a lot of situations so here I have a couple of options I think I will just go and take the pawn for free because it's a free Pawn but also I wanted to develop my Bishop anyway so again two things at the same time right okay we're under attack probably should save that although I see an opportunity here for a nice move Knight to D5 I'm gonna play it what am I doing I'm actually counter attacking both of these pawns this is my main threat right forking these guys so if this happens I'm gonna get the fork but if not I'm gonna potentially just take that pawn and I didn't even have to move my Bishop now black can actually save everything by going here which defends both of these they find it so nice job to our opponent um but I got this move kind of for free and now I can deal with my Bishop so let's actually just Retreat this is a very nice Square kind of tucked behind the pawns the bishop is very well defended okay good move by my opponent I do have to retreat uh you know unfortunately everything is kind of covered and so the best thing for me to do now is just to go back okay um let's finish developing let's put the queen up and now we are ready to Castle both directions and go from there okay and opponent does not see the bishop and so we will take that and all right let's continue on I'm gonna go ahead and Castle sometimes you have to be careful when your pawns have been moved forward but in this case the queen is doing a nice job of Defending on top of that you know black blunder the queen so we don't have to worry about that and so I'm much more comfortable hassling on a side where my pawns have been moved forward otherwise maybe it would have been better to go this way other reason here is I'm thinking about playing a move like F4 and capturing to unleash my rook and I just like the fact that when I Castle my Rook is automatically on the f file so that I think makes a lot of sense and yeah I will go ahead and go forward with that plan F4 trying to open up the Rook so we have all these major pieces we can't really use them right now because uh the files are closed and so the best way to open things up is to just trade a bunch of Pawns and then once the files are open you can use those valuable pieces all right so I am going to keep an eye on my king and plan a little bit for this but uh it looks to me like I can tuck my king in the corner and I'll be just fine so I'm not super concerned about that I think I am going to continue forward with opening up the position so that I can you know do stuff like this okay opponent is attacking this a lot which is actually not a bad plan I'll give that to them um and let's see how do we want to do this do I want to defend do I want to just ignore that and go on the offensive to have a lot of pieces attacking F4 pretty funny um yeah I think what I will do um yeah I think actually we'll defend no actually tricky position I'm just noticing they can actually take here and it's pinned how about that all right uh with that in mind I'm just gonna take this I just want to open this file up so I can start attacking yes I'm gonna lose this but uh we do get some nice counter play here with the Rook coming over and the nice thing about this is I can always tuck my king in the corner which is a very safe Square for my king there's no light squared Bishop there's no Queen and there's really no way for black to attack my king if I go there so that's kind of my backup move and why I'm not really concerned by this okay um let's see uh what do we want to do I think we can invade with the Rook this will happen what's the follow-up or I can simply bring my knight over and start attacking me this way let's do that oh there oh there is a check here just saw that one so because of that I am going to go ahead and move my king I'm gonna get out of that um tactic where I will lose my queen very nice move by my opponent there um yeah that I that I kind of missed actually okay let's see yeah I think now is a safe time to bring the Knight over we're attacking this and uh in some cases maybe I would come back here if I needed to defend or something but probably just this is the main threat Okay so we've got the discovered check let's see how we can make the most of this here probably you know this is a tough position only because there's like lots of threats from the knights and the Bishops and the rook and when you're in a position like that where you're trying to figure out how to defend and there's a lot going on the best thing to do I've said it many times is trade pieces what I'm looking for here with this discover check that I have is how can I force some trades and I see a way to do that I'm going to play here with check from the rook and next move I'm going to trade here actually it's more than a trade because I have the follow-up Bishop there but even if it was just a trade I would be happy to do that so that's what we're gonna go with okay and here we go we've got the check and we do have the follow-up here the Knight actually can't move though because of the PIN and so finally a Black's position falls apart they did a nice job I have to say they did a nice job of of launching an attack even after losing their Queen and Rook early so props to my opponent for for making that happen okay and there's the resignation all right 557 I'm gonna end the video here I'll see you guys next time and as always thanks for watching stay sharp play smart take care
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 487,419
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Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: 2KNRnX1XJkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 41sec (2921 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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