What's The Best Way To Reheat Leftovers?

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- The argument on how to reheat pizza ends today. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) (fire crackling) - "Good Mythical Morning." - We're currently coming down from Thanksgiving here in America. - Yes. - And that means leftovers. And then leftovers from the leftovers. - And the only issue with leftovers is making them taste their best when they're not as fresh as they were the day or maybe the week before. And I think it depends on what food you're talking about personally. - Okay, which is why we're trying many different foods and many different reheating methods. It's time for "What's The Best Way To Reheat Day-Old Salmon? "Oven, Microwave Or The Hood of Dad's Station Wagon?" (crew laughs) - Salmon and wagon. - I tried, Beth. - That doesn't rhyme, guys. I'm just gonna be honest with you. Salmon wagon. Get off of the salmon wagon. - Salmon wagon. We're also not trying salmon. - We're not even trying salmon or wagons. - We are gonna be presented with a series of day-old leftover foods that have been reheated in a variety of ways. I'm talking oven, microwave, skillets. - Skillek. - Skillek. - Skillek. - Et cetera. - So, we polled the entire Mythical crew to determine which method that they thought would be the best to reheat different food items. And in each round, we're gonna guess which item was reheated in that way that they thought was the best. And of course, while we're at it, we're actually gonna tell you which one we think taste the best. - Even if it's different than what the crew thought. - Right. - Because I mean, - Yeah. - we're here. We might as well give our- - They're the ones who came up with salmon wagon. Let's be honest, okay? (crew laughs) So, I don't really trust them. - Points are gonna escalate each around. In the end, the loser is going to have to sniff a Tupperware - Yes? - containing mystery leftovers from the back of the Mythical kitchen fridge. - That's a punishment? - It's the back of the Mythical Kitchener's fridge. - Okay, bring on the old food. (upbeat music) All right, starting out with a heavy hitter. Pepperoni pizza. Stevie, how have these been reheated and what do most people think is the best way to reheat leftover pizza? - [Stevie] I'm so glad you asked me that, Rhett. Because in no particular order, these leftover pizza slices have been microwaved. They've been air fried. They've been oven-cooked and heated in a skillet. 60% of the Mythical crew says that the oven is the best way to reheat leftover pepperoni pizza. - I don't know though. That skillet. What was in the skillet? - [Ellie] The food? (crew laughs) - What do you mean? - I mean, like butter? - [Ellie] Oh, well. It depends on the dish we use. Some of them, we use a little bit of water. Some we use a little bit of cooking oil. Kinda depends. - [Rhett] Oh, it's gonna look a little bit fried on the bottom if it was in a skillet. - [Stevie] So, reminder. For this round, you're looking for the pizza that has been heated in the oven in the end. - Uh-huh. - Nothing special about that. I know we're competing, but I'm not wowed by that. - I don't think this has been, and not that the skillet matters, but this may be microwave. - Yeah, this one's crunchier. - Not in my book. - What book? - The book of crunch. - [Link] Looks pretty even though. - Huh. There's not a lot of difference between those two. - This one I'm getting more mush on everything, on all the toppings. - I'm getting more flavor from this one, but I'm not a huge fan of the consistency. - Yeah, it's got a mushiness on top, right? - Oh, look at this one. That's got microwave written all over it. I mean, look at it. It's just completely floppy time. - Mine not quite floppy time as much though. - Oh but... - Oh. - It's warmer, but that's just because it was more recently done. - I ate the floppy part. (plate clinks) - [Stevie] Is this just bad pizza? 'Cause you guys are reacting as if you're not sitting up there just eating a bunch of pepperoni pizza. You look concerned. - All right. - [Stevie] Do you look upset? - Well, it's difficult. - We're thinking, Stevie. This is our thinking faces. - Those are your thinking faces. Okay. Got it. All right, so. - We're trying hard. - [Stevie] 3, 2, 1. Over the oven. - Three. - I'm gonna say, to me there's no clear winner. So, I'm kinda guessing. I've ruled out a couple. I've narrowed it down to two, but I don't know. - [Stevie] Two, one. - Oop, okay. So, did you like this one the best too? - I did. I actually liked the, I think a lot comes down to the bite. I got a really saucy bite on this one that made it taste better. But I don't know if it was the consistency of the, I just don't know. - Okay. - [Stevie] Was that your favorite one, Link? Plate one? - Yes. - I think this is my favorite one right here. - [Link] I think that's this. I'm changing my answer to this one. I think this is the oven. - You can't do that. - Well, I did. - [Stevie] I will allow it. - I think this is the oven 'cause I think that's my favorite. And I think it's the skillet. - This is my favorite and this is the one that I'm not changing my answer. This is the oven that I guessed. - [Stevie] The oven reheated pizza is on plate number one. - And it's the skillet? - The second plate is microwave. - You're a microwave man. - Okay. (crew member laughs) - The third plate is air fried. - Air fryer is better than oven, which is interesting. - [Stevie] And then the last one is the skillet. - Okay. Well, I don't know what we learned. - I can just microwave my pizza cause I'm a dunce. - Yeah, you like microwave the best. I like air fryer the best. But this is the oven. Who knows? I mean. - Neither one of us like skillet or oven the best. (upbeat music) Orange chicken and lo mein. How were these prepped? - [Stevie] Once again in no particular order, the orange chicken and lo mein have been reheated using the power of a microwave. An oven. - That's your thing. - [Stevie] And a skillet on a stove. - Skillet on a stove. - Ooh, skillet on a stove. I would think that the skillet on a stove would change the consistency, the color. But these are all very similar looking. - [Stevie] Well. - This noodle seems more desiccated. - [Stevie] Guys, you don't even know what you're looking for here because 70% of the Mythical crew says that the microwave is the best way to reheat leftover orange chicken and lo mein. So, you're looking for the microwaved plate. - Really? Okay. - That's pretty nice. This is a flavor. - Is that really popular sentiment or just crew sentiment? - I don't know. The crew's very, they're really popular. (crew laughs) Like, amongst their friends. Have you noticed that? - But I think the skillet - Have you ever seen them hanging out with their friends? Everybody's kinda looking at them. (crew laughs) Taking cues from him. We only hire people who other people take cues from. - Which one would you vote for though? I'd vote for the skillet. - Well, which one would I rather do? And which one would I rather wanna taste? I don't wanna go through the trouble of putting things back in a skillet. That's too much trouble. - Is it? - You don't even know how to turn on the stove. - But don't you think that's better? (crew laughs) (hums appreciatively) - [Rhett] I like the first one better than the second one. - [Link] Really? The noodles are a lot better in this one. Noodles are dried up and they don't have any flavor. - Because, well, I'm not gonna tell you what I think. - But you like a dried up, flavorless noodle? - I like the meat better on the first one. - This is challenge. Challenging. (crew laughs) Beyonce's sister. - [Crew Member] Solange. (crew laughs) - Yeah, yep. I'm sure she appreciates that. - [Link] Mhmm. - [Rhett] Wow. Huh. This is the best one. - [Link] By far. - The flavor on those noodles is really intense. Okay, I think I know which one was the microwave. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay. 3, 2, 1. - See? So we both agree that the best one is this one and that it ain't microwaved. So, we disagree with the popular sentiment of the crew. - I think this is the skillet and I think this is the microwave. And I liked the skillet one the best. - I agree with that being the skillet. - [Stevie] The microwaved orange chicken and lo mein is on plate number one. - Aah. - [Stevie] The others are reheated via skillet on plate number two. - Oh? - [Stevie] And then the oven, which not one single crew member voted for. (crew laughs) - Yeah, it's hard to picture putting Chinese leftovers in the oven. It's just not something that you do. - I was completely reversed on all accounts. - Yep. - This was floppiest one. - Doubly wrong. - Didn't like the, that's why I thought it was just thrown into a microwave. - Okay. All right, put it in the oven. (upbeat music) - Okay, this is one that is super relatable right now. You're thinking about this. Thanksgiving leftovers. We've got turkey. We got green bean casserole, mashed potatoes. - Stuffing. - I think some stuffing and a little roll. - Bun. - Okay, what are our options here, Stevie? - [Stevie] These Thanksgiving plates have been cooked via the microwave, air fryer, skillet and oven. And 70% of the Mythical crew says that the microwave is the best way to reheat Thanksgiving leftovers. - [Rhett] Why? - [Link] 'Cause that's what you do. You're so beat. You're on full recovery mode. - I'm just taking bites out of the turkey. - I mean, it's Black Friday. If we're gonna do anything, we gotta conserve for some shopping. - Very big difference in consistency between those two turkeys. - I'm only eating the green bean casserole so far. Something happened to that one. - [Stevie] I think you go with the microwave when you have a number of items that are all different from each other and you're just generally uncertain. The microwave gives you that peace that everything will be nicely mediocre versus something being better than something else. I don't know. - There's a lot of eating going on here. - It's just get it done. Get it over with is what I feel about the microwave. - [Rhett] Okay. - [Link] I'm focusing on sides only for the second time. - I did turkey and green bean casserole and I'm making my decision based on that. - [Stevie] Okay, you're gonna put your hand over the microwaved plate. - Just touching rolls. (crew laughs) - I touch the rolls. - [Stevie] In 3, 2, 1. - I think it's over here and I think this one's the best one though. - I think this is the best one, and I think it's the oven. - [Stevie] Wow. Splitsies. The microwaved plate is plate number four. - Dang. Okay, so what was it about that? - It really was the taters. - Oh, I didn't taste the taters. - The taters are not nearly as good as these taters. They taste like, I'm familiar with the microwave tater. - [Stevie] So, plate number one was air fried. - [Rhett] That's tough to tell the difference between that and the oven. The crispy skin on that is why. I forgot about air fryer. - Was that your favorite plate? - Yeah, it was just 'cause of the crispy skin on the turkey. - [Stevie] Okay, so it's air fried. Two was oven. Three which was Link's favorite was from the skillet. - Interesting. Everything retained its own flavor. And there wasn't as much mixing as I felt with the microwave either. And with what I ate. (chuckles) - we haven't really definitively established that there's one way to do it. - Yeah. - That's better than another so far. - I'm starting to think it doesn't matter. - Right. - This is pointless. - This is a pointless episode. - Just go buy some stuff. - Yeah, right. (upbeat music) - French fries? This is gonna be a disaster. (Stevie chuckles) - Let me tell you. Recently, I had some French fries and your wife was at my house and she was like, "Put them on a cookie sheet and bake them." - [Link] Uh-huh? - So, I did that. (crew laughs) - She's a baker. - I did that. - [Stevie] Okay. For this round we're using the air fryer, oven and microwave and 60% of the Mythical crew says that air frying is the best way to reheat French fries. You're all done, Rhett? Y'all got an air fryer? - I do. Yeah, uh-huh. - [Stevie] I didn't know that was kinda swanky. - They all taste bad. (crew member laughs) - Well, you haven't had these yet. They're the least bad. - [Rhett] Huh. Okay. - [Link] Aren't they? - Yeah, they don't have a, I'm doing this because I'm trying to, - We're doing this now. (coughs) Yeah, you're choking, but we're doing this. What is? - Hit me in the back. Hit me in the back. (coughing) - You get it? - Yeah. - We're fry fondling. Just doing a little fry fondle. - I actually feel like knowing which one's the air fryer and this one is, to me, this feels like the most intuitive round. - [Stevie] Okay, you're guessing the air fryer in three, two, one. - Gotta be here. - I can't win. But I'm not gonna pick another one. - These the only ones that have a little crunchy crunch. - There's no chance that's not air fryer. - [Stevie] The air fried fries are on plate number, bowl number three. - Yeah. - (claps) Boom! - And they're the best. So, three out of four rounds, I said I preferred air frying. So, I think I'm a air fry guy. - [Stevie] Well, and you're saying there's no difference between the first two fries. And the first one is oven and the second one is microwave. So, that's saying something. - They're both really, really, really bad. - Bad. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yes. - Okay. Link takes it. Nine to five. - Whoo. (knocking fist) - Which means I get to smell or have to smell a nasty leftover Tupperware from the Mythical kitchen. - Now, take a deep breath. Breathe out all the way. - We're gonna save that for "Good Mythical More." - No, no. Right now, baby. Right now. Hit it. Don't save it. Don't put it off. What is that? - It's kinda nice. (crew laughs) - [Ellie] Stop. - What is it? - [Ellie] So many disgusting things. - Is it got some curry in it? - [Ellie] There's curry, there's beef jerky, there's granola, there's sauerkraut, there's fish sauce, there's dashi. - I kinda like it. - [Ellie] Are you into it? Oh my god. - Smell it. - No, I won. (crew laughs) - Okay well, I guess I'll take this home with me and put it in an air fryer. (laughs) - Thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Ellie from North Cyprus and... - I'm Nathan from London. And we just met for the first time after four years. - (both) And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Oh, it looks like things are going well. (Rhett and Link laughing) Click the top link to see if we can really taste the difference between butter and margarine in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the "Wheel of Mythicality" is gonna land. The Mythical Black Friday has begun. Get 40% off everything at mythical.com and 25% off all mythical society monthly memberships at mythicalsociety.com through November 29th.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,505,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: XECKwbUh4sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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