What's the BEST MOTHERBOARD for AMD's Ryzen 7 7800X3D?

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foreign [Music] hey everybody Welcome to Crazy Tech Lab and today I've got an awesome video for you because if you happen to have picked up amd's awesome ryzen 7 7800 x3d with 3D V cash recently I'd be very very envious of you if you have because it's a fantastic CPU for gaming then you are going to want to pair that with a motherboard and today we are going to be going through a whole bunch of motherboards to see which ones you might want to consider for your next gaming rig two that we've got here today from MSI plus a whole bunch of others from this uh fabulous motherboard company we're going to be going through and uh to recommend the boards for you based on your price the features that you might want to have and also including some mini icx options as well if you want to build a small form factor PC for your new socket am5 system so today we will be going through specifically these two boards seeing the difference between the x670e chipset and the B6 b650 uh the mpg b650 carbon Wi-Fi which is what we've got what we've got here the b650 chipset obviously a little bit cheaper overall than the x670e but with maybe a few less connectivity options so we'll be getting into the nitty-gritty of that in a minute and obviously if you want to go all out then the x670e chipset is probably the one for you but the tomahawk that we've got here is traditionally a much cheaper Great Value motherboard there have been some cracking Tomahawk motherboards in the past so it'd be very interesting to see what happens when you mix Tomahawk with x670e and just how expensive it is so moving down to b650 we've got the mpg6 b650 carbon Wi-Fi so this is the lower end of MS size socket M5 options basically so the b650 chipset is a little bit cheaper but it depends where you are in the world as to how big a price Gap is between these two motherboards and these two chipsets but as I say we'll be going through plenty of other options as well today courtesy of MSI to see which of its motherboards you might want to consider for your brand new gaming rig so first of all though don't forget to like comment and subscribe on this video and if you do subscribe don't forget to turn on the notifications so you don't miss when any new videos are uploaded because we've got lots and lots of cool stuff more motherboard reviews especially with mini ITX we've also got some slim fan group tests coming up as well as PC modding and a whole bunch of other stuff so don't forget to subscribe and turn on those notifications so in terms of the pricing the MSI x670e Tomahawk Wi-Fi it include does include Wi-Fi will set you back around 310 dollars now in the UK it's 349 pounds so there's a bit of a markup there over here in the UK at the moment I have seen some slightly cheaper option options but they seem to be on like one-time deal things for a couple of days so for now I'm going with 349 pounds uh similar price in Euros as well for this motherboard now if you drop down to the b650 version um or the version of the board that we've got here obviously this is the carbon Wi-Fi which is not exactly the same model that will set you back three hundred dollars so there's just a ten dollar difference between these two boards so it's going to be interesting to see what the differences are and which one you might want to consider if you go for the 7800 x3d now in the UK there is a much bigger price gap between these two motherboards as you'd expect the b651 is a lot cheaper it is 320 pounds but this one is 349 pounds so you're already dealing with a 30 pound saving rather than just ten dollars so that's quite a significant difference when it comes to opening your wallet now if you go for the tomahawk b650 board so this is the x66 the x67x670e version so many of these chipsets around at the moment the x670e version um that's obviously more expensive as we just mentioned um that is 349 pounds or 309 if you go for the b650 version it only costs 239 dollars so you're saving a huge amount of cash there and it's similar similar in the UK and in fact it's even more because this board costs 349 pounds remember and the b650 version 240 pounds so you're saving 90 pounds just by opting for b650 so it's going to be very interesting to see the differences and what in the features that you're actually giving or giving up or getting uh on which way you go between swapping between b650 and x670e so another option you might want to consider is the MSI Pro b650p Wi-Fi now this is right at the lower end of msi's options but it does include Wi-Fi and you do obviously have the full soccer M5 package here ddr5 support required as well but the motherboard is only 200 so we're finally seeing some much much more affordable motherboards here for amd's socket am5 so 200 and in the UK the UK in pounds we're dealing with 200 pounds or 209 to be specific so again you're saving a lot of money on both sides around 30 pounds in the UK over the b650 tomahawk Wi-Fi or around 40 dollars going up to the tomahawk Wi-Fi the b650 version of course not this one this is more expensive one so if you want to go for Mini ITX we do have an option as well um there aren't that many motherboards for soccer am5 at the moment for the simple reason not not all manufacturers include what uh mini icx motherboards for all chipsets so for example MSI only has a mini icx motherboard for the b650 chipset the mpg b650i Edge Wi-Fi so that one is very very popular out there for the uh for the moment not least of all because it only costs around 240 or 250 pounds here in the UK so it's pretty reasonable considering the the miniaturization has gone up has has gone on there to get it into that 117 centimeter by 170 centimeter package for your mini ITX form factor so lots of options to consider here I'm going to go into a bit more depth in terms of the specifications to work out where the sweet spots are because that's going to be super super important to make sure that you get best value for money and that you are going to get something that is worthy of this fantastic CPU so I'd like to thank AMD for sending over the horizon 7 subject 100 x3d and also to MSI for collaborating with today's video and sending over these two fantastic boards here we've also got a review coming up of its Intel version of its low rent mini RTX board the um can't robot is actually called off the top of my head I think it's the b760i edge Wi-Fi or something like that so we'll have a look at that board in a bit more detail in a very very soon to come video so don't forget to like comment and subscribe and turn on those note those notifications so you are notified when I upload a new video so what we'll do now is crack on and look at the specifications in detail and we can come to some conclusions at the end okay so now we're gonna have a quick run through of the specifications for all the motherboards focusing on the boards that we've actually got in today which are the mag x670e Tomahawk Wi-Fi over on the far left and also against the mpg b650 carbon Wi-Fi because these are the two boards that you'll probably be want to yeah be considering given that we're looking at them in the flesh today and they both cost around uh 300 or thereabouts so uh if we flip down to all the the ports and m.2 ports and PCL Express slots we will just do that on both um the two balls that we just mentioned and also the other boards so we can just have an easy comparison here so the main thing to realize is that you do get more bandwidth with the x670 E chipset and that manifests itself in fewer limitations when you're strapping lots of devices to the board so for example the only limitation you're going to see if you fill uh you know all of the four n.2 ports for example one of which is pcie5 uh by the looks of things and that's the same on the carbon Wi-Fi too so you'd also get a pcie 5 m.2 slot uh you also get pcie5 on the primary graphic slot as well and you don't get that on any of the other boards we're looking at today so those are the two sort of primary benefits for going for x670 here um so as were I previously mentioned if you strap an SSD to all of the m.2 slots and you fill all of the graphic all of the pcie slots with sound cards graphics cards that kind of thing what you will see is the uh final the fourth m.2 slot reducing speed from four times to two times that's the only limitation you're going to suffer here but if you do the same on the tomahawk for uh sorry not the tomahawk the carbon Wi-Fi for example uh what will actually happen is your graphic slot will actually reduce in speed from 16 times to eight times which is not ideal really you're not going to see a huge uh reduce a reduction in performance in games but it could be noticeable depending on your on on your setup and what game you're actually playing so generally something you want to avoid so basically you can consider slots two and three to be redundant um if you're using a discrete graphics card and you want you don't want to see any uh any drop-in frame rates so that means that you're limited to two n.2 ssds which is no bad thing I mean that's pretty much what 95 of us will be happy with anyway especially because this board can actually support a pcie5 SSD as well so that's a that's a pretty good deal so if you have maybe one super fast SSD for your OS and maybe your games and then another one for you know less often used software or if you're a video editing you might want to run your video files off that one maybe pick up a two terabyte uh drive on the cheap in a sale or something at the moment there's some good deals on those and um that's that's pretty much the the main benefits of the x670e chipset here that you won't have find as many any of those bandwidth limitations if you start strapping lots of devices to it so if we have a quick scan over the other motherboards again here you lack the pcie5 support on the PCI Express slots which is not really a massive Advantage at the moment you do also lose pcie5 support on the m.2 ports as well only the carbon Wi-Fi has that on its m.2 slot so that's what you're paying the extra for there but the and that's right the way across all the way down to the the mini ITX board as well so that has two m.2 ports one supports up to pcie four and the other one with using bandwidth from the chipset and the other one is using bandwidth from the uh the CPU but both of those ports support uh pcie for ssds and um move looking at the uh the graphics support the pcie support on the other two boards again you're limited to uh pcie4 and you've got a variety of different uh setups there but both of them with plenty of space for a graphics card and a sound card uh not too many limitations um on the mini icx board obviously it's only got one graphic slot which is limited to pcie four so worth bearing in mind if you're new to mini iot actually do only get one pro one pcie slot but you do get two m.2 ports I'm assuming it's one on the front and one on the rear as usual for mini icx so if we head down a bit further to USB which is what we want to talk about next especially in the comparison between b650 and x670 and the main benefit really again is a little bit of extra bandwidth you get a second type c port on the rear i o panel um that's something you don't get on any of the other boards here uh so you get uh the USB 3.2 gen 2x2 and if I just uh bring up the speeds here you'll see gen 2x2 offers up to 20 Gigabytes a second to bandwidth uh USB 3.2 Gen 2 is 10 gigabits and this one here USB 3.2 gen 1 is basically USB 3 to you and I you get five gigabits a second so basically the USB 3 is uh a quarter as fast or 25 as fast as USB 3.2 gen 2x2 of course you're going to need a device that's actually going to make use of that extra speed and that's probably going to be the trickiest thing to actually do um but if you've got like a super fast SSD or something it might be useful but you do get one of those ports the USB 3.2 gen 2.2 on every single other board here on the rear i o panel so you've got it on the carbon Wi-Fi as well as the other three boards as you can see here including the mini ITX one so really other than a a second type c Port you're really not gaining anything by going for the tomahawk here um now what the tumble hook does lose out on are USB ports of the type a variety which is what the vast majority of us still use for our keyboards headsets microphones and all that kind of stuff so here the carbon Wi-Fi really wins out because you get seven type A ports um coming under the USB 3.2 Gen 2 Banner so that they're the 10 gigabit second ports plus you get a further two USB 2 ports so they're not fast but they're going to be fine for mice and headsets and all that all those kind of things so that's nine type A ports in total you only get six in total on the tomahawk which for me isn't enough because I need seven minimum so that's for me uh the tomahawks are no deal I would need to go for the carbon Wi-Fi if we have a quick scan across again with the the b650 tomahawk Wi-Fi you've got two USB C ports plus you have a further four and you've also got three USB 3.2 Gen 2 type A's so you've got a similar amount to the previous board so that's uh that's really good to see there on the tomahawk Wi-Fi having more ports on its rear panel than its x670 cousin which costs a heck of a lot more so it depends what your priorities are whether it's bandwidth or USB ports I know which one I would probably go for um so if we move down to the b650p Wi-Fi now this one is very very cheap so it's going to be interesting to see what we've got here so on the rear Port you've got four USB 3 ports you've also got three USB 3.2 Gen 2 ports so that's seven in total which is better than the x670e board but not quite as good as the other ports as the other previous two ports that we spoke about they've got nine so that's maybe a reason to go for one of those two but however you do get the uh the type C front panel Port which is full USB 3.2 Gen 2 speed for uh connecting to your case and you obviously get the Gen 2x2 Port as well now moving on to the mini RTX option and we have on the rear we've got two USB 3 ports three 3.2 Gen 2 ports and that single rear type c gen 2x2 ports so again here this motherboard not really offering enough uh USB ports or type A ports um so it's kind of like you're probably going to need to use the front panel header or you're going to have to crack out a USB hub or just add more ports onto the rear of your PC or something like that which is probably going to be difficult to do in a mini RTX system so just worth bearing in mind that it is somewhat limited on the type a port but that is fairly typical of many it exports these days so if we have a quick scan down and see what other features we've got all the boards I think have uh 2.2 and a half gigabit Lan they have Wi-Fi 6E and uh just scrolling down munching up all the pages so yeah they've all got two and a half gigabit land they've all got Wi-Fi six and most of the other features are the same if we look at the onboard audio though the tomahawk the x670e board has ALC 1220 all the other boards have Al c4080 which is pretty much the same in terms of my testing with Realtek audio analyzer or real Tech sound cards in audio analyzer they uh the 4080 and the 1200 codecs perform pretty much the same but if we look at the pro b650p Wi-Fi we do dip down to the alc 897 codec codec which is much more basic and doesn't perform quite as well you're probably not going to notice the difference but audio files out there that want the very best audio quality both output and input will probably want to opt for one of the other boards now fan headers I think we've got the most on the xx70e board with with a two plus six down there we've also got a one plus one plus five so that's a five plus two is um seven so we've got eight and seven uh we've got eight again on the tomahawk uh b650 um so slight Advantage there over the carbon WiFi uh down down to the b650 P Wi-Fi we've got six in total and Mini ITX of course you've just got the usual three so heading a bit further down I just want to have a quick look at the rear panels of each of these boards and uh as we can see there's no integrated i o shield on the b650p Wi-Fi it's going to come with a with a loose one but you know I just I just hate dealing with those things I'd much rather spend a bit of extra money and get a an integrated i o Shield but um what we do have on every single board here is USB bios flashback even on the cheapest board that we've got here which is the one in blue um you do have USB bios flashback and on the um where are we've got a bios flashback and then we have a CMOS clear button on not just on the first two boards the more expensive uh the more expensive ones we've also got it on the b650 tomahawk Wi-Fi we have a proper button um on the carbon Wi-Fi and both the carbon Wi-Fi and the mpg b650i Edge Wi-Fi the mini export has a clear clemos switch or button as well and so does the carbon Wi-Fi so I kind of prefer to have a clear CMOS switch on AMD boards these days just because when you're overclocking or tweaking memory speeds and that kind of stuff they can sometimes fall over and just require a seamless clear a seamless clear button to clear them rather than doing the jumper or something like that it's not that often but it happens enough for me to want that as a feature so that is uh is pretty much it as far as the the comparison of features that we'll be looking at today and as you can see the mini ITX board just having quick run through then pretty well featured it's uh it's got Wi-Fi you've got um as much as you would expect given the b650 b650i chipset um or b650 chipset should I say with the b650i with Edge Wi-Fi in terms of being able to house ssds and the latest graphics cards and all those kind of things so nothing really sticks out to me there as being particularly deficient the b650p Wi-Fi it does lag behind in ports and features such as audio it's a little bit behind obviously only got one heatsink there for your SSD as well so it's cheap but it's cheap for a reason but again if you're limited to 200 pounds or 200 or thereabouts for a socket M5 motherboard it seems to be a pretty decent option so the tomahawk Wi-Fi is slightly more impressive you get more heatsinks um it has the pcie5 support on its n.2 ports I believe just need to remind myself of that no it doesn't that's my mistake not I had a feeling I was going to second guess myself there so um no it doesn't have pcie5 support but it does have pretty much everything else the the carbon Wi-Fi does including pipping it to the Post in a couple of areas so that is definitely worth considering if you want to shave a little bit of extra cash off your uh b650 motherboard but you don't want to dip down as far as something very very basic like the b650p Wi-Fi however as I've already said that my money is on the b650 carbon Wi-Fi for around 300 pounds 300 or thereabouts maybe a little bit more you're getting a board that really doesn't lack that much compared to the x670e tomahawk Wi-Fi costs about the same but you get a whole load more ports and features and other things as well so the x670e tomahawk Wi-Fi only really worth it if you need that extra bandwidth and you're going to be strapping multiple m.2 ssds onto this board as well as multiple pcie devices so hopefully that's a good rundown of features between these five MSI motherboards that I've Cherry Picked out of its selection based either on value features and other things so that's it for this part so let's move on to the conclusions so what do we make of this mini Roundup of MSI motherboards for your fantastic AMD ryzen 7800 x3d then well all of the motherboards here today that we featured have been Cherry Picked from msi's lineup either based on being very affordable offering great value or having a fantastic feature set so I do obviously have my personal preferences obviously the mini icx offering is going to be the My Board of choice I think if I was going to go for this CPU and build a small form factor PC but I can appreciate that while there are many uh many of you out there using that board as well in your small form factor rigs most people out there are going to want an ATX motherboard and my choice is the mpg b650 carbon Wi-Fi and for quite a few reasons as well first and foremost it's a little bit cheaper than the x670e option that we've got here the tomahawk Wi-Fi um it's uh that's a little bit more expensive in some places a fair bit more expensive in others but despite the fact that the carbon wifi isn't that much cheaper in the US I believe it's only like five or ten dollars cheaper you you're using the b650 chipset which is a cheaper chipset to use but MSI has plowed the savings back into the motherboard to give you a fantastic feature set so you've got the tool free m.2 heatsink you don't get that on the tomahawk and I can't under understate how useful that is if if you're installing your SSD and you don't have to deal with those small screws especially if you're doing that on a regular basis like I am you know switching between motherboards and testing things and all that kind of stuff also with m.2 ports on this board all of them have heatsinks now you don't necessarily need a heatsink with your m.2 SSD but I just think it looks better if you're running one of the very very hot running ones like PCL Express 4.0 that kind of thing then you don't need to worry about that thing thermally throttling either you don't get all of the m.2 ports covered by heatsinks on the tomahawk despite the fact that it's using the more premium x670e chipset other something else that really attracts me to this motherboard is the number of type a USB ports you've got loads of them on the rear i o panel not the case on this motherboard it's still got reasonable amount I mean we've got what five or six here but for me I kind of want a bit more than that because once I've plugged in all my headsets my microphones keyboards mice all those kind of things I'm not left with very few I'm not left with many ports uh left over so I just always on the side of coaching on the uh on the side of caution and I prefer having a motherboard that's got plenty of them now the x670e example that we've got here in terms of the tomahawk does have two high bandwidth USB type-c ports so if that's something that you need then this is definitely worth considering but you do still get one of those ports on the mpg b650 carbon Wi-Fi so coupled with an excellent power delivery and loads of large heatsinks around to cool your power delivery and vrms this is definitely the board that I would go for if I was building an ATX system and using amd's ryzen 7800 x3d so that's it from me here today I'd like to thank MSI for sending over these samples and for collaborating with today's video also to AMD 4cm turning over the ryzen 7 7800 x3d as well you can see a link to the review of that processor in the description below also in the description below I'll buy links for all of the products featured in today's video so if you want to check them out check them out in the in the description below also don't forget to subscribe to my channel lots of you out there watching my videos but not subscribing um thankfully I don't know who you are because I come after you but uh don't forget to subscribe to my video it means a lot and don't forget to turn on the notifications as well and don't forget to like and comment on this video as well so that's it for me I will catch you soon lots more interesting stuff coming on the channel so stay safe out there and don't forget to tune back soon foreign [Music]
Channel: CrazyTechLab
Views: 26,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best motherboard for gaming 2023, ryzen 7 7800x3d, 7800x3d, 7800x3d vs 13900k, 7800x3d review, 7800x3d vs 5800x3d, 7800x3d vs 7950x3d, 7800x3d benchmark, 7800x3d build, amd, 7800x3d performance, 7800x3d price, 7800x3d gaming benchmarks, best motherboard, best motherboard for ryzen 7000, best am5 motherboard, best am5 itx motherboard, best am5 motherboard for gaming
Id: kdn4DiMI3sM
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Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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