Driving a 1/1 Manual Lamborghini Murcielago LP-640

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] what's up guys so we are driving a very very special car today this is what is believed to be probably the only 2009 lamborghini lp 640 coupe with a manual transmission that was imported into north america so imagine this is essentially one of the last manual murcielago and last manual v12 lamborghini's ever made and i will tell you guys it doesn't really get much better than this car i um you know for for obviously being a responsible business owner i try not to drive the inventory too much you know you you want to drive certain cars to to make sure everything's working properly so there's many times that i'll test drive a car i'll take it out around miami just make sure everything's working this specific car when we got it in i wanted to make sure everything was working ac radio felt how it handled made sure you know didn't need alignment or anything like that and i have to tell you i did not want to get out of the car i wanted to keep driving and driving and driving because it just does so many things right and i i think the best way to describe this car also is in many ways in line with the entire what i believe is the future of collecting and the reason for that is that i see today a lot of collectors are looking for more practical cars more usable cars but at the same time they want the rawness they want manual transmissions they want rarity and they want things that are unique but they also want creature comforts and the beauty of the later murcielago cars and i would say almost all murcielago generation cars and even you know the later diablos is that it you have all your creature comforts you have power windows great radio with actually this car has bluetooth which is a rare thing for curated to have any car with bluetooth the ac is phenomenal and it's very comfortable it handles great the suspension is not too stiff um no racing seats in this car so very comfortable these are the the standard seats so you could literally drive this car all day long you don't have to worry about it overheating you really don't have to worry about much and that's probably one of the reasons that i fell in love with it because i'm not used to a car that's so practical and at the same time listen to that ancient noise and the sound of that classic v12 if that doesn't put a smile on your face there's something because the car sounds amazing it drives amazing it feels amazing now we've had about 25 of these cars um from early 2002 murcielagos to up to some of the last lp 640s i believe we had six or seven of the manual lp 640s now to date um a dear friend of mine and we've i've been on his show he's been on our show ed bullion um was the one that really started to track these cars and through his app in wiki and through our registry and through our sort of vin tracking we've discovered or we've found you could call it about 45 to 46 manual transmission lp 640s of that number that came to north america you could also say there's about 10 or 11 roadsters i believe today we've hit 11 cars that came to north america and then if you look at that overall number you could say the numbers probably double for the rest of the world we've discovered about 20 to 30 other cars for the rest of the world there's you know we don't have all the tools and the rest rules as we do in the u.s things like carfax and all those different things but essentially this is as rare as you get when you're talking about a modern car i mean how many modern cars are one of 45 or one of 50 that came to the us so essentially you could say that there's in the world manual transmission lp 640 cars there's maybe less than 100 making this car as rare rare rare as it gets especially when you think about modern cars and production of modern cars and i think that's why these cars you know ed always felt they were super special i fell in love with them i mean i've always been in love with manual transmission lamborghinis but i really fell in love with them when i realized they just do everything right and they're that rare now we've had an incredible green roadster um that was probably i think the first manual lp 640 we sold i didn't really get to drive that car too much um i think i took it around the block uh and then in between that we had a ton of early gen mercies um there's a great video that we've done before where actually through monterey with my wife i had a black black 2003 manual murcielago driving around around monterey and the difference between the 03 uh traction control kicked in right there um and the car just pulls effortlessly it just wants to go and go and go and go uh red lines at like almost 8 500 rpm uh so incredible and it just shrieks uh as as you go up and and go through the gears it's awesome like i said i could drive this car all day um but back to what i was saying so the early gen murcielagos now they feel a little bit more raw the fit and finish is not as good as the lp 640s they're obviously not as rare um between 2002 and 2003 all murcielagos were actually manual uh so you could call it there was probably like 600 you know 400 to 600 cars that came to north america as a manual double that number let's say it's about 800 to 900 that were built for the world when you start researching those early cars they were destroyed they were used really hard there's a ton that have been totaled there's a ton that have been wrecked there's a ton with crazy high miles so even those early generation cars are very very difficult to find and they're more difficult to find nice cars now majority of those cars were were silver they were black they were not you know crazy colors as the later generations of lp 640s and i would say that's the biggest difference between an early murcielago and lp 640. by 2004 2005 2006 and then into the lp 640 options started to become much more available for these cars so you started to see things like two-tone interiors you started to see alcantara alcantara interiors and hold on and this car has ceramic brakes which was standard in 2009 it was an option in other lp 640s and it just breaks so good it doesn't feel like a classic lamborghini because as we know the brakes are not that great this car breaks on a dime so the brakes are incredible and it's just you again that exhilaration of just that torque from that v12 is awesome back to what i was saying i would say the biggest difference between the early generation murcielagos and the lp 640 is your options you start to see deviated stitching you start to see glass engine bait cover you start to see things like ceramic brakes we mentioned carbon fiber interior carbon fiber interior package 2 um you know the different colored wheels so you had silver wheels or black wheels and then you had hermero wheels so you had all these different options that were available even uh cucentera stitching on the headliner kusantera stitching on the center console earth the seats and and as you see the later cars you see these cars that are more option now what's so interesting about this car is that it's one of the last coupes that was made we believe it's probably the only 2009 that came into north america and it has zero options so in 2009 alcantara headliner was standard ceramic brakes were standard so that's actually those are two really nice options besides that it has the two-tone interior there is not one other option on this car it actually has a i would call a lack of an option that i've never seen on any other lp 640. 99 of lp 640s came with a glass engine bonnet this car does not have it so i had never even seen an lp 640 like that standard wheels uh basically standard everything no carbon fiber in the interior and and i honestly i love it i think this car is absolutely perfect um arancio atlas outside the two-tone interior the wheels are great it sounds incredible uh this is an irreplaceable car and one of my favorite lp640s we've had interior you look around and it's just in perfect condition um the other cool part about this car as an 09 it has the actually the updated window switches which came on 09s and the mercy svs so it's a cool little sort of uh aluminum bezel on the window switch and very very cool and now we're getting into some traffic but you can see this car is really a pleasure to drive the clutch is super light the shifter is really nice um you know it it is a little notchy when it's cold sometimes but again really really nice um and we've had so in that period we started buying early generation murcielagos and then we started to find more lp 640s and ed would start searching i would start searching some of our followers and fans would help start helping us search and after the green car we had the green coupe ed's old car we had the gold coupe we actually owned the gold coupe twice uh then we had a few other early gen murcielagos uh then we you know car after car we had another orange coupe manual as well so we've had a ton of these cars and i think the numbers like 24-25 at this point and it's getting to the point where you just can't find them anymore um i think you know there was a shift in people's minds where they started to collect murcielago manuals they realized just how rare they were and now many of these cars went to collectors that drive them enjoy them they'll never sell them for any amount and i think that's what's really cool that's what's really special we recently sold a 4 000 mile yellow coupe a car that i had actually sold twice um that came back and now it went to a collection that i almost call it a forever collection i know the gentleman will never sell and he's really cherishes it and and the condition and the quality and the miles so this car i look at is irreplaceable it's going to be hard for us to replace it in this condition was very well loved to owner car and then to find an 09 which we believe is the only one for 2009 for north america so essentially no option car and then as you saw the progression um that's when they started to get more rare so you have 2004 was the introduction of the e-gear 90 of the cars 95 of the cars i think the exact number were optioned as an e-gear car they were not manuals anymore and then with the introduction of the roadster for 2005-2006 again i think about 38 40 roadster manual cars early gen cars were brought into north america so super super rare um and that number's probably about the same for just manual transmission coupes we had an 05 grigio on terrace coupe or was it an o6 that recently sold they traded again on bring a trailer we sold it to a good friend of mine and um and that car again i think it was one of 16 made in that year and you saw some changes and obviously lp 640 was was you know more horsepower but really these cars were very similar in many ways as i said the fit and finish of the later cars is nicer the optional equipment is nicer and then you actually have your performance changes and things like that with the lp 640 you also have the different front bumper you have the different rear bumper you have the different side skirts and the different tail lights with those sort of iconic i don't know if you call it like a radiation symbol um in the tail lights so you know there was definitely an evolution um through over time but these cars are just just phenomenal and i'm i'm falling in love with this car i i definitely can't afford it um i'd have to take out a ton of loans and i think my wife would kill me but this would be a keeper an lp 640 manual would be a must for any true supercar collector and i am in love with this car [Music] you
Channel: Curated TV by John Temerian
Views: 48,388
Rating: 4.9579611 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, murcielago, lp-640, manual, 6-speed, save the manuals, arancio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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