50. Using FamilySearch Family Tree with RootsMagic

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welcome to today's tree rific rootsMagic webinar my name is michael booth and I'm vice president of it's magic of its developers and also with us this evening is the roots magician himself Bruce Busby and Bruce of course is the president roots magic and its author now family search family tree is a new way to organize and record your genealogy online it's free it's available to everyone and it provides an easy way to discover your place in history with free tools to help you preserve and share your family story for generations to come roots magic the genealogy software named easiest to sync with new Family Search now brings the same power and features that you love to Family Search family tree with more to come currently it's the only software certified to collaborate and share data with family search family tree tonight we'll look at roots magics award-winning integration with Family Search family tree including the ability to share your sources back and forth view change histories and more will also show path users how easy it is to bring their data into roots magic so they too can take advantage of these features and with that introduction I'll turn the time over to Bruce hey thanks for joining us ok today's special webinar what we're going to talk about is how to use roots magic with our brand new Family Search family tree tools we just just the last few days roots magic was what is called tree share plus certified roots magic has been tree share certified for about three months now and tree share certified means that roots magic can look for look for matches it can merge duplicates it can let you share data in other words events and copy people back and forth between roots magic and family tree it also means that we can do ordinances and a few other things the second level of certification which we are the only ones that have that I could say we just got that a couple of days ago is tree share plus certification and what tree share plus means is those are what are considered the collaboration tools those are the things that instead of just throwing data back and forth we want to make sure that you're doing it in a in an intelligent manner in other words you're working with other people so you're not overriding the stuff that is good up on family tree and that if you are putting new information up that you're giving reasons why and you're providing sources so tree share plus means we can now let you share sources back and forth with family tree you can see the history of changes that have been made to a person on family tree and if an incorrect change has been made you can go in and restore the original value the tree share plus also includes discussions which are like little tiny message boards for each person so that you can go in and talk back and forth with people that are working on that same person now before we get started in that I'm going to do a little sidebar here and that sidebar is to show you how to import data from PAF as as you may have heard this past week FamilySearch announced that PAF was being discontinued on July 15th PAF is no longer going to be available for download there's no more support for it anything like that and so what we want to do is make it easy for PAF users to be able to bring their data over into rootsMagic so that they can then take advantage of these same these same tools be able to have all the same features they had in path but also be able to have additional features like color coding the source templates which help them write professional sources you know more reports things like that and be able to work directly with family searched family tree so before we do that I'm going to mention we do have a we do have a website a web page set up and I'm gonna bring that up if you go to rootsMagic comm slash PAF it's going to take you to a page where you can watch some little minute many videos on how to work with PAF we have a little free booklet that we've created which is how to how to import your data how to how to kind of get started what the screens look like in rootsMagic and it has a couple pages where we list every PAF feature every menu item and tell you what the corresponding menu item in rootsMagic is so if you're used to doing something in path this little list you could just look it up and say oh that's how i do that in rootsMagic and that's a it's a little booklet and we have a download version for free so just click on the free book and you can go to the download and just download that that free little book pass it around to anybody that you want so let's go ahead and get started now to import a data from path and that's why I started with a completely blank screen here what I'm going to do is I'm going to go up to the file menu when I start rootsMagic this is what my screen will look like just blank I'm going to go up to my file menu and I'm going to choose import okay because I want to import my PAF data when rootsMagic comes up with this little screen it's asking you what program are you importing from and there's several different ones but the one you want in this case is PAF personal ancestral file now at this point you have two decisions to make one you can tell it search for files that's good if you don't know where on your computer that path file is yeah you know it's somewhere on there and path has just always opened it but you don't necessarily know where it is if that's the case just click search for files and rootsMagic will scan your hard drive and try to find that path file once it finds it it'll show it to you and you can click and say open it up the other option is if you know what folder your path file is and in this case I do I can say I know where the file is Lutz magic is going to bring it up and this is the PDF file that I want to import it'll end with dot P a yeah that's the one I want I'm going to say open that now what routes magic is doing here is it saying hey we need to create a rootsMagic file to hold that PAF data okay and so we can call it whatever we want I'm going to call it the same thing as the PAF file Warren in this case and then I'm going to choose a couple of options the options I'm going to turn on is LDS support and FamilySearch family tree support if you're not LDS you don't need to turn that on that's an option that's available if you have that so I'm going to turn those on click OK routes magic is going to create the file and import my P AF database okay here's my oh this is just a little tiny p AF database but roots magic is gonna handle any size path file you have you know hundred thousand names it's not going to matter roots magic is going to be able to hold that when it imports the path file it's going to bring in everything it's going to bring in your names your dates your places all of your events it's going to bring in your notes and your sources if you have added pictures to people or sources or citations in path those pictures will be in roots magic as well now at this point I am working with a roots magic file my PAF file is still over there in the same place it was before I didn't touch it I didn't heard it all I did was read the data out of it and put it into a rootsMagic file so path can still open its file over there on my computer without any problem ok so I'm going to go ahead and I am going to open up elizabeth tre 'then I'm just going to double click on her on hers and bring up her edit screen so you can kind of get an idea what the Edit screen looks like in rootsMagic when you open up the Edit screen everything about that person is going to be displayed right here in this list whether it's events like birth christening death burial whether it's family events like marriage whether it's properties like the person's occupation or residence if there's LDS facts those will be shown here as well everything is right here on this one screen in basically in a timeline and you can go in and you can add new facts you can delete facts you can bring up the address a media album to-do lists research logs web tags we have plenty of webinars that show how all of this works so I'm not going to spend really a lot of time on this we're just going to I'm just going to point out that if I select any fat in this list I can edit it right here so I if I want to edit the residents click on residents and I can edit it right there so that is the Edit screen okay the main screen I will point out if you're used to path you know that when you click on a person it drops down a little box which has the basic vital information in rootsMagic we have that up here so if I click it's going to show that all that vital information up here as well as whether there's any notes or sources or media items how many spouses sets of parents and all of that is right there okay so let's go ahead and jump right in to the family search family tree tools okay we're going to actually before we do that let me point out that because I turned on family search support we have a little family tree a little family search icon in front of or next to each person's name because I turned on LDS support I have a little temple next to each person's name now right now you'll notice that the little family tree icon is great okay it's kind of grayed out okay it's that means that have not matched anybody in my file with a corresponding person up on family tree once I've matched somebody to family tree that icon is going to turn this bluish color right here okay it's going to turn blue right there so let's go ahead and get started I'm going to click on the little icon for Elizabeth and it's going to come up and it's going to bring up what's called our family search person tools and the first time I come in here it's asking me to log in now this is my family search login that I'm using so if you have a family search log in you'll enter that right here if you don't have a family search login yet just click right here to create a new account what that will do is take you to the family search website where you can go ahead and create a new account and then you'll have your login in your password that you can use right here family search family tree is open to everybody okay it doesn't matter who you are you can go and set up an account right now and it'll it'll you'll basically log in and once you have that login and password that you enter there you can come back in and use it right here there's also a couple of other options if you want it to remember your username and password so that every time when I start using the program I don't have to type it in again I can check that if you want to bypass this screen so that it's you won't get right into rootsMagic and go in and it never even bothers to ask you to login because it automatically does that you can check that checkbox now if more than one person in your family happens to be using rootsMagic there and they each have their own login I advise against having this bypass because it's going to log in whoever happens to have their name and password there and you'll have to go in and and unset that you know before before somebody else can login anyway so you enter your login your password I'm going to sign in now since that little icon that I clicked on was gray roots magic takes me to the first tab in the family search person tools and that yes the find matches it's trying to see is my person already up on Family Search okay and right now it's saying hey we found two possible matches this line right here that's my rootsMagic person that's a person I just clicked on and that's why it's got the little lutes magic icon next to it and that's the information I have for her that's her name her birth date birth place death date death place father mother spouse so I have that information right there now I'm going to show you quickly these other pages because these other pages right now aren't going to have any information until I actually do this match okay in other words if I say I want to share data I don't have a family search person that I matched with and it's telling me go to the find matches tab I go to ordinances it's going to show me like we can't show you in the ordinances on Family Search because we don't know who your match - same thing with discussions same thing with sources you can see the sources and rootsMagic but not the family search one and changes we can't show you any changes that have been made to the person on Family Search because we don't know who that person is so the first place you're going to start is find matches and when rootsMagic displays the matches we use color coding to kind of indicate how well the data that person matches what you have green means the data is matching yellow means yes it kind of matches that there are some differences and if there's red that means this data is not matching it it's off okay now if you've got a solid green person right here as a match on family tree then you know that's my person and you can actually go ahead and say let's match them up right there but not every match is going to be that good sometimes you're going to have just a name and maybe a death date you may you know you may not have very much information on that match and family tree and so that's why we have the little compare in more detail button so if I want to compare this possible match with my Elizabeth I just click and it comes up and it's saying we're comparing my Elizabeth with this Elizabeth on familysearch and so it's in this case it's going to show us everything that that little list is only showing us the birth and death date in place here I can see birth information I can see christening information burial I can see other residences I can see the marriages I can see the family members so I can see all these other business other information to decide yes this really is my person so I do want to match this person with mine what will happen is as soon as I click it's going to say do you want to match your rootsMagic person with this person on a family search I'm going to say yeah match them now once I've matched my person and rootsMagic to this person on Family Search it's going to show me I'm now matched rootsMagic has not transferred any data at all there's rootsMagic has not sent any of my rootsMagic information to Family Search and it's not taken any family search information and brought it back in to rootsMagic ok it's completely all it's done is said hey these two are the same person once in my file ones out on Family Search but this is what's great once I have matched to somebody I can click the share data tab and I can see my person side-by-side with that Family Search person I can go to ordinances and I can see what I have versus what is actually out there officially on Family Search I can click on discussions and I can see if there are any discussions I can click on sources and I can see if there are any sources for this person out on Family Search and I can click on changes and I can see the changes that have been made to this person on Family Search okay now we're going to come back we're going to come back to each of those screens a little bit later in this webinar I will point out one thing on the ordinances discussions and sources you will note that there's a little number showing if there is a discussion if there is a source if there is a an ordinance that needs to be done it will show you that without having to click on the tabs so that's that's a new thing in this in this latest update okay so let's go ahead and start with this share data I now have my roots magic person lined up side by side with the FamilySearch person and again we use the color coding to show how well this data matches the one thing that's different from this and that other screen that I clicked on before that looked kind of like this is that I have little check boxes in front of all these different pieces of information because I can now copy data back and forth from rootsMagic to family tree and from family tree back to roots magic I couldn't do that back on this screen because I hadn't actually said my Elizabeth is the same as that Elizabeth one thing I'm going to point out here and we're gonna give you a little a little preview of something that isn't even in there yet okay so you are going to you're gonna actually see a feature that hasn't even been released yet this feature will be actually coming Friday and that is the not a match option so if there are once you've matched up to somebody on family tree roots magic will list other possible matches in other words duplicates well if you look at one of these and you compare them and you decide this one is not the same as that one you'll be able to click and mark this as not a match so that when you come into the match screen in the future it's not going to keep showing you that and that takes effect up on the Family Search website up on the family search family tree website they have the not a match option as well so anyways that's that's a feature that's going to be in there on Friday and so by the time by the time this recording comes now that feature will be available for you ok let's talk about share data ok the first thing I'm going to do is let's say I have this residence fact and FamilySearch does not have a residence fact if I want to add that the family search I just click and rootsMagic says gives me options of different things I can do with this rootsMagic back and right now the only thing I can do with it is to add it to family search as a new event ok now when I highlight what I want to do rootsMagic is going to show me down here this is the roots magic fact and this is the corresponding family search fact which doesn't exist right now that's why it's blank and it's telling me this fact is going to be copied the family search now you'll notice it lists the details about what's going to be copied over there and the sources so I can actually click and look at the sources that I have for this particular effect now you'll notice it does say sources can be transferred on the sources tab when I add a fact for roots magic to Family Search or from family search back to roots magic it does not take all of the sources at that moment because there may be only certain sources you want you may not want all of your sources and so we have the sources tab which will let you choose specifically which sources you want and where you want them to actually be attached ok there's also another field right here why do you think this new information is correct in other words what is the reason you're adding this fact you know and you could say you could say you know this uh this was my this is my grandfather and I happen to have visited this house when he was living there you know it could be whatever whatever um this does not necessarily replace having sources it's kind of a reason in addition to why you're actually adding this fact ok I'm actually not going to do that because I a lot of this data we're not ready to actually put over on this person right now so I'm not actually going to click OK to do it ok let's say I wanted to move the birth over to family tree okay now in this case certain facts birth christening death and burial family tree only allows one fact type r11 of each fact it only allows one birth one christening one death and one burial okay and so when I click on birth it's only going to give me the option to replace the one that's already there so for you go down here you'll see it's saying you're going to replace this one that's already there now this as I mentioned is part of the collaboration concept instead of just saying hey we're gonna replace this yes or no and you hitting okay and taking a fact that maybe you won't you don't have any documentation for and overwriting the source on familysearch that has 15 sources attached to it we're going to show you what you have and what Family Search has so we're gonna show you family search has this information who contributed it and the date and again the reason so if they entered a reason in that field it's going to show you the reason they added it so you know I am going to replace some information that this other person put in for this reason okay hopefully it makes you kind of look and say okay I'm not just going to completely overwrite something that somebody worked hard and has a lot of documentation in this case you can see that particular fact doesn't have any sources on Family Search I don't need to replace it because it's the same information you can say I got the same date basically the same place so I may want to add my sources over there and I'll show you how we can do that in just a moment and again why am i replacing the information that's already there okay I can also go the other direction so you know what I was showing you there is how to copy a fact like birth or residents from fam from rootsMagic to Family Search but let's say I want to bring in information that's on Family Search into rootsMagic well I just click on birth over on the Family Search side and you'll notice this time I have more than just one option it's not just add or replace I can say I want to add this birth to rootsMagic as the new event see in Lutz magic we can have more than one birth event we're not limited to just one like family Trias so we could say we want to add this as a new event if that's highlighted it says this fact is going to be copied to rootsMagic or i can say i want to replace the one I already have I want to replace my birth and rootsMagic and again this doesn't change I'm still only copying this to rootsMagic by the roots magic side we're giving you a warning and live this fact is going to be replaced by that selected familysearch fact okay and we're also showing you these are the sources that you already have you know be careful because you're going to be overwriting this roots magic that with with this one from familysearch there's a third option when you click on on an item on FamilySearch side remove from family search if I click on that and click ok down here it's telling me this is actually going to be removed from family search I'm actually going to delete that fact from family search and again it's showing me who put it there why they put it there and any sources that were attached to that as well ok we also I'm actually going to do one do out here who I've been showing you is kind of how you can do this and what the options are but I am going to say I want to copy you notice I don't have a death in roots magic I don't have a death fact in roots magic family tree does now these little icons if I want to see more information about a particular fact I can again I can click on the little information icon so if I want to know where did this information come from did somebody just pull it out of a hat or is there is there something to back it up well I want to do that I want to see where this January 15th 1911 came from so I'm going to click on more details and rootsMagic is going to pop up a screen say okay here is this fact right here and here's the contributor reason and here are the sources here's the source for that information so let's go ahead and click on the source for that information and it says oh it's the Utah death certificates 1904 to 1956 index it's on Family Search oh and we can actually here's the reason that they did it here's the reason they actually attach that source to the death and I can click to view the record so if I click OK it's actually going to take me to the page and here is Elizabeth Traven Warren's Utah death certificates and it's going to give me the information for that right there I can even go in and view the image so I'm going to come in here on I'm going to view this image we're going to zoom in and here's the state of Utah death certificate full name Elizabeth Traken Warren and it gives all of the information about her and it shows it was in the city of American Fork Utah and it gives me the date right here January 15th 1911 right there and I can zoom in I could go in and I could print this or do whatever I want with it but I'm gonna come back to rootsMagic and I've decided yeah that's a pretty good source that that's convinced me so I want that death so I'm going to go ahead and click on death and my option is to add it to rootsMagic is a new event you notice I don't have replace as an option because I don't already have a death back so there's nothing replaced other thing you'll notice here is there's not a delete you cannot delete death facts from FamilySearch that's the one back type that you can't delete you can't delete the death that so when I'm on this screen I didn't actually have to go click on the eye before because as soon as I popped that to Britt click that little box to bring this death pact over it's going to show me that fact right there and I got that link right here where I can do the same thing I can go look at it so I'm gonna say yeah I want to add that to rootsMagic click ok and there we are we now have that fact in rootsMagic and if I click on here I can see but you can see there's no sources right here right so let's go ahead and let's get that source because I got the fact I know it's correct because I seen that source but I want that source now so I'm going to come up here and I'm going to switch from the share data screen to the sources tab ok so we're going to shift gears here a little bit now with this screen I am going to have the sources that I have attached to this person in rootsMagic and the sources that I have attached to this person on family tree now I'm gonna give you a little bit of a primer here I can't spend a lot of time on this but I do need to explain there are some big differences between the way rootsMagic handles sources and the way Family Search family tree handles sources okay in roots magic I can create a source and I can attach it as a citation to anything I can attach it to a person I can attach it to an event like a birth or residence or a christening so I can attach it to any of these facts I can attach it to a family so I basically can attach a source to people events families you know whatever on Family Search I can only attach a source to a person or a family basically I cannot attach a source to a fact I cannot attach a source to a birth I cannot attach a source to a death I cannot attach a source to a burial I can't attach sources to specific events I can only attach them to people but there's a little special case that if I attach a source to a person I can then tag I can tag that's what we have right here tagged attached versus tagged I can tag a fact type with a saw okay so this is not tagged to a specific death event I cannot tag a specific birth event I tagged the death type which means if I did have more than one death fact this particular source is attached to the concept of a death not to the death on this particular date in this particular place okay that's just the way Family Search works you can attach a you can attach a source to a person or family and then a source it's attached to a person can tag the name fact type the gender fact type or the birth christening death or burial fact type okay those are the only types of facts that you can tag okay if you attach a source to a family you cannot tag that to anything so you can't attach a source to a Family Search Family and then tag the marriage or the divorce or anything that family search does not support that at least not yet down the road they might and if they do we will support that but just just kind of keep in mind it's a commits a totally different way of handling sources than what we do and what we would do in rootsMagic okay so let's say that I want to bring this source over and attach it to that death that death back that we just brought over so I can check the little check box and I have three options and by default the option to actually add this source is the one selected but before we actually do this let me just briefly mention what these others do detach source if that if I actually want to remove that source from that person on Family Search okay this is a purely a family search thing has nothing to do with rootsMagic right now but it was a requirement to be certified to be share plus certified this does let me actually unattach the source from that person so if I were to do that it would remove this source that person okay obviously I don't want to do that okay the second option is to tag individual facts with his source so since that source was attached to a person I could come in here and say oh that source also mentions their birth it has some information about the birth date and I could check that and say okay and rootsMagic would then tell family search tag that source to the birth that type as well as the death back type okay I don't want to do that you'll notice it is attached to the tag to the death that what I want is I want to add this source to rootsMagic and I want to add it to the death that's the that's where I want it to go I don't want it attached to the birth of the christening these are all the different facts that you have in rootsMagic right now I only want to attach it to the death so I just checked that click OK and rootsMagic is going to bring that source over and now I have there it is right there I have that source brought over from Family Search and attached to the death okay if I switch I'm going to switch back temporarily back to that share data screen okay there's that death fact if I click right here now there it is there's that source okay we've brought that source over and attached it to the fact in rootsMagic okay and and again one thing I want to show you because this is really cool as I look at this if I click on that there's that citation so I've got that citation over here in in lutes magic now just like it was over in family tree and it says click to view record if I click to view the record again that's taken me to that exact same page where I can view the image and do all of those things so when I bring a source from familysearch into rootsMagic it is going to have not only bring the citation but it's also going to bring the link to the actual image or document or website that that source points to okay so and I could even hop out of here I could actually close out of I could actually close out of the family search tools and go into her edit screen and there's that death pact that I didn't have before and when I look at the sources for that death pact there's the source right there and when I look at that source there's that source and I can right there there's a web tag that's how rootsMagic links websites and there it is right there that's how rootsMagic links a website to a source is through the use of those web tags now we have an entire webinar on web tag so but rather than spend time right here describing what a web tag is it's just the ability to link a website to a record whether it's a source or a person or whatever but that's how roots magic is able to bring that actual link to the website so that when you look at your source you're not just looking at the citation you can actually go see the record itself okay let's go back in let's go back in here to the to those family search person tools and I'm gonna go back into the sources screen because we were still talking about that so when I come to the sources screen the last thing I want to show you is how you can add your sources to family tree we showed you bringing a family tree source over into rootsMagic well if I happen to want to take this 1871 British census source that I have in rootsMagic and add that to family tree I just check it right here and I choose what I want to add it to over on family tree okay and again I can attach it to a person or to a family and if I attach it to a person as I mentioned I can tag it to name gender birth christening death or burial so I could come in here and say I just want to attach the source to the person that's all I care about I don't need a tag to a particular fact type and I can do that and click OK and it's going to add my source over the family tree the other hand if I click say I wanted to add that source because in roots magic I have it I have it cited to his birth I can click on birth now you'll notice when I click on birth it automatically checks person because in order for it to be tagged to the birth the source actually has to be attached to the person so roots magic is going to tell me ok yeah we got to attach it to the person in order to tag it to the birth if I say no I don't want it attached then it's not going to let me tag it because it's not possible so roots magic is taking care of all of that as well ok so that is how to move sources back and forth between between family search and roots magic ok let's go back here I'm gonna hop down here a second and actually I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and stay right here well I do want to actually hop out once I did want to point out since we had clicked and matched Elizabeth to Family Search you'll notice there's the icon that's blue I just wanted to point that out all the rest of these icons they're all still grey I haven't matched any of them to Family Search we've only been looking with Elizabeth right here so hers is the only one that's matched up ok so I'm going to go back again when I click on that and take me right back into that's in the share data screen and I'm going to show you a a little bit of a shortcut here on the share data screen we showed you how you can click the little check boxes to move back and forth ok to move this data back and forth between rootsMagic there's a question I did see over in the question list about is there a way to get rid of all these alternate names and the answer is yes just click on them over on familysearch side and say we move them from family search and you can give the reason you could say you know he was never known by this name and there's no new record that shows us that name click OK and it will remove those alternate names from FamilySearch so that's how you can do that if you want to get rid of alternate names now just make sure that if you removing stuff that you've got a good reason for it okay below the facts the events you'll have family members you notice the family members have the little family search icon rather than a checkbox that's because you're not necessarily copying people back and forth you might but you're not necessarily you may actually be matching them up so if I look at this John Traven and this one and decide they are the same person I can actually just check click that and say I want to match my John Traven with that one and I can actually do the matching from this screen as well as I could from the main pedigree view or one of the other views if I don't happen to have that father I could say okay I want to add this guy or into rootsMagic as a new father or Elizabeth okay but how do I know just by looking I mean I look right here I can see those birth dates are actually six years apart you know and the name is actually spelled a little different well if I click the information for these relationships it will actually show me my rootsMagic person side-by-side with that FamilySearch person so I can compare to see whether I really think they are the same person or not okay so I can look and say well look the birth date this one's about 1818 this is before 1812 and and in rootsMagic I've got the christening date which matches the christening date on FamilySearch you know you can look at this and say you know family search can't be right on this one it's saying he was born in 1818 but he was christened six years earlier so he was according this he was christened about six years before he was born okay other information you know kind you know can kind of match up and you can go down here and look at the spouse information the children you can see yeah this really is the same person it's just the family search has a bad birth on it so I'm going to go ahead and click on options say match them and now my my John trait then is match with that John tration so this is just another shortcut to be able to match people without having to go back and forth from the pedigree view into these FamilySearch person tools for each and every person no later we're going to show you an even better and faster way to do this though okay so let's go ahead now and I'm going to move on to some of these to some of these other pages as soon as I show you one last thing if you match your person in rootsMagic with a matching person on Family Search and for some reason you decide that isn't the same person this is where you can unmatch it from the share data screen you can unmatch it right here okay and when you when you unmatch it it's basically just going to kind of break that link so that you can go back to find matches and we match those two records together now one place this is really going to be important with FamilySearch family tree is that unlike the old new family search in family tree people can actually be deleted somebody can go in and actually delete a person on family tree now let's say you happen to be linked to one of those people that happens to get deleted on family tree what will happen is you'll come into this and you will get an error message that says something like god in other words that person is gone so if that happens what you're going to want to do is unmatch you're going to say unmatch my person from that that ID that's been deleted and that will unmatch it so that you can go back into the find matches tab and find the the new person that you actually need to match them up with okay so let's go ahead and touch on these last three tabs that would be the ordinances tab the discussions tab and the changes tab okay the ordinances tab is going to if you are LDS this you this is going to let you actually do things like reserve ordinances bring completed ordinance information over into your file things like that if you're not LDS you won't even have this tab so you don't even need to worry about that if you you have information on Family Search that you want in rootsMagic just come check the check boxes you want to select the ones you want and say copy to rootsMagic there's a shortcut if you click the little arrow up here that will either uncheck or check over so if you want to check everything real quickly you just do that but you select the ones you want say copy to rootsMagic and it brings it over right there okay if there are any ordinances that are ready you will have a checkbox in this column and you can check that and say reserve the selected ordinances you know we have a full webinar just on doing this type of thing so for now I'd refer you to that on how to reserve ordinances and the steps that are necessary to do that now one thing I'm going to point out here because our tech support people said please point this out because we get asked this all the time you may have situations like this right here where it has a sealed spouse and it says it's been completed but you have the same seal to spouse and it may say either you need more information or it's ready to be done what what that situation is is these two spouses or the same two sets of parents are duplicates okay so if I have to William Warren's and spouses for this person I need to come back over here to the share data screen and I need to find those two William Warren's I need to find that other William Warren and I need to combine them together once I combine them this this additional ready or need more information one will disappear it will fold into that other one so that's that's something to be aware of is if you're starting to see a lot of duplicate stuff it says it needs to be done that's what you can do okay let's go ahead now and move on to the discussions now discussions as I mentioned early mentioned early on in the webinar discussions are like little message boards for each person so each person that you go to is going to have discussions unless they're living you're not allowed to discuss living people you know for obvious reasons but what will happen is you can go in here and you can start a new discussion I can say I want to start a new discussion I can give it a title and a comment so I can say you know I could come in here and say okay I I need some verification or documentation does anybody have a copy of his birth certificate so I give it a title for this for this discussion and then I can put out a big ol long comment on it when I do that and click OK it's going to add a new discussion to this list and right here it's going to put the title of my discussion there and the actual discussion right here okay now this particular discussion you may see discussions on family tree that are already in there called legacy disputes okay what that means is back on new Family Search the old new Family Search you nobody was allowed to change anybody else's information and so the only thing you could do is if somebody put something up that was wrong you had to dispute it you could say hey I dispute that that I don't I don't that's not right okay any of those disputes that were made on new Family Search have been brought over to family tree and put into discussions and that's what they mean by legacy disputes in other words old legacy basically means old old disputes okay and so that's what those are is the old disputes now when you create a discussion or when you click on a discussion you'll see it right here and if there's a discussion you can come in here and you can say I want to add a comment and I could add a comment I could type in a comment click OK and it will add my comment to that list ok if I add a comment my comment is going to have an edit and edit link kind of like this except down below it it's gonna have an edit link and a delete link so if I make a comment I can delete my comment if I decide I don't really want it there or I can edit it I can go in and change it okay same thing with my with my discussion so if I start a new discussion in addition to add a comment I will also have edit edit the discussion or delete the discussion so I can actually go in and so in any discussion any person can go in and comment on it and then they can edit or delete their comments and you can you can just continue and so like I say it's it's like a little message board so if you have if you have a disagreement with somebody if somebody has gone into family tree and changed some information that you had added you can come back in here and and say put it back you can put it back and then come into the discussions and start a discussion and say you know hey please don't change that because I've got a copy of his birth certificate that shows that and I have now put a copy of that birth certificate up you know they might come back and say hey I've got a family Bible and I've got a baby announcement and I've got all these other things that specify this other date but anyways the discussions give you a place where you can talk to other people that are working on this same person or this same line up on Family Search and try to work out things today the last tab we're going to talk about here are changes and the changes when is a really nice one because as I mentioned in familysearch family tree anybody can change anything hey this is not like the old new family search where you could put something up and nobody else could ever change it people can change stuff that other people have added so when you click on the changes tab what you're going to see are all the changes that have been made to this person out on Family Tree this person that you've been working with out on family tree it's going to show you what was done it's going to show you the date it was done who did it okay it's going to show you what the details are for that and and so like if we come down here okay somebody added a birth somebody added the death okay and in this case families data migration that's that means it was pulled over from new family search so new family search pulled over the death date January 11th 1910 okay it's like wait a second I go back over to here and I'm like wait a second no we have January 15th 1911 and we had a source that actually said that okay and so what happened is when somebody found that source they went in and it changed that so you have death added up here you're going to find somewhere up here okay there it is right all right I missed it lost it again okay there it is right there death changed okay the death date was changed on this state and there's the date that it was changed to January fifteenth nineteen eleven unfortunately they didn't put the reason you know if they had put the reason you would have a thing like this it would say the reason it would say the birth certificate you know we attached the birth certificate that shows that this is the actual birth date but you'll notice that it says for death changed that's now the current value but if we go back down here to where that death pack was added you see it says restore so if I wanted to be a jerk and I don't want to be a jerk so I'm not going to do this but if I did want to be a jerk and restore this particular day and it just exact that there was that source that had the other date I could come in here and say restore and families Lutz Magic's going to say this is what we're going to restore back to this and if I click restore it would actually go and change the death backed back to this date now what's great though is when it does that when it does that up here it's going to add a new change item saying the death act was changed back to such and such date and it's going to list that that January 10th date as being the current and this one right here this death changed fact instead of saying current it is going to all this say restore and so the person could say why did you do that and you can come in here and click restore and restore it back to what it was without having to go through and re-enter it and change it okay now I brings up the question what is going to keep people from getting into these wars and just going restore back and forth and back and forth the answer is if if family search detects that something is going back and forth too much like that they will they will take take a take action whether it's lock the lock that person and send you know sin you know you start better better start behaving and start looking through discussions and and that type of thing to come up with it but there are some safeguards to that but like I say if you the great thing is about this is if you accidentally you know put something over there it is possible to go in and restore the value that it was before okay so that is that is the that is the change the changes list and this in rootsMagic is all completely synced so for example if I were to come over here and add a source if I was to go ahead and add this source to familysearch as soon as I add that I can come over to changes and I will see source attached I will see it right there and the changes if I come over in to share data and I add this residence back if I go ahead and do this and put a reason and I add that residence fact when I switch over here to changes it's going to say you know residents fact added and it's going to put the information right there so these are like I say these are completely in sync if I were to come in here and go down here and be that jerk I was talking about and say restore this to January 11th as soon as I did that if I come back over here to share data it's going to say January 11th right there on the family search site my side will still be correct because the change in only affects the family surf sites so it's not going to undo it and undoing changes is not going to affect what I have in rootsMagic that's the great part about having your data in a separate program is that even if something gets messed up out there on family tree it's not affecting your data you can still have your clean pristine data but still be able to share it with the world and on on Family Search okay one thing I'm going to show you quickly is this screen that we've brought up you know by clicking by clicking that little icon these Family Search person tools you notice we basically been working with that person we clicked on well there is a little button over here on the left you can see it's a kind of a tall skinny button if I click on that what that does is that actually opens up a list of everybody in my file so I don't have to actually close this screen and go select somebody back on the pedigree I can open this right up and I can jump right to if I want to jump from Elizabeth to that John that we were working on I can click on that on John's screen and it will switch to him over here on the right side okay and it's going to be on whatever tab so in this case he's matched up that's why you see the little family tree icon showing this to their name those are the two people that have been matched with family tree and so I can do that this is it this is a nice way if I wanted to go and find matches for people a little bit quicker I can click on an Baker not enough information for her okay I click on Catherine and there's a bunch of possible matches that I can look at okay go to Richard Elizabeth but Elizabeth and find people that have possible matches and I can actually look for these possible matches now one thing you're going to see and I'm going to actually show you this but I'm not going to actually do it if on the find match screen you're already matched to somebody and you decide this person is the same as yours in other words these are both duplicates when you click to actually match up to this one rootsMagic is going to tell you hey you're already matched up with somebody we need to merge these two duplicates first and if you tell it merge what rootsMagic is going to do is it's going to bring up this family search merge screen ok and it's going to show you the person that you're already matched up to it's going to show you the person that you just said is the same the one you want to match up to and so what it's saying is hey you you want to merge these two records together and yeah you merge them together this is what it's going to look like this is what you're going to have based on what you have here so for example you can choose again one name so if you decide that her name actually is Elizabeth trout you can check that and that's the one it's going to keep okay so that's going to be the actual merged person if I click that merge button down at the bottom this is what these two records are going to be merged into okay if I decide that it was this stokin ham Devon I click on that and it's going to change it to that okay some pieces of information in this case in your person you have a christening but FamilySearch doesn't even have a christening that's why it's not these little radio buttons because you're not choosing one or the other you're choosing does this one even exists or not so you could say this is this one is wrong I want to take it out you uncheck it and so the combined person will not have that fact that works for all of the facts it works the alternate names it also works for the family members so if you decide that you want you've already got two sets of parents if you want a third sted appearance you can do that and now you're going to have three sets of parents in that combined record so you can choose what you want and then click to merge them obviously I'm not going to do that but that will let you merge those two records what that will do is those two records would have been merged together and my rootsMagic person would then be matched up to the newly merged record okay now real quickly over here you do have some filtering there's some special filters so if I wanted to I could say hey only show me the people in my file that are matched to FamilySearch and it's going to filter it so those are the only ones that are showing or I could say oh only show me the ones that are not matched to FamilySearch and so you can see ones that haven't been matched so you can go down through the list looking for matches and there's a number of other things people that have you know active or complete or people have ordinances reserved a bunch of different options there's a second filter and these filters work together so you can use both you can mix and match them but this lets you do things like say I want everybody in my database or I want a group of people and that lets you use a name group that's that's where you can pick anybody and you want only want people whose last name is Smith who was born in California you know so you can you can do that and select the named groups again you have a webinar on using named groups where we cover using name groups so you could look at that in that other webinar or you could say I only want the ancestors so if you want to select yourself and only for generations you can limit that list to just you and your for generations and combined that you and your for generations but only those that haven't been matched to Family Search so you have you have these options for filtering that list right there okay last thing we're going to talk about is a second screen called Family Search central what we've been working on in at this point is what I call the family search person tools that's where you again you can look for matches you can share data back and forth you can do get into discussions with people you can you can transfer sources back and forth you can see a change history and restore changes the family search central is instead of clicking on the little family search icon next to a person's name you click the family search toolbar button and what this is going to do is if this is like a dashboard and it actually won an award from FamilySearch for best dashboard and what this does is gives you several panels tasks to do it shows your login if you want to log out and log in as a different name you can do that shows you how many people in your file have not been matched to Family Search shows how many need more temple information you have a what's new screen this is going to show you when somebody has changed out on a family search this is going to tell you hey somebody's changed on the FamilySearch and you can click and get a list of those people that have changed and then for each one of them look at that change page so you can see what has changed on each person and it's also got us little status little pretty pie charts one is how many people have matched versus not matched and what's the LDS store status of the people that have been matched ok um if you click on one of these links if I click on this not matched it's going to bring up that same screen we were looking at except it happens to have the filter selected people that are not matched to Family Search that's part of the reason we have these filters is so that you can from the Family Search central just click and it will take care of the filter for you and show you just that particular list of people ok these first three buttons all they do is bring up that exact same screen it's just chooses which tab the finding matches tab the share data tab or the ordinances tab ok there's a button here called temple work which we won't be covering in this webinar again we have another webinar where this is discussed but this is the one where any ordinances that you have reserved you can come in and print what's called the family ordinance request that's the form you're going to take to get the cards printed to have the ordinances done so you can you can print the ordinance request you can see a list of ordinance requests you printed and once you have those cards printed you can actually track those cards this will actually let you track those cards give them to people and able to see which card you gave to which people and what progress they've made on those cards okay the two we want to talk about here though are import and auto match the import what this is for is this actually lets you import or bring over more than just one person okay from those FamilySearch person tools you can bring over somebody and saying oh bring this person over into rootsMagic as a new father or as a child or as of whatever this import a family import of tree actually lets you say starting with this person you can say you know and you enter that family search ID say I want you to import this many generations of ancestors this many generations of descendants and it will pull that tree in to rootsMagic for you the second option is me and this is useful for people who have never used a genealogy program before somebody who doesn't have data in path or any other program and the only information they have that they actually have availa accessible to them is what's already out on a family search family tree in that case you would create a new database you would come into family search central you would click on import and you would choose me and however many generations of ancestors and descendants you want and click import and rootsMagic will go out to family search family tree and import that tree directly into roots magic for you ok so that's a good way to get started if that's the only data that you actually have available ok last feature I'm going to show you here is going to be Auto match ok as we showed you what you do to actually match up with a person to match your person to family search is click on the little gray icon and rootsMagic brings up the matches and you select the match and you say yeah match my person and you have to analyze it and everything what auto match does and I'm just going to go ahead and start this and let it go while I'm talking but automatch does is it goes through every person in your database that isn't already matched to somebody out on family tree and tries to determine is that person in on on family tree and if they are it will match your person in rootsMagic to that person on family tree so in other words you don't have to go one at a time over here and click on a person and then look at the possible matches and select one and then say yeah match it and they go to a neck close that out go to the next one you can come into Auto match and it will analyze these people it's not necessarily speedy because you know if it's actually having to go out there and FamilySearch and ask for for this information but it's still a lot faster a whole lot faster then you can go one person at a time and look at the matches so in other words at this point so far just while we've been talking we found 18 matches we've actually matched up 18 people in this rootsMagic file with the corresponding personnel and family tree and in this little database it found and matched 20 people so once I've done that when I click finish one thing you'll want to do is leave family search central open you'll notice that it's actually updating some of these numbers okay you're going to see some of this stuff is updating because when rootsMagic does that Auto match all it's doing is saying this person in my file is the same as that person out on family tree it's not moving any data back and forth so it doesn't really know much about that person that you matched to other than that is the same person and so what it does is after after they've all been brought in through that auto or actually they've all been matched up rootsMagic in the background right here starts actually looking to see what the actual status is on how many have been changed since the last time you looked and things like that so you know you can say just leave this open for a little while and you'll be good once you've actually let it go you can go ahead and close this and you'll notice that eventually okay there we go you'll notice a lot of these people that we had matched up by hand have been matched again like I say it's not copying data back and forth it's just saying they are the same person so when I go and click on this Robert Warren that rootsMagic found during the Auto match instead of taking me to that find matches tab it's taking me directly to the share data tab and other words it said you're Robert Warren who's person number 17 in your file is the same as this person on familysearch that's person number LZ LG - PKM you can see names basically match burst don't quite but the christening christening date and place match the death and burial you know those are those are a bit off you know it looks like he may have been eight or nine months old I have been dead eight or nine months but you can go down here and you can see the father the mother the spouse the children they've already been matched up as well so this this Auto match this Auto match feature in family search central is a big time-saver you just go ahead and you know click on it and it takes care of matching those up for you again like I say don't worry it's not moving any data back and forth the only time any data moves between rootsMagic and Family Search or Family Search in rootsMagic is when you are on those Family Search person tools and you say copy a fact over copy a person over or you go to the sources tab and say copy a source over okay so those are the those are the those are the big things okay well let's go ahead and take a look at a few of these questions how accurate is auto match what does it look for auto match is based on family search it's return rootsMagic doesn't says hey here's all the information we have on this rootsMagic person is there a math child on Family Search and Family Search will come back and it may say no there are no matches or it may say well there's a match but it's kind of a low quality or medium quality match we only take matches that are considered high quality matches okay in other words Family Search says we are almost absolutely positive that this is the same person the thing is this once it's once we get a high quality match like that we do some analysis ourselves to make sure we actually compare start to compare parents and spouse names and things like that in addition to what Family Search is actually based it on I like to make sure keep in mind the that if you it did for some reason I've never seen an incorrect match you know and all the time that we've had this I haven't seen an incorrect match but if there was an incorrect match like I said no date has been transferred so if you went in and you saw an incorrect match and you looked at this person and said man these two are not the same person at all all you have to do is come up here and say unmatch and they'll say if you want to unmask unlink them you say yep and now they're not matched anymore so when I close they're not matched anymore so it's as simple as going in and saying there they are unmatched or unmatched them if if you ever do find one that's wrong like I say I have I haven't seen an incorrect match right there okay somebody says if you let a family search do the match you are giving your data to them that would be correct if they were storing the data that you were sending to ask for a match they aren't doing that at least not at the moment and I don't know that they have any attention I assume if they ever started actually keeping the the matched data that you sent to them then they would make that public okay so how do you change how do you change the settings in rootsMagic to allow the use of family tree okay that's a good question I when we create it when we actually created that new rootsMagic file you know when we said when we when we created that new file we actually checked FamilySearch family tree support right here if you forgot to check that and so you didn't have family search support what you'll do is go to tools and then go down here to the final options we click on the file options there's an option right here there's this category called family search and you can just choose whether or not to enable family search support and you can turn it off just as easily so if I go in and if I go in and say turn it off then you'll notice the little family search icon next to each person turn it off okay so I can go do that LDS support likewise you can turn on and off that way so you can turn that on or off anytime you want okay let's see okay oh there's another good question what if there is no match on family tree okay so for example let me go to a person here and this person may or may not have a match I don't know oh not yeah okay this person right here does not have enough information to do a match okay see I've got his name and that's all I got I don't have any other any other information other than his name so if there's not enough information for rootsMagic to actually have family search returned and match I can choose search for more matches and when I click that I can have it just do a basic search and it fills in the little bit of information I actually have so it fills in his name the fact that he was male the fact that his name is hurt his wife's name is J and his spouse his name is Jane in this case is treyton and the spouse is birth okay and I can tell it to search and when I tell it to search it's going to come up and it finds a whole bunch which may or may not be matches if they are matches I can go ahead and click and that's and look with Family Search okay now there's a several different options when I say do a basic search its a search based on whatever I have in here and it's going to do kind of what's called a a fuzzy search in other words it's going to find stuff you know that treyton may be spelled tra th a.m. or a en in or whatever when I do an advanced search I have a little it's the same as the basic search except that it puts a checkbox next to each item and so I can be a little bit more specific and I can say okay I want exact and if I say exact then that means it's only going to bring back matches where that last name is spelled exactly like that it's not going to use that fuzzy type search it's only going to do that so that's what the advanced searches the search by ID is where I can enter a PID so if I've been out on Family Search and I've actually seen a person that I'm looking for and so I know they're out there and I know their ID I can come right here and enter that ID and search and it will actually bring back that one result that one single result okay and so that's how I can do that now let's say I do this and none of these are matches in other words I search for more matches and I've done everything and they just thought this person just isn't up on family tree then I can click Add to Family Search but when I click Add the family search it's going to say this is going to make a cop-out a copy of this person to family search again it's say make sure the person is not already on there which is what we would have just done and I could click Add to Family Search I'm not going to do that but when I click Add to Family Search it is going to take Richard add him to Family Search and if I have other people in my file that are linked to Family Search yet we'll use that information and link Richard in to the appropriate place up on Family Search so it's not going to just throw him up there on an island by himself it's going to go ahead and and put him put him up on Family Search and then link him to the appropriate family members based on who you have already matched up with Family Search okay let's see can I search for persons that I don't have in roots man and copy them into rootsMagic the answer to that would be would be yes yeah what you would do is on that share data screen when you're on this share data screen let me go back to Elizabeth strengthen here and what you'll do is when you're on a person screen and this basically lets you kind of keep it together okay you'll see right here in rootsMagic I have this spouse I have Elizabeth with her spouse William Warren and Elizabeth Elizabeth Warren one of the children okay um but I don't have I don't have any of these other children I don't have so I can go in and look and I can look at the you know information if I decide I want Thomas in that family I just click and I say add to rootsMagic and I can say I want to add him as in that family or I can add him as a new child which creates a new family or if the child is already over there I could match them up but in this case I want to add I want to add Thomas to my father's this person's going to be copied over so I'm going to say ok and it's going to read Thomas and it's going to bring Thomas over into rootsMagic and so as soon as this finishes loading okay you're going to see now now I have Thomas Thomas is now in this family Elizabeth and William and Thomas is in there and I can go close this and show you there's William and Elizabeth if I go into that family view there's Thomas there's the Thomas that I just brought in from family search so if I bring him up it's got all of the information that was in family searched for him including any you know any notes and sources and whatever you know that information is all going to be in there as well sources actually I take it back the sources won't come over we noticed that bringing the sources over when we bring the person that is something we're working on but right now it will bring over their names and all of them they're all those he dips okay let's see can you fix birth orders family tree from rootsMagic that's something you can't do currently in in roots net from the roots magic itself there are a few little things that you if you want to clean up stuff on family tree in order to be certified basically what it is is it's it's being able to share your data between groups magic and family tree there are some things like if you need to clean up data on family tree itself there are some things that you will need to actually go out to family tree itself in order to do okay let's see let me scroll up here a little bit well roots magic copy over path notes to the person yes all your notes sources pictures everything will transfer over Oh how do we use what's new I have hundreds of people that have new information after an automatch and that's true right after you do an automatch basically everybody is is considered new okay so the because because you haven't looked at any of them and so the best way to do that is just let it finish let it finish doing its thing counting them up and then say reset the count clear the count that'll zero it back out and then that way anybody that changes from that point on will be showing up and what's new you know if you if you just leave that if you leave that up there you're going to have to go through those familysearch person tools and actually look at each of those people in order to clear that so it's best just to go ahead and clear them you know clear them all out and then then let it keep track of of what's what's new from that point on okay what does be you after the name and the pedigree chart okay yeah I saw that right let's see right here you know if you see BU what that means is that person does not have a death fact and so instead of putting a death leaving a blank for a death date it puts a burial date yeah you may also see a person I don't see any right here but if a person has a christening date but no birth date you might see a date with a sea in parentheses after that okay let's see there's a lot of questions here that aren't necessarily related to family tree and so we aren't going to really cover those because we want to pretty much try to stay on topic now looking through here not just off the top of my head seeing any that worked word answered that there may be and I apologize if there were anyways hopefully this gives you a good a good overview of how to use roots magic to interface with the familysearch family tree being able to find matches share your data share sources back and forth get access to the sources that are unfairly searched to bring them into rootsMagic including the links being able to see what changes have been made to a person on family search and actually restoring changes if necessary so we will be doing future webinars which will be on specific features which we've covered in this like I say this is intended to be an overview just kind of an overview of of what all the different things are that you are able to do with roots magics family search tools so again I hope you enjoyed this hope you learned a lot and we'll be seeing you at our next webinar thanks for joining us
Channel: RootsMagic
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Id: Wq3yyVgexzk
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Length: 84min 13sec (5053 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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