41. What's New in RootsMagic 6

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welcome to today's surprise rootsMagic webinar my name is Michael booth I'm vice president it's magic and one of its developers and also with us this evening is the roots magician himself Bruce Busby and Bruce of course is the president of roots magic and it's author and many of you probably checked her email yesterday and got an unexpected surprise an email announcing the release of roots magic version six we know we've been quiet lately and it's because we've been hard at work to finish the newest version of our prized technology software and tonight you're going to be the first to see a public demonstration of its new features like online publishing find everywhere web tags County check explore the new editable timeline view and more see for yourself while your family tree magazine named roots magic the best all-around genealogy program for both casual and serious genealogists and in the spirit of today's season of this holiday season we'll also be giving some prizes out at the end to some lucky participants first we'd like it to start with a poll okay and we would like to know what new feature before we demonstrate them to you what new feature in rootsMagic six are you the most excited about the online publishing the edits will Timeline view find everywhere web tags or another feature and go ahead and click on your choice okay and the results of the initial poll 29% of you are most excited about the online publishing 21% we're most interested in the editable Timeline view 33% in the find everywhere feature 10% in the web tags and 7% in other very interesting we'll run a similar poll at the end and see if after seeing the demonstration if any of your your most exciting feature changes and with that introduction I'll turn the time over to roost hey thanks for joining us seems like it's been a while since we've been able to meet together here and one of these webinars so what I want to do is I just want to actually just jump right in we're going to start with some of these features that we talked about the county check Explorer web tags and so on and I'm going to cover kind of the big main features because we've got a limited amount of time but in the future we are going to be doing individual webinars on each of these features so we'll be able to go into a lot more detail on these individual features tonight is actually more of a kind of an overview to kind of give get you a good feeling as to what is new and in rootsMagic 6 ok I am going to start first what I'm going to do is the county check Explorer now back in rootsMagic 5 we released a feature called county check and what county check did is when you went into a person's edit screen and you entered a fact for them you entered a date in the place if that county or state didn't happen to exist on the date you entered rootsMagic would pop up a little screen and saying oh that didn't exist and once you were in that screen you could kind of do things like look up information online for that county or or view an online map well we had a lot of requests for the ability to actually just look up counties and see that information without having to actually go enter incorrect information just to get that that tool to come so what we've done is we created a new feature under the Tools menu and it's called County check Explorer and what this does is this gives you access into that County check database without having to go enter incorrect information so if I were to go into the county check Explorer I can just come up and I just type in a county or a state or a country now remember this this actually works for the US Canada Australia and the UK I'm going to go ahead to a County I'll enter Bernalillo yard naoi New Mexico and I can abbreviate do whatever I want on that and it's going to give me different results so it's gonna give me Bernalillo County New Mexico United States and it's also going to give me New Mexico as well now when I highlight either of these it's going to give me the information over here on the right for that County or that state or whatever it is I'm highlighting so for example if I select Bernalillo County it's going to give me that information and I can go get online information or go to the online maps at the Newberry Library though the historical county maps same thing for New Mexico if I select New Mexico I can see what New Mexico was known as and I can see what New Mexico belong to the United States and I can see what New Mexico contained okay you can see there's a bunch of things New Mexico it's according to this between 1863 January 28th and February 24th of 1863 it actually contained a county called Arizona Arizona County anyways I'm going to go ahead and I'm gonna click on these on this online info button for New Mexico now when I do that what rootsMagic is going to do is it's going to take me to the family search wiki page for New Mexico and as I go through there I can find out information about New Mexico I can see some historical information information about each of the individual counties extinct or renamed counties there's that Arizona County that we saw in the rootsMagic county check okay I can see information about research tools and external links or in New Mexico as well okay let's say I happen to instead choose Bernalillo County when I do that online information it's going to take me to the FamilySearch wiki page for Bernalillo County New Mexico and again I have similar information for Bernalillo County as well okay now I'm gonna come back here the other button the online map button what that does is that takes me to the Newberry Library okay and what the Newberry Library is they have a historical County database and so what this is doing is this is bringing up New Mexico and it's showing me here is what the counties look like on February 24th 1863 okay so you can see you can see the black lines here those are as I scroll down here those are the historical counties little white lines those are the current counties those were the modern county boundaries so you can kind of get an idea of what the counties shapes looked like at that time compared to what they look like now now I'm actually going to go and change this what I want to do is I'm going to go look and there was an Arizona County after January of 1863 so let's just pick February 1st 1863 I'm gonna go pick February 1st of 1863 and tell it to refresh the map okay now it's redrawing the map and let's go ahead and pan this map over a little bit so you can kind of see a little better ok here is New Mexico as we know it now and of course here is Arizona but at the time on that date this is actually what New Mexico looked like and there you had your Arizona County you also had several other counties that existed at that time some of these counties are still counties they just have shrunk to fit within the New Mexico boundaries ok so that's what the historical counties Maps lets you do I can also go and say well show me what they look like more recently let's pick 1950 and I could say refresh the map okay and there's what the boundary boundaries look like on February 1st 1950 now this is what's nice about those white borders versus the black ones as you can see there's basically one little difference between 1950 and the current boundaries and that would be that this County was boundary was moved over to here okay okay so that's that is the that is Kalki check explore like I said I can go in here and I can type in any County or state in the US Canada Australia no are the UK and get those results and then select those results to see more information here and then go online to find out even more information beyond that okay let's go ahead and move on the next feature I want to I want to talk about is what's called web tags now we've had several people say they don't really quite understand what web tags are and basically web tags are very simple it's a way to let you add a link to a web page to a person or to a source or to a place whatever a lot of times you'll come across a web page that is about one of your ancestors or is about a place in your database or you may have a source that there is a copy of it or information about that out on a web page well this web tags let you do is link a person or a source or a place to a web page so let's go ahead and I'm gonna go into doctor James Smith I'm going to go into his edit screen and on the Edit screen for a person we have a new button over here called web tags okay and it's a little bit it's a little bit cut off because we're at a really low resolution for for the webinar but the web tags you'll notice right now it says there are no web tags at all okay if I click on web tags it's going to give me a list of any websites that I have linked dr. James Smith to if I want to add a web page I can just click on add and it says okay what am i linking from in this case it's a person and so it's already prefilled out but I can change that to a source or the citation or a place or a research log item okay that's a really nice one because if you are keeping a research log and you say oh the research log I've happened to find this information on line you can actually link to that webpage but I go ahead and choose what this web link is linked to I enter a descriptive name for this page I enter the URL or the website address the HTTP colon slash slash something and then I can also enter a note about this so if I happen to find find a copy of his grave Island find-a-grave I can actually link to the find a grave page now I'm going to show you a little a little shortcut because this this is fairly simple but in order to do this you need to open up your browser find the webpage you're looking for and then copy and paste the URL from there into here but what we've done is we've added one of the things we've added is on our web search page and hopefully you've all taken advantage of the web search page the web search page takes whoever's highlighted when I click on web search it goes and searches whatever websites so I can go in here and I can say search ancestry or search Family Search or search genealogy Baker whatever I'm going to go ahead and pick find-a-grave and when I select find-a-grave rootsMagic is actually goes out and tries to find this person out on find-a-grave now this isn't really this person although this actually happens to match the name of the years keep in mind this database I'm using I always have to remind people this is a completely fake database these are not real people so you know don't don't be emailing tech supports asking you know whose file this is because it's your family it's not ok it's it's fake ok but if I happen to be in my web search and I happen to find this person and I go in and I say oh look this person there it is there's the grave information there's the information I'm looking for well what I can do is you'll notice there's a button add web tag and when I click that rootsMagic has our selected the person that I was doing that web search for and has plugged the URL in for me so all I need to do is go in and say the name I could just say find grave entry and I can in I can enter a note so like if there's information on this page or I want to enter a note I can put you know this is a note about this find-a-grave entry you know so I can put whatever I want there click OK and I have now added a web tag to James Smith so if I go back over here to James Smith when I open up his head up screen you'll see web tags now shows the one I do have one web tag here when I click on that there's that entry right there there is that entry that I just made from the web search so I can I can go in and do add you know I click add and I can add it right here if I want to do that or I can do it from that web search as well now I can also edit that so if I want to change something about this I can click at it and I go in here and make changes add more to the notes or work you know adjust the name whatever I want to do if I want to delete it if it's if for some reason that link has been broken or whatever and I want to delete it I can go up there and delete that as well what's nice though is if I come in here and I say oh there's a find a great entry I can just highlight it in the list and click go and it jumps me right to that page that I had basically created the web link for but the web tag for so that's what a web tag lets me do and it's not limited I'm not limited to just doing that as I said with people so if I'm working on a person I have a web tag there if I'm working on a source if I'm working on a source if I go in and edit a source okay that source I can either have web tags for the master source or I can have web tags for the detail for the specific citation okay so uh sources and citations each can have their own web tags so if there's a web page it's just about generally about a book I can I can go to the master text and I can I can create a web tag to the page about that book generally on the other hand if there is a page that says oh there's this look but you know on page whatever and they actually have a scanned copy of it or they they have whatever information you can create web tags for your citation as well okay you also can do web tags for places so if I go into my master place list if I have a particular place when I go in and edit that I can create a web tag for a place so if there's a website all about that place you know the government website or whatever I cannot go in and add a web tag for that place again I'm not limited to one web tag I can have as many web tags as I want for each one of these records so so for a person I can link to I can link to a hundred to hundred different different web sites if I want there's no limit to how many of these web tags I can have or any particular record okay the last place currently that you can use web tags is in the research manager so if I were to create a research log for somebody and you can tell this is kind of a repetitive thing it's just but if I go in and edit this research log I can choose one of these one of these I'll go in and edit one and you will have the ability to add web tags so when you create your research log you know you're going to say this is my goal for this research log and then you're going to make entries I look on this date this is what I was trying to find and I looked in this source that was here and here were the results of my search well I can use web tags to actually link to the site to the actual site that this source was on so it lets me actually create the web tags for that now in the future we will be looking at adding web tags to other types of Records but as I said right now web tags are available for people for places for sources citations and for research log items again we will be adding the web tags to other things now one thing other thing we've done for the web tags is in the reports there's a new report under list and that's called the web tags list and what that does is you choose which type of web tags you want to include in the report whether you want those notes again you can enter notes for any web tag do you want those included and then you just generate the report and that's going to generate a report that's kind of hard to see right here but it's going to list the person or the repository or the source of the citation or the place or whatever and show you what you entered the URL for that which is sometimes long and cryptic like this and then if you want the notes to print it will print the notes as well so it's a way to get a list of all of those web tags or all the web tags for a person or all the web tags for a place or whatever okay so let's go ahead and move on to the next new feature we've added and that is going to be the new editable timeline view now in rootsMagic we've always we've had this timeline view since last since last version and the timeline view actually normally it looks like this I turn I turn some of these off so you can see more on this is what the Timeline view looked like basically in version 5 you had your graphical timeline and then you had this part from here down you had the list of events which were events in this person's lifetime which were in bold and the birth marriage and death events for their siblings their parents their spouses and their children okay I'm going to turn this graphical timeline back off just to make more room here to show you this what we've added is what's called the live edit panel and this basically works just like the Edit screen panel on the main edit screen we've also added these top rows which also are from the Edit screen okay so if I highlight the person's information I can come over right over here and edit their name if I highlight the spouse I can edit the spouse information the parent information if I highlight James Smith's birth I can come over here and edit James Smith's birth information right here okay if I click on the birth of his sibling I can actually edit the birth of his siblings information okay so this is actually much more powerful than the regular edit screen because one I'm seeing all of his family information in context with his own information plus I can edit that information directly I don't have to go to dr. James Smith and if his information go out of his at it screen go into his father's edit screen and edit that information I can do all of that editing right from here I can also add facts right from here so I can come in and say I want to add a fact I can go ahead and select the fact type just like I can in the Edit screen I can delete facts including facts that belong to other people so if I highlighted the birth of this sibling and decided that that really isn't correct I can delete it here now be careful just realize that if I go in and delete this birth of the sibling right here it's not just removing it from dr. James Smith's time line it's actually removing that event so Sylvia's birth will actually be disappearing from that now if you had shared events those show in here as well but all of that information is completely editable from here you have on the timeline of course you have the person's age the event type the date you have the name of the person that it belonged to if it's one of the siblings or a spouse or whatever you have a place and then you have columns for notes sources and media with the check mark showing whether whether that has in has a note or has any sources or has any media there's also a column right here to show whether this event has been shared or this fact has been shared with somebody else okay so if this fact has been shared in this case that census has been shared with somebody else I can click right there to open up that shared event screen to bring that right there okay now again like I say this is a little bit hard to see at this low of a resolution we have to make this the resolution of this screen much less than probably any of you have on your screens in order to make this work right on the on the webinar on everybody's fun everybody screen you will normally be able to easily see the details and that place information right there okay now one thing one thing I want to point out one thing that people don't really realize about this timeline I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of bring it to your attention one of the things people have always wanted us to do not just in rootsMagic but even going all the way back to the family origins days is to be able to edit two people at the same time okay you've never been able to do that because when rootsMagic or family origins in it for that matter when it brings up the Edit screen that edit screen is what's called modal and you can't open up another screen for that person okay now what you can do is right now I'm working on this sample - alright this is gonna be really really hard for you to see at this resolution you're just gonna have to trust me that you can do this if I go to file and I open that same file and I could open a different file but if I open up that same file and I'm gonna close I'm gonna close that and I'm going to pick Howard Smith for example and go to the timeline now I can say yes you can't really see this on your screen so this will be a hot lotty easier to work with but right now you are in two different edit screens at the same time just by opening up two copies of that same database I can be working looking at Howard I can go in and I can copy and paste information from Howard over to here or if I've got multiple copies of a person I can do that I can also do the same thing if I open up two different databases so if I want to go file and say open and pick a different database I could have two databases open maybe I've got two databases that that both started at this is the same but I accidentally enter data into both of them and so now I've got two databases that I need to kind of clean up I can do that I can open up those two databases side-by-side be able to open up the person on this side the person on this side and compare I can go in and compare the information I have on those two people and be able to copy and paste information from one to the other okay tom says to tile it vertically we'll see you whether that helps much now horizontally actually it is well that kind of that kind of helps but you've got you can you can see you can see you've got some pretty tiny text over here in this list when it squeezes it down there but yeah you can you can open it you can open it up vertically or horizontally either way but that's like I say that's one of the neat things that you can now do with the Timeline view the editable Timeline view is you can be able to go into and edit more than one person at a time okay one other thing while I'm here I guess I'll point out this is this is just a little thing I don't even think it shows on our on our feature list this is just one of those little things when you're when you're working on a place or on an event in the place in the past you always have the little button that would bring up the master place list for for your database we've added the ability to bring up the gazetteer from there as well so if you're actually working on a place you're working in a place and you aren't really sure you can bring up the gazetteer and do the you know davon Iowa and you can actually bring it up right there and paste it into the place and it'll paste that right into the place so that's another little little feature that we got isn't even on the list but that's one of those things you can do you can actually just pop up that gazetteer right from there you can do that on the timeline we did actually add that on the regular edit screen so when you go into the person's edit screen you have that there as well so some of the things that we've added in that Timeline view we've also carried over some of that into the actual full edit screen to help you know for those who want to be able to do that now you do still have the full edit screen so if you're you know when you're working from the pedigree view you can go into the Edit screen just like you could before and in fact you can do still do that from here so like I can if i click on birth I can edit that birth right here but if I double click it opens up that person to that same screen so you know it's it's it's still available that full edit screen is still available for you to use in the same way okay let's go ahead and move on to the one of my favorite features and this is actually this is actually a feature that that people have been asking us for a way to do something like this for a long time and what this is is under the search menu there's an option called find everywhere and it's got those little binoculars and of course you can you know you can go and if you want a toolbar button if you want a toolbar button for it you know you can go in and customize the toolbar you know right click on the toolbar customize it and add the button but I'm just gonna go ahead and pick it from right here find everywhere now in the past you had the ability to search for a person and that would bring up a list of all the people and you could do things like find where you can select people you know find everybody whose birth date continues - yes and whose surname contains that and whatever but the end result is it still only found people it found people based on different kinds of data but it still found people well let's search what find everywhere does is it finds text that I enter wherever it happens to be in the file so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to just say I want to it find Smith now I can enter were an individual word or I can enter a phrase in here and when I click OK rootsMagic is going to find all the records that have that word or have that phrase now if I want all the all the records that have two different words but they aren't right next to each other I don't want to put them both right here because rootsMagic is going to be looking for them together but I could put Smith and you know Disneyland and that's going to find every record in the file that has Smith and Disneyland in it that have both of them or I can say Smith or Disneyland and it's gonna find every record that has either Smith or Disneyland or both okay I'm just gonna do a simple one right here I'm gonna do Smith oh one other thing if you want it to match the case in other words if if I wanted it to only find Smith where that first letters lowercase like that I could tell it to match case I rarely match case but if you want to you'll have the option to do that okay so I'm going to tell the search for Smith and here's my results really sighs this down a little bit what rootsMagic has done is it has given me a list of everything in the file that has Smith in it and it's going to show me the results and it's going to highlight in red but whatever word I was looking for in this case Smith so these are all the people that have the word Smith and of course in this case most of them it's their name and that's why it shows that that Hyrum Smith Mills it's his name as I scroll on down you'll see some where some people have two names a regular name and an alternative some people you know it may have a there may be one of their notes in this case Howard Smith senior his birth note has the word Smith in it and so it's telling me it's a birth note okay now you'll notice that that that the little little link for each result each search result is highlighted so if I fight if I say if it says Burton Sylvester Smith it's his name I'm going to click on that link and it's going to open burton Sylvester Smith and it's going to be highlighting his name right here because that's where it actually found Smith on the other hand if I come down here and I say birth note it's going to actually pop up the birth note so whatever type of record get found that's what clicking the edit it's going to actually let me edit that record now you'll notice these people have edit right here so if I actually just want to go to their their that person's edit screen generally I can click on edit and it's just going to open up their edit screen so I can kind of look at all of their information right there okay let's go ahead and scroll down because at this point it's basically showing these similar to what I could have found before you know find everybody with Smith in their name or whatever as I scroll down okay now we're looking at sources here are all the sources that have the word Smith in them okay this vital record its name the source name has Smith and the footnote S so if I go to the name there I can actually actually go right in and do that okay if this is the footnote I can click the footnote and I can edit the footnote right there okay I'm going to scroll down a little bit farther and here are the citations okay so this is a specific citation part contains the word Smith so it might be the citation it might be in this case the research notes you know maybe I've got maybe maybe I've extracted out into the research notes for this 1880 census the fact that he hid this because this was his name he was 11 he was a son white male if I click on that it will take me to the research notes for that okay I'm gonna scroll on down a little bit places okay here's a place that has the word Smith in it I can click on that and I can edit the place go on a little farther to do items here's a to-do item that has Smith I can go in I can edit the to-do item okay research logs okay here's a research log okay I got the research log there's Howard Smith and the actual objective details is in there as well okay multi-media okay if I've got a picture that I've added in the caption or the description has the word Smith okay this is the only known photo of Phoebe Davis Smith if I click on that it will take me into there where I can actually look at that information or go ahead and and edit that so like I say these are just a few examples of the kinds of records that it will find information in but what what it's basically let just a our goal with this is to make it easy for you to find something so instead of having to know a bunch of tricks how do I search for this text to find its particular thing you just enter I'm looking for this and rootsMagic says here's every place in your file that we can find this okay if you happen to we have somebody asking about like if there was a cemetery name let's go ahead and let's go ahead and do this so I'm gonna go over to here to somebody fairly random I'm just gonna go to Samuel William Jones I'm gonna go to his burial and I'm gonna put Smith field Cemetery okay so in other words I'm gonna put some place details I'm gonna put a cemetery name there okay I'm gonna go in and do search and it's a find everywhere I'm gonna put Smith I could look for Smith field just as easily okay and so now I'm going to scroll down and okay there's my play there's my places and there's also my place detail so in other words if I am looking for a cemetery it can find that cemetery as well and click on Smith's there and I can actually see this the the Smithfield Cemetery and it's just as easy to find that in those place note the place details notes as well you know if I were to go into somebody else random William Griffiths and I go into his burial and I put you know evergreen cemetery and save that and then I actually yeah actually I'm gonna go into my into my master place list and it was paradise okay there's that evergreen cemetery oh this is actually another thing that we've added that's new I might as well show you while I'm up here in the in the wilderness on the place list when you highlight a place it's going to show you the place details down here and it did that before and if you wanted to edit information about those you would you would highlight this place then go into place details and that will give you the list you can now edit this information from here so if I want to edit the Smith Evergreen Cemetery from the place list I can just double click right there and do that if I want to edit the note for that evergreen cemetery I can just click right there a bunch of Smiths are buried here so I'm gonna go ahead and I got I've added a note for that evergreens for that evergreen cemetery okay so now when I do find everywhere and type in Smith okay when I go down to places okay there's that evergreen cemetery so even though even though Evergreen Cemetery doesn't have the word Smith the that place detail note had it so it's going to find that as well so like I say you know it's it's gonna hunt every record in the file to try to find you know whatever it is that you are looking for it looks in places place details what's in notes looks and sources citations to do items research thoughts you know everything so anyways it's a nice easy way to quickly find what it is that you're looking for if you if you entered something and you're like I don't have any idea I don't remember where I put that use find everywhere and it's going to find that for you okay okay I kind of tried to save what I my favorite part would last what this is is this is what we call our online publishing now rootsMagic has since day one has had the ability to what's called quote create a website and those when rootsMagic would create a website what it did is it you you would say Matt in fact I'll show you we've actually the old the old website creator is still in here we just changed the name to create HTML files because that's basically really all it did is it created HTML class created a bunch of static HTML pages kind of kind of not real wonderful-looking and that was it and then once it created those it was up to you to you know have your server space you know get get some server space it was up to you to learn how to work an FTP program to upload these files that were created and so what you do in the past and like I say those are still there you'd enter a project name and choose do I want family group sheets or do I want pedigree charts or do a lot of combination of pedigree charts and you'd kind of step on through the options and you'd end up with some some web pages that look like they were created in the 1980s and and and you know like like most genealogy programs create just some generic you know built using tables and stuff like that and then you had to figure out how to get them on online what we wanted to do was we wanted to make it easy for our users to be able to share their family information with their family and to be able to choose what information they wanted share and be able to put it up online where they could say hey family here's our family you know go take a look at it and so what we did is we added a publish online option and I'm just gonna go ahead and step through that this is just a wizard and you have two options when you first start one is publish my information online and the other one is manage my my dot rootsMagic com account okay one of the new features that we've added in with rootsMagic yes a site to be able to host the websites or the pub that you're going to create the published websites that you're going to create okay and that site is called my dot lutz magic.com and so you can create your own account and you have to do it through rootsMagic you don't do it up on the web site you have to have rootsMagic and you use rootsMagic and you can go on and you can create an account so if I were to click on manage that if I already have created it I can enter my login and my password if I haven't created an account yet I can come right here and say I want to create an account and I enter my desired username my desired password and my email address and that email address is only used if we need to contact you about your site for some reason it's not for advertising it doesn't go to subscribe you to a newsletter or anything it's only for us to be able to contact you about your site if there's a there's a problem or an issue now when you pick your desired username that's going to become part of your website URL or your website address so if I were to enter my desired username as Bruce just BR UCE then my website when it's created is going to be my dot rootsMagic comm slash Bruce okay now of course if somebody else is already use that username you don't get to use it okay so the first person to pick a particular username I gets to use that okay so that's that's how you can manage your account what I want to do is I actually want to publish my information online so I'm going to go ahead and click publish online and I'm going to enter a project name for the inflammation I want to publish now this name all this is basically being used for is to let me have a folder on my hard drive I can choose a project folder which is this whole first part and the project name lets me choose this part and all this is doing is saying we're on your hard drive where on your computer do you want us to create the files that we're going to publish online for you okay so you can use your last name you can use temp you can use whatever you want this project name is not the same as your user name so you can use whatever name you want right here okay second thing I can choose whether I want to upload my entire file or whether I want to select certain people to put up okay so I'm gonna in this case I'm gonna put it include everyone in my file if I uncheck this then when I get to the end where I say generate it rootsMagic is gonna bring up a list of everybody in my file and I can go through that list and choose the people that I want to include okay and then finally what date format do I want the website to use for four dates okay I enter that I'm gonna go ahead and click Next okay the next thing page is I'm gonna cut I'm kind of designing my home page my home page for my site so I'm gonna select the title for my home page an introduction that's where I can put whatever I want like you know I can say this is there's a sample website it's an entry here's an introduction you know I can write a paragraph two paragraphs whatever okay next if I want a picture on my home page you know just kind of to kind of spice it up I can go and click browse and I can select an image and put that image okay I can also choose contact information if I want to be able to have contact information on my website that users that visit my website can click a little contact link and be able to see my address or send me an email and you can do either or both or neither then then it will do that now you'll see when I when I actually generate this site this this email address is is basically it's protected you don't have to worry about spam scrapers coming and getting it because it's not actually stored in like the HTML file okay it's actually kind of generated on the fly and user actually has to click a link to actually pop up a little window to see that okay so you know you can feel pretty safe actually going in putting your address in but it's up to you how whether you want to do that or not go ahead and click on next now this is the page where I'm going to choose what information I want to include okay besides like rich people so I can choose whether or not I want to include a jet comm file of my data if I check that rootsMagic will up create a jet come of that whatever I pick and it's going to put that up on my website with a link where I use you can click on it and they can download a gedcom file now I personally don't do it that doesn't mean you shouldn't I personally don't do it I if if what I would do is in that introduction paragraph I say hey if you find it that we have anything in common you know contact me I'll be happy to send you a jet comm because what I don't want is for people to just come along and say oh look we're related and download my gedcom and I never hear from them okay so you can actually you know say something along the lines of you know hey I'd be happy to share my jet calm with you you know just contact me you can also choose whether or not you want the notes in your file to be included your sources your photos and you can choose whether or not you only want the primary photo in other words the one primary photo now this can be useful you can if you don't check check that rootsMagic we'll include all of your photos just keep in mind that if you got a you know eight thousand photos that could be a very very big website now this publisher does try to help you with that even if you do that if you've got 10 megabyte photos rootsMagic does not actually create add a 10 megabyte photo to your website it actually creates a 600 by 600 image which is a good sized image for you to be able to display on the screen there okay look this next part this is really important if you are including living people in your in your database you know if you're picking somebody you know that was a hundred years ago and their ancestors no big deal but if you're including living people it's usually a good idea to privatize the living people if you don't if I uncheck that when I create that website every piece of information about everybody living you're dead is going to be included but if I check that it's going to use this to choose how to kind of filter my information so I can either say yeah include the full name or just write the word living and then I can also do fax so if I don't mind people seeing the names of the living people but I just don't want them to have any information about their birth or you know marriage or anything like that I can I can do it this way on the other hand I could say living and then I could actually say oh yeah go ahead and print the full date in place for a fax or I can say only print the year with no place in other words only say the year or only say the place but don't give any dates so you got a lot of flexibility as to how living people will be treated okay now you also have the ability to include or not include private facts in private notes and if you if you want to include the private notes you can strip the brackets anyways you can just experiment with that finally at the bottom of this this is where you can add links to your if you have other websites or you have pages that you'd like to be able to add a link to from your home page you created you can do that this is this column right here is for the text that you actually want to show and this column is for the link the URL where they will go to if they click that and you can add up to ten of those okay so I've gone through and I've selected all the options that I want and so now my next step is to go ahead and generate the site when I generate the site what rootsMagic is going to do in this case it's going to say that website project already exists what it means is that folder that I had that project folder I've already created this once before so I want to create it again in other words delete what's there and replaced when I had with this one okay and it's creating the files and it's telling me right here the files to be published or in this folder so this all the files that are necessary for this website are in that folder okay now I have three options right it it shows two options there's actually three options one option is just to click cancel and take the files that are in that folder and upload them to my own server okay these websites although they're dynamic in other words although they actually generate the pages as they go they are purely completely self-contained they do not require a database engine or anything like that to be installed on your server if you happen to have Dropbox you can take these files and drop these files in your public Dropbox folder and then work just as well as it does you know on our site or whatever now our site the my dot rootsMagic com does have a size limit now it's a pretty high size limit and we've had people with you know you know twelve thousand and a lot of pictures be able to you know stay under that size limit rootsMagic does try to you know with the pictures and stuff does try to actually be somewhat efficient but just keep in mind that if you've got 300,000 names that each one of them has a picture attached to it you're not probably going to be able to fit okay that size limit currently is 50 megabytes okay now that doesn't mean we want you trying to see if you can cram 50 megabytes up there one of the great things about my roots magic comm is that it's free okay now when we say it's free we mean it's free to our users it's not free to us so you know no we're not saying don't you don't use all you need but you know you know like like it an all-you-can-eat place you know take you know take what you can eat you know and kind of leave it at that okay so you can upload it to your to your own server okay the second thing you can do is if you just want to look at what this website is going to look like before you upload it you can say preview this site in your browser now what I'm going to do is it's actually going to open up my website files the ones that are on my hard drive right here and let me view them now I happen to have Chrome is my default web browser and of course it's the one web browser which is a pain in the neck and it will not work with these websites locally on your computer without us giving it a special command and that special command has to old it has to be done when Chrome is not open okay so that's why it's saying if you've got any chrome windows already open close them and then click OK and then if this will work just great on your on your local computer now that is not a problem up on the website when when you upload you our files whether it's to Dropbox whether it's to my dot rootsMagic whatever CRO works great out there Chrome just does not want to open these certain types of files off of your local hard drive it's like a protection it's kind of a secure type of type of thing that it wants Explorer Firefox they don't have that problem so if your default on your local computer is is ie or Firefox you won't get this little warning message so this is just telling me make sure that I've that have closed Chrome already you know and open it with that special I'm going to say ok and here of course this is hard to see again because we're at such a low resolution this is my website ok there's the title there's the description ok as I scroll across there's my picture as I scroll down there's my index of my names my pedigree chart which I can click on to go to and these are the two links that I added myself so those other links that you've added those will be down here and you can do that there's also a navigation a little navigation panel over here now this is what I was talking about with the contact if I click on contact it actually pops open a separate little thing so this is not your clear your email does not sit here on your home page ready for a spam spammer to come and scrape it off your website so it it's only in this pop-up okay so there's your contact ok name index if they what if they click on the name index what that's going to do is bring up the name index this is gonna be all the people in my file so there's my A's okay there's the B's C's H's you know go to the esses there's my Smith if I click on one of these names it's going to give me the people in that surname with that with that particular with that particular surname ok now you'll notice that each one of these people has 3 buttons ok there's the individual that will take you to their individual page there's the family if I click on that that will give me the different families that that person belongs to let me choose it or that person's pedigree chart now if you've used roots magics old website e-code you know that you could never include everybody in the file it was if you pick if you pick pedigree chart it was one person and his ancestors and that was all okay now every single person in your database can be included in this single website and you will have the pedigree chart the family group and an individual page for every single one of those okay now there's also a search so if somebody comes to be kind of tough to actually hold on a second let me shrink this down a little bit okay kind of get it there okay if somebody comes along they can actually start typing so if they type in Smith okay as I type in Smith you'll notice that it's filtering my name index to include only those if I type in Smith s okay it's filtering it okay if I type in Smith comma H Oh W okay it is going to filter down my name index so if they do last name comma first name then it's going to filter that list right down to exactly whoever it is I'm looking for okay I'm gonna and and again I can hop to it now I'm gonna hop to the pedigree I'm gonna hop to this pedigree view right here and let me shrink this page down again so you can kind of see this a little bit better okay this is rootsMagic s-- pedigree view for this particular website okay so if I if I have pictures those pictures will be there if I have my database color coded that color coding is going to be there as well okay if I want to see more information about Howard Smith senior I can go click on his individual page and I am now on his individual page and so I've got his information and I can again from anytime I list a person on this website I can go to their individual page to their families okay or to their pedigree I can scroll down and I can see I'll see all of their pictures if I click on the picture there's their picture okay as I scroll on down there's the events in their life and let me scroll over so you can actually see that with those you also have notes and sources so if I've included my notes and sources I can if I want to see the note click right there there's the note okay if I want to see the sources there's the sources okay if there's media I can click on the media to see the media for that item as well and then of course I can scroll down farther and see the various families okay I can see their spouses with their children I can see the you know their father or their mother and their siblings and again every single one of these has the three buttons so I can go so if I'm looking on an individual page and I decide oh I want to see his family with his parents I just click on that and there's the family with his parents and I'm now - right there so I can navigate from any basically from any person any view to any other person any other view within his family just by clicking on the three little the three little views again of course I can go back to the pedigree to get back to that pedigree view as well okay so this is my a preview of the website that I just created okay so I'm going to come back over here so I was just looking at that in my browser that was actually on my hard drive I was looking at that on my hard drive so I asked if you can include photo captions the answer is yes I don't know which one of these people had I don't know which one of these people had a caption on their photo I know I know at least one of these people had a caption you can do it I just I just don't remember off the top of my head which of these people in that file I actually had a caption on their photo but yes it will show you the caption okay so like I said I've shown you how to preview it in your browser I've also shown you how to see where your file is so that you can go and upload it to your own server or to your Dropbox folder or whatever now finally I'm going to show you the publish the actual being able to publish it to my roots magic so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and it's asking me to log in so I actually already created an account if I hadn't I could click on create an account but I've already created an account okay and I can enter the password and click log in if you want if if you're not really sure on your password you can always click that and it'll show you your password it won't hide it like that so I'm gonna go ahead and log in and when you log in then this is what this is these are the features you'll see when you log into your account this publish you will only see this publish if you've actually gone through and generated the website like we just did if I actually go into the to that option to manage my account I won't see this publish there's several reasons for that one is you know one is because at this point the program doesn't necessarily know whether you may have gone in and actually deleted the site you had published on your hard drive so in this case it knows that it's there so it knows and it knows where it is okay so when you publish what rootsMagic does is this is actually kind of a two-step process what we trying to do is we wanted to speed this up so that you if you had a fairly big website you didn't have to sit there online you know with this connected online for you know 30 minutes while the program uploaded you know individual little files and process them and put them up on the site so when you click publish what rootsMagic does is it just takes the whole site and just blasts it up and then the server starts to actually do the processing it starts to kind of put things where they belong so when I kick publish it does not automatically instantly show up on your website but that's what this second option for is check site status you know actually you can click that and it will show you what percentage complete your site is now if your site happens to have you know 20,000 names you know that's not that's that actual processing can take a little while but you can check you can go in and check on it you can also do some of these other things and I'll come back to them in a second right now I'm just gonna publish the site so I click publish okay rootsMagic basically says we're ready to publish and it says okay there's some terms we need you to realize that if you click publish you're agreeing to these terms those terms you can look at them basically it's a bunch of legalese that but pretty much just says that we have permission we being rootsMagic have permission to show your show your site okay because you still own your data we do not claim any ownership over anything you upload okay anything you upload you can go in and as you can see you can go in and delete it anytime you want okay we're not we're not trying to collect data to sell to people we're not trying to collect data we're not even really we're not actually even you know promoting your site you know you're basically putting your site up and then you're gonna tell the people that you want to know about it about it okay so that's what that is okay I'm gonna go ahead and click publish and it's going to upload the site and now my site has been uploaded okay that that my entire site now has been uploaded it may take a little longer than add if you have a huge site so I could if I wanted to if I just want to go to bed I can click finish and I can just let it do its thing and when I wake up in the morning everything will be done or I can return to the account options and I can check site status so when I click on that it's saying like my website which isn't huge is sixty percent done okay and I can just be nosy and I can just keep clicking on it it's eighty-three percent done if you've got a huge website this is going to be very frustrating to you so don't just keep sitting here doing it okay my website is now complete okay so in other words I now have my website is up and there now if I decide I don't want that website up there I can click on delete the current site and it'll say are you sure and that website will be gone okay your account will still be alive in other words my Bruce account up on my top rootsMagic will still be there but all the files on that site will be gone on the other hand if I don't want my Bruce account anymore I can click delete account and that will not only delete all the files but it will actually delete that Bruce account so if I ever try later to log in as Bruce using my login and password it's not going to be able to do it because it's not there anymore change password if I want to change the password that's that's how I can do that and if I want to change the email address that's associated with it I can do that and again this is just a dress that we can contact you with about your website and it's not shared with anybody else and it's not the same as whatever email address you put is your contact on your website so if you have like a an email address that you kind of use for yourself that you want to be contacted at that can be different from the web the email address you put as a contact on your website okay so I'm going to go ahead and click close this because my web site is now up there and I'm going to go into my browser and I'm going to go to my dot routes magic.com slash moose okay there's the one I just created and there's my website we actually already saw this in in my local browser when I looked at locally but now it's online okay and it's it works exactly the same so you also get to see kind of the performance here this is the performance that you'll find with these websites online so if I click on pedigree okay there's my pedigree chart I'm gonna shrink this down a little bit so you can kind of see it there okay if I go and I click on an individual page there's my individual page okay if I go and click back on a pedigree for him there's a pedigree you also have the little navigation so if I want to go back down to Howard's child I can click on it and takes me down I can go up and down so I can navigate so this is this would also be different from other stat websites you may have seen with pedigree charts where it's just a bunch of four generation charts and you click on it and it changes the whole four generation chart this actually lets you let you do that as you're moving down okay you notice when I clicked on the down arrow it took me back to my normal starting person but I don't have to do that if I click on the little plus it will show you me their their other children so I can actually navigate down the list to any of the children so I'm gonna go down to Elizabeth I can go down to her so I can I can actually go up and down up and down and pick who it is that I actually want to go down so that's an overview of the online publishing now I'm seeing a few questions here one question to change your site data do you overwrite by republishing or you delete it first and then put up the new data okay I recommend when you want when you want to overwrite your site if if what you're doing if the site is pretty much exactly the same it's just you've changed some data you can go ahead and just re-upload it on the other hand if you've made a lot of changes you know you are you or you decide you're taking some pictures off or things like that then I would recommend going and deleting the original site first okay now rootsMagic does not automatically delete this delete your website first the reason for that is because on some really large websites that delete can actually take quite a while to actually perform and so if we were to delete it on some of those really large websites you would say delete and you might have to wait a half hour before you could get around to actually re-uploading uploading the site and so if you're gonna make it if you're making a bunch of huge changes I go ahead and delete it you know if you if you just want to do kind of a general cleanup on your site go ahead and delete it but if you're basically just replacing the site with pretty much the same site just with newer data I wouldn't worry about going through the delete I would just go ahead and read up load up load it okay question can you password protect the site no you can't well your page be public or private okay your page will basically be public in that anybody who knows about it can get to it on the other hand we are not indexing your site and so we are not going to have some index that says you know let's people search your site so the only people who will know about your site will be the people you tell about your site let's see is is my dot rootsMagic com indexed by Google Bing or Yahoo currently no they are not ok and can Google spiders find it no the way the way the web sites work they are not just a bunch of HTML files ok that's that's why why I say that these I was calling these sites dynamic sites in other words dynamic sites being it you know mean that I can actually select people and which one am i specifically going to go to these pages are actually generated from kind of a database each type of structure so this data this data here is not sitting in an HTML file so the the Google Yahoo type searches search robots search spiders are not currently going to be able to find this now we are looking into some ways to give you the option of putting a file putting kind of a file with your with your website that will let them find it if you want that will be an option so you would be able to actually be able to you know decide whether or not you want your your website to be indexable or not but right now your site is not indexable so if you like I say they we're currently the only people who are really going to see your website to be the people you share it with so the only people who would know that my website was at my dot rootsMagic dot-com slash Bruce are going to be the people I tell it to or of course anybody who watches this webinar now you know that's you know those are going to be the only people that do that what one thing I should point out it's something kind of caught me you do need to realize that this URL is going to be case sensitive so if I when I created my account if I used a capital B for Bruce I need to make sure I use a capital B for this URL because it is case sensitive because it's because of the server type that it's on so you know basically what you'll do is you can email your family and say hey here's the URL for the website and then that's then that's what it's you know that's how you're going to share it anyways so like I say we're about we're about out of time here like I say we will be having individual webinars on each of these individual features where we can go into more detail on each one specifically and so what I'm going to do is I am going to turn the time back over to Mike and we're going to do I think we're gonna do another little poll to see what your thoughts are on what feature you're most excited about now see if it's changed or if it's the same and then we're also going to give away a couple of copies at roots magic 6 ok let's put up this other poll now that you've had a chance to see some of these new features go ahead and select the feature that you are most excited about whether it's online publishing editable editable Timeline view find everywhere web tags or some other feature and the results 39 percent of you are most interested in online publishing so that's a little bit of a change from our first poll so some of you your vote over to online publishing 15% voting for the editable Timeline view 24% for the find everywhere 19% for web tags and 3% for others we have a lot fewer fence sitters this time okay great well let's go ahead and give let's go ahead and give away two copies of rootsMagic six now here's how we're gonna do this if you look there on your webinar control panel you should see a little button that looks like a hand that can be raised or not let's see let's go ahead and do the 20th hand raise okay so I'm gonna count down from five and when we get to zero press the raise your hand button and the 20th person will get a copy of rootsMagic six so are you ready five four three two one go okay so Stephen petty so Stephen you are our first winner and you'll receive your rootsMagic six key in just a few minutes and let's go ahead and do our second prize okay we'll do another copy rootsMagic six and we'll do the same way we'll do it count down from five and then you want to raise your hand and this time we will do the how about we do the sixth person in honor of rootsMagic six okay so we'll count down five four three two one go the sixth person is Walt Williams okay so congratulations Steven and Walt now you should get your registration keys in just a few minutes and for everyone else thank you so much for joining us this evening with what's new in rootsMagic six like Bruce said we're gonna be scheduling some more webinars going over these new features in more detail and we hope to see you there Thanks
Channel: RootsMagic
Views: 397
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: uMIOCi5Nr8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 58sec (4558 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.