RootsMagic 7 Essentials - Performing Basic Tasks

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we're starting with roots magic 7 and it's a piece of software that i'm familiar with so hopefully we can establish a good baseline to compare the other software too now i am actually running the windows version but i'm running it on a mac using parallels and the reason that i'm doing that is that when i tried to record this session on my windows 10 laptop the fan noise from the laptop really interfered with the audio quality and i want to make sure you get the best quality so on this first screen i just initiated it i have not registered this copy although i do have a license and it's offering us to start with the full version or the free version and i'm going to start by evaluating the free version so click on that there we go file open recent which i haven't opened anything so let's go new and i'm going to give my new file a name we'll just call it thompson rm7 test now on this screen i have the option of changing where i want my file to go i really don't care my date format [Music] any numbers that i want displayed after the name if i want to display the surnames in uppercase if i want lds support if i need family search family tree support and if i want to enable web hints now i don't care about any of this for this particular demonstration but those are the options involved what you're presented with here is a pedigree screen and as you'll see it's as simple as beginning to enter data so the challenge is to enter three of my generations and i'm just going to click to add person like it says and i'm going to add my great great grandfather and surname of course is thompson uh sex is male no prefix no suck fix no nickname he was born 14th of june 1891 now i'm going to intentionally enter dates in different formats to see how the program handles it i'm not going to worry about place he died 009 october 1967 when i was seven years old uh and burial i don't know so this i hit okay and should add my first person there we go it shows me frank on a detail screen where i can add facts and events let me close that and you see here in the pedigree chart now i have my first person now i have two options here i can begin entering father and mother from this screen or i believe i can go to the family screen yes i can so i'm going to continue entering it from the pedigree screen because it's so simple but if you wanted to add children to different family relationships this family screen is where you would want to go all right so i'm going to add a new person as frank's father and his father was charles h thompson uh no prefix he's not living of course his birth was sometime in 1851 i think it was june and his death was 10th of april 1890. oops i hit something wrong there 1898. all right again it presents me with the details here i'm gonna close that and i have his father so now i'm gonna add his mother again a new person and his mother was sarah jane raymond a female nothing special obviously she wasn't living birth was january 1850 and let me try the death date as 12 10 19 12 and see it normalizes the dates which is what i want it to do not going to put in place hit okay now you see here that it's listed sarah jane's spouse as charles h thompson but there isn't a marriage event yet so let's go ahead and add a fact and we're going to go with marriage and the marriage will be to charles h thompson and here the date will be 18 september 1889. okay that should add the marriage event see and if i go to charles i should see the same event and i do excellent all right so we're going to add one more generation just to flush this out charles h thompson his father was daniel hart thompson he's not living and the birth date is one of june 18 29 i've been capitalizing the month let me see what happens if i don't do that 30th of july i did it again let's see what happens if i just enter july 1893 and oops can't normalize it if i don't type it in correctly so and it capitalized it for me so great i don't have to worry about that uh okay close that add the mother and the mother was abigail b and surname was or given us the current surname was coates and there's a lot of variations of spelling on that and she was born in 1829 and died 9th of november 1856 ah when charles was only four years old sad truth okay tab out there normalized date and see her let's add the marriage event again i'm just going to search here and select marriage event to dana hart thompson and the date here is 10th of october 1846. now you see i have a pedigree chart that i've built out three generations of thompsons in roots magic essentials
Channel: Genealogy Software Showcase
Views: 973
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: genealogy research software
Id: oJRFrY2l7uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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