What's new in HEC-RAS 6.0 Part 1: 3D Viewer

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hi i'm craig price with surface water solutions it's boxing day here in australia i've been here over 10 years now and i still don't know what you're supposed to do on boxing day but my clients have the day off today so i'm gonna make some videos uh it has been quite a year i started this channel the day heck grass 504 was released that was just over two years ago um thanks to you our subscribers and our followers we've had a couple of hundred thousand views already so thank you uh chris and ben have been adding some great content with the full momentum vodcast i do hope you've had a chance to watch some of those i actually haven't added any of my own videos yet this year since i kept thinking the release of five one or maybe 600 would make them obsolete as soon as i posted them so i was holding out but here we are at the end of the year with 60 beta having just been released i do think it was well worth the wait um you can be the judge of that yourself after giving it a test drive if you google hec-ras download you'll get the latest everybody gets to be a beta tester on this one now i'm going to highlight some of the new features over the next couple of days starting with a 3d viewer which you see here i do want to keep this around 10 minutes so i'll dive straight into this but if you want a little more background on the models that i'm using here to pull in i'll show you a few examples here if you google hecarim's pub and grub you'll see five or six different models that we presented at the pub group about a year or two back around the world and in other words i'm taking two of these models today and just pulled them into hecarius 6-0 and i'll open them up in the 3d viewer to show you a couple features there likewise with this model of the alps here i've got uh in europe this big flood coming in uh with some dams and canals that we've dug this is one if you just google hec-ras german you should be able to see some backgrounds on this model here which again likewise i'm just pulling into 6-0 and opening up in the 3d viewer now you see an example of the 3d viewer here this is uh the bait tsunami i posted this one on the facebook hecaras page a few weeks back and uh it's one that uh brings in a tsunami under the golden gate bridge actually goes over the golden gate bridge floods out um alcatraz is underwater there comes around goes up through vallejo there's the agc offices there i'm just staying dry there's mount shasta with a five to one vertical exaggeration which is uh i guess the default which we can change here in the 3d viewer so let me open up some of these models here and i'll show you the examples that we're looking at this is now the tsunami that i showed you coming in from the san francisco bay and you'll see it flooding the central valley here as well and coming back down so this is raz mapper as we've always been able to look at it at least for the couple of last couple of years this is now the lake bonneville model um which is a geological lake that then breached out into the columbia gorge and the remnants are the great salt lake um one thing that um actually before we go in and do our flight path uh try zooming in here there's the san francisco bay so again if i just zoom into the bay area here you'll see where we're at and if i take the features button here and right click on it i can create a new layer now the polyline layer here i'm i'm going to make a frisco bay layer and start out at the in the ocean and come across through the golden gate bridge off to your right if you wave to davis you'll see the hec team there come back through vallejo and that'll be our flight path so i will save that and move you know stop editing to save it and then we'll go ahead and open up the 3d viewer so you have to choose the plan to view the one we're using here is called debate tsunami it doesn't always go that quick but i've run it before and that's why it's running very fast now first time it'll be slower now i'm using the middle mouse button here to pan around or i can use the keys a d w and s to move up and down that's you know still looking straight down on this one i'll show you how to add some keys to rotate it but the default also has the left control key to move down an elevation and the space key to move up so that's um this this model right now doesn't have any water in it you don't see the water but i'm just now following the flight path so i clicked on the button to start that flight path turning around and heading back out to the ocean so with that then i can change with my middle mouse button if i hover there over the number i can change the angle and that way i can see the horizon as well so i'm going to restart this one again and play this it's going a bit fast but i can use the left arrow key to slow down use the right arrow key to speed up and you can see in the inset map here where we are as we turn around as as i turn around here i guess you know now i'll bring some water in just by taking the animation you know the scroll bar there and moving it um then you can see the water come in and lapping at the on the hillsides so if i drag that scroll bar you can animate the results i'll do this again restart it come in and kind of chase the flood here with my flight path so the flood's coming in and then i'll just let it recede and just run it and reverse now you can see my graphics card's having trouble keeping up with it i'm running this off a thumb drive so it's uh it's not going to be very uh you know a very good good or quick rendering um so you can right click and drag or you can assign keys to rotate like this and again i'll now just use a static image bring it in and back out again just to show you at a particular time step here that we can turn particle tracing on uh again with the rendering here it's not coming out all that great but yeah it's it's it's still fairly fairly good the controls here i'll show you these if i go and change the controllers this defaulted to unbound and so now i've used the q and e key for the right and left turn that's just because they're next to the w and it just makes it easy to control so coming back out of this i'll pan back around and show you the same uh features here but with that lake bonneville model um create a new flight path in this case i'm going to start at the grand canyon so i'll call this the grand canyon that'll be the layer name and it'll show up under flight paths this is now a new a new feature that you wouldn't have had before 6-0 and so again i'll start editing the same way we've always been able to edit some at least since 504 with doing shape files and i'm just going to choose a path here going straight along the grand canyon that's where we do our dam breech course and then i'll take a take a tight bend here you you can curve these around a little bit but the more vertices you get it actually gets a bit jumpy so i prefer the sharp breaks in the flight path because it still smooths you out there versus a bunch of vertices trying to make a curve so i'm coming right through point of the mountain there on um through the by the great salt lake then up along the snake gorge and then right around let's go through the bridge of the gods there through the columbia gorge uh through portland and out to the pacific ocean so i'll save that one stop editing it and there's our flight path so with that then i'll go back in and same thing choose the different plan though this time bonneville dambreach is the one i'm picking on the 3d viewer if you look in the manual there's three different ways to get to the 3d viewer this is one of them now it just it came up blue but look at the elevation down here if i use the middle mouse button there it's going to allow me to adjust the elevation and so i'm just going to scroll that down until you can actually see it so if you're having trouble seeing it just use the middle mouse button and you should be able to adjust your elevation so again it's going to default back to my old flight path so i'm pulling grand canyon in here now i'm going to change the pitch so it doesn't look straight down anymore it's not orthogonal and when i hit go it's back up to the high elevations again so i'm going to use this time the control key to lower myself down and to lower the elevation and um you can see here it gets a little bit jumpy but there's the grand canyon so we're flying over the grand canyon i don't have any water in this yet um but we've got some fun things we've done with grand canyon dams in the past i might pull some of those into some future models but let's now um as we come across here you can you can see uh where the water is going to go and then we'll turn the water on uh look at the five to one exaggeration on mount hood and mount rainier coming up through the gorge there's the willamette valley so we reset this if i just come and watch this statically not following the flight path i can see this uh you know lake bonneville up to its historical shoreline where you have the benches and let's find out where it's flooding here um i'll back this up just a bit and you can see i've put in a couple hundred meter high dam there along the snake river and then let's let it breach it'll do it pretty much instantaneously and then off it goes uh all the way down the the gorge and then it's um if we start playing this here you'll see if i chase this flood it actually floods up the willamette valley as well up to eugene i think um the way the missoula floods did maybe we can get chris to do an animation of the missoula flood model as well um the particle tracing in here let me just zoom in on this area here and you can see this is where the breach occurs if i if i'm doing the entire model the particle tracing doesn't really do very well i'll turn it on here just so you can see what's happening um it's you know it does it in pieces um it's it's kind of cool you can actually see some transparency there in that part of the uh the water but anyway we'll come back out now this is moving over to europe you can see the inset image here of germany and in this case i've brought in this massive tsunami um that comes up and hits the alps it's only 800 meters high but that's what it takes to get there now i can i can view this uh again in uh the 3d viewer but um i'll just show you an issue here see there i've got that flight path there um let me go back to raz mapper and you can see the the flood kind of come and go uh and again i've just made this one up obviously uh this would be a big asteroid hit out in the uh baltic sea or something uh in the north sea there if you um if we back back off of this one we could try to turn on particle tracing and try to you know do a flight path i was kind of hoping and you see that thing just stalled there the reason this stalled have a look at this um this model itself uh wasn't a big terrain file only 180 megs but the hdf file for the plan is over a gig and then on the post processing file also over a gig but have a look at the sqlite file that it makes when you open up 3d viewer 11 gigs for one file so running it the way i am right now with my the machine i'm running this on uh it's not great now i wanted to just uh actually my goal on this one was to make like a wingsuit flight you know if you see those things on youtube and to go right through those canyons there and these are some of the ones you take wing suits down um uh in in some of these uh um extreme videos um look at how slow it's going though and it's not rendering very quickly again because i've got 11 gigs in the background trying to process now next we're going to handle the raster calculator that'll be one thing we do on our next uh next episode here and i'll show you also some of the new features here with pulling in the energy gradients as well as a raster layer so that is basically the you know just an overview of the 3d viewer so hopefully you can have some fun with that one if you have questions about it you can go in and see the help menu in a couple of different places as we've always been able to do before if you click on the help menu in hecaras you'll see you'll get right to this pdf file it'll take you right there but you now have two different places the repositories for the help uh help menu items uh one of them is on this confluence uh website you can see the text at least for this one is um identical and that's where you can get in and see your key commands and everything else so do have a look at this again some of these were unbound and we have bound them at least in the model that i'm running um and uh next i'll come in and actually i'll try and do this with a with a game controller um i i'm going to need to practice with that to to get that going so um the last thing i wanted to show you is just that if you're going to be running these things um and showing them to clients or stakeholders you're going to want to record them right so you know having them uh by themselves and and just sitting there on your machine is not necessarily going to help you all that much if you want to use them to communicate to clients and especially those who are potentially non-engineers you're going to want uh to pass them along and so to do that i would you can use whatever screen recording software that you're comfortable with i'm just using uh powerpoint at the moment so that's why i'll do a screen grab of this because it's actually running and recording as as i'm showing here um as we speak so if you open a new powerpoint file and just go to the insert menu and go to screen recording um you can get uh the you may or may not want audio on but you can select your area record it and then either just send the powerpoint off to whoever needs to see it or you can then right click on the image file or the video file that comes up right click and save it as an mp4 so lots of fun that we're having here um i hope you're enjoying it as well um hope you've had a great christmas in this crazy year um i'll come back on and do a couple of a couple more of these videos showing you some of the new features and the things that i've played around with do subscribe and do attend some of the webinars coming up we'll have the developers themselves attending i think on some of the vodcast episodes as well as some of our australian water school uh webinars coming up so we are very excited about that thanks so much for tuning in um keep heck wrestling and uh we'll see you soon bye
Channel: The RAS Solution
Views: 8,542
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Id: NV43xr2iHgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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