Episode 14: HEC-RAS Version 6.0 RAS Mapper Discussions with Cameron Ackerman and Anton Rotter-Sieren

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all right welcome to full momentum and hec graz podcast i'm your host ben carey and joining me here today as always is chris goodell and chris we uh we also are fortunate to have some really special guests joining us today uh again we've been lucky to have a couple of folks from hcc on previous episodes and we got two more joining us today so i'll turn it over to you to introduce our guest for today yeah thanks ben and welcome everyone to another episode of full momentum and we've got cameron ackerman and anton rodder cyren from atc and super excited to have both of these guys here today to tell you a little bit about some of the new razz mapper capabilities in version 6.0 and also a really cool demonstration of the new 3d viewer which is taking the hec-ras world by storm everybody's super excited about this i don't think anton really uh really really knows the uh the impact his work is having so we're excited to see that and excited to see what cam has to share with us but um anyway so welcome guys thanks for joining us thanks for having us i'm uh my goal for today is to see if we can get a blooper on the uh the vodcast reel that's my goal for the day ah that's not gonna be a heavy lift right there it'll probably come from me i know it well gary had plenty of group bloopers on the last one but he made us so the world wouldn't see yeah that's right that's right and uh anyway it's really cool to have you guys here um a lot of you probably don't know that i got the opportunity to work next to cam at htc for a couple years way back in the 2001-2003 time frame and for much of that time i think we sat next to each other right and um things would tend to kind of fly over the cubicle walls and yeah other high jinks like that would occur those were the good day the good days where you didn't have to worry about uh since we had kind of our own little office in the annex and our own little office out there uh we didn't really have to worry about what happened we were okay with uh throwing things over the cubicle and all sorts of all sorts of hijinks yeah so that was back when that was that was back when what happened at hc's hec state at hcc kind of thing that's right that's right we won't tell all the stories but we had a good time i remember for part of my time there we actually got moved into i think what was the it room and so it had all that sound proofing tile all over and uh that made for uh opportunities for some uh kind of um impromptu games of darts where we would throw darts against the wall and just have fun with that yeah that was uh metallica we did not blast metallica we had other things we were listening to which i'll let chris get to but that was great because that was the summer hcc decided to remodel and the air conditioner and that particular part of the building was excellent because we had to keep the servers cool and so we moved in there it was a little bit noisy with the servers but we weren't you know it can get to be 105 in davis we were never hot that that summer so that was that was nice yeah for those of you who haven't experienced davis california and actually much of the sacramento valley it gets pretty hot all summer and it stays that way and uh so it was nice to have that ac room but yeah one of the things that we like to do on fridays was to pull out some old school rap and uh you know pick a new rap song each time and let it blare through there as we worked on hec-ras i had to drown out the server somehow nobody ever came in there because you and i and i think mark jensen had a little stint in there with us so yeah i think steve was in there too i think all four of us were in there at um at one point anyway so that's awesome so obviously it's been well established chris that you have you had the opportunity to work with cam and gary at hcc back in the day um and cam and gary both have been super influential on the new 6-0 version of hec rise which is what we're going to be touching on today but i don't think as many folks know of anton so i'd like to give anton an opportunity just to kind of introduce himself and let folks know kind of your role in the new hcc raz version kind of what what you did with that okay so uh hi my name is anton rodrin i'm the newest team member at for hec res and i've been at hec for three years and i'm a uc davis alumni and i'm currently a master student at um georgia tech although it's an online masters so i get to stay home and i don't have to go to atlanta to and then and what i was going to ask what your role was with hcc yeah the first thing they put me on when i got here they were telling me like oh you're going to be on the razz team i was like what's razz i don't even know what that is and um first they started me with nothing really rash specific um they had one of one of the improvements in 60 is our ability to render many points in rasmapper and that's all thanks to the first thing they made me work on which was a quadtree data structure and um so what people a lot of people probably haven't noticed that because it's such a subtle change like that was the first thing i worked on and then they made me um start digging into the razzmapper code and i started fixing bugs and adding new features and then um earlier gary always wanted to have a 3d viewer for razz but all the other team members were too expensive to waste a lot of hours on making it and i was a new member and i was cheap labor and so sunk a lot of hours on the 3d viewer and um at first it was it was rough um it uh could only like do like three like a couple feet in front of you like in high definition and um the water didn't animate and it's come a long way but there's still a lot left a lot of work left for it and i'll talk about future plans for it after i give my demo yeah yeah that's awesome i know it's it's it's been something that i've really enjoyed watching uh both other demo videos and just kind of exploring myself it's definitely something that obviously anything there's something totally new to hcc razz it's it's really exciting and mf3d here is really really cool had you worked on anything like that um previously in other jobs or classes where you were basically designing a standalone feature for a software program no you know who helped me a lot was alex kennedy because in his master program he did take a couple of computer graphics classes so he got me going in the beginning with setting up directx and getting all the shaders working and all that but after that it was just a lot of research and trying things out and converting from different languages because not everything's in um in c sharp or bb.net some of it was in java or python so yeah very cool so you uh your education is computer science right at uc davis yeah that's right and you're continuing that at um georgia tech yeah so a lot of people don't know this but um it used to be at on the hec-ras team it was just a bunch of um hydraulic engineers me and cam and gary mark and steve who just learned how to code basically and a while back i think maybe 15 years ago you started bringing on computer science experts onto the team right cam i think it was about that time and yeah we saw a really um significant improvement in the graphics things that you see in raz mapper like the particle tracing and um you know the image displays and now the 3d viewer all those things are a result of bringing on computer science experts versus trying to train hydraulic engineers to be coders right yes we have a nice being right next to uc davis it gives us the ability to to bring on students to work during the summer and do some you know work on some ideas that we've got and kind of do a rough draft an alpha version or a beta version um and then take it further with the next the next student that's able to come along so but yeah once alex kennedy came on board um the the tools that we had just exploded because we had we had a whole dedicated person and it was a dedicated programmer which is really really really nice one of the perks of being a dedicated programmer is i have to answer very few emails yeah but now you uh you probably know as much hydraulic uh modeling or hydraulic engineering is as many hydraulic engineers out there just oh he's absorbing it he wishes i'm still not quite there you'll get there yeah so cam and cam and gary will probably keep him fumbled so those of you who've watched our vodcast in the past uh know that ben and i like to talk a little bit about beer and craft brews especially and cam has some interesting news what happened recently cam i won the i won the lottery i won the uh russian river brewing lottery um which uh for those of you for those of you around the country um who are uh beer aficionados and enjoy a cold one after work you're probably familiar with uh pliny the younger uh every february planting the younger is uh released by russian river uh we we're fortunate we live within about an hour of the brewery so the local watering holes in davis will have a secret day or maybe it won't be so secret where if you know to go stand in line that day you can get in and have a little sample of this it's a triple ipa it's excellent they only do a limited batch once a year and this year because of uh kovid they did an online sales where they would ship to residents in california so from what i know um it was about six thousand twelve packs which were mixed so you only got four bottles in a twelve pack and then they put another other beer but uh six thousand twelve packs and there was uh when it went live there was a over uh 110 000 people trying to uh to purchase it wow wow yeah jealous i'm jealous because i've heard a lot about pliny piney the younger especially i've never had the opportunity to try it it's very exclusive but um you know if the russian river brewmaster happens to be watching this vodcast leave your contact information in the comments so that ben and i can get our 12 packs like you know it's a free plug that's right so anyway it was a fun time and maybe some not not so fun times i was online with various people trying to get some and that was a little bit of social fun that we could we could do together so awesome now i get to drink some good beer that's great man i'm jealous if you if you save one for me next time i'm down there i'll be your best friend forever but i wouldn't blame you aren't we there already aren't we there already chris oh yeah but just you know to cement it cement it for all time hey well that's great man it's great to have you guys on here and super excited to see what you're gonna share with us but ben what do you think about our sponsor you want to uh run the ad yeah absolutely again yeah excited to have both anton and cam on we've got some really exciting topics to cover with the new hsc razz version 6.0 but before we enter that i just want to take a moment to thank our sponsor for the episode which is chris and i's company kleinschmidt associates who is known throughout the industry as a firm that provides practical solutions to complex problems affecting energy water and the environment you can learn more at clenchmentgroup.com thank you kleinschmidt for allowing us to host this today and yeah like i said we have uh some really exciting content to share with you guys um but before we get into the new 60 release i did want to kind of provide cameron with the opportunity to talk about some history we had when we had gary brunner on a few episodes ago we really enjoyed discussing you know kind of the history of hcc razz as a whole and kind of where that program started and where it's you know come today and where it's going so we wanted to ask give you an opportunity to talk similarly about uh raz mapper and gis kind of how those things have historically gone together and maybe how they're separating and where things are going to maybe end up in the future so you want to discuss about logo at that camp sure absolutely um i don't know as though i i have the uh the forbearance to know exactly where things are going to go but i did put together a little geospatial timeline my work my lifetime at hec has been spent on gis i was one of the first gis knowledgeable people at hec most of what i've learned i learned from my men one of my mentors and colleagues tom evans who doesn't work at atc anymore he took a a sabbatical went to new zealand but he's now back in the states um but i learned a lot of great gis things from him and he was really instrumental in getting gis going at at hec there was some work done in the 70s but tom's arrival at hec in the 90s was something that really propelled it i've put together a little hcc razz timeline and with all as with all thailand timelines related to razz uh it's got to start with gary so uh gary was born yeah we won't say when it was or where it was uh but eventually he found his way out to uh in davis california atc in 1985 and he he worked on hydrology and some other things and eventually he worked on on river hydraulics and became the razz guy so someday i'm going to get him a license plate and it's going to say raz man he's going to put on the back of his car so the first version of raz was released in 93 and little did i know that i was one of the first beta testers for hc razz so i was in i was still an undergrad at uc davis and joe devries you guys can look him up a great a great hydraulics guy um he was our one of the instructors professor and we we had to do a hydraulic design problem and he introduced us to this new thing it's new uh piece of software that nobody had seen before um and so it was hc raz so i developed a model of the yolo causeway uh right here by davis i have no idea if i did it right i have no idea if it worked but i could get it to run and i could see numbers so i was stoked um so that was uh and then shortly after that that was the spring in 95 we released uh hcc released raz in 95. um at which point it took me until uh the following spring before i started working at hec and when i started working hcc um we tom evans had just started uh developing uh arc macro language scripts to extract information to write to a text file that we could then bring into raz and so from like late 96 to 98 gary and tom and a little bit of me we worked together to develop geospatial data standard for raz for bringing in data and then exporting data so that we could view it in our arc info well arc info for those of you who are not familiar uh was all command line there was no interface it was not an easy uh tool to use or learn for hydraulic engineers so as my first major project i took on developing uh htg raz interface to go along with some macros um for extracting information develop your erase model then uh exporting your raz model and doing mapping so that was really my foothold in hec and and my master's program um and that's that's how i got started so since then i've been involved with hcc georaz and raz mapper ever since and so a little bit of a timeline from there um shortly after we were released the first version of georaz esri released their first version of a gis that we can use today uh you guys have probably all heard of arc view um and that was released in the if you look online it says it was released in like 91 but they didn't have any processing capabilities and really robust functionality until late 90s and so once that came out we were like hey we got to do this so um worked with dan jockitch down in uh esri and we developed the first version of arcview for geo-ras and released that in 2002 and so that's that's when terrain data really started to become available and you could use it on a regular basis not necessarily good terrain data but data we had a few more versions of raz and then we started to see that esri was going to change their software faster than we could keep up so in uh 2005 we released the next version of geo rouse for arcmap and i went and talked to gary and i remember this so vividly like gary we need to we need to do this on our own we need to have something like raz mapper we didn't know what we were going to call it at the time um and he looked at me and said there's you know we did we just don't we don't can't do it right now we have too many too many things on our plate um and i was like you know i really want to work on this let's do it and he you know we just we couldn't find the funding we couldn't find the time so between 2005 uh and 2007 there was lots of different versions of of eight and then there was version nine and every time there was a release of arcmap we had to come out with a new release because they would keep change underlying code so all the routines were calling into got to be a real hassle and somewhere around 2008 2009 gary said hey cam i remember this vividly we were in the airport at dallas after just teaching a class and he he turned to me and i don't even know what it was all about we were just sitting there eating lunch or something attorney said why don't we have gis functionality in rats and i said well i'll tell you why there's this guy who i i propose this to and he said it wasn't really a good idea at the time so i just thought that was funny so 2009 we decided in earnest we were gonna get going on it and uh so in 2010 we had the the first version i remember mark and i mark jensen we were finishing up the final touches in in a dreary hotel room in minneapolis st paul raining outside we were you know one laptop between us just trying to get it you know finalized so we got that done and the the first thing we accomplished with razzmapper was to have a dynamic maps and stored maps and see the the beauty and and importance of being able to to zoom in pan around and not have to generate those static maps that take a long time to generate because at the time they took a while just and use it as an engineering tool not a byproduct that we sent off for the gis people to use in mapping so i think that was the really great thing about the first version of raz mapper cam before you got any further i want to actually a few questions so yeah one who came up with the name ras mapper and was that uh was that contentious or did everybody kind of agree with the name no um you know it's it's not ever easy naming anything um i remember um you know razz map right i think we just we fell onto it because the only thing we could do was map innovation results so i think it was actually easy um the the harder one um a short side story uh the name gio raz uh so i did that for my master's project and you know i wasn't know nothing at hec i still am by most standards and i proposed that name and it kind of went up the leadership tree and uh i'm not going to say who but there was someone in the leadership tree and it came back and they said they said no i don't like that name so i threw out like you know 100 more maybe it was like three but uh when we sat on it for a while and then uh about three months later i got a memo come down the tree down to me and said i really like this name how about georez um and so htc georaz was was like named disregarded and then it came back so i do remember that one being a tough name but raz mapper i think it just kind of fell into our laps i think it just okay and then before rats before rasnapper was released did you have the ability to turn on like aerial imagery and whatnot in the geometric data editor or did those two releases kind of going in in hand um so before mark jensen had the ability uh mr sid you guys remember mr sid raster files those were the those were the thing before we had um web services that could that could service up imagery um and so we had we were using an esri add-in actually to display that data so static images we didn't have web services available there was none of that it was a static image that somebody had painstakingly geo-referenced by hand but no with ras mapper capability to not only create inundation maps but but see them on the fly against background data cool okay so that gets us to the introduction to raz mapper um and since then you know to be honest it's all it's all blur i uh it's all been fun but it's all been a blur um and at that point we decided you know here comes that's right with another version um and that's where we decided that that version 10 was going to be the last thing we supported because as we went you know as soon as i was proficient art you know there's arc macro language and then there's avenue for arc view um and then there was uh visual basic for arcmap and then they started uh changing all the routines so by the time i would get really proficient in it and adding functionality they would change to another platform so in 2011 we we uh we kind of decided we're going to do our own thing and it's going to be just in raz and so then in 2016 with version five um was the first time we released the edit the capability to do editing tools and uh you could do basic geometry editing so for rivers you could or for 1d models you could do rivers and cross sections and i i don't remember what else was in there it's been so long even though it's only been like five years but um and then two 2d meshes it was imperative because raz 5.0 with the ability to do 2d modeling it was imperative to do a good mesh you had to be able to align brake lines um and we we since added somewhere in there we added refinement regions but the idea of adding brake lines to the mesh to control faces was paramount to developing a product sure so we did that and then obviously the ability to extract elevations from elevation data and then that that kind of brings us to the present uh what we're going to talk about today and what we're going to be using for the next couple years uh version six um where we've really we've really improved the editing capabilities um we've radically alex kennedy has spent a lot of time trying to really improve the mesh development the speed the stability the ability to fix errors on the fly so that that has come a long long way we've improved the results visualization we'll see a little bit of that today um and then another really cool thing that you know um we kind of got got out to to do he spearheaded was the ability to apply vector overrides to raster data so um that has just been a really momentous thing that that he he has done and that we have now the capability to do with our terrain modification tools yeah and that stuff is really cool i've been playing around with it and it's uh so convenient and just a great way to make some really quick changes to your terrain so i imagine you'll be talking about that in a second right cam yes yes i will cool right cool so that gets us up to today right so um i've heard some rumors and some discussion talking with gary about the future of raz and it sounds like razz mapper the geometry window and the main raz window will kind of all combine into one is that correct is that what it's going to look like yeah we've had a vision for a really long time it's one of those things you you know it's coming and you've got to do it but we've uh we've invested a lot of time trying to develop brazmapper to be something that is very comfortable for a hydraulic engineer like the point of all this is is not having a hydraulic engineer have to learn how to use a gis we're never going to get away from the gis the power of the processing and the data handling but you don't want to take somebody who's an expert in hydraulics and be like okay we're going to slow you way down because you have to go learn this whole another tool so the whole idea of having a map window that we can work in geospatially we need to integrate that with the capability of doing editing in the standard type of editors that people are used to and that are convenient and so version seven the target goal is that we'll have the geospatial interface be the the main software program and then the editors will all be hung off of that so to speak it's nice yeah looking forward to when that comes out next year it's gonna take a lot of plenty yeah yeah cool yeah well thanks sir thank you thanks for sharing that timeline with this cam i think that kind of is just really cool for hcc ras users that are familiar with where htc rises today but maybe have a little bit more appreciation now for where it's come from um so now i guess it's time to get into some some cool technical topics for today specifically again talking about some of the new htc rest 6.0 features and i just want to reiterate for everybody there is a lot with this new release and a lot that we could spend talking about today but we'd probably be here for five or six hours and i know cam and tom bolt probably have better things to do with their time maybe not chris um but we're so we're just going to touch on a few uh of the really cool things that have come out um and we're going to touch on them kind of briefly and just have a light discussion on it but i didn't want to give cam a chance to highlight a location where folks can find additional reference material where they can maybe go in depth more on some of these topics and even read about some of the new topics so cam do you want to share your screen and kind of show folks where those particular websites are at or those references are at yeah absolutely so um we'll get started by just looking here if you're looking for the latest in raz help and documentation we've obviously we've shipped pdfs of most everything that we have available with your installation package so help is available on your computer when you install it however we are updating things um frequently as we add new features um we're trying to make the feature release uh more quick get it out to users more quickly but that's still we still find oh we made a release we forgot to document a feature very well or hey that documentation can be improved so if you're looking for help um standard hcc website htc dot usace dot army dot mil slash confluence raz docs and it will put you into this page that we're looking at right now where you can see where you're going to have online documentation for the raz manual the 2d razz manual uh what we're going to talk about today the hc raz mapper user's manual but um i won't leave out sediment uh dr gibson would just you know he likes he likes his he likes his his water muddy um i like mine clear blue but um we have all the sediment documentation here and then the two new things we've got up there we've got a known issues page so if you run into a bug and you're like hey does the razz team know about this go go take a look at the known issues page and it's going to show you for the current release we have out when it was released and it will tell you what we know about what we've fixed and what we're still trying to get fixed um so you'll be able to get there through the known issues page so take a look there if you don't find your issue then email us address is right there we're going to be excited to see that somebody else has found a bug i'm sure we will find some today as we're doing the the the demos um and then we'll have release notes if you want to know what's in the new raz six uh we've got release notes here gary has a very detailed set of um release notes so some things to work think about and then you know new new things these are actually the fixes for raz six um and then we've got a new features list so um quite extensive set of new features so this will give you kind of an overview of what what to expect so it sounds like there's there's two things that every hydraulic engineer needs to bookmark on their internet browser one would be the razz solution blog at chris runs and two would be this documents page to have the latest and greatest reference material for htc raz yeah what's great about this is is you you know that you're always going to have the most up-to-date manuals so especially with those known issues but um also i want to mention too if people forget that web page you can also get there just from the hec-ras version 6 help menu item i believe right that's right yeah that's right we've we added a help menu item um actually i've got razz up so i can take a look and see if i can find it so right off the help manual we've got all the different manuals that ship and then we've got the online documentation looks like we have the main page and then we've got the the known issues page awesome that's great yeah thanks for showing us that cam so yeah the the things the different topics that i'm going to turn it over to cam here to talk about quickly um again there's there's a lot here to cover um but we're going to do our best to get through it so the four things that we're going to kind of touch on today are at the editing tools and values rasmapper the watch list which is a really cool feature i don't know a lot of people know about um the terrain modifications and then the raster calculator so with that uh cam i'm just going to turn it over to you and let you run with it all right well i will again share my screen hopefully everybody will take a screenshot of you guys pretty face so they'll be able to look at it during this instead of the razz program um okay so the first thing that we're gonna get started with um is we're just going to look at some of the new features in raz mapper so if you're unfamiliar with raz mapper in order to access it we have a quick link button here on the raz interface um here i've got a terrain data set already loaded um that's great and so a lot of the times uh the the first few things that um let me let me turn spoil in the good stuff now gotta save it for later uh one of the one of the things that um i know has been an issue um and that i'm trying to improve trying to figure it out is the way raz works is whatever layer is highlighted in the tree that's what you're working on and so there's plenty of times when i'll go in and i'll say okay i want to i want to mess with my data set and i go in and say okay i've got my data set i'm in edit mode and i want to work on cross sections and i'm playing with it and then i need to go make an adjustment with my river and i go to lay out another cross section and bam i start to lay out my cross section and the river thing comes up i don't know how many times it's happened to you guys it happens to me all the time yeah i supposedly should know better i don't feel so bad now that i know what happens i do it all the time so what we tried to do is we played with a lot of different ways to try and inform the user what they're what they're clicking on right it says it up here at the top it says it over here at the top left so now we decided to make a big pink bar and hopefully that'll that'll um oh that's great yeah i don't know that that's one of the uh the niceties we've added with editing tools and anytime anton if you think there's something that i am missing or chris or or then just let me know because i you know i don't know what's there we've added a lot of things uh just like the tree structure so right now i'm looking at this tree structure if somebody just sent you a razz model i right away will know what type of model this is i can see it's a combined 1d2d model i can see they don't have any bridges they don't have any inline structures what we tried to do is uh we're graying out things that are not in use until you've added a feature so see that you have some errors there already cam that's that's uh that's like highly likely yes i do have errors already that's awesome that comes as a default chris okay yeah everybody has made every if your model has no errors then uh you've done something wrong so for all you new uh everybody who's new and old to razzmapper open up razzmapper and just start uh editing start clicking on there right click start to see what's new we've added capability to create bank lines from bank stations to pull to pull the bank lines to your bank stations if there's a mismatch so so pl go through and like uh you know right click on all the layers and figure out what's available to you got a river stations table that might be new to you where you can re re-assign river stations so we've tried to bring some of the great functionality that's over in the geometric schematic over to raz mapper so you can live live more in this this area you know one of the one of the best ways i've found to learn new things in raz is just right click on things and see what comes up look at the features in there try them out and you'd be surprised at how just naturally intuitive a lot of these features are i um i remember from my days there and i know you guys continue this tradition of trying to really make things user-friendly and intuitive for your typical windows users so things kind of make sense and uh so it's a great way to learn just start right clicking on things and trying them out yeah especially don't be afraid to right click because you always have the ability to undo and if you can't undo rash or tell you like hey this this cannot be undone are you sure you want to do it are you sure so so not only on that same uh with that same notion not only working in the tree but also geospatially so notice i went over here to click on the bank line with my uh with my mouse not available because i didn't click on banks first so right click on the bank and then figure out what's available so that's uh there's a most everything that's available through the tree is available over in the inter the interface and the map itself as well so that that's a great a great strategy speaking of which so for those of you who mess up like i do all the time if you you're trying to get to a layer and you um you want to switch between add new and and edit so let's say you were an add new feed on accident you didn't want to if you hit the space bar the shift key if you hit the shift key it switches you over to the other mode so you don't have to come up to the the bar to to get access yeah that's really nice actually i think it's a tab key sorry it's tab it's not shift it's tab the tab will take you back and forth as you can tell i don't use it all the time but um when i'm in edit mode it's it's super handy um i don't know guys any other editing tools that you guys are super stoked about well there's been a lot of discussion about um extracting n values on the cross sections in this okay because you couldn't do that in in version five but as i've been told you can do that in version six now okay so that was really is when folks asked me you know do i do i need to use jio ras anymore can i do everything in rasmacher my answer would always be you can do literally every single thing in ras mapper except for extract many values to 1d cross sections but that's no longer the case that is no longer the case that's a good segue but it reminded me of the one thing i wanted to show before we got there but let's take a look at that so right click on cross sections you right click to update you'll see all the things that we've got added now um and manning's n values are one of them um yeah so that that's where you get to that obviously if you choose all cross-section attributes it will only do the attributes of the cross-section not any of the elevation information but we do now have the capability where you can update elevation data for the entire cross section for the overbank overbanks only just or just the channel or we've got a new tool which we probably won't have time to look at today it's called the elevation update tool in georaz but if you've got that bathymetric data from the the drunken boat driver across the river uh you can lay out your cross sections and extract elevations we've all had cross sections like that yeah so that's a great way to extract elevations is a great way to include bathymetric data into your terrain model okay so let me hit on one last thing for editing before we move on and that's the idea that when you come into an existing geometry we're trying to protect the user um from accidentally uh mismanaging their data and so if you come in here and you're reviewing somebody's model and let's say we just wanted in the in the past oftentimes you just need to extend a cross section to improve your mapping or you need to change its orientation but it wasn't really going to affect the river hydraulics you just needed to to change it for how the map would would come out so typically a user would come in here let's say we want to modify this cross section they double click it and they just drag it out well right now we didn't we didn't want that to automatically penalize the user so what we've done for all geometries if you right click on a geometry and go to raz geometry properties you'll be able to see how many features or attributes can automatically be updated so right now because it's an existing model nothing is going to be updated all right so if we take a look at the cross section we're going to plot it real quick let's choose this one so you can see that my terrain does not perfectly match up with the cross section so my cross section is shown in green and it doesn't perfectly match up with the terrain maybe because i've monkeyed with it uh maybe because i've manually gone in in hc ras and i've moved this channel over because i know a little bit more so i've spent some time modifying this channel well if i want to i want to extend this out into the floodplain just for mapping which i obviously don't need to for this cross section but if i did i don't want to necessarily recut the terrain so if i come in here and i just widen my cross section and end it i was thinking that was going to auto update it did not now you can see that uh the cross section is in green and it ends uh prematurely right yep so that that that cross section has not been updated to the current data it's showing you what it will be if you extract that elevation information so it's not going to affect any of your hydraulic computations that you were previously doing it's just going to allow you to map the water surface out a little wider for the plot to auto update you want to press the button on the toolbar okay yeah you're right thanks anton um so this is so as long as you don't as long as you don't pre-process this and run it again um it's not gonna affect the results but it will show better on the mapping correct so for for example if your water surface was limited because it got to the end of the cross section and you want to see what's going to be the full extent of mapping or inundation here you can just manually move that over just for mapping purposes right and i'm not i'm not encouraging people to do that because i want your hydraulic model to be sound but what i want you to know is that you aren't going to be updating the data accidentally yeah so if i did want to update this so let's come back here i'm going to undo with a control z i'm going to now go to that geometry and i'm going to say i want to update specific set of properties maybe i want to always update my bank stations and i always want to update my over bank elevations so that's now active so now when i make a change to cross sections i can come in here this will be the same guy double click on there and when i well here we'll take anton's word for it as i move it out notice that the cross section got wider and it automatically updated so if we want to see that again and the other if we want to see that in the other way that we're doing we can uh let's see plot the cross section so here you can see the green and the brown they they're right on top of each other if i and this won't auto update but it'll show you that when i take it out and then if i plot it again now green and brown match again and it didn't change the channel data well who knows it would anyway but so anyway that's that whole idea of auto update i want users to be aware of it you can always go into a cross section let's say you've turned off auto update so right now it says auto update two of ten properties we're gonna turn those off the other way the other way to do it which would be more systematic if if you're uncomfortable is go ahead and move your cross section out and then you can either right click on the cross section and update the cross section with whatever properties you're interested in one at a time you can do it in in mass or you can ask to do the cross sections in the tree to do them all so just depends on the workflow that you're comfortable with so with that auto way update turned on cam you could make that change extend your cross section out and then simply just go file save close out a ras mapper and recompute that's exactly right and it's going to have all those changes automatically enforced that's exactly right so that's cool if it's not an existing data set so if it's a brand new data set um so let's undo this so if it's a brand new data set so this cross sec excuse me it's a brand new feature so this is a new cross section i'm going to add maybe i need another cross section in here and i've added it so that's what my cross section looks like now auto update should barring any problems auto update should be working and it's just going to keep automatically updating everything as i as i move and that's the default behavior of raz it's going to automatically re uh grab your river stations your bank stations your flow pass it's going to auto update the elevations in your cross section every time when you're laying a new cross section because if if you're laying out a new cross section you want that information it is not considered old until you have stopped editing so once we've come over here and said stop editing once we have stopped editing and saved our edits it's then from that point forward consider an existing model and so that's when you'll have to be more cognizant of updating the data very cool yeah that's awesome okay well great and that's a really cool very quick but informative update on what's new in editing tools what about uh land cover and values and how we get those on the cross sections or 2d areas for that matter now yeah so that was one thing that i was never really uh excited about how rad's mapper worked was with within values and the fact that we didn't have that capability for a really long time so with version 6 we we've taken a new approach um version 6 supports precipitation infiltration soils data so we now have the need for multiple gis spatial data sets that can be in a raster format so we've approached this with the idea of we're going to be having a raster data set that we want to work with and modify and the way we're going to modify that is with vector data so if we take a look here in the tree um well let's let's go through the process of just importing one i've already done it once but let's do it again so to create a new land cover data set we'll go to map layers we'll say we want to create a new raz layer that's going to be our land cover layer we're going to go and browse out to our our in this case my land use land cover data set and i've got a link here i'm going to grab so here i've got downloaded the national land use land cover data in the imagine file format for the entire country so anytime i do a project i can just browse on over here and grab it and so this importer is just like uh current razz users should be familiar with we still have the capability to specify that it's nlcd uh nlcd data so the ids will be the same and then specify a file to import but what you'll see here is we are um on purpose not encouraging you to import and um not type in the end values we don't want you to do it here we want once you do it later we want the importer to be generic and then how you parameterize that data you think about that later on because we're going to use we might use this data for our percent impervious or having to do with something to do with infiltration right we might so we're trying to uh genericize i don't know if that's a word but make this a more generic later so you can view your file name say create it'll import the data um and then when it comes in you've got your your data which if i click on this data set um you know you can get an idea for what the end values are here you can see that it's mostly urban urbanized so when the data set first comes in you want to come in here and this is anton has spent a tremendous amount of effort trying to make our plotting and symbology um just work really nicely so when it comes in it's going to come in using the id so these are the nlcd integer codes for various things i don't know what they are off the top of my head i know the 20s means urbanization i think open water is 11 etc so the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to make it more meaningful to me i'm going to go well that might not be the first thing i do but we'll do that in a minute i might make the opacity a little bit lower so that i can see through it um so that i can turn on my satellite imagery and get an idea for you know hey how does this data look compared to my modeling domain and then i've already cheated and i've already created a channel for you so what we've done is well let's let's start with the first thing the first thing you might do is you might come to a land cover data set and you're going to say okay i want to edit the land cover and maybe this is where users like you call in let us know should it say edit land cover data should say edit manning zen value table should it say edit land cover data table let us know stuff like that i am always open to hearing from the users so here we've got when the data comes in this manning's end value column is going to be blank so at this point this is all sortable so i always sort it by id and then i have some default numbers i can copy and paste from my excel spreadsheet from the last time i worked on this study in this particular area right now we allow you to put a value for no data we i think this only works for the 1d model for the 2d model the default end value on the the 2d flow area will take precedence anyway provide base n values for your data set you type those right here in this table yeah you type them right there in the table and you can copy and paste from excel so it's not too tedious now the great thing that we've added is we've made this so that there's a vector override or vector addition capability we're calling these classification polygons so the land cover layer is a type of layer we call a classification layer where we can now digitize so here i've digitized a channel and once i've when i do that a little dialogue will come up so let's let's do something different so in this case let's pretend since i'm a huge basketball fan you want to this this building is the the gym basketball gym it's been weatherproof storm proof so no uh you're not gonna have any flow through here so as we know there's two different ways we can model um areas where we expect to see high end values like buildings so if uh typically um we would recommend that modeling a building we'd want to use a high end value um and and that's a whole nother great beer discussion that gary and i like to have gary likes an n value of like a hundred i prefer an n value of 99 because then i know the user did that on purpose you type in 100 somebody might have meant to put in point one and it just they missed something so i like 99 but that's uh that's a good beer topic so uh i'm going to do that so um if this was weatherproof and you didn't want to and normally we we use n values because we like to show that there's volume that can be absorbed by that structure and it's going to pass through the structure it just might do it really slowly so we're trying to lower the conveyance so here we've got highly developed with an end value of 0.1 but i'm going to say this is weatherproofed nothing can get in here so i'm going to go to my classification polygon i'm going to start editing i'm going to add a new thing so in this case it's going to be a square block i'm going to add that in there i'm going to call it uh i don't know we're going to say building but we're going to say building uh no flow i don't know so we're going to add that that characterization we can put in our end value i'm going to use 99. say okay so i now have this building with a that is now overriding my land cover data set so let's just so you can see kind of how it works let's say this building was also weatherproofed so i'm going to add this building in notice it's going to come up with the same name of whatever you did last and it's going to come up with the same end value so you are characterizing or classifying the data and so you can do it in a hurry when you're done you stop editing it's going to ask you do you want to save that it's always ask if you want to save and then that data will be uh overridden with the new the new data so in that case maybe i go in and we'll hope this works we'll reclassify building no flow we want that to be straight black say okay and to make sure it took shape and here we've got building no flow 9n equals 99. so that then is the way we're going to define our n values and then obviously we need to associate those with our our geometry so we're going to right click on our geometry uh we can go through it through the geometry properties we can manage our associations and then associate our land cover with that geometry so that's the new way that we're handling end values i think it's going to be more straightforward for users and it's going to be really convenient so let me ask you cam you started out with the nlcd data set and you brought that into your land cover creator editor and so that's how you established your your new land cover file which has a lan classification sub-layer inside of it right correct correct what if you know because there's some people in some countries don't have a national land cover database to work off of or maybe they just don't want to use it because it's kind of i don't know a little clunky cumbersome and not always that great in resolution what if they just wanted to start with their own land classification or classification layer so with a kind of a blank slate yeah that's a great question we're trying to provide tools to the user um so that they don't have to use a gis you know it's drawing a few polygons so in that case you can go in and you can say i want to create an empty raz layer so whenever you see the the word new in raz that's really that really means i want to import something um and when he says empty it means go ahead and create an empty uh construct or template and then start populating it so i could come in here create an empty raz layer this is my land cover layer so we'll call this the uh the vod lc turn off this guy we'll promote this move it up one that way i can still see google earth behind uh i can then notice we'll have another classification polygon under here but i'll be able to from there it created an empty construct i'm going to be able to edit we'll do the big area first which is typically what i would have done there's a way to change priority of the the various features but we're not going to cover that right now so this is open space this is my o4 and we're going to draw our building on top so building 99. so now i can right click that feature the last created feature is always the feature that is on top um at this point now we're going to be able to do a geospatial operation and we're going to clip preserve so now if we stop editing so now i have a and value data set goes from 04 to 99. so we have we have the basic editing tools that you're going to need to create any data set you need for a land cover data set and that that would be how you would do it yeah and i like the the clip feature that you have in there what what i've been doing is like if i wanted to now define that area to the right which is maybe sort of medium density urban i would just draw and i would overlap it with the existing open space just a little bit and then and then do the just do a clip uh discard on that yeah so something like that yeah so we call this uh mead development maybe that's our 08 okay then we're going to do our clip discard so it automatically snaps the boundary yeah so from there you can build your whole um n value layer right here in razmapper you don't need gis anymore to do that correct correct cool very very slow all right cool so thanks for showing that that's really awesome cam um what about the watch list tool i know that's something that maybe folks aren't as familiar with but it's pretty powerful you want to touch on that yeah so um this is something that actually anton developed for us um he did a really great job so the idea is here i've got three different runs i've got um and i'm going to turn off the maps just so we go a little bit faster i've got three different grid cell sizes and i want to know what happened to my simulation results well in the past what do you do you come in here um sorry we don't want to look at geometry my mistake we want to look at results so in the past we would come in and we'd want to query depth so we'd highlight the depth and we'd go along and be like okay it's 12 13.3 right there okay and you guys stare at that and then you go okay how am i okay i'll come over here and i'll turn on the depth uh for the other guy and then i'll scroll over here and i'm like well is that exactly the same spot or what you could do in the past is you could right click and then you could plot your time series of depths so you could always do that and get an idea for how things would vary but that wasn't the coolest way we could have done it right there's always a better way so anton added this capability where we can go through and we can add things to what we call as the watch list so whatever we've got highlighted up in the tree you can either right click on it and say add to the watch add a watch to the layer values or you can just click the plus button down here and it will add it to the list and then you can say okay well i've got a whole bunch of things down here um and we'll get rid of the velocity there but maybe i want my terrain i always i always want to know what's going on with the terrain so we'll put that at the bottom and so when it adds it for want of a better idea we always add it with the first letter of the data set and then we allow you the user to come in here and modify it so i've already modified these to be d50 d200 and d400 so the depth for the 50 foot grid cell depth for the 200 foot and so on so now i can turn whatever layer i want on so let's let's leave one layer off and then as i come over here i now have a tool tip that's allowing me to compare specific values or give me information at that specific location so i found that to be extremely helpful when you're trying to look at compare your results i mean we are hydraulic engineers and our job is to perform analysis and that doesn't mean laying out cross-sections that's just part of it the other part is do my answers make sense how am i going to improve my geometry to get better results right yeah you have to you still have to have those layers checked on the side right for them to show up here or no um no you don't yeah you don't have to i think anton made it so that you don't have to do that no they don't know you wanted i think what i saw a while back gary was showing me some stuff and you can with this watch list you can actually animate two layers at the same time by i think you have to highlight the results group yeah so if work so when you animate things in raz you always depending on how many layers you want to animate um so let's turn on the depth just for fun you always have to go to the parent so if you want everything in the results tree to animate together you got to go to the results group if you're in a certain plan it's only going to animate those layers within the plan and then it only works on the ones you have turned on so so that's that that only just that only controls the values that are being displayed is it actually can you actually control the display from that window or is the display still controlled from the results section the just uh i don't think i quite understand ben but you control everything from from over here so i guess what i meant is so the the new watch list that you created can you actually change the visual display of depth or i should say toggle on and off the visual display of depth for those different plans from that or do you still have to do that from the results section oh no you can do it you can do it down here yeah so this this guy is own it's essentially its own separate window so i just popped it out it's its own separate window it controls itself so um you can add the things that are very important to you and then turn them off and only look at the one that you want to look at regardless that's just turning off the actual numbers that you see but the the inundation is still shown because it's checked over there under results correct correct this is a great tool to if you want to compare inundation extents between two different plans you could turn on your water surface elevation for both and animate them and they'll animate together by doing this watch list correct that's awesome so i think that'll be really handy um i think this has just been for from an engineering standpoint super helpful when you're doing that levy design and you want to know you know how high is my water surface compared to my levee for my three different plans you can turn them on you can have that terrain with the levy layer turned on and just compare the the different ones so super helpful i think yeah definitely what about some of these terrain modification tools all right let's see that so the the terrain modifications um just for a little history or you know this is going to be long but just for a basis is the idea behind the train tools is right now we're limited to raster version of the terrain model and as we know that's not the highest fidelity terrain model that we'd like to deal with and it really became a problem when we had these combined models so we look at this model here we've got this combined model where we have a levy system that's running between these the 1d model and the 2d model and you start to realize that no matter how good your train model is you're never going to represent that levy with the course resolution of the grid but the grid's fine for everywhere else just not for these linear features so we really needed a vector addition so we've gone to the idea of the raster data being the underlying um body of work but that we can then modify it the the terrain layer with vector additions to have more precise data handling so a few things that we've added so we'll look at the terrain the way we can start looking at this is the first thing we want to do is we don't necessarily want a copy of the train model we've built this in a way that is modular so we can point to a terrain model and then just use it you know think about your studies where you've got 15 gigabytes worth of data you don't want to make a copy of 15 gigabytes of data just add a levy that's you know a few kilobytes worth of data so the first thing we want to do is clone the data so we can clone it in this case i'm just going to call it clone it's going to add a suffix to the end and as i turn this on you'll see it looks just like the other one so it's an exact duplicate of this other guy up here called terrain it's just uh we created an hdf5 file on disk that points to that terrain model now at this point we want to perform our modifications so we'll right click on it and we'll say that we want to add a new modification and we have three different ways to do this we can do this through a simple shape which we're calling like circles which we would do for simple things like piers a rectangle a simple rectangular pier or a triangle maybe what whatever ways you can think of doing that we also have this thing called elongated pier we'll take a look at that in a minute we have the ability to do lines so we have a high ground line or a levee line and we have a low ground line which is just uh flip flip the flip the script and let's look at it upside down and make a channel out of it and then we have the ability to do polygons so we'll do a quick example of each just to get an idea for how it works um so the first thing we might want to do in this model is we might want to add a channel so let's go and we'll add a channel we're going to name this group channels because you can have multiple features then in this channel data set so i'm going to zoom in here where we clearly need to have a channel and we're going to start oh it's already in edit mode because we added that's where the that's where the bridge was picked up by light all right that's where the bridge was picked up by lidar exactly yeah so we've got the no big deal for a 1d model but for a 2d model it's death so and the one thing uh that's another little trick we can point out to the users so here we i started editing and i didn't see the editing tools the editing tools are only active when you have the selection tool um available in the window so that that's a good little trick every once in a while uh this toolbar be grayed out my heart will skip a beat and i'll wonder what the heck we did and it's always user error so we're gonna add channel here um so i'm going to start my channel up here and i'm going to run it down through here okay so what what it's going to give me is the ability to make a template of what the channel looks like and it's going to allow me to put it on slope so by default it took the elevations from the terrain model which is actually pretty good let's pretend we want to use those it's going to allow me to specify a bottom width um hopefully i would have had my act together before i did this and known exactly what i wanted to do but you can see 20 is not uh not quite wide enough see our bottom goes there and it goes up to the side slope so the terrain is already being modified as we're working um so let's try let's try 40. that's cool it's like on the fly it's cutting it a little bit wider um maybe we'll do we'll go crazy we'll go 100 we'll see what happens all right we'll call that good it's going to allow you to do your side slopes horizontal vertical not going to worry about that right now but so we'll call that good for our channel say okay the channel data has now been applied wow that's so quick so it's it's pretty slick now we've added our channel now what's the other thing we need to do well and actually let me let me modify this this is great to show you guys so i don't like exactly what happened so i'm going to edit it and i'm going to make this 200. i want to really blow that blow that channel open because the next thing i want to do is i want to add in some peers so i'm going to go to modifications i'm going to add a modification and this time i'm going to do a simple shape i'll just do a circle and i can call those peers or whatever i want to call it now we have a default size so i've got default sizes that are going to be what i think are visually appealing and and realistic so the default i think here is 10 foot if you want it to be bigger or smaller maybe uh let's pretend you're you're placing it where a bridge got blown out but the piers are still there and there's an aerial photo so you can see exactly how big it is you can hold down the control key and you can scroll the wheel and it's going to make it bigger or smaller for you cool all right maybe that's 20 okay so we'll put in two piers they'll be gargantuan they'll be 20 foot piers we'll put those in uh it's gonna automatically add it it's gonna you can choose you can make it elliptical if you make it elliptical it'll give you a minor axis as well uh it's actually the radius too so it's even bigger yeah uh oh yeah it is the radius so it's a it's a mondo one but everyone can see it on screen i hope yeah uh and then you put in your elevation so i think 945 might work i'm not exactly sure and that's the how high you're gonna lift that terrain out to 945 okay i mean couldn't you also add the height you could that's not the way we would do it in this case but you could and we'll get there anton okay so um so here i'm just trying to figure out i don't remember off top of my head like you know what the top of the roadway was but it's somewhere around 9 50. so we'll go 9 52 and uh hit okay well actually we'll hit apply so that's one mode is just to replace the terrain as anton just brought up and is this is just a fine time to point this out there are multiple ways multiple methods for applying this any any of the modifications i tend to use replace that seems to me the most straightforward but there's other ones so you can choose to take the higher value between the terrain and the elevation you type in and i typically use that maybe for a line if i'm just trying to fill in fill in like a where a roadway would go you can choose to take the lower so when we do a channel we're we're doing this take lower when we're doing a levy we're doing an idea of of take higher or replace or you can just add a value to the terrain so if you want to add a picket fence that's five feet high you can say add whatever value you put in and then you could add it'll add it'll follow the terrain profile but add that value to it so those are the four options that are nice so we can add up here uh that way there's also the the capability to add um a more fun pier so you know circle rectangle triangle those are all the same but maybe we want to add a fancy one so that one we we we reserve the the name pier for the fancy one and so when we we lay out that what you can see and i'm gonna make this oh we don't allow you to it doesn't scroll big yet so what it allows you to do unfortunately we'll scale it soon so let's uh let's say our pier is uh 200 foot long and we're going to use rounded edges with a radius of 5 feet that'll be small and let's make it 20 feet wide as well so we can really see it on the screen and we're going to put it at 950 elevation say okay so here we've got up here that was created now in this case i'm going to go in i'm going to select it i'm going to rotate it so i can align it with flow and so now i've got a pier that is it's elongated it's elongated it's got a rectangular shape to it and the nose in this case was rounded now we also have the ability if you noticed we can do sharp nose so let's make these a little bit bigger so you can see them just a little bit better and so you can do a sharp nose on one end and a round nose on the other end now you've got a pencil pier so anyway i think that's gonna be a great option it's gonna between all the pewter tools all the um the simple shapes you're gonna be able to handle all the different peer peers that you need uh and again with a circular one we didn't need to rotate it obviously with elongated one we needed to rotate it you could type in an angle but it's always easier just to align it with with the bridge all right so that's that let's let's zoom out um let me make a really quick comment cam yeah absolutely thinking some people might have this question right now but okay now that 6-0 can do 2d bridges and we can clearly see it's very easy to put piers in here but one thing you would want to make sure you don't do is add a pier in the terrain like we've just done here but then also include up here in your bridge editor when you put that in because then you're going to be double counting that loss so you want to do one or the other the nice thing about having it here in the terrain is you'll be able to see the water go around the pier versus if you only add the pier in the bridge editor and not in the terrain you're not actually going to see water going around that's right so so i think uh using the terrain modifications is is going to be more for when you want to do detailed analysis at a bridge yeah um whereas the 2d bridge modeling approach is going to be for the more rough analysis where you're trying to get a good water surface profile and you don't necessarily need the velocities or to see the velocities um for for pure scour yep yep yeah so that's a that's a that's a really great point really great point uh so the other thing i think people are going to be interested in is our high ground option so let me zoom out again anton has worked tirelessly on a lot of these terrain modification tools with me to get them implemented in a oh geez do that all the time accidentally zoomed in uh he's worked tirelessly with me to add capabilities that we really think people are gonna gonna use so one of these is definitely gonna be hey i got a levy i gotta add a levy so that's it's my high ground option we're gonna add the high ground option um now obviously we can create our levy by digitizing and you guys already saw this with the channel feature it's exactly the same only in this case we're taking the higher the values rather than taking the lower of the values okay so um the the two tools are exactly the same they just are working in different different uh capacity so here i've i've got my levy and it starts by taking the elevation where you first click and where you last click just just to give you a slope on the line so we're going to make the levy 40 foot wide so we can see it we're not going to worry about this other stuff and we're going to add the levy into the train so we'll say okay and when that line gets unhighlighted you'll be able to see it in the terrain a little bit better right so you can see the level has been added so let's say you've got some lidar and it's not the greatest quality lidar so you've got a lot of ups and downs along the uh the levee crest this would be a great way to kind of lift that up to the actual true levee crest elevation exactly so we're going to be overriding that data with with this better data uh so that's that's the rudimentary way to do this now um there's other ways we can do this let's uh let's add another one uh well actually let's continue with this one right now so we just picked a couple elevations and if we were to edit this guy uh we can type in other numbers if we want this to vary more frequently we can type in a number so let's put something at 5000 and we'll put it at elevation 945 which might be on the same slope notice the table gets resorted it gets inserted to the right spot and now we have a different shape to it and maybe that's too high maybe it should have been 940 it's more realistic whatever we whatever we want to throw at we can type things in into the table it's going to sort it for us and recompute it and that's that's really handy but that's not the necessarily the best way a lot of times we're going to have survey data so we can go and we can use this thing called elevation control points so we can go in and let's say we know the elevation right here starting uh let me zoom in see everybody can see really well as we get close to the line you can see the crosshairs snap to it that means when i click it's going to get snapped to the center point of the line so that's great i'm going to snap it there it thinks that the elevation should be 946 because that's what the the override is telling it should be right now but i say you know what i have real data i have a benchmark i want that to be 950. so we type that in it automatically gets applied we can then go through all of our data by hand if we need to and enter some data so i'm going to put two 950s in there and then we're going to go look at the high ground so now you can see i've got two rows in my table with the elevation 950 you can see that they have been grayed out that means that they've been entered as an elevation control point so that's a second way to override the data very cool so when you put when you type that 950 right there on the schematic it lifted up that that part of the levy plus some distance upstream and downstream of it or how does that work exactly it applies a point internally and then we interpolate so what it did here's the profile of the line so we inserted it so it's interpolating from 949 to 950 up here at the top so okay so what you just did on the schematic was essentially the same thing you did here in the table it's just a more graphical way of doing it correct exactly so you can import the points all right so that's the that's the second way and then as anton uh was worried i would forget another way we can do this is uh we can add we'll add another modification for this one so we'll add another high ground we can uh then import so we're going to import features from shapefile so if you have a shapefile that has z so this is a really nice importer anton's made i'm going to see if i can find a shapefile here all right so i had a little section of the levy um upstream of where i was just working it's already got the z values in there if there were multiple lines you could choose which lines you wanted to import so we're going to select it we're going to import it it came in down here so we'll zoom in take a look this is our our new line and then got a little bug right now it hasn't exactly been applied so we're going to right click on it to edit and then you can see it took shape so we need to refresh the plot right there so here you can see that the data should have been imported from the shapefile z maybe there's only two points in it this looks mysteriously not right like there's something wrong with my shape file but that's one way you can import the other way is directly from here you can import a shapefile if you import from shapefile from this editor it destroys all the data we're going to import the same thing and see if we get the same answer doing a little bit of bug testing as we work um oh yeah jis data levy z obvious with elevations hey it looks the same should replace everything now it's that now it says the shape you're importing at z values would you like those to replace it you say heck yeah no pun intended and so here you can see station elevation data did replace so that other importer is not working quite right this importer is working correctly so now you can see it following the elevations as was expected i think it put the xy data in but not the station elevation data correct correct so we got to work on that um but anyway if you want to change the xy coordinates you can copy paste type those in by hand that's available to you i don't really see anybody doing that by hand i see a lot of import type type options so those are those are the uh terrain mod options that are at your uh fingertips at your disposal and that is that is going to be so useful guys thanks for adding that in and uh showing seriously yeah and let's move on to the raster calculator that was something that i know there are a lot of people interested in this one of the biggest uh questions i've always gotten is well how do you compare output maps one to another to see maybe what the difference is between a couple plans and we've never been able to do that right in rasmapper but now you can in 60 with this raster calculator right correct so as i showed you earlier you could right click and get a hydrograph at a point now we've added the layers the watch list which obviously is super helpful but if you want to do this on the on the big scale then we've added this tool which allows us to analyze dynamic maps together so we've added under the tools option so create calculated layers and this brings up a raster calculator now this is not intended to intimidate anybody it's intended to just you know be a breath of fresh air but i realize it it looks a little scary uh just wait till you put the code in there right so you can do it by hand yourself uh but what we're going to try and do is we're going to try and get the community to start submitting scripts to us that then we can share with everybody that can ship with the next version of raz um or we can we can put them on our web page for people to go get hopefully open up the communication maybe put them on the raz solution by default i've got three here that i know people always are going to want they're going to want some sort of hazard scripting they're going to want to compare water surfaces and then they're going to want to do depth times velocity but maybe to some power that we don't have you know 1.5 or whatever so we'll go with a simple one right now but when you bring this in all the train models you've loaded are automatically here for you to use and then we're gonna compare water surfaces for this example so here's an example of the script yeah it's a little overwhelming but when you start looking at it it'll a little bit of practice i think it'll be not so bad so uh i had terrain with channel turned on so that's what got added in here and what the script essentially does this is telling you what's going to be used so my variable water surface one more surface elevation one is the cell value from uh my result which was grid 50 foot using an elevation it's going to use the dynamic profile so that means as i animate it's going to animate um and then for variable number two it's going to use the plan that was the 200 foot grid cell plan within with the elevation data set and so uh this script goes through and it it sets it up so you can be successful creating your own script it says if i have data and also i have data then um oh excuse me if i don't have data that's what no data means and i don't have data then don't do anything don't do a calculation otherwise if i have some information then start working with the with the data so i'm going to analyze my water surface variable number one with water service number two and if if both either of these data sets don't have any data then just default back to the terrain the terrain value so it's pretty simple script um allows you to define what you want the name to be that's going to show up in the layer list and then what you want it to be uh where you want that script to be stored on disk so let's just hit create layer right now just for fun um that guy should have gotten added in the map layers because it's comparing in this case it's comparing multiple layers if you're only working within one plan it will go in the results file so we'll turn that guy on let me uh turn off this terrain turn that train on okay so by default it's not a very pretty map so we're going to go in and we're going to come up with some sort of scaling option so uh we'll do a max of two feet and um well we'll do one and one and minus one how about that so we'll assume that our differences aren't too different and we're gonna create a color ramp we're gonna go from red to blue um create the color ramp oh shoot reset my colors rookie mistake all right say okay so now i come back to my result and maybe i want to look at the max let's look at the max just for fun and you can see that that's not showing me a lot of differences right so depending on my uh my results comparing my 400 foot grid cell size of my 50 foot grid cell size or whatever i was comparing they don't vary by too much so i would need to at this point go in and i would change my scale so let's uh let's go from a tenth of a foot to minus a tenth all right so that's giving me a little bit better answer so it's giving me a little bit higher water surface up here where it's blue and then you can see it transitions into a negative water surface through steeper terrain and then down here it's again not quite as negative but the answers are pretty much very very similar um so purple here means not much difference at all between the two red and blue shows where the differences are correct awesome that's great so hey can you show that code again really quick yeah there you're on top of it i wanted to point out for the those folks out there who aren't familiar with scripting or writing code here in the visual basic code when you have that apostrophe at the beginning of a line that's just a comment that's actually not code that's used it's just there for a description for you to write the actual code here starts at the if line and it's that if else and if and that's that's the code that's being run but it looks like you can use a different language up there too if you want you can and you know i had a a knock down drag out uh beer drinking session with my colleague alex kennedy and uh because he's a super a super uh nerd with the programming he's like well everybody should know c sharp so c sharp is in there if ever anybody wants to get excited um and that's the language they're comfortable with i'm sure a lot of people are going to be asking why didn't you put python in there they they probably are but we're using the net compiler so this is actually like all built in and it gets compiled on the fly and the net compiler is what we're using for raz mapper so that's why that's there yeah so we've got this little code window we're not going to go in the details today that's not the type situation we should be doing this in but what i do want to help you with is you can create your own code you can save you can load the script so if i wanted to load a script that was already on disk you can do that we're appending raz script on to any of these guys um there are there's stored on disk you can send it to a friend it's just a text file and if you want to know if your code is going to work don't just hit go we have this little view full code window where i've got a nice little editor that tells you hey it's going to compile this is all the best all this grayed out stuff is all the behind the scenes stuff that we need to do to get the code to compile and then this is just the uh the meat of meat of your actions is down here and it continues down to the end here and then we've got some things down at the bottom which we store so that we can load and save data so so that's your introduction now i will say the first comment anybody out there is going to give is what if i right now raz works with dynamic layers that are created within raz so the first question anybody's going to ask is what if i have a stored data set on disk we will hopefully have a button to allow you to add a stored data set to disk it might not have might not work with some of the sample code but we're going to we've already added it it's in the debug version right now so there's a button where you can add a stored uh data set in there um but we don't have that in this version at this moment okay so so the raz raster calculator only for dynamic maps yes anton isn't there some pitfall with max datasets using the raster calculator there there is uh those are the inherent problems that folks would be should be familiar with like for max velocity and using max velocity at the same time with max water service profile if you're trying to do that um the the maps that you're going to create within raz will will handle that okay because we brute force and figure out when you had the max depth time excuse me max depth times max velocity we brute force for every time step when that's appropriate um in this case uh when we're using the raster calculator we don't have that capability to brute force and we're just looking at time steps so max depth times max velocity is not always going to give you the the answer that you're hoping for um but that's a that's a little bit more complicated problem than we have time for today great stuff man that is super cool well wow that has been uh amazing cam and you've covered a lot of ground and i hope people really find this useful i i know i do um and i'm excited to give some of these things a try but we've got anton here and he's got a really cool thing to share with us called the 3d viewer and the google earth demo so um i'm going to turn it over to anton and let you go wild with that all right cool first i will share my screen otherwise we don't have a broadcast i'm not sharing my stream um first i'll show the various ways you can get it going i believe there's three ways you can get it going the first way is on the main braz window this is a button here um you click on it and it will bring the 3d viewer up it's a little cube looking button right yeah i made that cube yeah it's a nice looking cube and then uh the other ways are in raz mapper you can either press the q button on the top here or you can right click a map and press the q button or right click a result and press the q button so wherever there's the cube button is how you get to the 3d viewer for today we're going to take a look at a terrain from an uh in a model from reno and i picked reno because it has all the buildings in the terrain so it's interesting to look at in 3d and there's vertical verticality too to the water if we look at the water surface elevation well i thought maybe this i mean that is a big jump i guess i thought this was a little bit different but um we're going to like fight 4 500 to um four thousand three hundred so there's a lot there's a there's a difference in water surface elevation there so you can see kind of how the in 3d how the water will flow in the z axis there so uh we're gonna take a look at reno now on the 3d viewer the first thing that will happen if you've never run the 3d viewer on a data set before is it will pre-process the data set it it'll create a file in the same folder as your as your project and the reason we pre-process is um a lot of the processing done for getting the water in many little ras mapper screens that's actually what the 3d viewer is made up of is like little mini res mapper screens is so that takes a lot of cpu power and by pre-processing we take some load off the cpu and put it on the hard drive so our cpu can focus on rendering the terrain or um grabbing the appropriate uh time step or gra or water or whatever it's just it it makes it run better you can always cancel the the pre-processing step you would have to hit the cancel on the loading bar that we saw earlier so here we are same view as razzmapper one thing i want to point out is on the animation bar we have a green bar and the green means ready to go you can just click and let go and it will almost load almost instantly i think it's even faster in raz mapper and that's all thanks to the pre-processing so um here we are we can kind of like control the viewer as if we were in raz mapper by um middle click and drag and you can zoom in and it'll if you're familiar with the razz mapper controls then um this will be like right at home for you um before we get flying through i just wanted to um take a look at all the options in the 3d viewer in case you want to change some things and what happens oh there we go so full resolution water during animation right now when you animate the water we scale down the water so it animates faster um maybe because you are animating i would guess you wouldn't care too much about how accurate it is at that particular time step because you're only seeing it for you know a split second so it's off by default you can show quickly how it looks like with with that you saw how it kind of it was a little blurry but when i stopped it got sharp again if you hit the check box and apply and we rerun the animation so it's a little bit slower to animate not much yeah it's a little bit see how slower much slower it is to animate so but it's a crisper view of your water surface yeah yeah very cool so i leave this off you can change the scaling of the terrain the exaggeration here if you change this you'll have to restart the viewer so i'm not going to change it and then you can change the various symbologies for the map types and your terrain if you're used to a different symbology these will come over from razzmapper so if this terrain was already a certain symbology you don't have to worry about um setting it to something else here and then the graphics the only real thing you can do here is change the resolution of the window and the level of detail and since i have a beefy graphics card i can use high level detail but if you're on a laptop with integrated graphics maybe you want to use the low one um or um or the medium one you just have to see if it's smooth enough for your computer and then we also have a shading mode and you can really see the difference in shading mode on these buildings although i think i have to restart the viewer but the the shadows here would look um sharper with the sharp mode on but at a at a um cost to performance so less less it won't be as smooth when you're looking around so it's to follow that smooth but if you want sharp you can do sharp and then the controls you can change the mouse sensitivity and that mouse sensitivity comes in play when you're panning with your mouse not like this mouse that you see now but only when you're panning so if you find that you're while you're panning you're moving your mouse over to the center a lot you might want to increase the sensitivity so that you don't have to do it so often and then this is analogous for the controller you can invert the controller looking up and down some people are used to the controller being inverted so if you use put the stick down the view will look up some people are just used to that from gaming or from flight sims or anything and then here you can change the bindings these are the default bindings you can have it look at that on your own oh and the controller bindings here you can't change these yet they're just here for your convenience to look at see what they do and then the particle tracing options are similar to what you see in razzmapper so there's nothing to cover there all right so um right now i'm changing my view with my mouse and i right click to look around this changes the rotation and then as before you can click middle click and click and drag and it will if you're used to clicking and dragging in other applications they'll translate to this wow does it work the same way that google earth works with the mouse clicks uh no not quite um they're like swapped so like middle click is actually right click in google earth okay uh the only reason why they're swapped is because people are used to middle clicking to move in raz mapper so that was maybe i can put in later on a way that changed that around but for now there's no way to change that um so you can also move with the with the keyboard uh if you're use if you're a pc gamer the wasd keys should be familiar for moving around if you want to increase the speed you can use your left and right arrow keys and it will increase the speed of the viewer you can see the current speed on the bottom left so 48 top speed is oh or 48 um that so if you're going too slow or too fast you can change it there another last thing for controls is you can press the tab key and my mouse will disappear and then you no longer have to right click to look around and this will make i this makes it in my opinion better if you're showcasing with the mouse and keyboard because it's really easy to just go forward and look around with the mouse without having the right click yeah so anton i'm intrigued about all the buildings you have in here um the terrain i assume comes from raz mapper where do the buildings come from yeah the the buildings are also from the terrain from rasmapper this dataset was built with the buildings in the terrain okay yeah in the future we want to have a separate building layer and be able to maybe perhaps import building data from like openstreetmap or another source and it'll it would show up just for visualization purposes maybe not for hydraulic purposes okay um yeah if we ever want to go back to the center of the map like we are like how would you react in ras mapper you just click this button here it brings you back to see everything and then it's if you get lost another thing if you get lost is you have a little mini map here you can see where you are in relation to the terrain so if we're off into space and i'm like i don't know where i'm at you know i mean you can just tell that you're here if you want to move without dragging or using the keyboard you can click the mini map and it'll just place your camera there you can actually hold down the mouse and control the viewer that way great and what if you're like oh i don't need to see the mini map i'm really familiar with this terrain how do i make it go away there's a minus button you just click the minus button and it goes away and same for this legend here if you don't like the if you don't care about the legend you can always just make it go away there that's that that's great there and again if you wanted to like show the flooding at some specific location here you could pause here and you could animate it you'd see the water come in and rise and go into the uh into the city area and then come back into the channel right yeah we'll we'll get to that with uh flight paths oh okay uh yeah this is just all manual control if you're confident about controlling you don't need a flight path or you're just showing a colleague or i don't know it doesn't have to be like a formal kind of presentation uh just to show what kind of maps you can do in the 3d viewer this map here it's not in raz mapper i call it the realistic map or realistic water and you can see the texture is changing depending on the velocity direction and magnitude and it kind of sparkles because of the sun beaming on it and all that yeah that's cool um you can click this button and it will change the map it'll cycle through the various maps the next one is the depth map which everyone's familiar with and same with razzmapper if you're curious about a value just hover your mouse over and it'll tell you the value oh that's sweet yeah and then the other one is velocity we all know what a velocity map looks like and then we have you can't draw profile lines in this can you no we don't don't have any kind of thing like that yet it would definitely be in the future kind of thing sure yeah i guess water surface elevation is not very meaningful here um so we'll go back to realistic and then particle tracing you press the button here or you press p and you get particle tracing in 3d and this actually updates while you move in space unlike grassmapper it's not perfect the slower you go the the more it can keep up with like loading while you're moving so if you ever need to um you can always just if you're taking up making a video or something you can always just speed up the video right so there's that um i don't believe particle tracing works while you're animating but um only while you're flying around so uh one last thing the part what people will use the 3d viewer for is the flight paths option here and you have to make a flight path in raz mapper first so we'll go ahead and do that okay so we'll come back to raz mapper and we'll go to the features group here and we're going to add a new layer and we're going to add a flight path layer and i'll just call it flight path and right now the flight path layer is not too different than the polyline layer hopefully in the future you'd be able to like designate uh points where you can keyframe like elevations or keyframe a transition so you can say oh i want the time from here to here to be two seconds instead okay using the the 3d viewer's speed as it does now and you can say oh i want the point from here to here i want the elevation at this point to be this and the elevation from this point at this point to be that and it would you know it would change elevations along the flight path but it doesn't do that yet that would be in the future so um i'm just gonna go down the river here start delineating roughly and then we'll come back around if you already had a river center line you could copy and paste that in and be a lot a lot quicker hmm that's cool yeah it could you can copy lines from one layer to another layer in in ras mapper it should work so i'm gonna that's it stop editing and then we're gonna go back to the 3d viewer all right so we're back in the 3d viewer and we have our flight path so we're going to for our layer that we made in this is our flight path that we made in brazmapper and it highlights here so you can see where if you have multiple lines you can pick one um right now the only options is a constant elevation which you can change while you're flying so you can scroll up and down you can make it so that the camera will always look forward kind of like a trolley if you look around it will pause the viewer or you can free look so if you're more advanced with looking or you already kind of know where you what you want to look at you do a free look so i'll do free look here and then you can either start from the beginning or from the end in the polyline so we're gonna head and go ahead and start the elevation it's going to use it's whatever we're at right now so i'm probably gonna have to oh and it's on free looks so oh oops looks like there we go so i'm gonna get down closer to the channel and while while we're on the this cart here we can animate oh at the same time oh that's yeah i'll advance the time here so it's more interesting so you can you can ride your surfboard down the flood wave as it you time it up just right as it's happening so if you want again if you want to change the speeds left and right arrow keys like right now it's going really slow and this is fast if you ever want to turn around just hit the change directions button and we're going the other way now and for the free look what do you use to control your free look same as just looking normally you hold right click down and look around or if you hit tab and you make your cursor go away you just move the mouse okay so like let's say on our path we want to look at something um we can always click and drag sorry i guess that doesn't work um you can only move with the keyboard and it will pause the flight path for you it'll remember where you were at like let's say you want to look over here or or something or go back to over here just show the animation here for whatever reason and let's say i want to go back to playing flight path i just hit play and i'm back on track where i was yep super cool and then can play particles too well while we're flying here so that's really neat we'll have to ask uh mark forest if he watches this if uh he's he's flooded in any of this i know he lives down in reno yeah he lives he lives up on a hill oh he's got one of those houses okay yeah all right or one of these as a good uh flood model or should be on the top of the hill not down in the flood plain um oh yeah one last thing if you ever need help in the 3d viewer if you press help button here it'll tell you how to do everything that's important like moving changing your view changing your elevation and the mouse unlock block and then if you click here take you to confluence and you can always see the confluence docs which are more in depth and they have cool pictures and all that nice and that's it for the 3d viewer and thanks anton that was a really cool demo and i'm super excited to give this a try and play around with it and see what we can do for some presentations yeah absolutely uh regarding the future i already explained uh a building layer so maybe these would be in a building layer instead of being part of the terrain um another thing is the 3d viewer kind of chokes on big terrains really large terrains like we're talking couple gigabytes um and it takes a while to load and i'd want to make it so that the terrain can can um stream in in a sense like so you don't have to load everything beforehand it'll stream in so it would drastically improve the loading time for large data sets and what else i think those are the two major things is there anything else in missing cam image imagery draping oh yeah that's right yeah right now you can't drape aerial photography on the 3d viewer that's probably the next thing we're going to do because that's important so oh yeah so you get a realistic like satellite view instead of terrain view yeah i mean it won't be as good as google earth but it's something so nice now we're going to take a look at another way to look at your data set in 3d using google earth get out of the 3d viewer and we're back in brazmapper reno and the first first thing you want to do when if you want to make a data set work with google earth is you want to make an inundation boundary map and you can do that by right-clicking the the result and create new results map layer and then selecting the inundation boundary type here and in your profile most people want to do max so it's max by default and this is a stored map so after you add it you're gonna have to right click that's this what happens when you run in visual studio everybody just got a glimpse of the raz code the real code that's what's behind everything we have our inundation boundary map but we have to uh right-click and compute update stored map right after you add it and that will give you this polygon it's one polygon so after you update it um you go down here to export layer save inundation to 3d kml and you get this little box that pops up and a lot of it is auto filled for you for max performance in google earth as well as visual fidelity in google earth but if you ever need to change things here's what what they mean and what they do so the filter tolerance um this will filter the polygon that's the inundation boundary by uh so you get less points and this will make the process go faster but it'll be less accurate the polygon cell size so the way the it works for google earth is we divide the polygon into cells and this is the cell size for those cells larger cell size means less polygons which means it goes faster but it's less accurate lower cell size means more polygons more accurate uh but it takes longer and the the the suggested size here is for uh to have around 10 10 000 polygons which is like the limit in in google earth so this is like the trade-off between accuracy and speed and then this is for output if you want you'll see later you can query the google earth just like you can in rasmapper and this is decimal places for querying and then the the way the polygons work you can either have a seamless look for your polygons with sloping water surface so the polygons will actually slope um they'll actually have differing z values at the corners or at every point makes it look a little more 3d yeah and then the horizontal will just use the value at the center of the polygon or the cell or yeah and then if you ever oh and then this um plotting method depths relative to ground we use the depth and grass mapper to make the polygons so um if the terrain data is poor in google earth then you'd want to use this this will give you a more accurate representation if the terrain data is fine in google earth then you can probably just use the direct water surface elevation for your polygons and then finally if you want to keep the shape file that's all the polygons that we send the google earth you can keep it so you can plot it as a layer or use it for something else if you want so after you go through that dialog um you come to google earth you um go to projects and then you start up new project and it'll give you an option to import a kmz or kml file so you just find where your file is wherever you saved it and you select it and so an anton you're using in this case you're using the web version of google earth yeah yeah um for some reason i can't get google earth pro installed on my computer i don't know why so we're using the web version for now but the uh the cam kml kmz will work in the uh the desktop version as well it's a little bit faster and looks a little bit nicer than the web version okay here we are in google earth i imported my kml file and we have water surfaces you can zoom in and you'll you have to wait for google earth to update their meshes here but once they're updated um we can you can click around you can see the depth and the velocity and the water surface reported by rash by just clicking wow anywhere that's very cool can you move around and do a like an oblique view like you were doing in your 3d viewer too yeah so in this case if you wanted uh if you didn't have the buildings part of your terrain but wanted to see them you could you could do that here in google earth yeah yeah a lot of a lot of terrains don't have buildings in them so this is one way for now see the buildings so one of the more interesting views in google earth is um how it works with real bridges so you can actually see the try and change the view here oh yeah you can see the water is going under the bridge right now let me find some place where there's like some flooding going on so we can see the extent of the flood you can see all the buses there in the parking lot there's the bowling center cam yeah i see that we're talking about gsr so you can kind of see look at that see the cars flooded the depth where raz is reporting like two feet so that's about right yeah wow um i wanted to show in street view how it looks like these polygons in google earth pro they will show up in street view so you can actually see water over you or under you but in um on the web that doesn't show that unfortunately oh so if you had uh google earth pro here you'd see the water surface yeah you see the water right here where the cars are nice um so yeah it's too bad can't really show that here right now yeah we trust you yeah i mean everybody has a people right there so yeah yeah so it's kind of slow it's probably because it's the web version but you see it works um yeah that's pretty much it wow that's really nice anton man that's really cool cool stuff i think everybody watching here is um super excited to try this out if they haven't already um what do you think ben any uh any comments about this you ready to try it out yeah yeah just the viewing experience overall i think is just such a massive upgrade to this new version it's really going to make not only it kind of more fun for hydraulic modelers to look over the results of their model but it's just going to make client interactions so much better and preset presentation of data especially to non-engineers um so thanks for showing us that stuff everybody's going to be able to impress their clients with that yeah make them really happy it doesn't matter how good the work is that we engineers and modelers do if we can't share it with other people then it's really really off or not so i think the visualization of those results is really a key aspect to the engineering and analysis portion yeah it's a very powerful way to understand what's happening i mean gone are the days when you'd have to look at you know a profile plot and that's what you had maybe a stage and flow hydrograph and you had to try to explain to your client what's happening with those two features we may know what's what's going on but it's hard to explain that but this is great i mean you can clearly see the result of that flood at a very close up view different angles and everything so well done anton and cam great job on all the new rasnapper features all super exciting stuff um ben you have any other parting words for these two um geniuses here no just want to thank you guys both again for coming on i want to reiterate to everybody who's followed along here that there's a lot more information to learn and so utilize some of those reference manuals that cam showed us where to access those and uh you know there's a lot of other good videos including some other videos on our youtube channel that craig price has done check those out as well um there's gonna be uh just a lot to learn here and we're all gonna learn together and uh it's gonna be really cool to see kind of um what people do with this new technology so thank you guys yeah and speaking of learning together um ben what do we got coming up for our hec craz classes yeah so our spring 2021 or i guess winter 2021 agc razz class a 1d 2d modeling class starts tomorrow actually and that particular class is full we got 60 folks signed up for that so that's really exciting we're going to cover some of the new 6-0 features um including a new workshop that chris developed around 2d bridges so that's going to really really cool we're excited to just share that with folks from around the country and uh if you're interested in taking a a class again that class is full but we're gonna have another class sometime in in may so keep an ear an eye out here to the ground for an announcement for exact dates on that we expect that class to fill up just like this one so you're going to need to sign up early if you want to i think this vodcast is going to be uh material for that class let me get to the raspberry part we'll just say hey go home and uh watch cam and anton show you all the cool stuff yeah yeah you guys make our own sounds like we're getting royalties anton yep yep there you go um is there any other any other plugs you want to talk about chris yeah i just want to quickly mention uh i've got a new hec-ras 1d steady class starting up the uh next week in fact next friday not this friday um what is the date of that so today's the 16th as we're recording it so it would be the weekend is the 26th 26th thank you i should have wrote that down here so um it's not too late to sign up for that if you're interested uh it's through the university of wisconsin i would just google university of wisconsin-hec-ras that is a basic 1d study class this is as basic as it gets if you've never even heard of hec-ras you can take this class and learn how to do uh some steady flow modeling with that i've also got a couple presentations coming up i'm doing uh one on probabilistic approaches to danbridge modeling using mcbreach and that's going to be through the ontario water power association it's on march 4th go to owa.ca if you want to learn more about attending that and then on march 18th i'm doing a presentation on the missoula floods 2d modeling and boy i can't wait uh anton to get this 3d viewer for my um model uh maybe i'll try and get that going before the march 18th presentation but that's going to be through the seattle washington chapter of ewri so just google that and you'll be able to see about that um and i think that's all i got for plugs ben that's all i got i think uh obviously as you guys have heard chris is going to be all over the place this spring so tune in to his linkedin page for additional announcements when it comes to where to find chris yeah you're like you're like where's waldo not this year so much but yeah maybe maybe again uh this year coming up i'll be all over but someday soon someday soon yeah then go down there to davis and get me some pliny the younger better hurry it's only six feet away from me so not going to last long oh man awesome well thanks again both anton and cameron really appreciate you guys taking the time today i know everybody who enjoys the vodcast is going to enjoy the tools that you guys talked about today hopefully learned something from them so yeah again it's been a pleasure guys thanks and uh yeah until next time this has been full momentum and hec raz podcast thanks for having us guys
Channel: The RAS Solution
Views: 4,112
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Id: NblrwpauaIA
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Length: 140min 38sec (8438 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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