HEC RAS Dam Breach Analysis

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good morning friends today I am showing you the application of chakras for dem breech modeling so for dem glitch modeling we require digital elevation model of the study area damn details and flood hydrograph of the dem so let us see how to do this whole exercise so first we have to open a brush here we will create one project so this is you Here I am giving you the name breach so this project is created so then first go to option and see what are the units so its units is matrix system so it's okay otherwise change to it so this is the units now we go to Ross mapper so Ross mapper is just like GI spread from far across here first we will set the projection for the project so for this we require that project file of the projection file of your digital elevation model so you can see all these informations related to that projection are here and here that units are in fields so please change it to meters apply okay now we will add distillation model to it so here we will add DM in here adding this DM here so but this to this ross maple will convert this digital elevation model into tin format so close it yeah we can so now baby misery is here we can change that the display properties of baby misery so both these digital elevation model that imagery are visible so here we can see this is our study area then this is the dam this is this is this is then this is downstream in this India so first what we will do we go to that geometries and we will create new geometry you have to give a name for this give any name now so all these options are now this vid here so first we will create to the flow area in 2d flow area you go to that parameter right click it and that gives you this geometry this is the perimeter then we can create stories also this is stories it's encrypted now we will save that geometry and close it now we will open this geometric editor then open this geometry doctor we can get it this geometry is here now what we have to do we have to read no damn here so we will add so that the dam has joined its storage to that in flooded here we will add boundary condition so this is the condition okay this is this is this outlet has been added now let me go to that 2d flow area where we have to generate 2d mesh so here we have to give some interval here I am giving flow computation so you can see that that mess has been created now go to stories area where you can see elevation capacity table has already displayed here if you want it you can give your own elevation capacity table of that type here we will give some minimum elevation then we will go to so here we can see this is the cross section of detail so breach get over here so here you will station 0 and height is up to 4 6504 63-62 okay then here we can see this length is 1 2 to 4 point 0 5 0 then we have to give beer worth here know what we have to do we have to give rich data so here so then the rich data you have to first you have to click this because you have to briefs this structure then you have to give this center station for that reach so this is the center station it is something like final elevation this is then starting interval that water radiation I have to do so be 462 okay so all these informations related to this 2d mass and this has been given now we will give we'll close it then you go to this view or edit a steady flow understand different that so here we can see what outlet is visible so first we give this normal depth for this so here we can give some slope up then we will add storage area here so now that story the yes noise so for this we will provide that's reading flow hydrograph so here we can give the hydrograph update so this is our hydrograph so this is and you can hear start from here we can see it is starting from that first of the August initial conditions so for 2d stories in here we will give what initial till now till now we have given all these information so we will go to run T so in that here we have to give all these informations so first we check all this we have to give some sort ID for that we have to give started so thread hydrograph is starting from zero zero hours and it is I am giving to that 5 September - for scepter this which are the computational interval are doing less photograph mapping output also yes we get information compute so here one thing is missing we have not said they reach for me close it we have not said five hours now this started it will take lot of time because it has to be computed for whole the area and time interval is less so now we can see that all the computations are over and it has finished that complete process and took near about 20 minutes for computing so we can close it now we will go to Ross mapper to see the results so here this is a steady yeah this one depth here we can see this you can see how that blood is propagated this is how we can do this flag working using help us
Channel: Rahul Jaiswal
Views: 11,175
Rating: 4.958549 out of 5
Id: EfsmHRvgHm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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