What's New in GIMP 2.10.28

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hello and welcome back to another video by davies media design my name is michael davies and in today's tutorial i'll be going over what's new in 2.10.28 [Music] before i get into that don't forget to check out my website at daviesmediadesign.com as always i have free software tutorials on here you can check out my latest clips and i have free software help articles so definitely check that out you can enroll in my gim 2.10 masterclass from beginner to pro photo editing on udemy and you can get more by becoming a dmd premium member and i'll include a link to this as well as all the relevant links from this tutorial in the description of the video so contributors release 2.10.28 a week or so ago with some new features mostly they're going to be bug fixes for windows and they are pretty small bug fixes too so they're not really going to be things that a lot of us are going to notice but the first new feature found in 2.10.8 is that they've added memory usage to the dashboard feature so i can access this feature by going to windows dockable dialogs and i'll come down here to the bottom where it says dashboard so has had the dashboard for several versions now however they've added a little memory option here at the bottom so you can see how much memory is being used on your computer while you're inside a so this is just another way to measure gimp's performance which can help you out if your computer slowing down or if gimp's slowing down and it also tells you how much is available versus how much is used so you can see here that i'm using about 11 of my allotted memory so will use up to 8.2 gigabytes from my computer's memory so that's about 52 of my overall memory on my computer and then it's also telling me the size of my current file in terms of memory so i did work on this session here for a while which is why the size of this is pretty large so let's close this out by coming over here to this little drop down and we'll go to close tab the next new features i'll cover for gim 2.10.28 are some very minor ui fixes so is sort of making an effort a concerted effort to reduce gimp's clutter in the ui try to make it look more modern since a lot of people are complaining about the ui right now so a couple of small things they've done to address this for one there's no longer a drop shadow on the boxes here where you have your show hide icons as well as the little transform link or transform lock icons so before when you hovered over these you would see a little drop shadow or box shadow they've gone ahead and gotten rid of that i guess they felt it wasn't necessary and it was just cluttering the workspace the other ui feature they've added is to the gtk radio buttons and i did have to reach out directly to one of gimp's contributors to see where this feature was implemented because i couldn't find it anywhere but basically they've added a white box around some of the radio button features for gtk gtk is the tool kit so that's kind of what makes gimp's user interface look the way it does so i was told this feature was implemented here in the create a new layer feature so when you click that you'll see here it says color tag so it's a very minor fix you'll see when i hover over these little radio buttons we're now going to get this little white outline so that's just going to help you better select one of these options here i will say before it was kind of annoying because you couldn't see which one you were about to select there really wasn't an indication or some kind of mouse hover animation or something so now we've got this little white box so that is a cool feature although this should really be a footnote at this point in a major release of software but yeah that's just making an attempt to improve its user interface so i'm just going to exit out of here another user interface fix that the team implemented with this new version is that they've sort of fixed some what they call problematic colors with some of their themes so for example if i come over here and go to edit preferences and right here under interface just click this drop down and come over here to theme i've got some custom themes right here which i showed you how to create in a tutorial that was my how to increase your ui font size tutorial which i will link to this video but right now i'm on the dark theme if i come over here to the gray theme so when i click on that over here in the layers panel what used to happen was when you went with the gray theme and the default option for the icon theme which i'll get into in a second this little highlight here that showed you what layer you are on would basically be the same color as the show hide icon here so this wouldn't display so what they've done is just fixed it so that now the show hide icon does display here so as i change layers you'll see it's still there one problem with this though is that if i come over here to the light theme in fixing one problem they created a new problem so you can see here that the icons are now totally hidden when the layer is not selected when you're in the light theme this is when you're on the default icon theme icon theme for the light theme so if i come over here back to icon theme i can change the icon theme to something like symbolic high contrast and when i do that you can see now we can see this again so that just seems to be like a minor mistake that happened there and you can also come over here to something like symbolic inverted so that's actually way better i prefer that and i think they should probably make that the default but that's just my opinion let's come back to symbolic high contrast and come over here to the icon theme and go to gray so another issue here is that the problem still persists when you're in the gray theme and you have that whatever that last i think it was symbolic yeah high contrast so when you have symbolic high contrast for the gray theme you're gonna get the same problem here so they haven't totally fixed this problem and by the way if you don't see the new ui improvement you do have to come over here and click reset and it's going to ask if you want to reset to the default values i'll hit reset again so that will reset this back to the dark theme the weird thing about this which is kind of a bug is that it's going to keep gray as the selected theme so what you'll have to do is click off of the gray theme back on the dark theme and back onto the gray theme and you should now see the new ui fix so let me just come back to the dark theme and i'll click ok and here's another bug i'll probably have to report but i'll just click ok and by the way if your guys's icons are really small like mine are right now just go to edit preferences come back to the icon theme and you're going to change this to custom icon size and we're going to scroll this up i like to go with the huge option and click ok all right there we go the next new feature implemented in 2.10.28 is that they took a performance improvement that was implemented in mac versions only and they now feel confident enough in that performance improvement to push it upstream which basically means they have introduced that improvement into all versions of at this time and not just the mac version all right so the remaining new features found in 2.10.28 are super minor so for example some of the file types plugins have received updates in including the c source file type which is a source code for the c and c plus programming languages dicom which is for medical imaging gif ps which is a postscript file created by adobe and used by publishers bmp which is a bitmap file dds which are used when you're creating textures for video games psds or photoshop documents and tiffs so all these file types plugins did receive updates in 2.10.28 but most of them are so minor i don't think many of us are gonna notice the impressionist and metadata viewer plugins received some updates as well as the script foo interpreter and there was also a new script foo function added which allows you to add directories from and as per usual geggle and babel versions were updated for and translations were added in this case both for the windows installer and for as a whole so i'll end this video with some news so it's hard to be optimistic at this point it's taken almost an entire year to get two very sparse versions of out 2.10.24 and 2.10.28 2.10.26 was skipped because of what they called a build bug so basically they just had to skip that whole thing entirely scrap it and rebuild give 2.10.28 but from what the contributors said in their press release it does appear they have had some new people added on to the windows side of things so that should be good news moving forward especially for 3.0 and speaking of 3.0 it appears once again that they are focusing almost all of their efforts on getting 3.0 out i still have no idea when they plan to release 3.0 i do know that they mentioned that they are going to probably release a 2.10 point x version which in this case would be like 2.10.30 or something and they also plan to release 2.99.8 which would be a development version before again releasing 3.0 the downside to this is that does typically have two release candidate versions before they release the stable release version so basically what we're looking at right now at the very least is 2.99.8 release candidate 1 release candidate 2 and then 3.0 so that could mean a year and a half two years still until 3.0 comes out i honestly don't know maybe it comes out at the beginning of next year maybe comes out at the end of 2025 who knows obviously let's hope 3.0 comes out sooner than later but don't hold your breath alright so that's it for this tutorial hopefully you liked it if you did don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon to be notified each time i have a brand new tutorial you can check out any of the links to my resources in the description of the video but thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 8,950
Rating: 4.9649124 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, GIMP 2021
Id: YHccDVORob4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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