Whats new & cool in Microsoft Exchange Online (Oct 21)

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in this episode we're going to take a look at what's new and cool in microsoft exchange online so stick around you might learn something [Music] greetings youtubers andy here welcome back to the channel i really appreciate you stopping by on this week's episode i thought we would get to grips with microsoft exchange online specifically we're going to take a look at some of the new and cool features in the admin center and of course a lot of this comes because of your request by the way so this was actually somebody's request previously now if you do have a new request for any kind of interesting sessions that you'd like me to cover or you've got any questions comments get them down below and i will do my best to help you out all right and also if you've not subscribed to the channel then go ahead click on that subscribe button ring the bell and you'll not miss out on the good stuff in the future so without any more jibber jabber let's get to this week's demo on exchange online let's take a look so here we are in the exchange online admin center and we're going to take a look at some of the new and cool features that are in here so first of all you'll see that we've got a brand new kind of interface now although you can still get to the classic exchange admin center down here and that is pretty much kind of dead in the water now and they're going to be switching that off in the next few weeks now on top here you'll see a traditional kind of microsoft 365 experience with your various cards here that you can see and you can move those around and you can also add new cards here so there are a number of different cards here so if you want to have a look at things like recent alerts things like outbound message details um domain mail flow status some of these can be really cool and as i say you can just simply drag and you can drop those on your page so you can easily customize these um so let's have a quick look at some of the new kind of layouts so we're going to have a look in recipients here and if i go into mailboxes everything looks pretty good everything looks familiar you'll notice um that we have this kind of um spreadsheet type interface now and we have the columns you can also filter everything as well and you can also customize those columns as well so if there's additional things and you can see there are quite a few additional things here that you might want to bring in okay so that's kind of cool also you would find out actually if your recipient type is a mailbox or if it's a resource if it's online or if it's on premises if it's a for example a hybrid resource now the other really important thing and a great tip for you guys um is when you send email um you sometimes might get email messaging bouncing because the message size it says you know that the recipient email will not accept a certain size of message well you can change that up here this is the default message size for your organization and you can see here by default it's actually set to 35 megs but you can actually change it to 150 megs so all i do is just copy that across and you can do that send and receive limit and this is the maximum size that you can have and that's it that's all it does it takes about five minutes to kind of filter through the organization so let's have a look at some of the other cool settings that we have so i'm going to go into adele's mailbox here and again everything looks really nice now the one thing that i will do is what i'll do is i'll just bring up the microsoft 365 admin center and i'll go into users here and i'm going to go into adele's microsoft 365 user account details and one thing to note is that the two interfaces are now starting to kind of merge a little bit more so both interfaces you'll see that we now have mail tabs here you also have group details so if i click onto the mail tab this is a really nice kind of shortcut to see things like mailbox permissions send as send on behalf of now just to remind you send as is actually you're sending as that person so if you wanted to give some another user adele's mailbox permission this is almost like james bond and money penny so money penny would be able to send email as james bond whereas on this case it would be on behalf of james bond yes um you can see the global address list so do you want adele to appear in what we call the gal um automatic replies so again you can manage automatic replies for users so and rather than the user having to configure like an out of office messages or an automatic reply you can actually set this up on behalf of your user which is a really nice uh feature actually um the other thing that we also have here is we've got email apps now really important i would say um manage the email apps so we've got outlook of course we've got the exchange services and you've also got the mobile features here but we also have activated a couple of old protocols so the post office protocol pop and imap these are pretty old protocols and i would say that um you probably don't want to use these the reason being is because they these protocols don't support multi-factor authentication so again you really you don't want your users coming in on old um clients old software uh because it could potentially be a security bridge um other things that we've got here you've got things like um email forwarding so um you know adele might be out the office or she's going on vacation and you want to forward her email to a different user again you can do that if you want to um so other things that we've got you could this is kind of cool you can convert um let's say adele's leaving the company you can convert adele's mailbox to become what we call a shared mailbox so if she's working with a let's say a sales team or something like that so i can say yep okay i'm gonna go and share this users won't sign into a shared mailbox with a site with a username and password so it doesn't work like that so basically you need to grant other users access to adele's mailbox now the cool thing about this is once you have converted it to a shared mailbox and you then think okay well actually um somebody else is taking over adele's account or perhaps adele is coming back don't worry about it you simply go back into here and you scroll back down and again i can then say okay um do you want to uh convert this back again all right so again i can just click onto the mail and yeah you can see here that i can also i can edit the exchange properties here and i can also um uh convert this back to a regular mailbox if i want to now if i go back into the exchange admin center here let me just refresh this page so if i'm just going to refresh this now because adele's mailbox is a potentially a shared mailbox just wait for this to come in okay and i'm going to click onto her mailbox here now you can see i can now convert it back to a regular mailbox so everything that adele was um and is now gets converted back um the only thing is of course a mailbox does require a license whereas a shared mailbox only requires the uses users to have a license all right um okay so that's kind of cool just close that down and bring that up again so other things that we've got in the email settings this time um you've got the mailbox permissions again that's nice to see that in two separate places by the way so either in the 365 admin center or in the exchange admin center you can also manage litigation hold and the reason why that's greyed out is because i've just converted it to be a a shared mailbox that can sometimes the ui takes a few moments to come back in but you can see if i click back on here i can uh add that to this mailbox here so i've got alan's mailbox and litigation hold is quite useful um for one reason or another maybe he's got an issue with hr maybe he's leaving the company something like that there is a legal issue so what you can do is you can place his mailbox on what we call litigation hold now alan can continue to use his mail everything will function mail continues to flow the only difference is his recycle bins are never emptied so if alan is trying to hide something then it's not gonna work for him all right um managing the mailbox archives of course again depending on your plan um you can switch the archive on or off and uh just to remind you that this is a premium feature now if you have a smaller business account you can still get this this is a kind of a stand-alone feature as well um group memberships and also you can add in things like custom attributes here which is again a nice feature you can see here how much mailbox has been used also when the user last logged in that's a nice touch and we've also got our mailbox policies here as well so in your mailbox policies you might have you might pick up for example the thing the default sharing role assignment the mailbox retention policy and also if your company has got an address book policy please note that you can also manage your mail flow settings here for this particular user so things like mail forwarding you can also manage message size restrictions you can see here there's a discrepancy between the ui and what i've just done here so i've just updated this to 150 it can take a few minutes to come in it's not that this is a problem it's just sometimes the ui takes a little bit of time to to come in okay so that is the user types now what else is new in 365 here well you can see here you've got this context men menu so if you select multiple objects here you can see that the menu changes accordingly also you've got watch out for the ellipses here because there are extra menu items so again you can you've got that conversion and you can also manage that mailbox delegation there as well all right now um i previously did a video on microsoft 365 groups but i need to come in and just talk about groups in exchange online and look at this we have a microsoft 365 group here so you can see here that these are microsoft 365 groups you can also see which groups have been converted to teams and just to point out if you've not seen that video go ahead and have a look at that video that's really interesting by the way other types of groups that we have in exchange we've got a distribution list so a distribution list is exactly as it says it's just a contact list there's no permissions or anything like that there's no interactivity in it at all um you can also have a mail enabled security group so this is a group for example in exchange or in sharepoint that you want to assign permissions to but you want it to have a little bit of interactivity so that's the reason why we have a mail enabled security group something that's not available in any other portal is this this is the dynamic distribution list so you can create a group here um to be a dynamic distribution list so i can say yeah okay i want to create a new distribution list and you can see it sends mail to all members of the group the group membership is updated every 24 hours all right so for example if i call this my oslo um i'll call this oslo marketers okay and i'm gonna you can put in a little description if you want to and i can say do i want to put in an owner well i've got a user here called megan so i'm gonna put megan in and you can see what kind of recipients do you want to be in the group so you can have all recipient types so or you can specify only users with mailboxes mailbox mail users with external email addresses resource mailboxes that's like things like meeting rooms and so on mail contacts with external email addresses or mail enabled groups so what i'm going to do is i'm going to say yeah okay may anyone with a mail enable group and i'm going to you can set a condition if you want and i can say okay the company or the department so i'm going to say the company with sales so basically anyone that's in the sales department will automatically become a member of this group and you can add an additional rule you can do an and or option here that's a really nice feature by the way so i can go and put a group name in so i'll call this my oslo marketers okay so i have now put that uh group in and that is now a dynamic group so anybody any group that's in the sales department anyone that's in a sales department will now automatically become a member of this dynamic distribution group isn't that cool very nice feature okay so that is what we call a dynamic dis distribution list or a dynamic distribution group depending on whatever you want to call it all right the other things that you can also do here that's kind of cool is you can also add a naming policy so your for example you might want to let's say have a um an attribute or a piece of text in front and you can create a suffix or a prefix so you can either do a suffix or a prefix so for example oslo sales oslo production oslo marketing get the idea that's again a really nice time saving uh tip other things that we've got here we've got resources so again i can create a resource group here and this can either be a piece of equipment for example a projector or something like that company car or you can have a meeting room as well all right and you can create these meeting rooms and this is a really nice feature all right because you can then obviously you people can go in and they can schedule they can book uh the meeting rooms and so on other things that we've got here we've got contacts and these are just external contacts um so any contacts that you add in for example in azure active directory or b2b business to business they will typically go in here mail flow i covered recently on a video so go ahead and check that out and that's just in my recent video list i'll put a link to that or i'll include that video at the end of this um we have roles or are back now our back of course is really important and we know that there are many obviously the global admin in microsoft 365 is god but you can also have each of the applications also have their own subset of administrator roles so for example an exchange administrator now when you come into microsoft exchange here you can see that in fact there are quite a lot of sub roles within exchange and some of these actually bleed over into microsoft 365 as well um again i've done a recent video on our back or role based admin so please feel free to go and check that out i love this by the way the migration tab so in the past migration i'll be honest was a bit of a nightmare but now we can create a new migration batch straight from here so i can just if i just call this batch one and you can specify am i migrating in or out of exchange obviously in this case in and you can now choose a migration type so um an imap migration is basically this would just bring across email it it doesn't bring across contacts or calendars or anything like that so for example if you had a gmail account something like that it would bring that across okay um please note you would typically use imap along with a pst migration so a personal store that would bring in the con the contacts and the calendars and but typically you would need to pre-create the user account in microsoft 365 and you would need to create the mailbox and this is essentially just a connector from the old account to the new account and it pulls the email in the the other things that we've got new uh we've got a cross tenant migrate migration that's a really very cool feature so if you've already got a microsoft 365 tenant let's say you're doing acquisitions and mergers this is very cool the difference be cut over and stage they're very similar typically this would be a very small organization a small migration you might do this over a weekend and whereas if you've got a larger organization you might want to batch those users in and bring them in you know by department or something like that a remote move migration is hybrid so this is a essentially it gives you a an additional license for an exchange server which you run as a hybrid server and i'll cover this in a future topic actually because it's quite interesting all right so that is the different types of migration i again really nice uh to see that here um other things that we've got new we've also got you you've got reports so again you can pull off a migration report and also a mail flow report here and we've also got insights and so the insights again there's not a lot to see here at the moment because i'm not doing much in my exchange but you get some nice power bi graphics um to show you how you know how heavily your organization is being used and and so on other things that you can configure this is the organizational settings for sharing so uh the sharing again you can go into some of these um this particular screen here you'll notice it's actually the same screen that we had in the classic portal so this is an example where the screen hasn't been updated yet so you there's two types of sharing and we're talking about calendar sharing here so you can share between another tenant another organization or you can allow individual sharing of calendars and this is actually on by default so that means i could share my calendar with you for example okay um add-ins again we also have a number of uh add-ins here um and again the idea is this is the old portal there will be more there'll be more coming in here so these are some of the new things that will eventually uh come in here and you can you can add these in if you want to um public folders public folders never seem to go away do they uh and one of the things that you can do here is you can convert a public folder to become a microsoft 365 group so if you are still using public folders you might want to not use them anymore i would consider using a microsoft 365 group instead settings there's not much in settings really at the moment and as i said the classic exchange admin center remains at least for a little while longer um but that will disappear in the next couple of weeks or so and we also have the admin center but generally i think i'm really i really like this interface i think it's really clean it looks very kind of microsoft 365-ish so you know it's very familiar to us so there you have it some of the cool features that are included in the latest version of microsoft exchange online isn't that cool hey look i really appreciate you stopping by and giving me your attention please give me a big thumbs up to show that you like the channel and the video and if you've not subscribed go ahead click on that subscribe button ring the bell and you won't miss out on the good stuff in the future and as always i love your comments questions and feedback so get them down below and i will do my best to answer your questions so until next time you stay safe and i'll see you soon take care thanks for dropping by hope you enjoyed the video go ahead and click on the subscribe button and ring that bell and you won't miss a thing see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Andy Malone MVP
Views: 693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Exchange Online, exchange server 2019, microsoft exchange, microsoft exchange interview questions and answers, exchange online, office 365, Administering Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft 365, Whats new in Microsoft Exchange, Andy Malone MVP
Id: 0de1393ftLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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