Whats New in Microsoft 365 for Admins (Oct 2021)

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this time around it's the turn of microsoft 365. what's new and cool and more importantly what can it do for you stay tuned [Music] hi everyone welcome back to the channel andy here i really appreciate you stopping by this is the site if you want to learn all about microsoft 365 azure and security in this episode we're going to take a look at what's new and cool in microsoft 365 and the admin center has been going through a number of changes and i don't think they're finished yet so don't take what i'm showing you as a complete list because the cloud of course is ever evolving so just a reminder if you've not subscribed to the channel i would love if you hit that subscribe button and ring that bell for notifications so that you don't miss on any uh important stuff in the future and as always i love your feedback your comments questions and so on please get them down below okay so without further ado let's take a look at the demos and there's some cool stuff in there so you might want to stick around all right enjoy so let's take a look at some of the cool features that are starting to appear and microsoft 365 as an administrator so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take us into the microsoft 365 admin center and right away you're going to start to see some new things so if i just click on to show all first up you'll notice that we now have a device option and a device menu we also have teams and groups so what was the groups menu has now jumped to teams and groups we also have a new roles expansion which include not just role assignments but also administrative units we'll talk about those in a moment and also you'll notice that some of the additional settings have also changed as well so first up then what i'm going to do is i'm going to come to users and here in my users we've got active users of course and not much has changed here everything's pretty much the same as it was um i think if i go in and let's say i've got a user here i've got a user called delia and i use it called debra i'll go into deborah's account here so what we can see is first up um you've got your user details um the user can have an alias just to remind you that the user can have any uh any number of email addresses that they want by the way um quite interesting here this is quite useful for security and if you you know think that a user has been up to no good and you think okay maybe their account has been compromised you can actually now force the user to sign out of all sessions okay so not just one session on their phone or their device but it forces them to sign out of all now in doing that it allows the you to go in and set up something like multi-factor authentication get them the user to re-authenticate for example um at the moment i've not allocated this user any administrator roles but you can see that delia is a member of a number of groups here um you've got contact information and again we've also got office activations here so you know you can install microsoft office on five devices that includes pcs or macs and that's really useful if let's say the user's device fails or they have a hard disk problem or something like that but you can go in there deactivate the broken machine and that then issues them with an additional license and that they can then install a fresh copy onto a new machine and reactivate that license that's really useful actually and the other thing you can also do is you can also manage multi-factor authentication for this user here as well all right so that is that the other thing that's kind of new is one drive has moved so the onedrive admin center is no more the onedrive admin center has now been kind of brought in if you will to sharepoint but in on top of that you can also see that a lot of those onedrive settings are now in the user account so if you want the user to get access to files i can create links to specific files here now by default of course a user gets a terabyte of data so in this case it's a new user she hasn't used any can i change that absolutely so i can click onto the edit button here and you can increase the the amount of storage now um you can increase it up to five terabytes um so again if you want them to have more than that again you can but that depends on your license and please note that this is not available for the small business plans this is just purely an enterprise function all right so i'm gonna say yeah i'm gonna give delia uh five terabytes of data here all right cool so i'm going to head back so that's the one drive um sharing so i can control external sharing of debra's onedrive so i can click into extend and by default i can say let people outside your organization access your site now if you don't want debra to be able to share externally you can control that from here now so i can say only allow sharing with existing guest users those are for example guest users in azure active directory that have been pre-approved all right allow sharing with two authenticated guest users via invitations so if you are an owner of a resource for example an office 365 group or a team then you can invite them that way as well the other way and the default way you'll notice here is allow sharing with anonymous guests so in other words she can she can share with anyone now you might not want that so i i've done videos this on this recently and i've mentioned that in sharepoint you can restrict it to the tenant you can restrict it to a site and also here you can restrict it to an individual user as well that absolutely rocks by the way all right so just going to click on save with that so with data retention you can um it's set by default at 30 days but you can go in here and you can change that up to 90 days all right and likewise the storage space you can also set the maximum amount of storage as well and this is the one drive access all right so there we go that's just some of the user settings so now we move to the devices and i love this by the way so if you're an admin and you're familiar with the likes of endpoint manager so this is endpoint manager and endpoint manager is a combination of products so it's a combination of devices and apps which is managed by intune and also endpoint security which is all the security elements and this is very much for managing um things like mobile devices pcs macs as well as microsoft's managed desktop so if you're using the manage desktops system or windows 365 you can manage that from here as well which again is really cool now the only diff the only issue is i needed to go in here so check it out really nice that they've now got devices into the 365 admin center so right away you'll be able to see i don't have any here but right away you'll see that we've got any active devices so it will show you the device name the display name the user who owns the device the operating system that's running on the device and also the device action so is the device compliant and this is nice when the device less last checked in so it checks in to synchronize its files for example or check a security policy so really very very useful okay um so we've got fully managed and also app managed here what's the difference so a fully managed device is a device that's managed in intune whereas an app-managed device for example if you've got a byod a bring your own device so this is your personal device um but you've got you're using let's say the intune portal to gain access to corporate applications and this prevents you doing things like copying and pasting and so on um between your personal software and also your corporate software so very nice and this is great for guest access as well so this is great as is this i love this as well this is autopilot and autopilot is fantastic for deploying a standard build to all your windows 10 and soon windows 11 machines so you can take a a machine that's already got windows 10 on it now the minimum requirements are windows 10 pro or enterprise and you can take a machine you know you buy a brand new machine from a manufacturer all right and what you do is you basically add those devices in now typically you'll have a csv file a spreadsheet of the serial numbers the identities of those devices right so based on that you just import that those serial numbers in and now what we do is we create an autopilot profile so i can select the profile and what this does is it takes that build from the manufacturer and it essentially um reconfigures it is the best way to say to your corporate standard all right so rather than in the past we would have done very fat big images and they would have taken hours to download onto a device now it can be done in a very short space of time all right so you can create profiles here and you can say you can deploy that and um the user will get a standard build of um windows so the user will get a standard build of windows 10 so absolutely rocks and you can have multiple profiles you can assign multiple profiles to different machines as well now that's just of course the configuration profile and what we also have is are our policies as well and it's not just you can do device policies not just for windows machines but also for android devices and ios devices as well so let me show you an ios device as an example so here in the ios device here for example i can say right what settings do i want to set up so i'd call this an ios data leak prevention policy all right so that's just what i've called the policy and you can get a little description here and here we have the actual settings themselves so if i click onto this you can see this is just a description so protect work files when the devices are lost or stolen so what this does is it basically does a remote wipe of the device now if this is a bring your own device it just deletes the corporate data not the personal data which is probably a good thing i would say um okay um all settings are on so again the office documents manage how users access office files on mobile devices and you can then specify which applications the users are allowed to use so for example you might not want the user opening email in a third-party application so they can only use these devices so i'm going to allow them to use teams for example and onenote but not skype for business all right because skype for business has been replaced so i can click on replay uh save that there and i can then come down and i can give it a name i can then say okay who do i want to deploy this policy to so i can scroll down here and i can say you know i've got it i've got to use this here i've got the sales and marketing group and i've also got let's say the us sales team so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to deploy that policy to those users devices all right so this is this rocks now this to be honest the portal was just recently updated i'm expecting many more features and a lot more functionality to start coming in to the microsoft 365 portal but this is a great start and as i say these have just been introduced yesterday um okay so that's just a little bit about managing devices very simplified compared to the likes of endpoint and um in tune i would say another big change that you'll notice here is in the menu so what was groups is now teams and groups now of course it's an of course the layout is a little bit different as well so basically this is to do with the amount of collaboration that you can have so for example security there's no collaboration it's just purely a security group you can have one level of um collaboration and you can have a mail enabled security group so security groups you can assign permissions to but this can also have a mailbox as well distribution lists of course no collaboration whatsoever it's just purely for organizing your users and of course the big one is the microsoft 365 groups so i can go in here and i can add in a microsoft 365 group and i'll call this my london sales group and i will say next and you'll notice that the wizard has slightly changed as well so i can go ahead i can assign an owner here so i'm currently logged on as an administrator so i'm going to assign myself as an admin now an owner by the way can also invite guests as well um so if you wanted to invite guests that's a great way of doing it so if you didn't want a you know the process where the administrators got to do it all the time if you have the appropriate permissions as an owner you can do that i can also go in and add some members to the group here so i'm gonna say adele and alex and alan i'm gonna come down and say brian and cameron and christy i'm gonna grant them access to the group now click next here and of course i can give the group a name so i'll just call it london sales and it's going to be a public group as opposed to a private group now you'll notice here that create a team from the group so by default if i untick that check box which i'll do just now that creates a collaborative microsoft 365 group which includes a shared mailbox calendar a sharepoint document library as well as a planner and so on um now if you think i wish i would have created a team from a group so one of the reasons why we now have teams and groups is because of course a team is just an extended group okay so if i click in here and let's click into the london sales and you'll see that i have a microsoft teams tab so it says okay to collaborate with teams do you want to collaborate with this group do you want to allow the group to collaborate with teams and essentially what you do is you extend the capabilities of the group so that it can talk to third-party applications that's the core feature of it all right so again we just simply extend that and now you'll see that a little t has appeared now please note this is an irreversible action you can't take it back all right so ladies and gentlemen there we go that is just teams um so how you can extend a group to become a team now probably one of the biggest changes is a feature that's been in microsoft 365 for some time um it's a change in role assignment and let's say i click onto adele so here in adele one of the options that i have for adele is to give her her an administrator role now at the moment she she has got no administrator privileges so what i can do is i can say i don't want adele to be a global admin but i want her to be able to manage user accounts so the second most powerful group in 365 is the user account admin so i'm going to go ahead and give her access to that role now she has now got the permissions to manage users and groups and within azure active directory now and to prove this what i'm going to do is just flip over into the azure active directory admin center if i come in here and go into roles and administrators and we can get a closer look so i'm just going to scroll down all of these roles and if you don't understand the rules please go ahead and look at one of my other videos on role-based admin so i'm going to come down to the user admin role and in just in a moment sure enough you'll see that adele is an administrator a user administrator but check it out it's for the entire directory all right and more than that it's actually a perm it's a permanent assignment now you may not want that you may only want adele to have access as an administrator to a scoped number of users shall we say so to do that i can come back into the admin center or the the azure admin center you can do it in either place and i'm going to say okay i want to create something called an administrative unit now an admin unit is a great way to enforce administration privileges but just for a specific number of users and groups so i'm going to call this my london hq okay and i'm going to click next and you can have up to 20 users and groups here okay um now i'm going to click onto this and i'm going to say okay i want to add some members in all right so what i will do is i'm going to bring in those users and you can just search and also i'll bring in alex i'll bring in me i'll bring in bianca i'll bring in cameron and you can bring in some groups as well so i'm just going to say london i created a london it support group i've also got a group called oslo sales team all right so these are the users and the groups that i want my administrator to manage now i just click next in fact if i scroll down if i click next it now says okay which roles do you want to assign so for example i do want a user administrator and it tells me what the role is and um it tells me what permissions there are and i want to add a user and i'm going to add in you know i'm gonna add in alex okay so i want alex to be the um administrator but i just want him to be an admin in london yes okay so i'm gonna add him to london and i'm gonna just close that down and click next all right so you can see the user admin is alex i'll click on add and i'm now created that administrative unit all right so my london hq is created and and it's been assigned so great so what does that look like in azure active directory well again i'm going to click onto my roles and i'm going to go it back into the user role the user admin role and check it out look so adele was a permanent administrator but look uh alex is an administrator but only for the london hq and he can only be an administrator for that group of users all right now i mentioned the permanent assignment is there a way to make that temporary now if you've got a premium version of azure active directory you can do this if you're a small business you may not be able to do this so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to simply click on updates here and here in the update it takes me into a feature called pim privileged identity management and i can say yeah i want alex to be an administrator but not permanent so i can put in an end date here and i can put in a reason for that okay so i can just say he's a temporary staff for example all right so i'm gonna click on save and now you'll see it will just adjust itself and it won't be and it won't be permanent all right so i'll just refresh the page okay so you can see he's directly assigned um but the difference now is he's not a permanent edition all right so there you go that is called administrative units very powerful feature and it's great to see it at last coming into microsoft 365. so there you have it what's new and cool for october 2021 in microsoft 365 for admins i really hope you enjoyed it by the way and as always i love your comments questions and feedback so make sure that you get them down below and i will do my best to answer your questions and as always if you've not subscribed i'd really appreciate you clicking that subscribe button and ringing the bell and give me a big thumbs up i really appreciate it alright so you stay safe and i'll see you next time around okay thanks for dropping by hope you enjoyed the video go ahead and click on the subscribe button and ring that bell and you won't miss a thing see you next time [Music]
Channel: Andy Malone
Views: 861
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, office 365, microsoft 365 updates, Andy Malone, microsoft teams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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