VeraCrypt & The Demo that will BLOW YOUR MIND!

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[Music] this time i've got a cryptography demo that will just blow your mind so what is it how does it work well stick around you're gonna learn something here [Music] greetings fellow youtubers andy malone microsoft mvp welcome back to my channel this week i'm in oslo teaching yet another cyber security class and today i give my class a demo of a product called veracrypt now veracrypt replaced a product called truecrypt a few years back and apparently it would it was broken so truecrypt was broken and strangely enough if you ever tried installing truecrypt on a windows 10 machine you got that inevitable message or you don't want to use that you want to use bitlocker well you know if you saw my last video on bitlocker you might think okay that looks a little bit suspicious personally um i think the rumors of truecrypt being broken are wrong i think it was an excellent piece of software now what the folks at veracrypt have done is they've taken the software and i believe that they made a fun a million times better because it does some truly amazing things and in this demo i'm going to take you through what i think is an absolutely mind-blowing piece of technology and now one of the benefits of using third-party cryptography is if you're going to place content in the cloud then the cloud provider will typically say you don't need to do that of course because we'll encrypt your stuff for you and that may be fine um but the problem is the chances are the cloud vendor has probably got the keys to your cryptographic file so if anything happened they potentially could access it so by using third-party cryptography software you can encrypt your content and you can then upload it to the cloud so the chances of the provider breaking both uh would be extremely rare now the demo that you're going to see um is going to feature some very very cool features of cryptography and as far as i know this is one of the only products that can do this so not only am i going to talk about how to encrypt a volume i'm going to talk about how to encrypt a drive or a folder but you can also create hidden volumes within it now you might think okay well yes and the i've seen that demo uh on youtube where somebody's using a piece of forensic software to break verocrypt or truecrypt and that may be the case but what i'm saying is a very clever way of creating an onion so layers upon layers upon layers of cryptography that's pretty much impossible to break but how does it work and what does it do let's take a look at the demo and i'll let you draw your own conclusions so here we are in veracrypt and if you've had experience with truecrypt in the past you'll notice that it's very similar um however there are a few subtle changes now first thing that you want to do is go ahead and create a volume and you pretty much have two choices do you want to create a volume within a partition or on a drive so for example that could be a disk volume and so on you want to encrypt for example the entire disk and this is quite useful for encrypting things like a d drive or a secondary hard disk or even a usb flash drive or something like that and yeah that's quite interesting but the really clever unique thing that veracrypt can do is it can create an encrypted file container so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to do that now in here it says okay do you want to go ahead and create a standard veracrypt volume now a standard volume pretty much most forensic tools would be able to capture that and essentially break it but one of the unique features of this product is that you can actually create what we call a hidden container within a volume so let's go ahead and do that and i'm going to choose a file location so let's just click in here i'm going to stick this let's say on my desktop and i'm going to call this file i'm a huge for example game of thrones fan so i'm gonna call this game of thrones and let's say that there was a season nine i know there's not but let's say there was that would be pretty cool wouldn't it so i'm gonna do season zero nine and i'm gonna do episode zero one okay and i'm gonna give this file an mp4 extension so mp4 of course is a video file format so right away it doesn't look like a volume it's just looking like a regular video file like a regular movie and i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna save that on here and you can see here there's an option that says never save any history on the disk here so i'm going to click on next and this is pretty much where you can you notice it's creating the outer volume here and look at this this is where it differs from truecrypt so truecrypt you could it just basically had us based or western europe based encryption technologies like aes serpent to fish and so on but in this version we actually have both russian and we have korean and japanese encryption algorithms and you can see that in the latest version it's using two or more algorithms to make it even stronger so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to choose this russian option here and again it's asking me do you want to use a hash algorithm so a hash creates a one-way cryptographic hash that would let you know if anybody's been trying to manipulate a file or change it so sha-512 or sha-3 is the latest version of that i'm going to click on next now of course how big is my video file going to be so i for the purpose of this demo i'm going to make it 500 megabytes i could make it gigabytes if i want to um button megabytes is fine just for this demo i'm going to go ahead and click next and now it asks me for an outer password so for the purpose of this demo i'm going to just use a very simple password um you would never use this in real life by the way i'm just gonna create password one now the clever super clever thing is you can use a password manager and you can also use what we call a key file so in addition to the password um you must have let's say queen we will rock you dot mp3 on the same disk okay so again you can then view a particular file okay so now i'm going to go ahead and click on next and it's just saying it that password sucks and i know i'm this is just purely a demo now what it's going to do now is it's going to rant create a random private key and the best thing to do this random is just randomly move your mouse around in any direction and essentially it will randomize and create that private key and you can see you can actually show the key here you can see it moving around and again you wouldn't show this this is just purely for demo purposes so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to format that volume and you can see that i've now formatted that outer volume there and it just takes a moment or two so now what i can do is i can now open or mount this volume and in here i'm going to put some files so first of all i'm going to create a folder in here and i'm going to call this my good stuff okay so if anybody comes along this is my good stuff all right now i'm going to close that down and i'm now going to click on next and what we're now going to do is i'm going to go ahead and create the hidden volume in here so i'm going to click on next and this time i'm going to choose a completely different algorithm for the inner volume okay so i'm going to make it as complicated as i possibly can all right again i'm going to choose a different algorithm and i'm going to go ahead and click on next and this time obviously i know that the outer volume is 500 megabytes but what i'll do here is i'll actually create an inner volume of 450 megabytes so you see what i mean you're creating a layer upon layer upon layer so technically what you could do is you could create a hidden volume i could then create in on the hidden volume i could create a virtual machine within the virtual machine it would have a hard disk and on the hard disk i would create a hidden volume within a hidden volume within a hidden volume and within a hidden volume and on it would go alright so essentially what you're doing using different algorithms different techniques essentially you're creating an onion okay um so yes i'm going to go ahead but this time i'm going to put in a different password so i'm going to say password 2 and you can see that's a completely different password again i could use a completely different key file in here as well if i want to so there we go again i can also choose a different format a different file format for that volume as well again for the purpose of this jet demo i'll just keep it simple so again randomize my mouse blah blah blah and i'm going to click on format and off it goes and it now creates that master key for me all right and there we go so what i've done is i've created an outer volume and an inner volume so now what i can do is i can click on exit and sure enough if you can see on my desktop here i've now got a file called game of thrones season nine episode one you think oh that's so cool i want to open that and of course um what we do is we double click that and um oh so if anybody's looking for that file you go oh i'm sorry um it must have it mustn't have downloaded correctly or i mustn't have got hold of the right copy or something like that but little do they know that if i drag this here and i'm going to mount this volume now but this time i'm going to put in my inner volume password so which is password two all right now this can take a couple of minutes because there's a little bit more mathematics a little bit more uh calculation involved here um so again as it says it can seem unresponsive but it's not it's absolutely fine okay so that you can see the volume has now mounted so you can see it's gone here and what i'll do is let's just double click on that and you can see that there is nothing in this volume so now i can put in here another new folder and i can call this my really secret stuff okay so in here is my really secret stuff and i can now dismount that now obviously i'm now the scenarios hey i'm going through the airport a law enforcement officer pulls me over and says i'd like to have a look at your machine and they somehow determine that this game of thrones file is actually a an encrypted volume um so you go look officer hey you know i'm a law abiding citizen i've got nothing to hide i'm going to mount this volume and of course what i do now do of course is i now put in my outer volume password not the inner volume and i see click ok and sure enough the volume mounts open up you can see officer i'm a very good guy i would never do anything bad and this is one of the most fantastic pieces of software now of course what we can now do is you can now um sorry i'll just cancel that what you can now do is that this hidden volume you can now store that in your cloud provider so you now know the chances of your cloud provider breaking that file um would be ex highly highly unlikely okay and especially if you're really really smart you do a volume within the volume within a volume and if you want to maintain your privacy this is truly a fantastic product so there you have it veracrypt absolutely brilliant piece of software i hope you enjoyed this demo and if you did as always please give me your feedback by dropping some comments questions down below and if you've not subscribed to the channel go ahead click on that subscribe button ring the bell and you won't miss out on the good stuff in the future now i do apologize for the audio and the video quality i'm on site and i'm not in my uh studio um busy busy you know anyway thank you so much for stopping by and you stay safe and i'll see you next time thanks very much for tuning in take care thanks for dropping by hope you enjoyed the video go ahead and click on the subscribe button and ring that bell and you won't miss a thing see you next time [Music]
Channel: Andy Malone MVP
Views: 765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bvqHuL6VDRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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