Microsoft 365 Guest Access with Andy Malone MVP

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[Music] [Music] I'm animal owner my Microsoft MVP as well as a Microsoft certified trainer Microsoft 365 is one of the best collaborative platforms out there with tools like SharePoint teams onedrive it's fantastic for internal staff but also it's awesome because you can invite external guests as well what do I mean by I guess well could be a customer could be a supplier it could be a member of the public that you want to participate in a team or in a SharePoint site but just how it works can be a bit of a mystery so in this week's episode of all you need to know we're going to unlock the secrets of Microsoft guest access let's take a look so for guest access I suppose the best place to start is in the Microsoft 365 admin Center now in here the first thing I'm going to do is just show you a couple of important settings for guest access and for this I'm going to go into organizational settings and in here you can see that we've got a number of settings now one of the reasons why you want to give guests access is for collaboration so we need to come down to some of these collaboration services so for example Microsoft teams so if I go into teams here very important settings first of all turn on teams for all users but this is it here allow guest access in teams ok so this allows your users your administrators to allow guests to participate within teams so that's the first thing now because teams and groups are very closely connected and you also want to go into Microsoft 365 groups and again for collaboration purposes let group members outside your organization access group content so again let these options make sure that this way okay so that's Microsoft 365 group so that's important settings okay now another set of settings you can also go into sharepoint and this will take me to the tenant settings for permissions so again you can specify here that you can make it the least restrictive so basically anyone users can share files and folders are using links that they don't require a sign in so anonymous access new and existing guests so they must provide they must sign in or provide an authentication code okay so this is guests that you invite the third option is existing guests only and I'll be showing you this in a moment so these are guests that exist in your organization's directory and the most restrictive of course is the only people within your organization and it just warn you it says okay so with this option nobody outside your organization would be able to see your content so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set it for this so new and existing guests must sign in or provide a verification code so that's the one that I'm going to choose alright and you can also set that setting in Microsoft SharePoint itself so those are the organization settings now what I'm gonna do is to invite the guests I'm gonna go into Azure Active Directory now while I'm in the admin center by the way just before I show you that if I go into users here and active users Microsoft 365 allows me to create users here but you'll notice I can't create guest users so there's no way for me to view users I can I can go into here and look at guest users but there's no way to create them I can only see them here all right so creating guests you need to create them in Azure Active Directory Azure Active Directory as I've said in previous videos is the cornerstone of Microsoft 365 it's it's directory service where you store all your user accounts your group accounts and your contacts so I'm going to go onto this little pyramid here and I'm gonna click into users and in the users here you can see it says new guest user ok so I'm going to click on a new guest user and I'm going to invite the user now when I invite the user I'm going to put their name in so I'm going to say I'm going to invite James Bond ok so I'm going to invite James at mi6 dot gov dot uk' this is gonna be fun because somebody at mi6 is now gonna get an email for James Bond ok so first name is James second name is bond ok I can stick in a personal message you know this will be in the email that they will send so I'll say come and join the party ok so I can also make this user a member of a group an an office 365 group which of course if it's a Microsoft team you can add that user to the team so that's me as an administrator inviting this user in I can either a block or allow the sign-in one thing you might want to do is choose the location so where this account is located and so for the purpose of this demo I'm going to choose the United Kingdom ok I can put in a job title forum so I'll call him a spy and the the spies HQ okay I'll stick him in there alright so I'm going to send him that invitation so that invitation has now been sent ok so now I go into so assuming that he'll get that invitation he needs to acknowledge that invitation and then he'll get access ok so what I will do is I'll just scroll down here and you can see that I've now got to use it called James Bond and you can see that he's a guest user because of the globe that's here and if I flip back over to my 365 admin Center and just refresh this page again you'll now see that I've got James Bond here as well so I can click into James Bond I can see his contact information and I can can't really I can kind of manage it but again this goes into the it goes into Azure Active Directory so I'm just gonna stick in here and there we go so you can see that this user is a guest ok so that's the first thing I've configured the guest access now the other thing that you want to do is I can also select the user I can go into the user I can go into this user settings here and again it will take me back into here and again this is do I want the user to have access so for example I can go in here and external users so one of the settings is I can manage external collaboration settings for for my users ok and again I can do the same thing here by the way by clicking on two users and you can do this in a number of ways actually you can either go into users and again you can you can you've got the user settings here and again you can go back into that collaboration so there's a number of different ways to do it so here we go guest users permissions are limited yes or no so again this depends on you know your own security policies admins and users in the guests in vital so the guest in vital in Azure Active Directory there's a special administrative role that allows you to invite guests so for example this could be department managers within your company so yes that's fine members can invite so members of teams or groups again that really depends on your security policy so do you want administrators only to manage the invitations for guests or are you okay with users inviting guests as well one thing though guests can invite other guests I'm thinking no for that one an able email one-time passcode so you remember in the invitation that it prompts the user with a passcode a one time four or five digit number and that just confirms those at their identity and so yes I'm going to enable that guests self-service sign-in and be a flow so it flows by the way if they can access a website the tool flows by the way is a tool called power automate and it automates processes so for example if the user clicks in a website enters a form a series of events will take place so that's what we mean by that then you've got some collaboration restrictions so allow invitations to be sent to any domain so anyone or do you want to deny invitations to a specific domain okay so and you can go down here so for example contoso com I don't want invitations going to them alright or allow invitations only to the specified domain so only contoso com only blue sky Airlines get the idea so this can be the least restrictive to the most restrictive there okay just DoubleTap that okay so now that we've done that I'm just going to save my external collaboration settings and that's the kind of the directory settings for my users so the next thing that I want to go to is I'm gonna go back to my admin center I'm gonna and there's just a couple of settings now in the various applications so if I go and scroll down I'm gonna come into Microsoft SharePoint so I'm in Microsoft SharePoint here again what we have we've got this is the tenant so there this is the the kind of their top level of our organization and if I click into policies one of the options is sharing and these are those same for sharing options remember I set this at the tenant earlier and this is the same thing so you can set the sharing options for SharePoint and onedrive and this is really important and because obviously if you if you you know say anyone can share content the problem is if I was a guest in your in your team I could then share to anonymous people and you would very quickly lose control of your content so you can decide on the how restrictive you want the external sharing of files to be all right the other thing so the other place that's one place so the other place is if I come back into my admin Center and I go into Microsoft teams the final place to configure is you need to go into organization-wide settings and we have this guest access here so you can create a guest access you can either say whether you're going to allow guest access within Microsoft teams are you going to allow them to make private calls probably not IP video and I think are you gonna allow them chatting messaging to use gifts stickies and so on again you can decide on that but the key thing here is to allow guest access alright so once you've done that I can then go to the likes of my Microsoft teams which is Microsoft's collaboration platform of course I can go into here I'll just open up the web client instead here and if I go to a let's say a team here so I've got this Trond home sales if I go into the team I can manage the team and at this point I've got members and guests and I can go and say hey you know I'm thinking I'll just dismiss that and I will go and do I want to bring in a guest do I want to invite any guests in I can do that if I want to so and you can see I've got one here I've gone ahead and it I've invited so I can search for members and the other thing because it's you've got guests in here if you go into settings you've got member permissions and you've got guest permissions so what are you going to allow guests to do as opposed to members okay so obviously members will have full access just to let you know that in Microsoft 365 and when you create guests you can have it on a ratio of 5 to 1 so that means that for every paid user account in 365 you can have up to five guests ok and it uses them collectively okay so five guests for every user account in 365 okay so there we go in Azure Active Directory as well as some of the different settings and throughout the platform to provide you with a truly collaborative experience so there you have it Microsoft 365 guest access absolutely fantastic for collaboration and not just with internal users but also with customers and suppliers I really hope you've enjoyed this week's episode of all you need to know remember if you have go ahead click on that subscribe button up there and don't miss any future postings in the meantime you stay safe and take care all the best [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Andy Malone
Views: 3,855
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Azure AD Guest Access, Managing Guest Access in Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365, Administering Microsoft 365 Guest Access
Id: CvUG33cNHBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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