Soul Survivor Watford | 12/12 | Two types of grace

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and we sing that bridge together one last time i see bright crimson i see bright crimson rose draped over the ashes a wide open tune where [Music] [Music] let's go come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name is andy uh if you're here for the first time i'm part of the team here at seoul survivor and um we are live online is that right someone give me a i'm pretty sure we are so assuming we are um welcome to those of you who are watching us from online whenever you happen to be watching this it's great to have you join us and just for those here in the building um just a little note on covid you'll have seen in the news i'm sure um but uh the new government regulations that we have to wear a mask um inside at all times unless we're exempt and i know there are there are one or two people who are exempt but we would just ask that unless you are exempt that you have a mask on for that for the duration uh of our time together and uh we are in the season of advent and this is the third sunday of evan and in advent we we obviously look forward to celebrating christmas and the first coming of jesus but we also live in anticipation of the second coming the return of jesus and so i'm just going to read to that end of scripture and then i'm going to light a candle so paul says in philippians chapter 4 starting in verse 4 rejoice in the lord always i will say it again rejoice let your gentleness be evident to all the lord is near do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to god and the peace of god which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in christ jesus and so as a as a symbol to remind us uh that the lord is near i'm gonna light our third candle should we stand together to worship and as we come uh to rejoice in him let's also maybe just give ourselves a moment of stillness and quiet in which if there is anything that you are particularly anxious about particularly fearful over or head up about at the moment perhaps you can you can bring that to him in the choir and in the stillness before we begin to worship through song let's just be still and lord we thank you that you are here uh that you are good and you are love and you are powerful and you are strong and faithful and that you are near to us and we pray that as we lift our hearts and our songs to you now that there will be something to please you and as we do that you would fill this place with your glory and love amen [Music] he's coming on the clouds kings and kingdoms will bow down and every chain will break his broken hearts declare [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's roaring without [Music] for the is of the world his blood breaks the chains and every knee will bow before the life and the loud [Music] so open up the gates [Music] is [Music] he's roaring with power [Music] for [Music] him for worship you jesus who can stop the lord [Music] almighty [Music] who can stop the lord [Music] who can stop the [Music] is the lord the lion of judah he's roaring with power and fighting our battles and every knee will bow behind [Music] [Music] in christ alone my hope is fast he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i stand [Applause] [Music] fullness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cross [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're in the is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] no guilt in life no fear in death [Applause] [Music] jesus come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or calls me home [Music] [Applause] [Music] his hands upstairs is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for your throne [Music] [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] [Music] for your throne [Music] [Music] you are worthy you are worthy of it all [Music] [Music] you are worthy of from [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] day and night night and day let incense arise day and night night and day let it set surprise day and night night and day let incense arise day and night night and day let us day [Music] [Music] day and night night and day it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes you do [Music] [Music] [Applause] you deserve the glory jesus [Music] [Music] are all things you deserve the glory so worthy jesus [Music] i [Music] i will give you [Music] worship [Music] my grace [Music] [Music] jesus forever [Music] lord you have my heart [Music] jesus take my [Music] lord you have my heart [Music] and i will search for yours let me be too [Music] us [Music] [Music] calm down [Music] see you're [Music] you have my heart [Music] jesus take my love and lead me every part of me jesus [Music] [Music] and i will search [Music] [Applause] [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] will see your glory [Music] i will praise [Music] as you show [Music] yourself beautiful face [Music] this will see your glory [Music] [Music] [Music] you see your face [Music] [Music] cause i see your face you're beautiful [Music] you're beautiful [Music] you're beautiful i see your face you're beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful jesus i see your face you're beautiful you're beautiful you're beautiful i see your face you're beautiful you're beautiful your beautiful [Music] yes [Music] are singing as i stand amazed in the presence of jesus [Music] my soul shall never be how marvelous how wonderful is [Music] he took my sins and [Music] he made them is [Music] [Music] we're singing my soul shall never wonderful is my slaves [Music] [Applause] shall see this will be my choice [Music] [Music] [Music] shall never be [Music] how wonderful is love for me how wonderful and my [Music] wonderful [Music] [Music] okay we love you so much uh we thank you that you are here we pray that you come and have your way among us lord reveal to us again the glory of who you are amen oh men great do take a seat uh well welcome if you weren't here when we started it's it's lovely that you're here now my name is andy if you're here for the first time i'm part of the team here at uh at soul survivor and uh we love that you've joined us just um a little word on kovid i you probably picked it up already from the news and um from stuff we've communicated but but the new government uh regulations that we all have to wear face masks in inside for throughout the service unless we're exempt so i know one or two people are exempt but we just ask that unless you are you wear a face mask all the way through it's a bit sad to be back at this point isn't it but that's how it goes um and christmas and all the christmas stuff is still on so just a few bits of family news one is to mention cafe number seven which is going to be happening again tomorrow uh it opened for the first time last monday i went down with my little boy zachary the two of us showed our support by eating a festive sausage roll together and the the menu the food is amazing just a little reminder of the menu to wet your appetites there are mint pie parcels brie and cranberry christmas tartlets and then some amazing homemade soup made by our very own john stevens which is incredible and then a selection of pastries cakes brownies crisps snacks there's hot chocolate there's all that stuff so if you want to come do come along tomorrow morning 9 am to 1 o'clock it's going to be open and yeah it's a great place to hang out and to bring friends also over christmas we have a whole load of services happening so one is we have our chris single that is going to be on saturday the 18th um from 4 o'clock to five o'clock and if you want your child to be part of the choir singing away in a manger then you can book them on for that um even if they don't want to do it you can book them on um and then film it and send it to your relatives so you can sign up for that on church suite if you want your child to be involved and then also we have the carol services happening on um sunday so this coming sunday week today it's going to be our carol services um they're going to be happening at every single service the 9 15 11 30 4 p.m and the 6 30. this service tends to be the busiest and so if you're looking for a slightly quieter service you may want to go to one of the other three um but we're obviously going to be worshiping jesus we're going to be singing carols uh as a way of doing that and we're going to be preaching the gospel as well so it's a um hopefully it'll be fun time again do bring friends do big family to that any who'd like to come then we have the christmas uh christmas midnight service which starts at 11 o'clock on christmas eve and finishes just after midnight and we're going to be um sharing communion together and welcoming christmas morning and then on christmas morning itself at 10 a.m we're going to have a one hour service it starts at 10 it will be finished by 11 and that's really a service for the whole family kids and everybody else it's usually chaotic and crazy and fun and they all compete to show mike their christmas presents um so do come to that if you'd like to on christmas day then boxing day um we're not gonna be having any services boxing day falls on a sunday this year so there won't be any services um but then we will be back on the second of january with four services um so hopefully we'll we'll see you there and then uh throughout christmas every year we always give our um christmas offering 100 of it away so we're going to be doing the same this coming christmas at the carol services and midnight and the christmas morning and this year the offering is going to be split in two ways the first is it's gonna go into the hardship fund which we set up early in covid as a church and um that that fund is still um blessing people people in our church but also very much people outside of our church in our local community and unfortunately we're not we're not able to share the stories because obviously for privacy and stuff like that but um people have been deeply impacted by um what's been given to that and it's really met them and uh in all sorts of ways so half of what's given is going to continue to fund the hardship fund and then the other half is going to be given to live village in south africa which if you've been around for a little while you'll know about it's an amazing village in south africa that supports orphans and gives them a home gives them love and education and care and a future and we've been involved with them for a long time what they do is amazing so the other half is going to be going to support live village and then the final thing just to let you know about is that saint peter's the church down the road and if you remember vanessa was here um a few weeks ago she was talking about they're starting a new all age family service called the nine which starts at nine o'clock and uh the next one of those services is going to be coming up this coming sunday as well so if you wanted to go along to support that um maybe to be involved in what's beginning to happen at saint peter's it'll be a great thing to go to obviously with kids as well um so it's particularly aimed at all families worshiping together in the same space so there is breakfast there's worship there's bible stories they even have a bouncy castle um so uh yeah anyway that's gonna be happening at nine o'clock um this coming sunday all right that's it for the notices we're going to continue to worship jesus together now as we take up our offerings so if those who are holding the baskets want to come and just be ready we come forward to give in this church there's no pressure please don't feel obligated to give but if you would like to give as we worship do come forwards whether you're giving or not come and get a lolly that will just help you get through the talk and then we have these crates either side those are for non-perishable food items disposable nappies those go straight to watford food bank but why don't we stand together we're going to worship with our singing as we do this let's stand [Music] you were there before the stars you'll be there after they fade nothing changes who you are you stay the same god your love will never fail and your promise never breaks you are always who you are you never change with you a thousand years a day you're the everlasting god and i will trust you all [Music] are not enough to thank you for your love you will always have my praise for a thousand years [Music] god you hung upon my cross and you laid inside my grape god you did what i could not you made away and you ever isn't back to life and now everything has changed we are dancing in your freedom and we're singing within a thousand years a day you're the everlasting god and i will trust you all the way [Music] for a year a thousand songs are not enough to thank you for your love you will always have my praise [Music] father we thank you for these gifts of your of offering sentai from your people today we just pray that you bless it you multiply it for the ministry of this church and for your kingdom amen um oh man well good morning from me um just a couple of quick things uh just to say that the news this morning isn't so good um i just saw it between services um if things change and the government changed things we will let you know so if you're not on our newsletter just keep an eye out on social media hopefully everything will be the same but just in case um also um just to say um i was going to be speaking um this morning uh until uh the worship just earlier on when we we got this visitor who came up to me and said um now i want to speak um because i'm really really good and um and i said well i'm one of the past pastors of the church i've prepared i'm ready i said i don't care i don't care they need something good um which just really has upset me um another version of the story come up colin another version of the story and this this is true this is true what i'm about to say is um during the about the first or second song of worship uh i just turned to colin and i say i said how would you feel about preaching and he was like really he laughed and i said have a little think and pray and he had a little think and pray so i just want you to know he hasn't had an awful lot of preparation time all right but he's agreed to he's agreed to go for it for those of you that don't know who weren't here was it last week we interviewed last week um colin and natalie his wife were here right at the very beginning of our church and they're here for a few weeks before they go colin becomes vicar of a church in sittingbourne in kent and so they're with us for a few weeks and i just suddenly thought rather than you hear me drone on again it might be really nice um to hear colin so why don't we just quickly pray for you carl and lord i thank you for calling i thank you for his willingness to go for it at such very very short notice and lord i just pray that you would anoint him to proclaim your word and anoint us to receive your word give us ears to hear and hearts that are willing to obey we pray in jesus name amen there you go thank you mate what an honor to be here and to uh to share a few thoughts with you we're going to get into god's word um i have hastily prepared a couple of um readings for us two not one but two readings this morning which natalie is going to read to us thanks so the first reading is from luke 18. as jesus approached jericho a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging when he heard the crowd going by he asked what was happening they told him jesus of nazareth is passing by he called out jesus son of david have mercy on me those who led the way rebuked him told him to be quiet and he shouted all the more jesus son of david have mercy on me jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him when he came near jesus asked him what do you want me to do for you lord i want to see he replied and jesus said to him receive your sight your faith has healed you immediately he received his sight and followed jesus praising god when all the people saw it they praised god also and the second reading is from 2 corinthians 12. even if i should choose to boast i would not be a fool because i would be speaking the truth but i refrain so no one will think me more of me than i warranted by what i do or say or because of these surpassing great revelations therefore in order to keep me from being conceited i was given a thorn in my flesh a messenger of satan to torment me three times i pleaded with the lord to take away from me but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness therefore i will boast all the more gladly about my weakness so that christ's power may rest on me that is why for christ's sake i delight in weaknesses in insults in hardships in persecutions in difficulties for when i am weak then i am strong that's great thank you natalie that was the word of the lord brilliant fabulous two types of grace first story the grace that fixes things takes away the problems restores the sight second kind of grace the grace that says i'm just gonna sustain you in the hardship now i'm going to go out on a on a limb here i'm guessing most of us prefer the first type of grace yeah yeah i mean stick your hands up those of you who would prefer to have the grace that says i'm not going to fix the problem i'm just going to sustain you just raise your hands now if that's your preferred yeah okay i'm i'm i'm with you you know my favorite kind of grace is the grace where god comes and he fixes the thing he just takes away the problem i have two friends at the church that we're just in the process of uh of leaving and moving on from us and luke's um one and both of them have um lifelong health diagnoses um one of them's a lady called emily and uh and the lord put it on my heart and a few others to pray for her every tuesday uh to pray that this um life-altering life um defining a health condition would be changed that god would heal her and around about the same time i discovered that one of my other friends a lady called lara also had quite a serious um health thing and the law put it on my heart and a few others for us to pray and fast for her every month once a month and we had a little whatsapp group uh that got to um got rallied us to do that the um the wonderful news is that um i found out a few weeks ago in fact um shortly before i i left saint luke's that um that it looks like the lord has healed emily uh yet to get proper medical verification but all of the meds that she was dependent on um she no longer leads no longer needs and all of the symptoms that she has experienced for so many years of her life appear to have gone isn't that fantastic isn't that great praise the lord we rejoice with that with lara um the um the symptoms appear to to be better i mean that they're they're a lot less severe than they would be but there's no all-clear diagnosis in both cases in both cases these women of god have been taken deeper in their love for jesus in their trust of jesus but the expression of grace in their life well it's quite different and if i'm perfectly honest if i were to go for one or the other i'd go for emily's type every time but in the scriptures and in history we see god expressing his grace in both ways so you've got bartimaeus he's at the roadside he's heard about jesus the entourage comes you you know you hear the commotion and gee oh it's jesus jesus is coming and he says this is my opportunity this is my chance and he calls out from we don't know how far away but it was clearly within earshot jesus son of david have mercy on me and um he doesn't hear much response do you know how many times have you prayed and the response you've got is silence but he perseveres he cries out all the more and eventually he attracts some attention but it's not the kind of attention that he wants the disciples come up to him and they shush him say he hasn't got time for people like you shush you know get on with it you know we've got important things for jesus to do over here but he perseveres in prayer jesus son of david have mercy on me and jesus calls him over and from one of the other bible translations we know this guy his name is is bartimaeus and emil and um ali preached on the story of bartimaeus here just two weeks ago which is i think what flipped this off in my mind this morning as i was asked spontaneously to come up with something helpful uh and um and jesus interacts with him and it was both powerful and personal as ali explained two weeks ago and he was healed god's grace to fix the problem then we read the second bible reading from two corinthians written by paul paul someone who had seen the lord do amazing miraculous things on earth the grace of god expressed in the most extraordinary miracles fixing the problem taking the problem away giving people exactly what they were hoping for and even he reaches a point where he's crying out to god this man who's glimpsed something of the heavens we don't quite know what he means by that phrase but he has gone to and experienced something of the heavenly realms where there is no more suffering and no more tears and even he says i pleaded with the lord to take this thorn away from me we don't know what that thorn was a physical aim someone in the church who has given him a hard time we don't know three times i preached and each time jesus said my grace is sufficient for you for my power to play perfect in weakness the other kind of grace if i'm honest not my preferred grace but we experience both don't we um one of the things i've loved all of my son archie who was sitting there and he's popped out to youth now all the while he was at primary school one of the things i loved was walking him to school in the morning and often in the art picking him up in the afternoon and hanging out with the with the dads at the school gate uh there was uh quite a sort of cliquey bunch of dads and they were they're pretty cool and they would hang out and they would chat and they'll go out for coffee and i thought well maybe it's the unction of the holy spirit i don't know but i thought i'm going to infiltrate that lot and i'm going to share jesus with them and so i just bowled straight up and i said hi you don't know me know me but my name is colin my son archie's just started in year five and uh you know just sort of bowled straight in and they took me under their wing and they took me to heart and i gradually became their friend and they knew straight from the from the word go that uh i was a christian that i followed jesus uh and a number of times i'd pray for them and there was this one occasion when um one of the dads his name is wickhar and he um he was sort of hobbled over to the group our little it became it continued as a little cliquey group but it had a it was a c shape rather than an o shape now when we huddled together because i made sure there was always a gap for other dancers to come in and we were chatting and he hobbled over and what's up with your knee and he's like oh i've done my knee but it's a you know it's a sports injury from when i was young and i said wicker at my church we pray for people to be healed can i pray for your knee and he was like yeah okay um he's from pakistan he's a muslim and i said i'm going to pray in the name of jesus for your needs to get better so i knelt down and i prayed for his knee in jesus name and i commanded it to be well all of the things that i'd learned in seminars and been taught and stood up and said how is it and he goes ah it's just the same i'm like so i prayed a second time absolutely no change whatsoever but he was glad that i prayed for him um a couple of days later we were walking home this was when we were not in lockdown and um uh and it began to rain and i walked with sandra up to his car and then instead of walking all the way he said i'll give you a lift in my car home i said fine and as we got in he said it was interesting you were praying for wickhard because actually i was wondering if you could pray for my back because i've got really bad back pain so there in the car i prayed for him i commanded him in jesus name that his name his back would get better and um i said how does it feel and he twisted around he goes oh it feels exactly the same prayed a second time absolutely no change but he was glad to be prayed for that was the monday then it was the wednesday on the friday picking up archie from school and um another friend of mine he's not part of the dad's group but um i'd like him to be and he's a christian guy and he came and he said very loudly god has done a miracle and he described how his daughter he prayed for his daughter and she got better instantly and the symptoms left immediately and my friend sanjay who's back there prayed for he was smiling throughout this christian friend left and i said sandra what you smiling at he said oh yeah i believe the the the god does miracles i say why is that he says because wednesday night when i go into sleep i realized my back was completely better he said it's the first time i've been able to sleep in five weeks jesus heals i said yes he does he says oh by the way we can't recast knees better isn't that cool let's praise the lord for that shall we come on i'm excited about that because that doesn't happen very often that's not the norm for me the kind of grace i experience more often is the kind of grace that sustains where jesus is close with us and saying you know what it's not going to end in a round of applause but i'm going to draw you close to me there's a guy um a former president of the baptist union in america called bob wicker and he tells a story of how his daughter was once driving down a deserted highway she was relatively late at night and she's driving down the deserted highway i'm driving very carefully and coming the other way was a large truck and just as they were about to pass this large truck just swerved just a little and just clipped the front of her car but it sent her car into a spin it didn't just skid off it actually turned and she was thrown from the car and landed with her back straight on the pavement and uh and something happened with her breathing um i don't know medically what happened but it meant that something trapped in her throat and she was unable to breathe and there on the pavement she began to suffocate and maybe what 30 60 90 seconds before she was dead astonishingly on this deserted highway there was a car a little bit behind her and in this car was a doctor but this wasn't just any old doctor this was a doctor who specialized in breathing uh issues and in fact wasn't just a breathing doctor but a breathing doctor who was just coming from a seminar where he was showcasing a little tool that you use just to sorry if this is a bit gross you used to puncture into someone's trachea to enable them to pray in exactly this kind of emergency situation he had it in his pocket he saw the accident he pulled over he went up to this young woman who was gradually turning blue administered the treatment she was able to breathe and her life was saved now her throat had this ghastly huge scar all over it and on her wedding day bob says how there was a there was a debate in the family as to whether she should get a high neck or not for her wedding dress and she said no i do not want to cover up this scar because this scar is evidence of god's grace in my life now when i heard that story if you're anything like me you'd have thought that's fabulous that she was saved but if god can arrange for the car behind on this deserted highway to be driven by a doctor and not just a doctor a breathing specialist doctor and not just a breathing specialist doctor but a breathing specialist doctor who had just the piece of equipment to administer this life-saving treatment if god can do all of that why could god not arrange for the truck to have been three inches over and the answer is god's grace comes in two forms there's the grace where the trouble is taken away and then there is the grace that mitigates and sustains and draws close john piper has a little poem that he says to some of this he says god's grace sometimes it's not grace to bar what is not bliss nor is it flight from all distress it's this it's the grace that orders our trouble and pain and there in the darkness is there to sustain i wonder what kind of grace have you experienced from our lord recently they're both there in the scriptures they're both there in history um you may have um uh been to new wine or soul survivor so have you heard of soul survivors it was a summer camp it was very successful in its day and um did a great deal of good and there was um uh another christian summer camp you're actually looking at me blankly as if to say soul survivor and um we were regulars at seoul survivor regulars at new wine and um one year when i was in my previous book one church uh some barnabas in north london uh we were there setting up and it was a blisteringly hot day it was one of those setups for the for new wine which we did in the sunlight run the rain it was wonderful and um and the forecast was hot hot hot it was going to stay warm for a long time and my friend margaret um who uh who was she sadly she died she died in her 70s and at the time i think she was late 60s and um uh and she was there and i said right margaret if you've got everything you need you could all say i've got everything that's this is how she spoke i've got everything that i need colin i just need to go and camp in but plug in my camping fridge i've bought all of my shopping for the entire week but i know that i can fit it into my fridge okay great margaret you go anyway about half an hour later she comes back and says i have a problem my fridge has smoke coming up the back of it i really think it is broken i thought well where are you going to get another fridge from margaret i looked at my watch it was saturday afternoon and the shops were all closing so we prayed about it and uh she felt the lord say that she should just drive to the nearest shop and the nearest shop was like oh there's a post office or something i'm not margaret they don't have fridges i really feel the laws said that i should just go to this shop so she went to the shop and uh and she said this is a very strange request i don't want any stamps i want a camping fridge and the guy looks today says this is incredible that you should ask he said um just recently we decided to do a new line i wanted to start selling um uh chilled goods and i bought a little camping fridge uh but the the line didn't work nobody bought it so i decided just this week that i would get rid of my camping fridge um the amazing thing is is that i only today decided to clean it out it's just around the back it's virtually brand new it's now been cleaned would you like it for i don't know half of what i paid so if she said yes i would that would be wonderful and praise jesus for his provision back she comes fridge now it's a great story isn't it of god's provision but you can't help but wonder if god can arrange for margaret to hear go to that shop and if god can arrange was that that shop for there to have been a camping fridge which was not just available but had recently been cleared and the guy was looking to sell it if god can arrange all of that why didn't god just cause her fridge not to break in the first place and the answer is often god's grace is not grace to bar what is not bliss nor is it flight from all distress often it's this it's the grace that orders our trouble and our pain and there in the darkness is there to sustain two types of grace the grace that we all prefer and then there's the other kind of grace my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness and the question i come back to again and again is but why the second kind of grace jesus i mean why not just come and do the first type of grace like all the time we'd all prefer it and just think of the the faith that it would stir in people yeah the lady on the front knows you know we love seeing the answer prayers don't we and it does stir and encourage faith but there is something about trusting in jesus even when you haven't got what you want or or it's come in a way that you weren't expecting what happened in a time scale that didn't quite fit what you were planning there's something about trusting in jesus even when those thorns haven't been taken away that grows our faith now what is jesus looking for on earth is he looking to fix all of our problems well he is our savior he is the one that transforms fallen creation into redeemed creation so at one level yes but when you read through the gospels the things that he is looking for the things that he esteems the things that he's after relationship faith now don't get me wrong here don't hear me wrong i prefer the first type of grace i think i've made that clear haven't i and yet it is the second kind of grace that draws me close to jesus in a way sometimes the first it makes a good story but there's not the relational growth over time as i trust in him enduring the thorns that's what i felt the lord say i should share this morning i hope that's helpful we're going to pray we're going to minister into that and mike's going to come up and lead i hope that's what you said right [Applause] thank you thank you you don't need to do that um one of the best talks i've given for a long time what we're gonna do now that was wonderful thanks colin uh what we're gonna do now is we're just gonna uh wait on the lord in a moment we're going to sorry sing our final song of worship uh but um uh before we do just want to say if you would like prayer for anything for healing for guidance to be filled with the spirit because of a situation you're in and you don't know what to do whatever it might be we want to pray and we want to pray that you would know god's grace and we're going to pray for the first kind but you know what if it's the second kind that is wonderful because you'll get to know him better i've learned i've learned and that and that is also good god's grace is enough it is enough but it may be that you aren't planning uh to um to get any uh to get prayer you never thought about it but it may be the lord's got you on his heart we're gonna ask uh the lord to give us some words of knowledge and if you're part of this church and you think that god's speaking to you could you say it loudly so i can hear and repeat and briefly and briefly if you can so let's pray father um we thank you that you you're in charge and lord we ask that you would speak to us now about any situations any conditions of people here that you would want or maybe people watching at home that you would want to minister to we wait for you now if anyone feels you've got a word just say it loudly and so i can hear and briefly so that it's easy to repeat someone who gets a lot of heartburn and every day they have to take something to stop that someone that you're finding yourself you're very fearful and you're finding yourself you keep checking the locks on the doors someone who's been praying for a particular situation and you feel like you've got a blindfold on and you just can't see uh what god is doing or what god is saying the the date um the 28th of july last year was significant for someone the 28th of july last year and it is something that it'd be good to get prayer about i'm just sorry there and then genie yes someone who's suffering from headaches i think your name might be edith genie someone you you'd love to do what colin said and say to people can i pray for you and you've you've loved to do that but there's something that stops you and you don't want it to stop you anymore i think there might be someone for whom um susie the name susie is very significant and um it's is is painful and you've you've been left crushed um and it's something to do with susie and you just don't know how how to get it resolved all right if any of those spoke to you registered with you and you'll know if they did or they didn't please come forward but you know what if you need god's grace of one kind or the other we would love to pray for you of one kind or the other we would love to pray for you so as we begin to sing our last song of worship together uh do come forward don't wait for others there will be people here who will be ready to pray for you let's all stand together and let's worship and as i said just come forward be brave if you like prayer and as folk come forward we just need a few already to just come and be ready to pray that's it let's worship great is he like before [Music] son of god [Music] he walked the waves of galilee [Music] give thanks to his name praise the king of majesty praise the lamb who died for me praise the creek [Music] we'll sing forever [Music] jesus [Music] then he died on calvary [Music] the bravest one they'll ever be is [Music] oh such grace praise the kingdom of majesty praise the lord [Music] we'll see forever [Music] jesus [Music] see reigns in glory now [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] praise the king [Music] [Music] our victory we'll sing forever [Applause] [Music] there is no one greater than you jesus king jesus [Applause] hallelujah there is no one greater than you jesus king jesus oh hallelujah there is no one greater than you jesus king jesus [Music] hallelujah there is no one greater than you jesus king jesus praise the kingdom praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll sing forever jesus [Music] we're gonna um continue to worship and to pray for a little while longer so that there's no rush but i'm gonna do a final prayer of blessing and then obviously whenever you wanna go or go to the cafe do feel free to the love of the lord jesus draws to himself the power of the lord jesus strengthen us in his service the joy of the lord jesus fill our hearts and the blessing of god almighty the father the son and the holy spirit be among us and remain with us always amen amen we continue to pray into worship in here um but whenever you want to go do feel free to and god bless and we'll see you soon my hope is built on nothing less in jesus blood and righteousness i did not trust the sweetest friends holy trust in jesus christ [Music] is [Music] to hide his face i rest on his unchanging grace [Music] [Music] in [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] when he shall come with trumpet sounds [Music] before the throne [Music] his love through the storm he is the lord he's the lord [Laughter] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he's the lord he's the savior he's the king you are [Music] from [Music] you are [Music] all things [Music] [Music] [Music] all things and to you are all things you deserve the glory [Music] all the glory [Music] jesus [Music] with every [Music] is [Applause] [Music] cause [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a goodness [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Soul Survivor Watford
Views: 11,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TR74-N8-E0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 40sec (5020 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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