What's My Line? - Jonathan Cerf & Peter Gabel; Robert Morse; PANEL: Pamela Tiffin (Mar 12, 1967)

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Awe thanks. I love that one.

I even asked him if his parents were as sweet in person as in TV... he said they were, especially his mom.

I also have Johnathan Cerf on Facebook & he is really interesting. He worked for PBS on Between the Lions and other of the puppet based shows in the 90’s and 2000’s :-)

He seems like a sweetheart, from his Facebook posts about his wife & how he’s smiling all the time. He seems just like his daddy. (-:

And if there is a heaven where we can interact with those long departed, and I do believe there is, then I can’t wait to meet the gang.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/poolside123 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
now let go what my line thank you and now gentlemen I am always proud to introduce Martin Gable and now a ravishing new addition to the Broadway scene miss Pamela Tiffin and now Bennett Cerf who was on a panel with my husband just last week I was a book panel I'd be the last one in the world to say that our panel moderator is sometimes long-winded but must tell you that this week a contestant our previous show told me that while John was answering one of Arlen's questions the panelists the contestants occupation changed three times and here he is silent John Daly all right let me say Ms Tiffin nice to see you with this Martin wonderful having you back with us a homecoming sitting next to your beautiful bride and as far as Bennett Cerf is concerned I'll be very spare with language tonight put your blindfolds on we're going to start off with a mystery guest now we're going to play some games tonight so get blindfolded we're going to have to mystery challenges and also some interesting occupations and when you tell me that the blindfolds are in place yes they are good then it's time to meet our first mystery challenger when you enter and sign in please I don't as you I think are all well aware but miss Tiffin you've not been as familiar with things as we are there's a different form of questioning for the mystery challenges one question of the time in turn moving clockwise and we will begin with Bennett Cerf well for a special reason I must ask are the more than one mystery guests and the spot there are yeah well in that case I'm afraid I'll have to disqualify myself for a reason I'll explain later already Arlene uh have your pictures been in the papers recently yeah one down to nine to go mr. gable are you in sports yeah two down a date to go miss Tiffany um are you in the arts yeah oh wait I saw you get that's all you get Bennett's disqualified himself miss Frances are you musically inclined 3070 go mr. Gable am i right in thinking you're not in the fine arts yeah it's different uh you're in the arts and you don't have anything to do with music that means that you dance no no that's for dad and fix to go miss Frances are you performers in television you know five-on-five universe gable are you uh you work in nightclubs yeah nothing so sixth out of four to go vis different how'd you work in theaters no seven dot I'm free to go miss Frances are you in the sports world eight thousand two to go vista gable have we established john that these ladies or gentlemen as the case may be are in the arts at all yeah we've agreed that their principal area of activity would be described as being in the arts yes they're not collaborating painters or anything is that your question are they collaborating painters no it isn't John do you work more in in California than you do New York yeah that's not out of what ago is different do you use your voices when you work no that's ten down to no more to go I'm afraid we've stuck in beautiful other composers are they composes no well in a way I guess you could say they do a little better composing you want to take some more guesses Arlene actually but composing in a very very very generous might have something to do with a writing world well that's and that's what I headed Marlene find out how well you know them how well do I know you very well all right you may all take your math doc you've been skunked and meet Peter Gable and Jonathan sir how you feeling girls and boys I have been skunked every time Peter has been on I never know who he is so your million accusations make you hit it again we did it again dan I'm sorry you had come what do you know Jonathan and Peter were here everybody played a dirty trick some anonymous person maybe with the best intentions in the world but just spoil the whole game for me sent me an anonymous letter during the week telling me that John and Peter were going to be on the show and I was ashamed because what if I'm sure I wouldn't be guests of either but had to disqualify myself I can't believe that any Harvard man would be so dishonorable was it yes probably right but excuse me on YouTube all well because we wanted really what we hope to do and I think we'd have done it successfully was to confound you and Martin and Bennet and we compounded you to complete with you confounded Bennett event by by Antiochus I think you mean you're in the liberal arts well they are the fine arts loose Jonathan is president and Peter is by this Bible which is what equivalent to vice president of the Harvard Lampoon so certainly there in the arts the Harvard Lampoon is well known abroad in the land and particularly on campus in Cambridge Massachusetts well there are two wonderful boys I say that impartially one thing I think actually they're mothers and dads probably won't talk about it that both juniors at Harvard majoring in English and they are in the arts their literary beyond certainly not in class why are you studying but both Peter and Jonathan are also musically inclined they've got a rocking and roll it the central for the Central Park Zoo and anybody who wants to have a zoo at a party I'm their agent thank you thanks very much Jonathan and thanks Pete I'm sorry that we had that letter because I think we'd have confronted your your pop as well as we can run at your pop and mom but this the brakes of the game thanks for being well we'll have another contestant in just for you in just a moment after this word and now to beat a challenger will you enter and sign in please Pamela Kemp is it miss or mrs. camp me mrs. camp where you from I'm originally from England not in California from England in living in California and nice to have you with us may I present the panel mrs. Kemp now would you join me here please ma'am the audience in the theater and the audience at home know exactly what your line is all right panel we can tell you that mrs. Kemp is salaried and deals in a service and will begin things with Martin gable could I avail myself of your service yes is it something that's more useful for men than it is for women yeah one down and nine to go missed it then it's more useful for women no no the question is it was posed easy more useful to men than its women you said is it more useful so that just makes it all so they don't two down a date to go mr. Kent judging by your parents I would venture a guess that your service has something to do with the entertainment industry oh yeah yes would it be motion pictures or television one of them this one I'll guess motion pictures no we doubt ancestor which is present Jacob said it you are therefore associated in some way with television sometimes are you ever on camera yes are you on camera alone no or out in six to go mr. gable am i right in thinking that you're not in a dramatic or comedy series yet are you in television in the Performing end as opposed to say the commercial end yeah when you perform you illustrate something no with your permission I would say in a very broad term of reference we would agree or I would also remind you that the question having to do with television was answered in such terms as to suggest that this was not the entire area of it myself thank you John when you in a broad sense illustrate whatever it is that you might illustrate does it improve the viewer who observes what you do no I don't know it's broader than that I've afraid Martin five dotted five to go miss Tiffany it doesn't improve the viewer um do you use your voice sometimes sometimes and you are on screen sometimes and you even if you use your voice you speak a you thing yeah well we we do agree there is some speaking in but this is a just sometimes which is all we want to convey I see then did you dance No 6040 go mr. sir mrs. Kent would your kind of program with which you usually associated have anything to do with either news or the weather do what you have in mind but I'm sure that it is asking the question in the context of continuous or reasonably frequent performance would it be night with either the news bureau or the that's what we thought thanks very much that's seven down and three to go misspent is the work however that you do miss Kemp informative does it help in any way not I would think no not not as substantive ly informative eight down and two to go mr. gable would it be considered in the broadest sense the form of teaching no 9,000 won the gum is dipping there's an informative you're teaching then it's entertaining yeah we have a conference you may have 30 seconds for a conference maybe a voice is used in connection with something like a Disney cartoon maybe she works puppets now they go off they go you want take some more guesses mrs. Kemp has a most most interesting occupation she sell secondhand automobile no can't do with a Gallup poll no it's the kind of occupation I've always wanted Bennett to have Oh this get gets sawed in half he's a magician his sister I think they gave you weather the trouble because you've got too much into television get into it yeah you brought both your halves with you tonight yeah another thing it tickles me actually mrs. Kemp tub isn't an act with her husband Raymond Kim and she is sorted half but not with the traditional box you describe it because certain women right oh all we have is the two sawhorses we put one sawhorse and then another and a plank of wood then I come out in a sheath dress and he puts me on talkin sores me and hot pots me and puts me together yes kasha would you try that on Jon Daly but actually it's like I must get to look at this evening she was on CBS on rather mr. and mrs. Kemper on CBS News better which is why we had some concern about your question because it's I'm used to the idea of put it you know the box and sawing the box and I figure I've got that all figured out or we'll talk music perform in a nightclub or of a circus where would you wear would you do that as a rule just everywhere nightclubs and their television we've done television that's how I came out to see how do you do the tray press again sworn to secrecy good for you leave it that way and thanks for breaking the secrecy enough to have enjoyed visit with us then tell you in our regards to your husband with me tonight's mystery guest in just a moment but first this message and now another special feature of our program the appearance of a second mystery Challenger for which once again the panelists of course blindfolded blindfolds in place panel yes John good will you enter mystery Challenger and sign in please all right once again paddle back to one question at a time in turn moving clockwise and we'll begin things with Pamela Tiffany are you in the entertainment world uh yes there has been a time there yes I am in the entertainment sir do you do your principal work in the motion pictures I would say up to this time it's pretty evenly divided at the moment I'd say Bennett doing motion pictures that would be a yes or no answer but in the immediate context of the moment yes miss Frances are you in a picture that is about to open on Broadway uh no I am NOT in a motion picture that is about to open on front that's one down nine to go Mr Cable ah you have also appeared on the stage yes I appear in the Broadway stage for several years miss Tippin did you receive a lot of your training in New York uh in which respect miss Tiffany well did you go to the Strasburg Schouler acting didn't everybody at one time I attended classes with Lee Strasberg are you married to famous one of the time mister sir in the course of your performance do you ever raise that deep mellifluous voice of yours and song there has been a time when I have known to see miss Vexin worsen John have you had done a picture with my husband oh not that I would recall that I did a picture with mr. Gable though I am ready to sign contracts it turned out a date to go button uh was your last appearance on the stage in the last year no sir not in the last year three thousand seven to go miss Tiffany have you made films with two uh any of us here oh no but I have met every one of you for that and sixty go is to serve uh are you one of what we would call the younger stars as compared what say with Walter Brennan or or Bennett Cerf yes just bet yes yes I read through sir now you're not in a picture that's about to Oh miss Francis you're gonna die I never thought I would fool you I keep feeling I know your voice enough I I can't make it go with any face well we were born it's so I want to help themselves have you been in the theater with me uh on either side of the put uh no you have been on the side I've seen you and you have seen me so on either side of the footlights would be yes but that also answered your main question Martin you have a beautiful voice whoever you are well thank you very much it comes from years of training are you hoping ever to work again I have a motion picture that is out at the moment and I'm working now yes sir the dipp'd uh do you do westerns uh I may after this show that's by the hooded Viper going through fair I think that voices come I think mister surface got it I think you're a young man who knows how to succeed do you mr. Cerf you ah that was my hobby well I think you know your voice hasn't changed it's just about citizen find out when it's opening in radius it's open yes opened already it opened a man you know it was funny early they started to say are you in one that is really open and then you pulled it back and your phraseology was such that we could give you a now it opened at Radio City Music Hall and without painting the lily you should be very proud I have not seen unanimity in with critics like this for a long long time but he took gave you a great clue Harley you know we will tie into England New England and I you didn't detect the accent at all no Boston accent I got a little bit of accent but I couldn't get your age I was Gene Kelly I've just been purified by the Strasburg that's right unless you were born into right right Newton Massachusetts Arlene's Brookline that's right I'm going to Boston Tuesday are you really that afraid I went up the well arlene knows i went to what three four weeks ago Deaconess Hospital in the Deaconess Hospital dinner we get up once in a while and it seemed like the only thing going home I love it up there the only unsettling things you're opening up there but yes it opens Tuesday night even while you're going to do I'm gonna wear a tux and I'm aware of toxin be an usher you're better without Iowa your hair Bobby may be mistaken for Bobby Kennedy well that would be so bad should we tell them I should we tell him Arlene there's an old Newton boy you know most unsettling thing ever happened to me I went to tilt the school as benefits tired of hearing New Hampshire so I went up and came back down to Boston this was three or four years ago and I'm sure that in your younger days scollay square that's right it doesn't exist any no I hear there's no Solly squares there was terrible thing you walk into cops cops what is that that's where we are coming in yet it was it there was an old burlesque theater we got into him no he was on the bill that's right actually I don't know why we should bore people with use every when I was interesting in college in Boston at Boston College all of the you go to Boston College you I lived on Hammond Street right above right Bragg way he was coaching frankly a good new over there I think was Knute Rockne no new robberies right a separate question well it's been a great reunion and I must say again Bob I have never seen such you know unanimity in the critics congratulations very happy as it was on the right panel congratulations would all be back after this word miss Tiffin again it's been nice to have you with us and hope you enjoyed your half-hour and needless to say Martin it was great to have you here particularly because we had a trick to play on you tonight and hope you come back soon good night miss Rd in France good night my dear judge good night so now Marvin right there Johnny behind good night good night nice city nice t panel good night John good night I'm truly sorry Ben Utley we didn't have the fun of sticking you as well as we did Harley rather than dirty check well I'm sure it wasn't meant that way but I hope whoever did if the young man has learned a lesson because we did a lot planning for this and we lost the impact of it by about 50% and we're really sorry about it but we forgive him and we thank all of you for being with us on what's my life
Channel: What's My Line?
Views: 117,400
Rating: 4.8590908 out of 5
Keywords: What's My Line? (TV Program), Episodes (TV Program), Game Show (TV Genre), John Charles Daly, Arlene Francis (Author), Bennett Cerf, Martin Gabel (Musical Artist), Peter Gabel, Pamela Tiffin (Film Actor), Jonathan Cerf, Robert Morse (Theater Actor)
Id: nJseZ0CkoBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2015
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