What's inside the World's Largest Toilet?

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- This video was filmed before the COVID outbreak and the shelter in place guidance was put into effect. Cottonelle brand is working around the clock to get products back on shelf ASAP. - As possible. - Thanks for watching, and thanks to Cottonelle for sponsoring this video. Let's go see that toilet. (toilet flushing) We've got a little science experiment that we're gonna do today. (electronic music) - Welcome back to What's Inside. I'm Lincoln and this is Dan, and today we are on the hunt for the world's largest toilet. - World's largest toilet exists and apparently it's in this town of 45,000 people in Columbus, Indiana. So we flew here last night, we took an hour ride here to this town, and we're gonna find it. We're gonna find the toilet. Today's video is sponsored by Cottonelle. They make flushable wipes and they challenged us to test those wipes versus regular wipes. We're gonna find this toilet. Let's do it. (gentle music) This place already I love this little town. Welcome to kidscommons, this is a children's museum in Columbus. And this is the place where the world's largest toilet supposedly is. And so, I wanna see this thing because it's apparently big enough that a human can be flushed down it. - That sounds incredible. (gentle music) Hi buddy. - [Dan] Oh my gosh, a hedgehog is in here? - [Man] Here he is little Wilson. You wanna try to hold him? - Sure, yeah. - He's usually pretty relaxed. Just make sure he doesn't, you know, fall out of your hands and you're good, yep. - [Dan] This is Lincoln's first time ever holding it. - It's not that spiky. No, no, he's not too bad. - Bye buddy. (laughs) That's awesome. This is it, right here. Watch your friends go down the toilet, there it is. - Why does this children's museum have the world's largest toilet? Well, it's actually a really cool idea. One of the ways for people to learn how things work is to see the inside of them. We know that better than most people in the world. So the children's museum decided, let's create an area that shows people how a house works. They have exposed two by fours to show you that, they show you how the electricity works. You can even see the insulation in the walls and how that works. And so, just show people how plumbing works and how a toilet works. - Look at this thing. Oh my God. - [Dan] They made a giant toilet. - This is massive. - [Dan] Welcome to the world's largest toilet. (laughs) - This is so big. - [Dan] So big, oh my gosh. This is the world's largest toilet and inside. (toilet flushing) It flushes! I think it has a sensor. - Listen to that, yeah. - [Dan] It's a smart toilet. - Yeah, there's it, it's very smart. (laughs) Oh my. - [Dan] There's a sensor right here so that when somebody gets in it flushes. And then it's meant for people. Go ahead Lincoln, give it a shot. Let's see where this toilet goes to. Flush yourself down the toilet. - Look at this. (toilet flushing) It's pretty cozy actually. It's pretty cozy, oh my throne. This is nice. (chuckles) This is a go. - [Dan] All right, give it a shot buddy. Go down there and come back and report before we show everybody what's inside of it. (toilet flushing) Let's have Lincoln go inside of it. Be safe down there. - Wow, this is so cool. - [Dan] Bye Lincoln. - [Lincoln] Bye. - Lincoln just flushed himself down the toilet. Let's go find him on the bottom part of the toilet. (chuckles) Where is it, is it this way? I'm kind of confused. Where are you going? Okay, here's the drainage pipe. I see it right here. (sighs) - I made it (chuckles). - [Dan] He made it through the toilet. - What, that is so cool. - [Dan] I'm so glad you're back. I'm a little bigger than Lincoln, but I'm curious to know if I can flush down this. (toilet flushing) Just flushed. And so the sponsor of today's video like we said earlier is Cottonelle, and they make a flushable wipe. I wanted to test out these flushable wipes and figure out do they really break down? 'Cause supposedly they immediately break down after you flush them, where a regular baby wipe it doesn't break down. So we've got a little science experiment that we're going to do today. We have two jars here, and we're gonna put flushable wipe in here, a baby wipe inside of here, and see what happens. Does it actually break down? This is a baby wipe right here. We're gonna set it right there next to it. Let's open up our Cottonelle flushable wipes. Oh, did you know Lincoln, that many people use these instead of toilet paper? - Really? - Yeah, that's the reason why they need to be flushable. Smells nice. This is very scientific right now. We both have a wooden stick, I have the Cottonelle flushable wipe. Lincoln has a baby wipe that we just got. Let's put 'em in. Here we go, and then stir it up. Let's see what happens here. (upbeat music) I don't know what to expect here 'cause it's just like a task. Like does it actually break down or not? Oh my gosh, okay hold on a second. - Whoa, whoa, whoa-- - Hold on. - The part like broke off. - Look at that. It's starting to break apart. - Yeah. Yeah, so this one is still one giant piece while this one is starting to feel, it feels more like paper now. Almost like if you put paper. Maybe not toilet paper 'cause toilet paper's so thin at the beginning, but it's starting to feel as if paper would be when you put it in like water. - Oh wow. Look how many different pieces there are now. - Oh yeah. (sighs) All right, I hope you've liked our little experiment with the Cottonelle flushable wipes. - This was a very, very good science experiment. - They definitely work. They are breaking down, this is a really fun little science experiment before I go down and show you the depths of the world's largest toilet. But thank you to Cottonelle for sponsoring this video. Buy these things for yourself and give them a try and let me know what you think. Maybe don't give me too many details. - Look that now. - Oh, let's see it. Okay. Boom, don't put that in the toilet people. (playful music) Let me take you on a ride into the toilet and show you what it's like. (toilet flushing) I love it when it flushes. So the first thing is, you have this little bench to sit on, and then there's another one right here for you to stand on if you need to. And it's nice because then you can grab it, and just kind of slide in to the toilet. Once you're in the first part of the toilet, it doesn't immediately just turn into a slide. It is a slide but not quite yet. You have these nice lights going through, and it's just this nice, soft, smooth plasticky floor. - Hi. - [Dan] So once you're in there, you come around this corner and you have the actual slide that goes down to the bottom. Go down the toilet slide. Whooo! Right now, I'm in the slide. As cool as it is I will say, it's not the fastest for a giant human like myself. The smaller that your kids are, the faster they'll probably go down the toilet. - I'm in the toilet. - [Lincoln] Look you can see who's working on the plumbing. - I'm in the toilet right now. - [Lincoln] And look, it's my dad. He's in the toilet. Hey, there's his feat. - Tarah! Who's got flushed? (laughs) I'm 100% flushable. - [Lincoln] Yes. - Wait. (toilet flushing) (chuckles) We get to do some pretty fun things on YouTube, and this is definitely up there on one of the most fun and random and unique things that we've done. This children's museum while it is in a smaller town, it is in Columbus, Indiana, not Columbus Ohio, don't be confused. It is within an hour of Indianapolis, Louisville and Cincinnati. Those are three pretty big cities, just drop on in. Pretty cool to say that I've flushed myself down a toilet before. Thanks for being part, and watching the crappiest video we've ever made. (toilet flushing) - [Licoln] It's pretty cozy actually. - [Dan] Thank you to Cottonelle for sponsoring this video. Stop flushing baby wipes down the toilet. Stop flushing baby wipes down the toilet. Stop flushing baby wipes down the toilet. Stop flushing baby wipes down the toilet. Hello, can you hear me? Hello, hello, baby? (laughs) I am 100% flushable. - [Lincoln] Yes. - Wait (mumbles).
Channel: What's Inside?
Views: 1,942,274
Rating: 4.8468823 out of 5
Keywords: toilet paper, flushable wipes, Cottonelle, best toilet paper, bath tissue, cottonelle flushable wipes, cottonelle toilet paper, toilet, flush, flushable, down there care, down there care routine, downtherecare, morning routine, workout routine, beauty routine, wellness routine, what's inside, what's inside the world's largest toilet?, worlds largest toilet, flushing, toilets, columbus indiana, kids commons, columbus community chidren's museum
Id: 9ta9Bw_CMec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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