What's INSIDE The Holy Grail Puzzle?!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just received the uh the puzzle part of it uh antoine's gonna have to assemble it there's like two parts to it i can't be a part of that because then it might there might be some spoilers but i wanted to uncrate it this is crazy too it came with uh i don't even show this over here this is a sensor oh this thing is tall wow i mean that's good enough yeah but if we have to hold it back if you have to uh send it back yeah just in case no way i'm doing this fast i know but better safe than sorry right [Music] you're gonna have to learn to be a fine furniture craftsman cool yeah the puzzle crafter thanks uh thanks youtube yeah let's just break it ready boom well i'm looking at you right now it's all wrapped up so uh so we're not supposed to live by the crown there's a place where yeah there's like 60 70 pounds this is exciting i don't want to i don't look into it too much i want to have a i'm very curious i mean i kind of want to see it i want to know what it looks like it doesn't look damaged at all which is good but apparently there are a lot of internal parts that might be sensitive which is why you couldn't tip it looks like it's been tipped that's one with surgical procedures should i get out of your way and let you set this up um yeah sure i'll uh i'll be in my office let me know when it's done you ready [Music] holy [Music] so [Music] ah youth oh didn't see you there uh welcome back today we're gonna be looking inside a 40 000 puzzle as well as talking to craig thibodeau who created this puzzle along with robert jarger and uh we're gonna get to some of the mechanics of the genius mechanics that he had to invent for this puzzle to even be possible and to do that to see how this is made well take a look here underneath the chalice by the way brass chalice 24 karat plated gold so are these these are all 24 k plateau i didn't know this craig informed me under this chalice we have a key and this key is actually the key to opening this so underneath hidden is a compartment you won't be able to see it on camera but i can place it now it's right about there if i turn that about 15 degrees this way it now [Music] opens up the door that's the key right there that cool let's have a look at the inside and uh let's see what makes this thing tick how do you how did you feel about the video i liked it yeah i did i really liked it the intro was awesome i heard you talk about it on your podcast and i was like okay this sounds like it's going to be really cool before you get all official what do you actually think of the piece i love the piece i i for me what i love the most about it and what i was telling everybody here is that i'm happy it doesn't have 100 steps so although some people might have wanted more steps because of you know for the video's sake for like the the length of the solve which for me is irrelevant for this piece uh for me it's all about something that i can showcase and show people so craig i'm gonna ask you just basically to run me through the process of r d a lot of that was back and forth design work with robert we've been collaborating for a couple years now well actually like four years now um and typically the design process starts with me coming up with the shape and size of the object and then he and i will brainstorm back and forth to figure out how to fit the required mechanisms inside this one was a little bit different because the required mechanism was really experimental yeah no idea exactly how it would work until i was in way into building it and it kept needing alterations and adjustments and upgrades and changes um but there's just a lot of back and forth brainstorming you know he'll send me a sketch i'll send him a sketch back we'll go through you know pages and pages of email and eventually we get to a point where i think i understand what we're doing well enough to start building it i don't know if you have your video on hand or if you know it by heart but if you can walk us through the sort of steps and what those steps do on the inside of the puzzle yeah i know the video well enough i've been playing with this thing for a while now so initially when you grab the glass nothing happens when you initially just touch the glass it's connected to the carriage that holds up the cup with magnets so there's no physical connection between the ring on the bottom of the glass and the carriage itself so as soon as you rotate it or lift it up the carriage drops because it's just being held by the magnets when this thing goes up and into its into its place it locks with the magnets that are holding it right there so that's now locked into place the magnets are holding this whole mechanism up and the second it drops it's going to fall with gravity down through this pipe here what's going to stop it and this is really interesting is this here this little piston see how it's air controlled and the harder you push the slower it goes it's actually going to slow it down so that it doesn't come crashing down onto any of this now what's really interesting is right now the iris is open once that goes down this here by pulling on this lever is going to shut that iris as soon as the cup goes through the hole it's going to hit this at a precise location so that it then closes that iris have a look here the iris starts closing just before the cup clears it so there's a little bit of clearance between the cup and the iris but the idea was to have it look like the cup just instantaneously yeah yeah it fell onto here which then closes the iris instantaneously but also gets stopped by this here and holds that into position here you can see the actual magnets so these little brass things right here those are the actual uh locations of the magnets which are also somewhere hidden within this woodwork from there the sliding pieces on the top is the first brass piece that slides up that doesn't do anything internally but then as you slide the two wooden pieces next to it to the left you get access to that little brass door with a key behind it and behind that key is the little spring loaded button again it's not really doing anything inside except unlocking that corner drawer that has the other part of the key right and then you can see in the back of that little compartment there's a keyhole that actually unlocks the rotating carriage right so up until that point all of the internal stuff is just sitting waiting for you got you once you've unlocked the carriage you can start it rotating and that's when everything down at the bottom so the carriage is connected through pulleys and cables on a essentially a lazy susan ring so it'll rotate around it's connected all the way down to the bottom what i call the motor of the piece right which is that carriage that switches left and right right so you go down through these pulleys to a winding mechanism which is the very forward right set of gears and it's got essentially like a one-way bicycle gear on it so you can wind it and then it free wheels back you hear that it sounds like a like uh like a bicycle when you pedal and then you let go in the back is kind of what's happening here it's locking into place right and that's that connects to that motor carriage and every time you wind the upper assembly you're winding that lower gear about 60. yeah which is why you hear those sounds uh sort of engage and then disengage like you said like a bicycle uh where the wheels are going backwards as you're doing that you're winding up what's called a spring motor it's essentially like a super high-tech tape measure it's a flat flat coil spring a double version of a flat coil spring this particular one i think it pulls with seven and a half pounds of force so you're winding that motor up and winding the cable around that next set of gears that's on the carriage right and the clicking you hear is actually a ratchet and pawl that's locking the motor in so it can't run down right and you probably noticed as you were winding the top rotating piece that you got to a certain point and it stopped clicking and it would just kind of freely move a little bit that's because there's a slip clutch a mechanical slip clutch in that first shaft that keeps you from over pulling the wire that's attached to the spring motor right so it's got it's got about seven and i don't know 7.6 pounds of force on it so as you pull if you get past that seven and a half pounds of force that the spring motor needs it means you fully loaded the spring and basically a fail safe pretty much it keeps you from destroying the spring again by pulling over rotating yeah yep yep from there you've got all the stuff at the top essentially done and you move down to the bottom and all of those bottom parts you see when you look inside they're actually all connected yeah so the stuff on the back and the stuff on the front it's all tied together internally so you start off by removing that front brass piece which gives you access to the switch yeah and you you can move the switch at that point and that shifts the carriage the motor essentially from one side the winding side over so it connects to the lead screw to the lift now it's in the lifting position so at that point you can turn that front left foot and that unlocks uh sliding the sliding front piece at the bottom left yeah that's connected to the very back piece with a brass rod through the center so then you go around to the back piece and you can push in the one movable piece of wood and slide the piece of brass to the left on the back and then you can pull out the corner block and that's just the cable tensioner that corner block in the back so it's tied to the release button up at the top and the release button won't do anything unless you pull that cable unless there's enough tension for it to be pulled yep and that little one inch of movement is enough to put just the right amount of tension on and and the cables you'll see they're pretty small but they're all pre-stretched cables and they're high load cables they're rated to 250 pounds right two pounds yeah but they're all pre-stretched cables so they're not going to stretch over time but the idea there was that you would have to unlock everything at the bottom before you could start to release the motor right and the motor will only release after you move the switch over right so you you switch the carriage over it puts a little bit of tension on the cable you pull out that corner piece and it puts a little bit more tension on the cable and that's just enough that when you push the button you're releasing that pull the locking pole on the drive gear it engages the carriage and the carriage goes up now it should be good to go so i'm going to flip the switch back into position with a press of a button and a pull the lever back here should go all the way up pieces like this one for you they're more interesting than just doing the puzzle stuff because it's kind of got what feels like magic in it the way the cup disappears and comes back it's kind of a mix of the two and it feels like there's a little bit of magic in there and a little bit of puzzle and that to me seems more interesting than just the puzzle stuff yeah because it's how the hell did you do that i mean for me it's it's just seeing this idea of the holy grail like i'm a big fan of like indiana jones national treasure you know all of that genre obviously a big fan of that so to have something which was just an idea of this grail and then for it to be better than i ever thought it would be i'll be honest it's it's miles ahead of what i thought it would be and it's incredible um for me to see that in in person is is just surreal that and being able to sort of create this little story around it i mean that's just you know that's just the best would you uh if anyone ever commissioned this would you build it again no no i don't want to build again but i don't really want to build most of this stuff a second time i want to build something different something new well craig i'll be i'll be in touch and hopefully uh get something uh get something put on your plate in the next three years um craig thanks so much for everything man it's uh it's been a journey and it's been an absolute pleasure um let uh where can people find your stuff just on youtube you want me to link to youtube um youtube instagram ct fine furniture it's the same everywhere perfect anywhere and thank you for commissioning such a cool piece it was just a pleasure to build it was challenging and nerve-wracking but that was kind of what made it fun well you're the only you're the only person who could do it i i firmly believe that maybe at this point maybe this may be the only one that all right thanks craig thanks chris all right take care [Music] bye-bye i don't understand
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 425,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: Knoad6pOCs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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