What's Inside The Egg on the Dream SMP...

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eggs hatch that's common sense right but here's the question what's gonna happen from the egg on the dream smp believe me this theory is crazy and absolutely unexpected i have to get down a whole page of proof words where i went ahead with making this video because this involves a whole lot more than just the obvious technology differences and what do i mean by that well [Music] you see when i was first researching this video i thought it was almost guaranteed that the egg would be this entity that consistently hatches and then reseals itself after consuming another thing working similar to an oyster in that it takes in a mob or a block and then fills up all this concentrated power all this concentrated egginess inside that mob making them a follower of the egg and then releases them to the world hatching them out to do the eggs bidding and then reseals itself after consuming something else to restart the cycle which seems legit right it'll explain a lot of things about technoblade's character because why is he a pig well the egg had a pig wander into it after attached once and then after the buildup of egg power occurred around that pig it turned into technoblade this is further backed up by the obvious fact that the egg has blood vines and the techno is the blood god this theory seemed more and more solid the more i researched it but wait there's more you see in this theory techno broke free of the egg which is needed to explain why he rebels against it and completely foiled its plans later the red banquet with purple and quackity and the reason he broke free of the egg was because everyone who the egg possesses has always wanted something be that power be that belonging be that another smp member like bad one skippy and in exchange for promising that thing the egg demands power from them it demands that they form a pseudo government with the egg leading them naturally then when techno emerges from the egg with its one wish is to destroy all governments the egg can't really promise him that while simultaneously asking him to form an empire leading to techno breaking free of the egg and then going on to be strongly opposed to it the egg gave techno a lot of his power and he knows if the next person or thing to emerge from the egg almost certainly won't share his ideals and will have the power needed to stop someone as powerful as the blood god and so he's strongly against the egg there's also the obvious similarities in the red aesthetic and the dead giveaway that was techno's characters in the tales of the snp sir billiam being the servant of the egg however the egg is literally embodied as voices in people's heads a dead comparison to the canonical voices in techno's head right and this got me thinking what if i'm not thinking metaphorically enough about this what if the egg isn't how a character was born on the snp but instead embodies the viewers of the smp think about it no matter how much effort they make in minecraft not one smp member can destroy the egg so it must be some sort of otherworldly power right then there's also the fact the egg knows exactly what literally every character on the smp wants a level of knowledge possessed by very few people or even entities on the smp except for the streamer's chat and then there's the fact that the voices of the egg are an obvious callback to streamers chat this is all starting to make sense when wait hold on this theory is actually wrong and there's one piece of evidence that completely bowls over all the pins of this crazy man corkboard like some sort of metaphorical bowling ball on steroids because well this entire thing hinges on techno knowing what the egg was before he was introduced to it on camera and he well i'll just show you finally that's a good breakfast right there okay quick question if it's an egg what will hatch out of it god has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never finished anyway i kept digging and that brings me to the actual theory of this episode and is the most battered insane thing i've come up with in a while right but it just makes way too much sense for me to just ignore it hell there's a page of just solid proof you see i was right when i said that the egg was giving rise to an smp member i just got the snp member wrong it wasn't techno or bad or even randbu that came out of the egg let's take a quick listen to what ponk who was being mind controlled by the egg said during the red banquet long ago an old man you know a wise man he once told me people change like the tides in the ocean oh god the x power is seemingly absolute and it works on the basis of attachment very similar to how a certain someone operated in the disc finale becoming the smp's puppet master on the basis of attachment and on the basis of desire the only time the egg's power has been snuffed out in the past the only way to keep it from expanding and continuing its progression was shown to us way back at the start of the egg arc and that was to cover it with obsidian and if you'll forgive the pun you'd have to be dreaming to not see the obvious reference to the obsidian box that is the prison snuffing out dream power and keeping him from expanding his hold on the server this part will be really really important later so keep it in mind to show about this more though we've got to talk about color and the incredible significance it has on the smp you see although the egg's primary color is quite obviously red it interacts with the other colors in a very interesting and very specific set of ways which we learned from an experiment that bad an ant performed on the egg a long time ago the egg turns red things white sucking the color out of them leaving white things as they are but most importantly it turns blue things red from the wooden experiment to skepy like some sort of color theory expert now if we take a step back we have one character on the smp who is very closely related to the egg one character who's intrinsically related to the color blue and also not so coincidentally the dream ghostburg the character who everyone knew for blue the character who dreamed turned from being blue to the obviously red reviver by reviving him but wait there's even more evidence you see the one thing that could repel the egg even cure people from being under the egg influence is the water and the fountains of church prime church prime uh religion which is completely devoted to dream dream who would being from the egg be able to protect people from its influence with his own because he broke through the egg's mind control and that's why he initially dislikes it when bad shows at him but crucially only feign's surprise we also know from the tales of the smp episode of the masquerade that the egg dislikes poor people and places a very heavy emphasis on money and possessions as one might call him the smp universe primes a trait that is only mirrored by dream's religion this also brings us to randu and the enderman hybrid will teleport in to become relevant later but it's important to note that apart from black and white ranboo's two defining colors are red and green rambu who can be controlled by well green boy ranbu is called trader by the egg which is clearly red this dream in the egg has similar power of around because of the color but ranbu only listens to dream also if you go back to the initial egg arc where skeppy was cured from the egg's infection using prime water he ended up mimicking and taking all the properties of even the slightest thing in the water for example turning into another bad way halo because he got cured using prime water that was uh also bad boy halo bath water anyway this loss of a grip on who you are as a person this kind of memory loss that is extremely reminiscent of the one person who dream directly controls in the same way that the egg controlled skeppy and that's right it's our boy ron bu tommy is also related to a bit of evidence in this theory because initially he was immune to the egg do you hear anything oh i do okay what do you hear oh i hear it now i hear it now there you go the egg is saying that all three of us should start swearing [Music] he couldn't be controlled by it and therefore posed a threat to it right the egg just got on his nerves made him nervous got him annoyed but was never able to control him and then after toy takes a piece of the egg and puts it in his ender chest an obsidian bop that's intrinsically linked to him he suddenly loses his immunity and becomes susceptible to the egg's influence wait where have i heard this before oh yeah it's literally the plotline of when tommy was stuck in prison an obsidian box with dream tommy was both the dream and the egg's biggest straight before the obsidian box incident and this purely because tommy doesn't confront several rules the same way everyone else does puffy even directly says at one point that as bad as getting more and more infected and infatuated by and with the egg he's acting more like a dream breem who is incidentally the first person to ever join the server which makes it that much more plausible that he hatched from the egg which we know from tails has been there for a long time before the current smp era and therefore that much more possible he covered it up behind him after hatching there's also the fact that dream's biggest enemy quacky literally wears a color blue on his skin which is the color which symbolizes the egg's biggest enemy and also the egg was found to materialize in an extremely interesting spot a spot where bad boy halo learned that fondy and tubble had dumped him in their quest to become dream hunters where bad was most susceptible to joining the dreamers because of the negative feelings he had towards their enemies the dream hunters the place where the egg materialized ready to capitalize on these feelings a banquet that none of us are ever going to forget and yeah thank you for coming everybody are you prepared today what what what what what the egg has more power than dream because dream derives or should i say derived derove whatever dream took his power from the egg and that's why the egg can fully mind control people similar how it did pong skippy and bad but dream can only partially do the same like he does with rambu and also when dream killed tommy the egg pirate was incredibly happy because dreaming got one of the biggest obstacles of the empire out of their way and therefore shared not only a modus operandi with them but also a common goal for a lot of cases then there's the fact that the one person who dream can control rambu is also the only person on the server who's averse to water water which in the eggs case can break people free from its mind control when best buy dame's religion and therefore in dreams case could probably do the same if modified some other higher power let's say maybe a literal shark god punk even likens the control that the egg has over its followers to the power of the prison and by extension dream has over sam and this is even more backed up by the fact that hannah describes the times when she's under the egg's control as sleepwalk like that she can't remember anything from them very similar to how rambu describes his ender walk state when dream is controlling him and that leads us to the most important takeaway from the series you see i mentioned before that the prisons knocked out dreams power sure but what i didn't point out was that in both of the cases the egg and dream both influenced the builders of their obsidian boxes to cage them dreamed it by commissioning sam and the egg did as well as you see it absorbs the obsidian to become bigger after a bit but then said in the lore stream that trapping the egg in the obsidian was all planned was for a purpose and it helped make the egg that much stronger now if dreaming the egg are really that similar it's only logical to assume that dream being trapped in prison is by extension only making him stronger only meaning that once technology breaks him out with the blueprints he found at the end of the last lore stream that the dream smp is in the most danger it's ever been in subscribe if you enjoyed
Channel: Animagician
Views: 290,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animagician, analysis, dream smp, dream smp egg, What's Inside The Egg on the Dream SMP..., The Secret Connection Behind Wilbur Soot’s Music…, The Dream SMP’s Biggest War Yet..., badboyhalo, badboyhalo egg, technoblade, technoblade egg dream smp, technoblade egg, dream, dream minecraft, dream smp lore, dream smp lore theory, dream smp war, dream egg
Id: jPK1f8QYerc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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