What's Inside MY HEART In Minecraft!

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when a prank goes wrong apple's heart is broken now we need to see what's inside asma's heart in order to fix her pain but everything inside her heart is crazy and when her emotions are released chaos will engulf the server causing out now to go through every heart emotion oh this place is coming along so i'm going now you got your own little home in my home okay i'll put them right there there we go okay all right you're doing so good all right so i got a nice little place for my puppy i gotta finish up okay oh great unfortunate circumstance i have been falling under a tree i can see that what do you need to do ian to speak to me i need you to know that this is a trap a trap yep it's not a very good one you're stuck under it um yes it is but you're in the trap and i'm not oh that's what you think what are you doing up there it's working it's all let's go in we got it we gotta get out of here we gotta go we gotta told you it was a great trap guys hang on no come back i'm still under the tree oh no [Laughter] man i wish you can see this car you're trapped under the tree [Music] [Music] zayn please please push the position [Music] hold on hold on i got you out yeah there we go okay hey say nothing don't worry about it why are you crying to my house you went in puppy a puppy [Music] oh this is my body and this is my heart where it houses all of my [Music] we'll emotions talk about this okay let's see this is the potato room it's looking good okay all right what are you gonna do with so many potatoes what do you mean i have just don't worry about it [Music] [Music] him out but right now we just need to do it stop hitting yourself [Applause] for everything that i have in my heart my best friend room with someone that's uh where i am right that's it always with the puppy i don't want to feel anything anymore so you know real estate i'm doing it what does that mean don't don't button relief what no [Music] they're all small and scary come back here i'm smaller than you what uh zane something's happening i like the new look what is your favorite food i don't know what's two plus two i don't know maybe that still checks out no no no no we've lost all your emotions i need to fix this i'm going to fix this i am going to get all your emotions back to this heart device it will get your emotions back inside you yeah cool fun fact about that by the way i think uh i i think they're gone i i i think they went i think they went away very observant pierce what just hold on to this motions asap i want to get a cookie i'm going to go home wait my home was exploded okay right starting to be kind of weird yeah i'm starting to get to give you gb's out of this there's got to be some traces of these emotions anywhere there's a butterfly what what does the butterfly do butterflies in the server we didn't because i took care of them hold on i'm just gonna take care of this one too and then we'll have no that butterflies be one of her emotions yeah but zayn pierce doesn't like butterflies don't worry about that we kind of really need this right now this is all your fault anyway what is that i see it i see it i see it i think that's my emotion zane i'm going to grab it okay that's good ah grab the emotion just hit it with your device there got it oh my gosh look at what happened to me i'm so hungry okay that progress she's happy because uh here's the lots of butterflies it's somewhere up there i know it went home butterflies wait hold on do they spawn because i'm so happy butterflies yeah what are you doing ah those are my friends let them explode in such happiness oh my gosh okay you know what just stay here don't cause too much trouble i'm gonna try and track the rest of your emotions all right pierce and just stop destroying everything please i'm not gonna enjoy everything i'm destroying the buddhists skipping the flower fields guys this is amazing butterflies stop it i'm not summoning them hey can i play with that toy that looks like a fun toy to play with yeah here's as long as you also get those down get him okay all right uh let me see uh pretty much everything seems to make you happy right now huh yeah it does everything's so happy you look so good ian look at you and pierce you look you look amazing i have an idea okay uh hey actually i'm kind of curious uh what do you know about this huh oh that's a beautiful diamond yeah uh what what if i do this what if i like wait about that sparkly when you throw it that's so nice pierce that's interesting oh no oh look at my house okay so i need you to stand very still just stay right there okay oh look at that beautiful creeper on your head it must like you cause it's so friendly i bet uh the creeper will make you real happy right give it to me give it a big old hogan bow [Music] no no no no no no oh man i wish i had a fishing rod can you guys get me a fishing rod uh i i don't have one uh you got one i've got something even better because these two have already ruined everything i took your heart remote and made a new yeah a heart compass i like toys it's not for you [Music] to help you find the rest of your emotions wherever they may be hiding the only emotion i need is happiness because i'm happy as long as i'm with all of you guys yeah you you keep saying that i mean that's you know you can prank me all you want and i wouldn't get mad hey let's find your next emotion please no no zayn let's talk about this uh just think about the possibilities that's a little angry at now you're another one yeah you are you you angry oh oh look at the little eggs [Music] nothing just just here this thing near the lava where it's nice and hot yeah i can see it's lava you want to touch it how about you you're the one who left my house earlier today and you tricked me you were mean to me well no no technically pierce blew up your house i was just a distraction i can't believe this you blowed up my house and my dog and just um okay i get that you're angry but can we please just try to find the rest of your emotions please yeah here you you like diamonds right here just dive in for you you you don't work right pierce more diamonds okay okay hold on hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you don't have to do this miles my house [Music] [Applause] so uh you're feeling feeling a little better you know a little better yep zane this compass is broken it's not working no no trust me it is working we just need to keep looking alright zayn i keep your distance you said it was gonna be don't worry what are they saying or something probably i need to find this next emotion it's just trees zane oh come on eff it won't be so bad we just gotta find a few more and you'll be back to normal yet look it's super pretty around here in fact you can see the burning remains of my house from anyway let's keep moving look at this thing oh wait there's another one why are you cracking oh what is it what might be do i have to well let's collect it and find out collected what i do hit it yeah it's hey you did it and she's not mad anymore you don't have to be that sad about it though i mean you just collected the emotions at least she found sadness [Music] shoes [Music] okay athletes just go ahead and find the next emotion okay let's look at that heart compass where is it pointing come on okay fine it's going that way but i don't want that baby it's just a little farther you can do it it's not gold it's working we got to do something okay come on now yeah we're going off [Music] i saw the compass pointing this way so just it's very good at that okay it's for your own good in this direction you gotta feel more than just sad all the time i was asking my mama tells me at least you still like me hey come on come on you can laugh be happy hey they're going past me why are they going past me they're disinterested in you f just keep an eye on their faces they're not going past us no they definitely aren't whoa there's gotta be something down there out oh you said oh no oh no oh i think she found one [Music] yeah cool can we get out of this game and there's fear okay that's appropriate right now uh there's lots of zombies and spiders yep let's go let's go look at the compass let's find another one [Music] okay we got another one though wait we got it done we got it done what's this one so oh whoa [Applause] okay who keeps putting bars you want to fix this any faster i'm getting this to the hub honestly where'd you go where'd you go [Music] got something for you hear me out it's scientifically proven that plushies make everything out a little bit more comfortable so just here take this what is this just hold on to it squeeze it hug it i'm scared yes no no no no okay i have a puppy plush puppy blush is nice right [Music] that doesn't look good i love you guys we have so many good memories in the home i have so many memories that were shoved up by these arrows oh wait wait wait wait slow down there for a second appreciate the loft but i'm back to normal wait what what's your favorite food this anymore back to normal everything's spelled [Music] [Laughter] oh boy the hub looks a little rough huh oh my goodness i'm so sorry here i'll get rid of this i mean in fairness piers kind of set his own house on fire for reasons i was trying to put it out okay it just happened to be on my body that the fire shut up so now that we've gotten that taken care of [Music] what did you just do give me that back no no no no you said for ian you cannot be trusted with science give that back uh no i don't want it to get back here i just wanted to play with the remote again it is not fine if you play with the remote again now get that back right now there you go take some roses yes guys i think something's wrong with pierce pierce isn't home right now please leave a message after the huh you get over here oh special sheep peter said i found a really floofy sheep don't you want to keep it and name it look at this what do you want to name it happy this is a very nice sheep i will name it nothing because that's how i feel guys something's wrong we got this after all zayn this is science and it works right no this is you and you're an idiot now give that back before you cause any more come on let's go [Music] it's okay we can help so uh look there's pierce's heart yours is hard oh hard doesn't look good all we have to do is go inside and see what needs fixing and uh we can uh fix it okay so hey wait no wait we need to be very careful with the doors let me open them because i'm responsible okay okay fine uh [Music] oh that is bad no it's not it's fine we can take care of this come on i know emotions better than anybody he's gonna be crazy when we get out of here wait hang on chris pierce where's the emotion they're free that's what this thing does [Music] [Laughter] oh no he doesn't have any fear so he's fearless yeah that's a good thing right no you need no i am free i can do whatever i want i can do everything oh no this isn't good at all hey my friend hey where did you go oh there's a fear what do you mean your friend i'm your friend what give it back no i'm sorry i have to deal with that because he's gonna explode himself at me oh no follow me if you're really that fearless oh there's a little hey get back here sheep i want to talk to you get out there around here somewhere um [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] i was afraid of those things and i love you guys [Music] [Music] yeah back to normal i don't know what's normal anymore it's just better than what am i holding up how many fingers am i holding up take a look how many fingers uh zero perfect he's back to normal guys hey that's right fingers pierced how do you feel about this right here what oh it's the sheepy i love the good sheepies come here oh yeah i'm beautiful your name is now bump kalisi and i'm gonna take you and love you and keep you forever and we're having a great time i think i'm good with not finding out what's inside my heart yes everything is back to normal exactly where it belongs zayn i'm getting rid of your mods wait your what yeah uh you know clearly that wasn't a very good mod er almost destroyed the server so i'm just gonna get rid of all the mods you have on the server by blowing up your house get down there right now no party in this house sheet party what no no no no no yeah pierce come over it's a party [Music] [Applause] worth it
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,298,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, what is inside aphmau heart, what is inside aphmau’s heart, what is inside aphmau’s body, aphmau heart, go inside aphmau’s heart, aphmau funny moments, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau inside aphmau, aphmau inside out, minecraft challenge, aphmau magic surgery, aphmau surgery, aphmau is sick, aphmau broken heart, aphmau hurt, aphmau is hurt, aphmau broken
Id: bhNKZV4pDz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 56sec (1256 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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