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me and my friends visit this minecraft daycare where everything seems perfect but it's not when the babysitter begins to act mean we find ourselves uncovering the secret behind this evil school that's now under attack by this monster can we survive guys this is our first day of daycare take your time let's do it [Music] you guys that's very nice to you what okay everyone play while i get lunch set up oh oh [Music] hey you jumped on me yeah i did what are you gonna do about it huh i'm gonna go play over here [Music] [Music] i don't know i hope it gets ready soon yeah i've hugged a minute most things look better when you put them in a circle huh that's not a circle that's a shape of a potato it looks like a potato yeah yeah kind of a lumpy potato i don't know i mean potatoes are kind of rounds they're a pumpkin uh i mean they're kind of lovely too potato what what oh yeah i know it's like grass and stuff i i i i'm a little freaked out by it too i know did you find a mirror [Applause] we gotta find where we're going yeah [Music] stay together [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh okay huh monster you kids have such wild imaginations [Music] that's not true i think she's listening to us i have a good imagination first time only good kids get food uh um i'm a very good kid i wanna live i'm a good kid yeah yeah me too did my mouth see how nice these tables are oh [Music] [Music] [Music] right yeah i'm pretty sure i mean we should we should probably you know get prepared for a monster to come right paired how are we going to fight it interesting you should really try the weapons but it's still so sunny out we could go play outside oh ella goes too sunny at all i don't know it's not sunny anymore it got it got really rainy yeah it's raining right now close my we're eyes on the monster come on we all got supplies right we got a crowbar you guys have stuff uh i got pizza and a burger i got a hamburger i got fries yeah you could just throw it at the monster maybe he's hungry he'll stop all right come on let's go okay uh okay cause we follow the babysitter that way he won't eat me yeah eat the fries these are the most amazing stairs ever super colorful i like it uh where's she oh pretty rainbows oh it's the nap room let's see what it looks like [Applause] [Music] there's no ladder i can't climb up yeah it's way high up okay i guess again why don't you get up there with your short legs you climb [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] the dark makes it easier to nap yeah [Music] [Music] you go faster we gotta go downstairs i don't know how to read put the blocks there [Music] i can't see him so he can't see me that's how monsters work i'm pretty sure i think we're fine in here okay guys just hold on yeah we're good okay he got even darker come on why is it so dark huh what happened [Music] uh i mean it didn't work last time okay let's just go please believe us sorry um okay it looks clear we'll go back to our room sorry miss babysitter bullets really spooky stuff let's just go down for a nap and maybe we'll look safe in here come on i'm gonna sleep on the top over here let's go to sleep guys yeah top top folks seem like a good player [Music] you know just in case i'm sure everything will be fine but you know just the case [Music] okay let's see let's go downstairs oh the babysitter's here hello babysitter what are you doing hey this babysitter hey a babysitter i've got things to do play nice what uh [Music] if the babysitter's leaving then who's gonna babysit okay she's gone okay well i'm ian lie down okay all right and then i will just come over here and jump and i'm babysitter now okay all right so um i think what we should do is start barricading everything okay okay yeah no one can get in at all wait a minute what's the baby's needs to get back uh she should have thought of that before she left us you know what that's so true that is so true i feel that let's see we got some windows over here i can put some blocks in front of them yeah yeah uh we should also get something that's the toy room we don't really need it that much guys grab this stuff what'd you get we got we got some barricades here we got some cool i'm gonna take this today all right so we got a lot of stuff going for us the the front is black i'm gonna lock this thing over here really quick here and there okay all right i barely came here this door says ah because there are lots of a's on it yeah yeah i think it says like that the monster is back it's like no no no no no no no it's more ah [Music] how do we get out we have to walk again come on come on um [Music] [Music] okay where do we go guys guys guys we're in the basement is that is that better it's better dusty here yeah basements are sometimes scary there's some stuff in the barrel i don't know stuff in the barrels yeah there's there's more wood yeah i'm not gonna play one he's for barricade futures i got a stick oh nice yeah we got enough sticks but like let's see oh my god should we go back upstairs um okay you know what let's just go come on but the monster's out here you're not allowed in the basement this means no snacks for you oh you see me here wait but actually yeah we're just getting saved well he was a bookstore i was gonna be good she believe later that's mine she's not a very good babysitter is she okay i still have a burger from earlier i saw the pizza too yeah yeah come on let's do okay pierce we'll have a pizza party in our bedrooms [Music] [Music] is i can't hold my breath for long okay right right now um can she please give us the option to tell her about the monster wait wait wait oh whoa whoa kids come over here oh now she offers us the stacks huh yeah we want snacks is good time um i i don't know maybe we should stay hidden and then we'll go um [Music] i don't like snacks but maybe aphmau's right pick the right one ian yeah we should stay hidden so the monster doesn't pop out and surprise us and scare us and we'll stay safe from the monster okay i mean the boring option but it doesn't make sense [Music] oh [Applause] i landed [Music] pretty high up here it's fine the monster can't get us up here we're just gonna have to live here forever okay we're gonna have to get used to the spot river yeah yeah yeah live here i got some pizza so we just split it up and yeah i i i got a couple pizzas here here here's a pizza here's a here's a burger [Music] okay [Music] i thought we can't we can't chase that we have to guys and the mancha's gonna eat beers i mean better him than me yo wait guys look oh there's a trail there's some footprints um yeah leading to that hey guys hey what is it are you okay yeah i think time it's kind of comfy in here a lot warmer it looks like you're in a jail of some kind like a science experiment it kind of feels that way a little bit but you know what i hate the babysitter's here so it can't be all my bad right babysitter yeah at least i thought i saw her here a second ago see anyone what are we maybe saying let's go you probably should be surprised um maybe oh wait hey save player no and leave [Music] uh i thought they they didn't want to save you that's exactly what happened yeah we'll see about that i think there's let's see oh guys there's some stuff in here grab it grab it grab your favorite this is some real weapons i got a gold sword i got it french fries pizza we should be good okay yeah okay so we have you uh [Applause] oh the water real relief because oh yeah we almost fell in lava that's a lot i think we have to face the monster what but this is where the monster lives there's only one way we can save the beast because i think the monster took over the babysitter but i don't know okay so we got to find out where they are come on okay let's try down here let's go let's go it's a really big tunnel magma don't touch it [Music] big jumps oh [Music] [Applause] all right so we got two [Music] oh this place is so huge i [Music] monsters help what what health what did we find is that the monster oh my goodness [Applause] oh okay that's a little stronger for something oh actually these are pretty good parties i didn't eat pizza didn't help [Music] why are we back here though oh i think that was normal ending normal [Music] [Applause] we'll come back another time
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,151,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau daycare story, daycare story in minecraft, aphmau evil teacher, minecraft daycare, aphmau daycare mod, aphmau mean babysitter, aphmau escape from babysitter, aphmau plays daycare story, aphmau daycare chapter 1, daycare story, ein escape from daycare, minecraft daycare pranks, minecraft babysitter pranks
Id: QijoqnmpfFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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