Scrappy Log Cabin Cushion, about an hour from start to finish!

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[Music] hello youtube friends a little while ago i was visiting a friend of mine and i in a spur of the moment i said she was doing a kind thing for me and we actually anna and i filmed it so you will be able to see that kind thing but i said in return i will make you a cushion and i just it was top of my head so i thought go on i'll make it now so i've just been through this box here is full of all sorts of scraps and bits and pieces of every color under the sun and i've just been through and picked out all well quite a lot of the greens and the pinks because why wouldn't you want green and pink and this cushion then i'm gonna make um and i've got them all here a big pile of greens and pinks and i had an idea that i might make a log cabin a very scrappy log cabin with greens on one side and pink's on the other so it's not like i'm offering this as a tutorial it might might be just be fun if we uh while i'm making this if we make it together because log cabin is a lovely block isn't it uh and this will just be one log cabin blog but then you go on to make loads of them and you can make all sorts of beautiful shapes i really like it so i've got all my greens i might just take this overhead so i can do the cutting overhead so that you can see uh i haven't decided yet what size to do the strips um but we'll cut some strips i think i've actually in here somewhere i've got yeah look i've got some strips already i know that's not pink but it'll go in with the pink somewhere and so how wide is that it looks to me like two inches so i might do it's actually just less i might do two inch strips which will finish an inch and a half and then we'll go yeah shall we do that i mean we could do wonky log cabin couldn't we anyway whatever i'm gonna do i'm going to bring us in overhead now and cut some strips of fabric uh for this uh project that i want to do for uh for my friend philippa and first thing then i'll sort out uh greens and pinks i'll put all the pinks out here for now and we'll keep the greens here and we'll cut some green strips [Music] do [Music] loads of pinks loads of greens few more greens than there are pinks and i cut this one two and a half inches square and that can be the middle of our log cabin now some of these are really short so i'll sort them into lengths i mean there's obviously there's a much much better ways of making this um thing but this one will be fine we need a paler pink don't we here's a paler pink what about that yeah we need some of that in i've cut a strip of that because these are all quite dark pinks aren't they norma and so there's our center square there and then we've got some short greens and some longer green so let's get the greens in some sort of order and then we'll take them over to the sewing machine and start stitching these together oh lots of spotties let's see what we think about that uh short ones which you need longer ones i wasn't so sure about that color it looks a bit muddy against all of these i'm going to put that one out because we've got loads of greens they may not all be long enough but there's a nice long one another long one oh different size dots that'll look nice and here's a very long dark one because we'll try and go light to dark um in the traditional way that log cabin does so that's my strips then and i need a few more pinks and some pale pinks so what i'll do is i'll um because those are all quite the same value all those pinks i think that one's a bit pale but it's quite long oh that's okay so i'm going to just seek out in my other drawer over there to see if i can find some better pinks now traditionally the whole thing with log cabins is that the um the center square is red to represent the fire and then all the logs going around the outside are the cabin and so i'm going to keep a nod to that and i'm going to have a a pink center not a red one so i'll just find some more pink fabrics i think i've got some in the drawer over here i'm sure a lot of you watch bonnie hunter and if you don't i'll leave a link to her um quiltsville in the description box below she does these lovely um podcasts where she's sewing away on vintage sewing machines which you know i like i like a bit of reliability about myself and i can't fix them so i like my sewing machines to work so but she has these fantastic vintage sewing machines and she does all sorts of projects uh what one of the things i really like so instead of using thread bunnies like i do at the beginning and the end of a row which you know it's a little tiny bit of thread that you sew on to she does what she calls leaders and enders where she's so where for another project entirely she sews two blocks together which means that she's got to jump on the next quilt that she's going to do so i've never got my um act together to do leaders and enders but maybe that's something i'll have a go at doing in the future for now though i'm going to um i've got a load of pinks a load of greens my center square here and i'm going to go over to the sewing machine and sew them together now so i'm not really doing this as a tutorial because there are hundreds of tutorials on how to do log cabin out there but uh we'll stitch it together and that will be fun and look who's here anna wave oh hello anna's here doing some video editing uh for future videos um for secret projects and she's got her headphones on so i don't think we'll bother her okay so uh oh i think plugging in your sewing machine is a good idea isn't it that's better i'm gonna use my quarter inch foot because it's good to respect a quarter inch seam there's all sorts of ways of doing that you know there's a grid on your on the base of your machine here and sometimes people i've seen stick a piece of um like masking tape decorators tape on there or whatever but i like my little quarter inch foot uh which is uh just brilliant so this is going to be my center square this pink one and so we'll start with the idea is i'm going to start with a very pale color i might as well cut it actually first i'll start with a nice pail against the pink and we're off i'm using my universal grey which i use for absolutely everything and it's a shame i'm not making two because then i could run one after this is where we need bonnie's leaders and enders isn't it so i'll finger press that open that's my first bit there and then i've got a this is a nice pale one here i'll just cut the self edge off don't need that this would be a good thing to do with jelly roll strips bits of leftover jelly roll strips that we've all got lying around because they're two and a half inches aren't they yes is annoying never mind doing it now and i'm not going to press each seam i'm just going to finger press them so the next one this at the very beginning you can get a bit stuck as to where to go and you could end up with a block called courthouse steps if you don't sew them on in the right way so then the pale green one now needs to go on here so let's see is that a nice pale green yeah that's good liking that one so we're going to keep building our logs round and round and round our central fire here another person i like to watch is donna jordan of jordan fabrics and she um she doesn't she just snips the threads off at the end of each snip now here's a tip when you deciding where to put the next strip you need the side that just got when you once you've done the first few you need the side that's got the most ends coming out so this has got two ends here this has got two ends here but this has got three so we need to put our next strip on here and it's another pale green one and that's quite nice and short so that will go in there beautifully so we're gonna and that's like the best tip i can give you for sewing log cabin is when like now i'll show you i'll just trim this end off here now and when we finger press that one open you can see that we've got two fabrics there uh one fabric there but we've got three fabrics there so that's where the next one's got to come and it's got to be pink so we'll choose a nice paley pink that one will do nicely and we'll put the pink in along here [Music] don't worry too much about nesting seams with this one because there are no seams that meet one another but what i try to do is make sure i don't flip my seams so i try to keep the scene but you know and then here's another quilt favorite of mine jenny from the missouri style quilt company and she said when you're pressing just press it no one's going to turn your quilt over and say look at those seams no one's going to do that not in a scrappy little thing like this i think when there's a lot of bulk coming together in a seam it's good to make sure your seams nest but that's not what's going on here so now that if they're getting a bit longer i'm just going to use the long edge here as a guide to cut that off so now you can tell me where's the next strip going to go it's going to go here isn't it one two three and it's going to be green is that right no it's not right so pink pink green green pink is gonna be pink nearly the green so it's going to be so it's green green pink pink pink pink so it's going to be another pink and now we start needing to get into slightly longer pinks there's a pink this one's this lovely um anna maria horner fabric which is called pretty potent and these are echinacea flowers and i made um in fact this is probably left over from a quilt i made for anna and john for their wedding present because i made that i made them and maria horner in fact that's where i first got to know about her because anna found the fabrics online and really liked them yeah i needed to put a green one on there guys and now we can see pink pink pink pink green green so this one one two three and it's green so let's find a longer green i'll tell you what's lovely is that anna is editing the video for the person i want to give this to that's nice isn't it she can't hear me okay i think we need to put pink and pink on there and then that might be big enough okay so i'm going to show you then i've pinned it onto the board here and i'm going to show you what i've done and how i'm going to do the next stage here's our log cabin block in the middle and then this is a lovely piece of green top and bottom and then at the very top there's a run of just scraps of pink and i'm going to show you now how we're going to put all of that together to make a a cushion that's got an envelope back and this means that you don't have to um to worry too much about how to attach these they're already attached so i'm going to go and get some bits of wadding now it's another thing to for this is a good way to use up some bits of wadding and we'll piece them together and then we'll do the next bit which is going to be some quilting on this now i haven't made my mind up shall i hand quilt it or machine quilt it will know when i get to that point so i'm going to go and find my wadding now but that's um i like how it looks so far so i've got my wadding my little bits of wadding that we all save these don't we just for this very thing and um i've laid down i've made sure that the edge here just tip you down a little bit more is lovely and straight because i don't want this to overlap at all so i'm just going to have that nice and straight and they're going to butt together like that so that you won't feel a bump in the finished thing and that's perfectly fine it's a little bit bigger all the way around and i'll get some fabric to put on the inside of this and then we can start thinking about how to quilt it so i'll go on a hunt for some for some inside fabric you won't see this but uh and i'd like it to be one continuous piece that would be great not to have to join that so i'll go and find something i've chosen this to be the inside of the cushion you're not going to see it as i say but you do need to have those three layers just as if you were making a quilt and now what i'm going to do i've laid it all out and instead of pin basting it because i've decided i'm going to machine quilt this which i almost never do but i've got an idea about how i'd like to quilt it and so i'm going to thread-based it i'm going to tack it now um you know let's um not worry too much about the quilt police spray basting would be perfect at this point but i haven't got any of that and i'm not and it's not something i'm going to do much or at all so i don't think there's um i mean maybe i'll get i'll invest in some spray based one of these days but for this small project what i'm gonna do is um tack all over the place uh so that i can pull it out when the machine stitching is done it's a small project this so i'm chosen a blue which isn't in here much or at all and i'm going to i know exactly as well where i'm going to um stitch so i shall do my tucking stitches avoiding where that's going to be so i'll just do i'm just going to do some big tucking stitches just to hold those three layers together and this could take some time it just occurred to me that i could put a little secret heart inside with a little bit of um of that what's it called bonder web well anyway i've ironed a little bit of pink fabric with a bit of that on the backing i'm just going to take it off there now it's not hemmed or anything it doesn't have to be just take this backing off now and that's the sticky bit now that will iron on and no one will ever see this and philip will never even know it's there but i will so this is the this is it's going to go just there right there in the middle and it'll get all sewn over when when i do the quilting there we go don't even need to think about it anymore it's just a little bit of love inside so i've thread-based it all of this now with my little secret heart and it's all the three layers are all holding together beautifully so i'm just going to swap out my um quarter inch foot for the walking foot and then um choose maybe pink a really nice cerise pink and do some some stitching some bit random sort of stitching on here and also on the green because the pink will look fantastic so let's go over and do that now i've got my walking foot on now and i've got this fantastic cerise thread in the top here and the reason why i don't like machine quilting is because usually the piece is so big and i fight with it to get it underneath the presser foot and through the throat of the machine this is small enough baby quilts are small enough so i'm not averse to machine quilting you know i'm not a hand quilting um aficionado and would never dream of machine quilting i will do it when it's something as small as this so i'm go i've got the walking foot on now i could free motion quilt this uh with that particular foot couldn't i drop the feed dogs and do that i'm not proficient enough at that it's something i would have to practice at and i want to carry on and finish this little cushion today um so i just wanted to show you something through the window what does she think she's doing in there she's escaped and that's since the people came to put the cable in if you can see that that very muddy bit there that's where the people came to put the cable in for the new broadband and they made a hole in the back there where eileen's run is and so she's taking advantage of that now by living in the garden so i'll have to do something about that bad goose okay then so let's see if we can angle this down and then just do and what my plan is is to follow the track of the log cabin cabin around but in a kind of like a very random way let's see how we go i'm not going to overthink this [Music] so so if we have a look at it now uh you need to get in a bit closer to see that i've followed the line of the cabin all the way around and now i'm just going to find the knot i'm just going to lift these stitches these blue stitches out even if i've sewn over them they'll come out really easily because they were spaced far apart so that's not a problem and then on the back i've just for decorativeness i've sewn one direction that way the other direction that way and again we'll just snip out these blue threads i've done a uh i've folded over the this is going to be on the inside of the cushion oh let's have a look at our heart shall we haha there it is there it is just secretly inside there so what i'm going to do now then i'm going to trim the edges both sides and then i'm also going to trim this part here so that this is um i'll show you i'll do it rather than we'll do it i'll get the just get all these loose threads out i hate loose threads everywhere and there are plenty of them so get rid of all the loose threads i'm going to cut this edge here so that that can fold over and over and be tacked down so that we have a decorative edge on the outside of the cushion so i'll do that now that's better and so now when i fold that over that's better that's how i want it i want there to be that much edge sticking out so it's not too dominant and that's probably going to be the only bit of hand stitching i've done on this apart from the basting that i've done on here because now i'll do that first i'll hand base that first so that edge is now hand stitched down this edge is neatened off but i machine stitched that because that's going to be on the inside of the cushion and so now what i need to do is i need to trim these edges uh so that i can do the next stage so the whole thing is now nicely trimmed and then there's one there's one little slip that you can make and it's about getting this one has to be on the outside of the cushion because this one's the less pretty one so that has to be on the inside but the way to remember how to fold this now you need to fold this one let's get that thread there a little straight thread so the pretty one that you want on the outside has to go in first so you fold that in first like so tip you down a bit so that one folds in first and goes two thirds of the way across and this one folds in second and goes two thirds of the way across in the other direction and making sure that the pretty one goes down first will mean it's on the outside and now just making sure that everything's beautifully lined up and we've still got our walking foot on the machine so that's okay so now i'm going to get four pins because another error that can happen is um when you're sewing along this edge here this can flip out and and not get caught in the seam that you want to sew so we're going to make sure there's a pin here and putting a pin in also reminds you where it is because it's actually quite a lot of bulk to go over i'm going to put a pin there and then the same here make sure it's nice and square all lined up there it's lovely and then here where we want to make sure we catch this really well so put a pin there to remind ourselves that it's there so we've got 14 here and just 14 and a half here it's fine so i'm going to take it across to the um walking foot now and sew that very carefully along there making sure that these extra thick bits all get caught in and this will be our cushion finished when i get to this bit here i like to go backwards and forwards because when you're putting the cushion in it does have quite a bit of strain so we're just going to take a run at it and give it a little over stitch there the same here so now we can turn this the right side round i'm going to make sure that this corner comes out really sharp you can poke it with the end of your scissors if you like so do that with all the corners like that and because we folded it really carefully this pretty bit is now on that side which is where it needs to be just get my hand inside there and then i'm going to find a cushion pad to put this in and about an hour sorting through a few scraps it was about an hour ago and we have now a little log cabin cushion finished green and pink which are my favorite colors it would go on the lime green so for this wouldn't it but it's going to go in philippa's house and i hope she likes it i'll find a cushion pad for it now but that's a finish and i'm pleased with it [Music] you
Channel: The Last Homely House
Views: 118,320
Rating: 4.9536848 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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