Welcome to The Last Homely GARDEN! #1

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foreign [Music] thank you [Music] hello YouTube Friends now that's a greeting you're more likely to hear on the YouTube channel the last homely house which is where I do quilting and crafts and all sorts of more indoor kind of activities but I want to welcome you too the last homely Garden because for a long time now I've wanted to make video about all the projects I'm doing in the garden but there's never really an opportunity to post them onto my YouTube channel I've let you into a secret the YouTube algorithm doesn't like it when you stop doing the things that you are used to doing that you're known for and so those views those videos get very very few views so lately I've been posting all my gardening content on my patreon channel I make a diary for the patrons every month and a lot of that is Garden I do a series I call one more and they're often in the garden too before we go any further let me just explain I live in the middle of the countryside but I do live near a road that at the weekend in today's a weekend it can be quite busy and motorbikes really love to come thundering along um going from here to there so even though this is the most beautiful place to live there are downsides to everywhere aren't there and I'll be definitely talking about some of those as this channel if that's what it becomes unfolds so I'm not going to be making regular videos here at all but there are some things I'm doing in the garden that I really want to talk about so many interesting things happening in the garden for the past couple of years I've had help in the garden I simply can't do all the things that you need to do in a big Garden like this one on my own and I've got really really excellent help one day a week for a few hours in the morning my garden team come and they've managed to to do all sorts of really amazing things and that's what I want to talk about I want to talk about the sorry this one's a bit tricky I'm putting on um cabbages at the moment so just let's take a bit of soil out of that I bring these cabbages on because they were getting a little bit pop bound nope that won't work put it in so if you're potting anything on hold it by its true leaves not its seed leaves but it's true leaves and not it's stalk and now I'm just going to backfill that that might work if I do that anyway I want to tell you a little bit about my garden there now that one's all right now I live in Northumberland in the north of England so quite Far North next stop Scotland I live in zone eight if you're interested in gardening zones I'm also 750 feet above sea level here and perhaps one of the biggest challenges for this Garden I live beside an artificial Dam which is very beautiful but it means that my house and garden is actually below the level of the water which can be a little bit scary when you think about it too much but it does mean all those things I've got a Westerly wind that blows um at this elevation but it means that the ground is um cold often and wet and the growing season's quite short but that doesn't mean that you can't grow some spectacular things and there are a lot of projects that we're doing in the garden the gardeners and I whenever I say we I mean Adam and Aaron my gardening team who you'll probably be meeting in these videos at the beginning of this year Adam and I did it in January we walked around the whole garden and we did a full plan on what we want to do this year in the garden and that plan included planting a lot of trees so the area in front of my house is very overgrown lots of trees lots of weeds lots of brambles lots of um Reeds because it's so wet it's really damp and wild it's the area I call the front Woods because it's in the front of my house and it's Woods and it has loads of wildlife in it but it also has a resident deer which you might think is quite nice but not when it jumps into your garden at first light and eats everything above ground which is what it did last year and so we have that to contend with I always think gardening is a bit like Warfare there's so many things that you're having to protect your plants against is actually a miracle that you actually get anything at all but one of the biggest things we have to do is protect from the deer and so in this introduction to the last homely Garden I want to tell you about some of the things that will be coming up in this channel now don't look for videos regularly or often but just whenever I want to talk about what's going on in the garden and whenever there's a new project or some new planting going on then I'll make a video like this about it and pop it out on onto YouTube and so if you've come here from the last homely house all of that content's still going to be going on I'm still going to be making craft videos I'm still going to be doing all of that stuff that I love to do I love doing all of that but this year particularly I'm really also loving being in the garden so just some highlights for me I love to feed the wild birds and I've got different kinds of seed mixes that I feed them so I attract different kinds of birds and um it's an absolute joy to sit on my little bench by the back door with my binoculars and watch the birds on the bird feeders there's so many it's just wonderful I put lots of bird boxes around in the front woods and hoping that you know people might be people Birds might be interested in settling in them and also I really enjoy beekeeping it's something that my father used to do and um he I just used to tag along and help him when I was a child but now I've got a real love and interest in beekeeping it's a very physical thing if you're lifting big heavy boxes full of frames of honey and frames of bees and so I've invested in a horizontal hive where the bees build sideways and the lid is really easy for me to lift I won't get much honey but it's really not about honey for me I just like having pollinators in the garden and I love seeing the bees coming in and out of the hives and if I get a bit of honey all to the better that's really brilliant so the projects that I want to be talking about with you and showing you as the year unfolds uh is the what's happening in the Henry Garden which is just off to one side of me here now I kept hens for years and years and years and um but interestingly I'm not sure many people knew this but I don't actually eat eggs I kept hens because they're such interesting things to keep I really really enjoy um hens are very funny things really strange a little prehistoric creatures anyway I kept hens for many years but a couple of years ago when I got pretty unwell and couldn't look after them properly by carrying their food and all of that I gave all the hens to Adam my Gardener and he's got them now uh and that's great but it did mean then that we had a henshed that was falling to pieces and so at the beginning of this year at the gardening team took it down and so that area there where the hens used to live the hen run is now going to be my allotment Garden it's surrounded by a six foot fence and so we're hoping that it might be proof against the deer we hope so so far we've just planted a few things out there because it's just early in the year yet so the Henry Garden then is something that I'm hoping over time will develop into a full-scale allotment with all the things that the deer like to eat which is the Swiss chard and kale and purple sprite in broccoli beetroot lettuce carrots all the things that the deer absolutely decimated last year also my sweet peas broad beans um runner beans all those things we're going to be able to plant them uh Aaron and Adam and I in the Henry Garden which then means that we've got um quite a bit of garden that we can devote to flowers and so we've got some wildflowers growing uh we're hoping for good things from them uh we've got um plans to plant up um a lot of flowers in the front garden I think of my my garden it's big but I think of it as being like rooms several different areas and so the front garden is uh more like the sitting room you know where where all the beautiful flowers are and it's very pretty and the birds are there and my beautiful new uh silver birch tree but then there's the area that I call the Pavilion which is uh something that I made a number of years ago I had some help to make this area here and this gets a lot of use for family gatherings and in the sunshine I like to bring my sewing machine outside and and sew Outdoors or just sit and hand sew in the bath seat so the pavilion's a really wonderful thing and from there I can see the bees buzzing in and out so there's that um lovely area there and then there's the vegetable um raised beds here outside of the polytunnel and in there I've got potatoes and onions this year and they're just starting to come and they're covered over with Horticultural fleece just to keep them happy um for now so they're just starting to grow and that's where the bees are but then come through the gate and into the front woods and this is where the area is really really wet you can be walking along and uh and you're Wellington Boots uh you know up to their ankles in water in some places but the thing that we did this spring early spring late winter early spring um we planted to nearly 200 trees and so they're all snug in their tree guards uh guiding them against being eaten by deer I don't get rabbits here I haven't seen a rabbit here for many many years the odd Hedgehog but no rabbits but definitely the deer so they've got um proper guards on to protect them against being eaten and I like to look down the tubes every now and then to see how they're doing it'll be a long while before they pop out above these um tubes it's a very patient game planting trees small trees because when I say we planted that number of trees they were only about 12 inches high 18 inches at the absolute most so they're going to be at Next Generation trees but they're I'm not short of trees I love my trees so what I want to say about this channel then is for the people who watch the last Homie house Channel sometimes say to me oh what what's happening in the garden Kate take us out into the garden and so I want to separate those two things out and this channel is going to be where I can talk all about why I'm planting these in these little biodegradable pots I can talk about the bees I can talk about Eileen my beautiful goose I'll be able to show you all the things that are happening in the last homily house garden and I'm quite excited about it so I would say subscribe and give this a like if you've enjoyed it because this is a brand new Channel with no subscribers and no watch hours at all and so we'll see if this channel grows the last time your house channel is doing beautifully and I'm never going to abandon that I really love making content for that patreon I make content for patrons every week we make a video Anna and I am as my daughter-in-law she works with me Rita's my other daughter-in-law she also works with me and so it's very much a family involvement here in the last homely house and the same at the last only Garden as well because when people come and help me in the garden they become family too so Adam and Aaron it's an absolute Delight when they come on a Tuesday to get um all the new things and all the new plans done for the garden so do subscribe um it's just that little um notifications thing down there and put a the Bell on uh so that you'll be notified when I post because I'm not going to be posting to a regular schedule I'm just going to be making these videos when there's something interesting to talk about in the garden and so um the YouTube Channel's got its regular schedule over at the last homily house but this one won't have not for a while or or ever so I'm going to carry on pricking out these cabbages because um I planted way too many do do that do you open a packet of seeds and you look at them in your hand and they look like well it's not very much there but there's actually 200 and you plant the lot I always do I do it every year and every year I say no just do just do 12 Kate and and put the rest of them away this never happens so I've always got an abundance of um and then they all grow and they end up looking like this and you're in a mess because you've got to prick them out foreign there's lots I want to talk about on this channel I want to talk about compost the importance of composting and how to make really really great compost a lot of the things that I do are inspired by growing up with my dad because he was the most phenomenal Gardener he was such a good gardener and his compost it was unbelievably good he could grow pretty much anything I always used to say that if he stuck a pencil in the ground it would grow a pencil tree and so a lot of my love of gardening and my desire to do gardening has come from him and so he'd be proud of me but he wouldn't agree with all the things I do he wasn't an organic Gardener and he uses a lot of chemicals and sides and things which I don't do but um he's always there helping me by looking over my shoulder and telling me just how far apart to plant these cabbages so I'm going to crack on here then pop these on and I will see you soon with something else [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Last Homely Garden
Views: 70,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gardening, zone 8, gardening in the uk, TLHH, the last homely house, Kate's garden
Id: 5x68eFYFIO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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