What's Chris Cole's Board Setup?!

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let's talk about this we were are we we were talking about the thing lance mountain setting up boards let's talk about let's talk about your board setup let's talk about chris cole's yeah board setup we already know you're got a 8.5 but what else goes into that is there any madness do you need something a certain way let's break this down yeah okay so i i i flip flop not anymore but i use the flip flop between 8.3 i think it's like 8.349 and 8.5 and okay the zero it's the same exact shape um both of those both of those sizes are the same shape from zero but during like some of the money cups and stuff like that i was skating 8.3 and it was it was just i don't really know why but now i can keep it the 8.5 and i ride thunder highs um 149s even though an eight and a half you could go to 151 i find the geometry for the eight and a half works better with a 149 than the 151s i think if i went up to 8.6 i'd want to go 150 once uh you need a little bit of that what what's your little smaller right yeah smaller leverage right but oddly enough you would imagine that the wider your trucks get the tighter they will feel because your board you just don't have the leverage right like trying to turn a big bolt with a small wrench you don't have the leverage but if you have a big long wrench you've got all this leverage true um but for some reason i can't with my eight and a half i can't get the 151s tight enough anytime somebody talks about leverage i think of i immediately just think of a tre flip because if the trucks are shorter you're gonna get that more that leverage yeah you know if they're wider you're not it's getting harder to get around clunky exactly i was going to say board i i did a i don't forget what i was writing but i had the wider trucks and i was like nope i all my flip tricks were just gone like it felt like they were gone yeah you know you definitely need that leverage to go down some stairs or shim [ __ ] it might help you yeah but it's still i don't know that's yeah manually might have helped yeah i don't know no that's why i started riding a bigger board um when i was like when i was a kid i was probably like seriously 14 or something like that maybe maybe actually no i was probably younger i was probably like 12. i was skating seven and a half and uh there was randomly the only board that i could get from the skate shop was this think board and it was 775 and it felt crazy and it felt like it was so big but i landed everything i was just landing more tricks on it and i started having to skate bigger boards because when i would skate stairs i'd catch it on my way up i'd flip my board and i'd be catching it on my way up and i'm like this i need to slow it down and so i started skating wider boards to slow down my flips down stuff interesting that's why i said that yeah on the reference but the wider truck thing for kelly your your tray flips and stuff like that it's you're so grounded yeah you're you're really planted on that ground and so to get that sort of like that right before you do your tricks you have a little bit of a squirrel out everybody does you have like that last second like lean and it doesn't respond the same exactly if you jump into a balanced back nose grind it's tight that's right yeah but to pop it off you it's just more surface area your trucks are on more surface area it makes it easier yeah so eight point five what about the you said thunder highs 149. i run uh bones hard bush things in them bones aren't pushing yeah and i crank them dude you you skate tight trucks yeah so tight why the tight trucks because i need i yeah um there's a couple reasons some of them are probably savant some of them are probably crazy here's here's my reason that's how this here one you get all the responsiveness you are going to hit the right side of your tail whichever side of your tail you want to hit when you do that trick you will hit that correct side you're not going to get this like floppy disgusting like like half baked tray flip that's just flopping around some people some people are the exception to the rule and they are totally able to rip on loose trucks i'm not one of them no the other reason is that it's impossible for me to not get wheel bite coming off of a trick with loose trucks like if i jump down a gap i'll just you'll just never see footage of me again right i'll just never land anything ever again and then i have a theory and this is where the crazy part comes in i love theories so i feel like when you have looser trucks you have to tighten your ankles to keep your board steady right you just have to keep that tension you have to keep that tension on tight yeah if you if you if you try to land with everything all tightened like that and you roll your ankle over now your muscle fibers are like this and you rip them right and if you're kind of loose in the ankle it rolls and comes right back interesting hmm i don't i'm i have no doctor but i mean you got to go off the block hear what other people say about it no but i mean just like on paper yeah it makes sense yeah but i would love to open that debate in your comments or whatever because i'd love to hear what people say i just having a heart i don't really understand what you mean not like i don't he means that if you're if you're if you have loose trucks and your ankles are really tight and you have to really guide that board around you know and you sprain your ankle your ankles tight and it's really going to rip some [ __ ] okay now if it's if it's loose you you roll your ankle and it's loose it's a loose goose comes back and it comes it's just yeah it's like a rubber band i could see that yeah okay so i totally see that and i i don't know if that's legit and somebody may totally be like you're a [ __ ] idiot yeah that's not how that works i can't believe you said that it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because that works for you people can hear yeah if you think that's that yeah in a room with air in it but yeah but if you're thinking it in your mind like dub says like you're gonna you know it's it's more comforting right like the like those bracelets that everybody's wearing that oh the bathroom power balance yeah man we were running that [ __ ] for a minute everyone was they didn't even question it yeah i'm like i'm gonna use this make me better i need to do is put on this rubber band but here's the thing we all knew it was [ __ ] oh yeah right like i got free later tickets because of them you know that was yeah he knew the game yeah [ __ ] here's the thing like what is what is [ __ ] though because if if it makes you feel better because you have this placebo exactly and like then it is working yeah you know totally although the thing doesn't do the thing but your mind does do the thing because it has the thing yeah it's all mental it's all mental it is totally that's it it's all mental so you got the tight truck got your theories on that 8.5 yep what size wheels 52 50 52 and i and i run wide boys you got you like the wide ones huh why the wide uh um and not the skinny i feel like the skinny is like ice skate blades okay and i don't get that that traction control i don't get that like that that grounded feeling that we were talking about with the big old fat trucks and the back nose grind you kind of get a little bit of that feeling with the wide wheels plus they just i don't know they just like they look tough as nails yeah they just look cool that makes your board look solid solid yeah like remember when adrian lopez had his it was like his wheels of fortune yeah he does that one line he kicked foot back tails that ledge with those big fat pig curb chompers on totally yeah and i swear he's on like seriously sixties or something they're massive at that time like like 58 or something like that for sure yeah you were like those are some wheels can't miss those things yeah so i mean and all the other dudes that i skate with they ride like big boys like 56s and stuff like that i'm like oh that's now we're back in wheel bite zone yeah oh yeah yeah you know what about jam up that area what about grip tape and all that stuff just black just black no no a little design you know what though um yeah i'm like i cut um i usually cut like a little sort of triangle out of my like where my back my back toe would be wait a minute right around there by the holes really yeah right by the bolts that's like it's just this little marker i used to like spray paint my boards and do all sorts of stuff like during the hot wax days and i would completely fill in my grip tape with spray paint i didn't really realize like my grip wasn't as grippy because i just spray painted something huge over top of it right um but yeah i do that little that little marker and it's i like geometric shapes yeah and i i like them in in art and design and furniture and all sorts of stuff but i also like them like the little triangle reminds me of a of the pinstriping on like a randy rhodes flying the guitar i don't know what that is it's just a cool guitar that's oh tight just reminds me of it so where does it so you put it on the tail you're saying below next no it's like it's it's it's right above your back bolts not toward the tail but toward the middle of your board okay you know like uh no it's on the edge that's why i'm saying toe so if you're looking at if you're looking at a board nose is up at the sky yeah at the bottom over to the side that's what i thought at first but so you're saying it's you're you can visually see it yeah when you're looking down at your you're not stepping over it exactly right no right right right no the only time that my foot would be on it is if i was on a switch heel flip setup gotcha okay so you flip the board around and then your heels okay so is there anything that you really that would you need your board set up a certain way like you would have a bad day if it wasn't set up a certain way or something was you need to change we we all have that i mean we're to an extent but yeah i think yeah you know like we're professionals here we can we can skate up we can skate anything right we could yeah we don't we choose not to we can skate aboard with no nose but we just it's going to ruin our day a bit and i think that i think that i would not like it but would be able to deal with it if one of my bolts was missing i wouldn't like it right but i can deal with it three bolts not into it you're not a fan but you could deal with it but i could deal with this yeah though you're missing skinny wheels slightly not a fan not a fan i can deal with it uh loose trucks i'm going home oh yeah that's probably the worst not a fan yeah and not going to deal with it i'm not going to work get somebody else's board dude your trucks for me especially if my trucks are off dude um i'm done dude i'm like oh that trunks very important yeah yeah super important but actually i wouldn't ask you something too because don't you skate your don't you have uh double nose or double tail symmetrical i did you don't have that anymore i don't why i don't have it anymore and i i gotta tell you my switch front heels are suffering like for real why don't you go with that i'm working i'm working it through but jesus man it's like this is a trick that i've like you know i had a little bit of pride with this trick i've done them hey and i and i like them and they're cool and i mean my i don't have a tom assets which run heel but but i can i can switch front heel fact check issue 42 4 and 1 opener switch front hill carl's back gap just throwing it out there so you've been doing it for a minute that's true fun fact that's on a broken board hey yeah did you have most of my tricks back then were on broken boards you have to turn the board around no it was because you know the uphill landing yeah carlsbad um i cracked that tail coming around okay and so it's like i just oh so you still popped it off the cracked tail no i popped it off but the nose because i stayed in the nose for switch and you get the tail for right gotcha yeah um but that was the second time we went we were at asr and we went after asr at night and i tried it and i broke my board i broke everybody else's board that was there and then we went back during the day and i did it let's talk about the symmetrical board thing because i just started writing a symmetrical board and i find it you did i love it i congratulate you i love it chris you feel cool i just it's one less thing to think about i love it because you're not flipping your board anymore though i mean i'm not flipping my board that no but but at the same time i'm just going i'm just i don't care what the i just go i throw it down and i just ride i'm switch i'm regular just whatever oh no that's that's ishad where business right yeah yeah yeah that's what i was gonna ask because you have to you know they break in the same way yeah so you're saying to me that you would skate a symmetrical board but you'd still have it marked the nose and tail okay so i'm thinking of this right now yeah yeah i'm thinking of this off the top of my head no i love it i love it does your car's back wheels turn too it's all wheels or do you turn with your front wheels oh front you turn with your front wheel sure right your back wheels don't turn yeah no you turn with your front if if just the back turned it'd be like a forklift it'd be terrible yes but you steer with the front and the back is stable and the back will follow the front that's how my trucks are my front truck is loose like much more loose than my back truck my back truck is stable and your head sits above your back bolts majority of the time so i need that to be stable while the other one just directs where i'm going so ishad has his trucks just like yours where they're broken in the same way he can flip it any which way he wants and just rip yeah i can't do that so you still need your front truck to be a certain looseness than your back truck so you still you still need to do symmetrical board but you still have that triangle the front note back back absolutely and the reason why that i did the symmetrical board was because i want to switch flip i want to switch flip like other people like really bad i want to be like good at switch flips and i want to be like responsive with those things i feel like i just can't get the right nollie flips and switch flips going i feel like i just don't lift up that knee high enough to fire it off like like kel you got a good switch flip robert's obviously got a good switch flip damn stage like i can't do it right it's just such it wants to rock it so hard but does that have something to do with your board or more like your physical way of doing the trick though i'm sure it's the physical way of doing the trick i was trying to overcompensate by just like kind of both these like well yeah have you i'm sorry have you ever tried it with your tail and not with your nose because your tail your your nose is looser yeah so i've tried them on my because my tails also um like my holes are drilled forward just like an eighth of an inch or quarter of an inch forward oh interesting so the tipping point the fulcrum point the tipping point on the nose is harder to hit so when you try to hit the nose you really have to lay into it to get it to hit almost like having a really steep nose that's what it feels like and so it does actually affect the way that i that i switch flip but man i want to switch foot bad yeah that makes sense that makes it sense why would be hard that's that's that's wild the modification of your point is pretty real right there but like i i've done it off of the tail um and it works it works so good but that's gross skating the same side for both like regular switches to me i know it's if anybody else loves it you do you i back it but you're gonna wear out your boards doubly as fast that's true yeah dude i used to escape i used to skate my board backwards actually i used to only pop off the nose always never did a trick off the tail hmm those were different times i used to i used to also grip i also also put my grip tape like crooked so it'd show like a whole bunch of like top of my board yeah you know by the tail or the nose that was the east coast thing yeah we all did we all did stupid [ __ ] yeah it's so funny though yeah in your head like you're saying it's kind of like the uh it's kind of like the placebo thing we're talking about with the wristband it's like whatever works in your head yeah it is it's all in preference i was like yo i have to pop off the bigger side like you know the nose was looked bigger yeah so i was like i have this only way so yeah i think also you would be back then a symmetrical board would have been like your ideal board no it wouldn't it would have tripped me out because i know i only felt like i needed to pop off that side i didn't want to touch the other side yeah you know that i mean that wasn't the way i was but i could see how you know once you get you once you're done that's what i believed it was like a weird it was almost like a religion in a weird like this is how i believe i should skate yeah you know and really i don't know just descends bro still does that this is bro yeah i he's i heard he does that uh i heard galia mamalu did that too oh wow that makes sense yeah i feel like board shapes were a bit different back then too because there was a little while i was riding these in-house blanks and i i scaved the nose too well because back then the boards were so small like seven point five seven point six do the girl boards were so tiny and large came out dude and i was like how am i supposed to hit this tail on the ground this thing's tiny yeah so that's why i skated it backwards i never was getting a sean cheffy board two sean cheffy boards no i had those small tiny yeah tiny you know i'm like how the [ __ ] chef you ride this thing yeah yeah that's why i wrote it backwards and i stayed that way until i was 27 years old it's so insane yeah and now you know what happened with kelly hart there you go yeah that's where it came from i mean i scared a tony ferguson board the one with the with the girl logo holding the uh with the canadian flag and uh i scared the tail at the tail so it was kind of normal and a javonte turner board too so good tails tail and not only were those things so skinny they were flat oh yeah no concave when they first came out hella flat i wish i still had one of those yeah where was it gonna be it was so skinny there's like i you know like like chloe pegasava rides a really skinny board and he couldn't even fit like shoe sponsor stickers you normally take the shoe sponsor sticker next to the truck under the wheel where it won't get like wrecked it didn't fit it just says adidas the audio cut off dude just the logo wouldn't even fit there dude i mean it's it's tiny on that it's not the ministry real small like like seriously like it's two stripes like not even iphone screen wide no no style this is i put rails on my board recently you know and i i was skating a seven second oh well i was skating a 775. with rails they were like this close together they were like they were like two inches apart yeah and that's why i stepped my board up to eight to five and now i'm on eight three seven five which is a little too big you wear it well thank you bro yeah yeah i would never have guessed that either to be honest no you couldn't couldn't like notice it i didn't notice it yeah well i try to blend the color of the bottom of the board with the rails a little bit i try a little bit do the opposite oh you want him you want him to shine yeah because dude remember alfonso rawls skating at mcgill's mcgill skate park there were like a bunch of hips and stuff like that and he rode just a natural wood blank with black rails yeah i mean that was the style that look yeah for sure wow we just give it up to alfonzo rawls right now and how [ __ ] amazing that dude is yeah still holding on what a man killing it what a man so that's your board setup okay so nothing too crazy but you know you have your little your little quirks your little tight trucks and everything so yeah it works you know what i did do i i take the shields off of my swiss too but yeah what i did the other day was i put the spacer in oh remember like that was all the rage for a second you'd throw the spacer in it would like prevent uh axle slip or whatever yeah um that's stupid and uh roger goes nuts about that he's like dude that totally helps yeah he's like you have to put the spacer in it'll it will change the game i do one on each side he's a believer of the space no here's the thing it it makes sense physics wise totally makes sense i'm sponsored dude i'm just kidding but no but like seriously putting the spacer in it made my wheels sound different yeah and i was like what is this and then i realized oh my god the spacers in like that that's how much this is like walking to me like this is more natural than walking to the point where i'm like the spacers that's what the uh you hear a little rattle yeah it was it was like a muting yeah it's kind of like it do you pop your shields at all on your on your bearings hell yeah i bought my shields what do you well some people are like yo i don't pop it in the noise the sound of yeah oh yeah so good it'll change it just that the shields chris squeaky pivot cup what do you do for it i i hate it oh okay you know oh you do you like a squeaky pivot cup no i i mean it doesn't matter i don't i don't really appreciate it you know it's like having loud pipes on a motorcycle in your neighborhood did i step on the other day and it was just squeaky as hell i was like woah what can you do oh wait no kelly had something oh no i mean i was going to say if you did step on mine mine will always squeaky yeah but if it works it works i don't care what it sounds like a little squeaky is fine a little squeaky but when it's really nice obnoxiously yeah yeah that's the time oh yeah i mean i'll mention another thing that sucks with your board better fix that well first i mean quick quick tip for everybody listening you just go to the the key and lock area of home depot and they have graphite powder and you like for walks to blow graphite powder into a lock to make your key actually slide in better and stuff you just open up your truck and graphite powder it what wait where do you where do you what do you mean we're up against rubber you spray you take it out you get a little graphite yeah they have a little graphite dust in there into the piping cup into the pivot cup yeah so yeah what and that adds enough barrier between the pivot cup and the pivot wow to eliminate that sound yep you [ __ ] you up you destroyed it i'm trying i'm going to try this yeah you
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 88,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding, chris cole, board, setup, whats, cole, chris, zero skateboards, fallen footwear, thunder trucks, trucks, wheels, what size, board setup, board size, what does, ride, skateboard, skateboards, the 9 club, sk8board, skate, skating, skater, street skating
Id: Pt2Bn3KIldU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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