What's The Nine Club Crews Dream Board Setups!??

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what about nico from orange county what's up nico yo what thank you for taking my call you guys of course man we're just talking about people who are rip right now so what about nico from orange county rips i've been like checking in and out because uh i'm at work right now and i'm doing a del taco run for my patients so but i was just like i wonder if they would answer my call like right when i was ordering food that would be good we did have one guy going through a drive through one time oh yeah mcdonald's well listen man we we got to keep it short it sounds like you got to keep it short what do you got what do you got for us bro what are you ordering okay okay um yeah with all the board talk it's been really interesting like me and my friends have been talking about boards like a shot like doing little uh stuff with his board so i was just curious what everyone's set up right now and if you guys were to get a christmas complete like what would you guys set up i just got one i got a christmas i set up a christmas complete i did i did the twin tail got some truck yeah and let me tell you something like i've grown up skateboarding with a little indicator bolt with a little thing on my grip tape like i you need to see i i used to draw an n on my truck for north you know what i mean like you used to offer nose north i don't look at my board at all now i just grab it and throw it down and it's beautiful it is beautiful nico no that's cool i think that's cool um i love you guys you guys are the best no thank you bro appreciate that wait what the questions equip what what setup would you set up for a christmas complete if you had the chance yeah because everyone's like doing little little stuff on their boards now i feel like so i just want to know like what you guys are thinking for getting if you guys were to get a christmas completely there's something that you want right now raj that you that you got your eyeballs on i'm happy with the board i have right here happy with the board yeah you had the board that uh you just set it up was it like an old costume costume 101 reissue yeah which is [ __ ] awesome the shape is amazing i want to [ __ ] just write it every day yeah what size uh it tapers oh okay but it's like um under eight and a half eight and a half and then tapers down and then i have uh obviously my tensors and some bones uh easy riders and some bones bearings and some uh bev up rails oh see yeah and you're loving that setup right now right now like i can ride this board forever forever oh that's a good feeling yeah it is almost a little twin tail-ish like it does taper but the nose and tail are very similar very kind of pointy a little bit too yeah it's a little football a little football or egg a little egg shape oh egg yeah yeah egg-shaped anything eggs if we um what about you aldi i mean no but i would set up uh my own board okay on chocolate it's it's basically got the the twin [ __ ] but the tail is a little bit smaller but it's the same shape uh royals uh it's a my board's at 8.5 so it would be like right there you know i don't know what the royals are what the measurements are yeah 50 wheels bones swiss and diamond bolts all day long mob grip there you go what about you kelly uh i've been right dude the 7.875 the g021 from uh from pgi i write i love that shape um with a visit graphic i try to get the visit graphics on there uh just because gr they don't really make that boards that small right now but i do have two new graphics coming out like right about now oh good sometimes there's the wood shops are crazy right now yeah because holy [ __ ] going on but uh honestly i would like to ride a gallant board with a graphic on that shape all right thunder 147 highs i heard there's some indies coming out the mediums i kind of want to try those too and then i got rikta 51 millimeter wheels and some slim ones and on-delay bearings mob grip and i cut the force into into force yep and then uh diamond bolts and that's literally what i would want for christmas yeah for sure that g21 board is probably one of the best boards it's so good it just yeah and i would always ride that one because like that board was i think was um this is the day one board it was a day one board yeah it's just like i don't know what it is but it just works yeah it's flat and i don't know i love it what about you steezes uh for me it would be uh a38 board uh mikey taylor shape which i think if i'm not mistaken was um a stretched out version of devin callaway's shape for chocolate oh interesting so because he had like a bigger nose but it was more squared out um so i would do that whatever graphic um thunder i believe 149s i think is what it was um yeah 149.149 yeah i would do um spitfire classic 52 millimeters um i would throw bones bushings in my thunders i was just gonna say royals but i would throw bones bushes okay yeah gotcha bones bushings for sure um keep it stuck and then uh mob grip but my grip placement i would have a slice out of the tail on my toe side and because i'm not i'm not a fan of doing different colored bolts or like i did the cut up where i would cut it into pieces and have the back piece be behind the bolts and then the front piece be through the bolts but i like having a little slice out of the tail i don't know why it feels cool you can see a little the wait on the reply on the inside on my toe side toes you know what i heard and i didn't know this if that was a thing but it when you have a part of your grip tape or your board showing that shows what part of the country you're from yeah the the east coast stripe was like with the original thing yeah i didn't realize someone told me that i think it was like something i was like oh [ __ ] if the right side of your board had a stripe whatever that was called the east coast stripe but yeah like growing up in boston in new york whatever we all did [ __ ] we had just our grip tape off to the side or whatever and also it was just easier just to cut yeah i've done that by accident too that's why i used to do that and i used to do like northeast and just like leave a little bit off yeah yeah the bottom left makes sense for everyone from you know down here yeah i always okay yeah i never knew that that was it was like a geographical background yeah big thing yeah yeah everyone on the east coast had an east coast stripe damn crazy so i mean i was influenced by that but didn't know the actual meaning of it but yeah i would use that as like my indicator for nose or tail oh gotcha um and then diamond bolts yeah diamond bow dude lately i've been doing like the squares whatever but i'm like trying to like find the exact center of my board and make sure it's like there so that way everything is completely certain yeah i always do it based off of where the bolts are so i always do the nose first and i do it so it goes halfway in but yeah but sometimes it's off or goes over it i think yeah you said yours would go all the way over the front and then all the way over the front and then it goes down from there mine used to be like that but it would be in between the front bolts because then the last piece would fall right below the front the the last bolt so the tail would be kind of like shorter or whatever i would be able to tell yeah i never gave a [ __ ] yeah i know the sheets i would just start from the nose and go all the way back or wherever wherever it lays you would just put the whole sheet from nose to wherever it landed in there if they were squares yeah yeah i would just start at the nose and pop pop pop all the way down and you know i've been starting the center lately and just like it's it's funny because it's been the last couple of boards i've done this too like it's lined up perfectly with the uh the bolts at the the ends oh yeah wow the outside bolts uh i thought i thought it'd be interesting because i think roger think it was cool too because i i picked up a polar board and the recent drop it was just like a regular popsicle shape but the thing that sold me was like it had wheel wells which i thought was a kind of a cool like feature but it was just like a regular you know pop screwdriver you're right loose trucks yeah [Music] oh really yeah i've actually that's sick i thought it was cool because i had thunders and i know they were low so like i was afraid it was like and i didn't get like really wheeled by because i felt like it was because of the wheel wells it helps yeah man i've done i've taken a grinder made my own wheel wheels and i've also um done the edge of my rail so doing like feeble grinds or like hurricane grant whatever like i give it a little more yeah you know later what about you yeah what are you writing right now um you said the bullet board yeah yeah i tried i've been riding poor boards for some reason just because i don't know i thought i got i have a um good graphics i have aaron harrington's polar board right now and um i have just the regular thunders 140 149s i actually switched it up i'm riding a wider board at 8.5 but i got used to it i used to ride a 8-3 and um i'm riding 50 56 spitfire wheels i just totally like did like a whole new thing just wanted to try because i've been trying to practice some [ __ ] so i noticed like when i'm stalling on the quarter i'm like locking in pretty good because my board is pretty wide i got like a lot of room yeah because you're riding a goddamn monster truck yeah if it works if it works for you i do all right but the wheels are probably like now like a 54 and i've been riding on those for a while sure just getting a lot of performance uh i do want to try a max allure board though my cousin picked up on maxwell board failure with that yes sir so i'll wrap it up you guys didn't look after nothing though but i wanted to say thank you guys for everything you guys are really good dudes on and off the board appreciate so yeah for sure um and i thank you for taking my call i do want to give a shout out to furnace gauge top talk cyprus they've been taking care of me since i was kid and um amazing i wanted to give a shout out to um my girlfriend's instagram mobilize the people she's been setting up a lot of peaceful protests around orange county and it's just cool seeing like the unity i'm just like pushing the piece and stuff like that so i'm glad that i was even able to even get on and you know i'm always just listening so uh i'm stoked thank you guys of course thank you of course hey shout out today hey ld welcome back lg ld's back thanks big dog yo instagram account you said it was mobilize the people yes just mobilize the people okay love it nico thank you guys uh have a good rest of your night i hope you talk to you guys again youtube too man deliver that dell taco blair yeah yeah for sure we'll do we'll give you that dress okay peace oh del taco is the most orange county is awesome you
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 66,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding, dream, setup, board, steezus christ, justin eldridge, trucks, wheels, what kind, how big, the 9 club, skateboards, sk8board, thrasher, skateboard, skate, berrics, street skating, skating, chocolate skateboards, entertainment, skater, motivation, transworld
Id: sNrvuG_rv9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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