What's Beagle's Board Setup?!

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let me ask you a question we always talk about this on this show people seem to like it a lot you skate a lot you [ __ ] rip you just learn slappies aggressive slappies slappy switch crooks yeah what is your board setup let's break this down oh i like that you ask because it's kind of interesting oh um we've had this original baker's shape back in the day when baker first started in in the year 2000 this shape was the same shape that reynolds road arlington road at the time it was the widest board it was it was long before the eight and a quarters eight and a half's all that this shape was like a 8.19 something like that like 8.20 or something and the shape was called uh c47 and when we got the first baker boards made it was sick i was riding the same shape that andrew was writing it seemed big at the time but throughout the [ __ ] years it's weird it's like a weird theory that um they they changed the name of the shape a long time ago they changed it to a b1 and so it was always a b1 and then it ended up being like the the second skinniest shape you know there was like a a b7 which was like eight inches but it's weird like it said on top of it like 8.19 on the board like that's how big it is but at one point shane uh gumbo had uh measured it with like a ruler and found out like it's eight inches it's literally eight inches i'm like what the [ __ ] so i've been riding it eight inch board like that's weird like because i thought the b7 was the eight inch board you know it had it said 8.0 on it so i'm like wow i wonder so is that not even eight inches is the b7 even skinnier than that which probably is but there's a theory behind it which is like throughout the years i mean it's been 20 years that baker's been around making boards but the press uh i don't know something about it gets like slimmed down or something like throughout the years or the more that they they trace it or like shaves off or something i don't know what you're saying i mean i guess so like that's possible or they could have measured um with like a flexible tape measure up from the bottom you measure from the the surface area to the bottom or you can measure across on the top different result maybe but but i mean for a fact though it it felt skinnier like it just it just started i can totally see that happening though with the tablet shrinking yeah exactly super weird so anyway i rode that b1 for 20 years basically i never switched shapes or nothing i just wrote that same shape i didn't jump on the eight and a quarters or anything right and and now it's like it's funny because people clown me they're like god damn what are you writing like a seven and a half or something you know but i'm like i mean [ __ ] this is this used to be big [ __ ] right but uh but anyway so with the whole theory like uh coming into light about again skinnier andrew somehow like got a hold of like the the original template or or made a new one or something but they just started making them again and they called the c47 now the original name and it's literally like it's what i've been missing the last like 10 years or whatever it's like that little [ __ ] eighth of an inch or something where it's like so much more solid like oh everything's fun you know like way more fun skating now so i ride that like that c47 shape it's like 8.19 okay baker board and and also a new change is um i switched from uh independent trucks to venture trucks and also i don't know what's up with that but i had heard that the the independent uh formula is like a little different now i've heard it's like not as solid and it kind of seems that way like if it feels like it's lost its weight or something there me i like a heavy truck oh you do i don't like it yeah i don't like a like a hollow oh you're not getting the hog no i want like i i might have mentioned before but i you know i have a lot of mob you know when i do flip tricks and [ __ ] yeah i need i need to weigh it down like i don't you know i don't like just like yeah jump around like uh flicking like rodrigo or uh or you know like these guys and [ __ ] so i need a heavy truck you know the way the mob down you know like and uh so i got the adventures are seeming really solid these days did it did it mess up your your tricks though switching the trucks because you're switching a whole new thing no yeah it felt good it felt good it felt like uh yeah it felt like how like the the indies used to feel sometimes those changes are good though you know you change and you're like oh wow is this works good for me you know you skate something for 20 plus years oh yeah yeah to me it was almost like like changing back though you know it's like oh this is what i've missed the last 10 years all these little adjustments with these products that you're unaware of you know you kind of like you question it you're like yeah like this [ __ ] ain't working like it did before but but yeah i feel like i got these heavy or like solid ventures now the nice wider uh baker board i ride uh the shake uh night train bearings it's a new new shake jump bearing night trains uh the the newest technology okay good yeah and um um and i got dummy wheels dummy wheels gotta have the dummies what size wheel do you ride all right 52 for the last uh two years 52s i did ride 51 for years but 52 now bumped it up a millimeter why did you bump it up yeah you know it's kind of a good question but it's like it becomes a 51 just after yeah you know a little bit of time so yeah and then and i guess like also if you're like uh traveling too it's better to have just a little bit bigger wheels with all the crunchy uh terrain that you you know you're about to see yeah are you right do you go outside of california sorry sorry you go out outside of california everything's crunchy right well you got you got the shake junk grip tape definitely always shake sometimes you got the big logo shake john or you got the i like the big logo you got the big logo okay yeah the murty the murty grip yeah uh i'm riding the muddy grip now yeah yeah murray just got his own grip it's still available go to your local shop get that murty grip it's got his paw prints on it and [ __ ] i love it bertie shakes on great but check it out but before the murdy grip though i was riding some very like [ __ ] fancy grip tape that shake shot made so many people were afraid of it but it was called uh the magic carpet grip i remember that it was like green and it was amazing it like sparkled and [ __ ] and it brought so much joy to anybody like walking by that they even didn't didn't even skate like like like kids with their parents and be like oh my god like look at his grip tape like it's sparkling and like there'd be so many people like yeah you could probably get like mad chicks actually riding the scriptcase would actually be like oh my god like what is that griptape you know like it's sparkling it's like wow mesmerizing yeah and so i rolled this [ __ ] out of that grip for about two years and then they finally stopped making it because it just people were not like like really buying it like other grip tape people are just scared to death of some sparkly grip tape yeah remember that i remember that grip tape yeah i thought it was a cool idea it was so clean man like the people that yeah i don't mean to like this anybody that doesn't want to ride the sparkly grip but it's almost like i mean [ __ ] if you don't it's not in you then you know like you don't you're not on that level of crispiness go ahead ride your black grip or whatever this is some clean crispy like like houston wet paint candy paint [ __ ] you know yeah yeah yeah yeah you know so anyway i love that grip but since that's gone right now back to the murty grip get that crib here let me ask you a question do you have uh a filmer board do you do you swap out oh yeah for sure no i got the filmer set up yeah so what's your filmer setup oh yeah man uh baker actually makes sick filmer boards really sick with the uh with the wheel wells uh sliced out already because i mean yeah you never know if you're filming like bombing a hill or you got to sway around that's going to help you a little bit so and it's a sick wide board so you know i could be pushing focusing on the you know the skater filming them and not worry about my my foot like slipping off the board or something right nice wide amazing shaped uh baker cruiser board um and i got some uh some uh dummy soft wheels and what size they're 56's okay yeah yeah and and they're actually they look they're white so they look like real wheels so if you happen to come across a skate trick that you you could film you could actually do it on this board and it won't look like you're riding like a cruiser like funny uh colored board it's like it almost would look like a real board or something right do you do you take care of your your cruiser board your filmer board or do you just kind of throw throw it in the trunk and just kind of let it be dirty a little bit yeah yeah all this like i don't know soda spilled on the grip tape and that's what i kind of kind of feel like filmers don't take care of like they just like that's their filming board they don't there's no reason to take care dude yeah let it go did you take care of yourself exactly did you oh yeah cleaned the bearings all the time all the time damn it's gonna perform for me yeah that's true you gotta keep up with them you gotta have the good bearings on it for sure when you when you go on trips do you bring one board and swap out the wheels or do you bring two different boards what i like to do on trips because yeah you gotta consolidate for the flights what i like to do is i strap um two decks at least two decks uh like basically i'll i'll have uh for example i'll have my um my street set up and i'll have like a deck like on top of that and i and i strap that to my backpack so i got the the board with the extra deck and then once i get to the uh destination um i got my my filmer trucks and wheels and riser pads they're already detached like in the backpack okay so so what i'll do once i get to the hotel like okay uh take out the uh the filmer trucks and wheels put them on that extra deck that you brought so then you got boom the two completes already set up but the only sacrifice is um you're going to be riding an actual street deck and not the cruiser shape so you don't bring you don't bring the cruisers exactly exactly that that's the only compromise while while traveling or at least on on a flight you'll like you'll you'll ride the actual street board with the cruiser uh trucks and wheels and riser pads which is actually like almost as good yeah but why don't you bring the cruiser board why don't you just disassemble it and pop the you just want to travel with the old board yeah and it just takes up uh that space like you really you want like if you bring in a board you might as well bring a board you can do tricks on yeah yeah dude do you guys ever trip on this when you guys go on trips like you go in the airport some airports trip out on you having your board in bringing it in all the time it's always coming home they always trip like mexico even bali those two places they're like no no i'm like all right here [ __ ] take it go back home right yeah get a new set up or whatever but whenever you leave cali it's always like no question yeah it's so thankful dude thank god it's like that though so you could actually bring your your setup to yeah yeah yeah i i think i i would always just disassemble i would just always bring boards disassembled like i didn't want to deal with that and you know setting you know i just set up a board when i get there if they want me to check their hand i just tightened down the wheel so that way it wouldn't just roll off the [ __ ] uh conveyor belt or anything like that yeah i feel like they just had their but it's so weird though because people are bringing skis and surfboards and all kinds of [ __ ] we can't worry about a little skateboard chris yeah exactly yeah i disassembled my board completely uh last last time i traveled in a in february right before the uh the virus came i was on a trip in mexico city and on the way home i i try to like prepare for that just like you i'm like i'll just completely disassemble this and they still they like they grab my uh my trucks out of my backpack and it's like no what really yeah like like you could like stab a pilot's temple with that with the axle of your truck so much i mean if you really wanted to i guess but uh but yeah but the only way to avoid that is uh disassemble everything and put it in the check-in no that's what i do yeah that's why i was putting my check in dude because when i'm carrying stuff on i just want my essentials you know i want my little ipod i want my phone i want my i like my computer you know i don't want all that like skate gear put it in the belt you still don't have an ipod do you chris yeah i got the uh the ipod the shuffle the little shuffle remember a little shuffle no way actually i do have that at home i don't use it but uh i have the original iphone at home and i have the shuffle and the ipod the one with the little uh scroll wheel the scroll scroll wheel yeah like a fat one or skinny one fat fail wow yeah first generation first generation i almost want to try my iphone one and see if it you know the silverback see if it works oh my god that's red like 2000 2001 or something right is that 2001 something like that huh no yeah it's gonna be after i was in high school shooting five kids that's crazy wow what are you sipping on dog oh i got some pinot grigio uh white wine uh for the summertime yeah usually a red wine or a beer but uh yeah this the summertime brings the white white wine i love it thanks oh yeah yeah okay pink wine you
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 40,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding, Beagle, Board, what, whats, setup, shake junt, baker skateboards, trucks, filmer board, wheels, bearings, griptape, baker, skateboards, skate, skateboard, skating, street skating, interview, sk8board, skater, entertainment
Id: QcvoY-0_z2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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