Whatever You STEAL, I'll Buy! - Challenge

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today whatever you steal i will buy oh no if you get caught in any trap you will lose a life and you have to go and if you lose all of your lives to the traps you no longer get to steal no stop get back get back get back we have the first stage lasers enter at your own risk okay i obviously can walk through the lasers oh my gosh you might want to be careful there's a lot of lasers do they burn if they do burn they will burn very much so all right scott just you're looking pretty good so far i don't know what to do okay this is oh jeez oh geez look at that look at that okay scott's making some plays scott you're in a pool oh my god i sort of know who missed clumsy keely in this video i did i wanted to see how a redhead would perform with red lasers um the first person that makes it to the end is the only person that gets the prize for the room [Applause] you have already lost a life and we still have six more stages after this no don't grow up what do i do about this one this one turns off right here scott scott hey hey hey how did you do this guy this one how do you get past this one don't you listen i know that is your girlfriend but don't tell her i'm strong i'm strong i'm strong there's literally no way you're gonna make this gun what oh [Applause] he touched this one right here it was literally oh my gosh the burning heart of a thousand sons oh my gosh gilly so convenient somebody's blocking the laser for you momentarily [Applause] oh this is a big place they're deciding to go in there how are you doing inside they're dead no gimme why are you going into this oh she's gonna get touched what uh no no the lasers the lasers yes um all right so kitty's deciding to go back into the fray the prize has been sitting here the entire time waiting to be claimed oh my gosh it's just this party is impossible it's possible i don't know how to unless think about what jesus would do uh walking water walk on like a laser yes oh my god you're done you're literally this is impossible to do now john it's scott you should go back just go back just go back just go back he said he said that was like the part of a video game where you get stuck in the repeating cycle i won't even take a life robert chase has been awarded the switch let's go yeah i can touch all the lasers man there it is get out of here it's my switch what oh no no no no prison fight hold it it's a prison fight it's a prison fight haley tap me hey give me if you get to the end there's a thousand dollars you get to donate to charity but instead of just lasers there are also these invisible chip wires okay y'all ready oh my god ready go go oh geez oh whoa okay jeez don't bark healy don't fart hey hey listen listen you got this oh my gosh scott's actually making big progress half the battle also as the host is not setting off the traps which i feel like i am always dangerously close to and if you haven't left a like on this video yet could you please do so because we want to keep doing these hey listen scott here we go the unsung hero i think he's got scott the lead oh my gosh scott be careful get whoa oh touch chase i'm coming for you no i'm coming no chase get back here give me your heart no get out of here okay okay gonna give it to a hospital the scottish rite children's hospital oh let's go yes kitty you really need to win one of these okay i don't want the black ops look how close i was people are gonna say that i don't like girls if a girl doesn't win they're going to say president isn't like that's true whether i win or not no it's not yeah it is it's not true you all see how much you make fun of me in videos it's not true am i too late you're being hit right now no those are fake lasers all right chase listen you are in thin ice my guy you have one heart remaining you need to be more careful i'll do better how is your career of a robber ever going to flourish if you can't steal money for charities i didn't stretch it we need everybody to subscribe because we know chase is a fan favorite so energize him energize me please i need it let's do it i can only encourage these robbers so much you are blindfolded and there are boxes with glass faces if you knock even one over you'll lose a life but there is an extra life hidden on the floor somewhere and the prize how much i'll let you meet you okay all right that's the wrong way and be careful there's a light that's expensive right it feels like a box hey what are you doing that's technically legal they are criminals i really hope this is scott's hand oh hey hey that was you president no it's not if you follow the set off oh my god ow i didn't do it if you follow the sound of my voice you will find the extra hearts hey guys guys guys i am feeling very claustrophobic i'm feeling very claustrophobic don't feel claustrophobic chase stop it you guys are so close god is the closest to the extra heart right now james are so close to the extra heart where where is oh did win the round she gets to make an announcement for five seconds everybody subscribe to my new channel redheaded impossibly thank you that's me it's the longest gaming contest good content going on he's robbing the plugs all right out of the three robbers who is most likely to be a real robber [Music] if you get chase you're right he looks like the robber from the game of monopoly and the next round welcome to the silent round if this reaches above 80 decibels in noise that's 100 that was that got 100 that's bad oh it's bad be quiet because the the victory what is it it's uh oh it's an extra live come on guys i have one we also have lasers and booby traps but they're moving the lasers are moving oh my god [Music] don't make any noises chase is in the lead chase is in the lead oh don't touch the laser oh my gosh oh you just lost a lot haley keeley i'm sorry please i'm sorry chase you can still do this you need that extra heart i don't know why scott's taking so long oh he's so close to the extra heart it's not gonna beat him give me the extra heart you won last round chase just don't watch out they're moving they are moving careful careful here careful oh he touches it pick it up pick it up pick it up yeah sorry it's up it's up [Music] you might have to hold that bowling ball whole time you might have a circle it was like if you do get hit by a trap i will take this heart instead of this one perfect what i didn't even realize that okay oh all right come on in let's do it there is five hundred dollars at the end of this crawl maze but you have 90 seconds and if you don't do it you will lose a life oh jeez okay careful watch it watch me just remember remember there's an extra light fitted in here too okay geez these guys are going way faster than blades no it's the freaking wrong oh you're in the dead yeah don't forget you still have to finish the maze even if scott won you still need to finish why why i pulled the ball guys you have like you got a minute left chase chase chase you have a minute left or what i want to kill you or no i'm gonna i'm not gonna let you make it then just take the ball no i don't i don't don't give me the phone i'm done go so what do i get wait yeah what do we get you got you all made it yeah so scott um congratulations on the five hundred dollars wow wow oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh thank you thank you take the money keely did you bring the rock with you ross why oh extra life are you serious yeah but you guys didn't get it wait it's no i want it don't move the maze you if you can't cheat the maze catch ready watch your eyes one hey i didn't see the life on the rock can i make a trade yeah this is life for that money god looks like he's the bowling ball the bowling ball for the one on your chest the chest scott don't be dumb i know you're not this dumb i don't think you're dumb i think you're very smart and that's why you think this is a no scott if you trade the money i think you're going to be dumb don't do it don't do it you're going to be dumb i don't want to see you're not done no you're only you're going to be dumb i'm going to keep it but you're being real mean to me [Applause] this stage the lasers are back on this is not the real iphone it's hidden somewhere in the room all right yeah coming backwards slowly slowly don't look yet don't look all right nice lineup nice and robber like all right on the count of three seven two okay three and a half watch your eyes boys stop ricocheting i'm ricocheting oh my gosh look at scott he's going in wait definitely he's hitting the laser hey hey chase hit the laser chase hit the laser where did it go right here i saw him no i saw his back hit the left look at the back of it turn it around wait what is it what where where is it oh where is that that wasn't the real one oh we got scott crawling on the ground ow james yeah i'm not participating i have an iphone 12 where is that oh my gosh how do you guys somehow they haven't found it yet this is crazy i open it again open it again oh sad you got the fake one where did the real one be i found it this is the real prize this whole time wait no hey no i got it with my foot i caught the time tube in my foot you guys are you guys are waiting you're getting close take it scotty all right i like these movements chase you know if it touches your bag it also counts right so be careful fine don't let it hit your bag i'll make it easy on you guys can we get solid lasers [Applause] that's it i'm tired of this watch [Music] all right jeez you traded at 500 for life because technically the iphone is worth more than five hundred dollars so you're doing pretty good scott wait whoa wait before we do that for about 20 bucks no get out of here 20 dollars right here look at that welcome to the spotlight laser round where the prize may be a fabled graphics card hey listen i'm saying it might it might not be okay there's at least one fake prize go ahead turn around so there is no running allowance running so let's just go and give an update keeley one heart scott's got two chase has got one and it's in a bowling bag oh oh i'm not taking it easy on you guys this time if i see anybody get hit i am going to be ripping those hearts out all right watch that oh good movements good movements i don't know though like your movements are good but they're also kind of weak honestly maybe you should oh chase makes the advancement [Applause] robbers y'all stand right there please come on you know where you have to go no drag him out i don't want to you got to go no you've got to go to jail you lost all your hearts it's not fair [Music] neither scott nor i have a pc i have a gaming pc to record videos on graphics card is also worth two thousand dollars oh my god i had to spend three months getting this graphics card it was that difficult it's it's so sought out for me i don't like how the only two remaining contestants are dating i think this is like people are going to think it's this is like a couple's game show you should sacrifice her no i only have one heart i should sacrifice you you should sacrifice her scott i'll sacrifice no no no no okay okay i don't think there's i think both of them are going to lose a heart here and if kitty loses one more heart she is gonzo you're going to be in the prison with chase no yeah he burps a lot and it smells bad ate a nice bean burrito right before he said no he smells i don't want to be in the jail with them please oh my god go back to prison healing you're going to prison go to prison scott's going to mix it i don't know about this rocky oh no we got to go ahead it's gone you got it come on scott i didn't want to do this to you go back to the beginning of the bus line the thing is keith i just i love you but you don't stand a chance are you bringing in the rock you're a robber kiwi that's not leaking that's not illegal you do realize if it touches you i'm gonna call you out and that i would not rely on that scott scott i would not rely on this this is very dangerous bro scott this that's not legal that is 100 illegal guys are criminals you're already illegal yeah but a laser guy help me out josh come on josh hunter hunter can you help me look no you don't even know his name hunter look look can you keep wait hold on open it oh no is it the fake one is it the face is there another one in here what where is it where's the where is that is it just the graphics card there's no other one that was just a dummy and there's no others there's no other prize so you wasted a life to get a fake crap you killed chase for that yes i did and i do it again i'm sorry i'm uncomfortable you should sacrifice god why because you can if you love someone you must sacrifice them what is the prize in the last round is that worth sacrificing my boyfriend is i think it is yes i think it's the best so far i think you should sacrifice him okay deal deal i am the awesomer and i play only games for myself two robbers both with one life left this is not going to end well [Applause] bonnie and clyde yeah that all right this i will go ahead and tell you is a genuine playstation 5. it is not like the last one it's not fake but now we have the circles and red lasers just [Music] okay well can i give you like a demonstration like just how fast i was gonna go sure i could do that you can do that but you'll definitely die you hit all the lasers i think the only way is to sacrifice all right come here it's not that's the only way no no don't tell me to come here you go away you leave no no scott get away leave no no no scott you're stronger than me stop there no stop don't do it look up look at it look at it as it hits you no please i'm never going to do in challenge videos just give me this please i'll let you try let me try okay okay i agree with this she gets to try before being sacrificed oh jeez don't save her why aren't you saving her to try i don't know how to do this do you have an idea scott sacrifice [Applause] your head did hit the laser right here and scott put him in the slammer no this is so easy you're making this so much more difficult than neither josh i'm trying to focus okay all right okay i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go we're gonna be here for a while [Applause] it pains me here's what each of the robbers ended up winning but unfortunately nobody got to the final round what is that oh and you were missing that don't put that in there what are you guys doing no
Channel: Preston
Views: 2,169,485
Rating: 4.9216247 out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: LN0fbHPScDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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