Whatever You Build in Minecraft, I'll Buy - Challenge

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so today anything my friends build i will buy and the best build wins i'm just going to spectate you guys i've officially started building good luck gentlemen thank you i'm not going to need it though honestly so we're not telling each other i think everyone's meeting wait are we no baby okay we're not telling each other what we're building right or are we talking we can tell each other preston's muted now okay do we want to talk about what we're building dude i don't know i don't know what the build originally i was going to build a camera but you can't get a good camera for 500 bucks the new google pixel 5 came out and i wanted the new phone so i'm going to build that it's like six hundred dollars but like oh you're really pushing 100 okay i'm i'm keeping lag spikes what the heck why do you can lock spikes i think my build should hopefully help with this i am building a 30 70. do 30 70 500 500 what oh yeah it is it's exact it's 4.99 i think i'm breaking the rules if i'm doing a 600 thing so i you got to figure out something else did you look at you guys with your fancy schmancy technology i'm building a beyblade yeah get the expensive one you can all the way back this direction almost we're almost complete we're almost there so much lag on the server why is there lag on the server it's slowing me down we got to go even higher even higher even higher we need a lot of room for detail in here a lot of room for detail one more set higher i think right here right here right here right here how's that looking pretty good so far let's actually add a few rows up this side make it a little bit longer now that looks good so far all we need to do now is get some yellow i want to see how quickly you guys can guess what this is let's start say right here like this is preston buying the the best build or the best idea the the favorite whoever he thinks is the best like his favorite does he like energy drinks i don't know i think he likes coffee oh my goodness this is my building skill bro i don't know how to build either don't worry this was my job for a little bit too that's the worst part i forgot about that that was the heart that was like the most like i had no idea what i was doing who's building the amazon prime gift card it has to be key i think it's keith yeah keith i love you man i love you but man he's muted i don't even i have no idea what ross is building we know we i'm hoping it'll start taking form soon ah uh okay okay an empty plot because tico didn't show jade shaded can we get some shame honestly i think quigg might need the money the most guys yeah let's just let me win everyone leaves why does quigney i don't know i just feel like it he's definitely building a graphics card 100 100 oh kimmy's gonna have a fun time finding this preston quick in before quick is building a graphics card from the 1990s oh no it's this one's more difficult to get one than one of those right now yikes president you're trying to get one of these almost my proportions are a little off guys but let me pull back after i build this a little bit higher and tell me if you can guess what it is quakes you honestly got the best built oh there it goes okay okay there goes south did your computer crash not my computer per se more like my internet listen i'll help you finish your build out okay this is probably illegal wait you're finishing my build yeah i don't know what it is but i might be making it worse to be honest no dude it's probably better to go to the left side yeah i got you i got you he doesn't know he's a world daddy oh my i got you dude nice man how's it going for you guys good dude how are you doing how are you doing i'm doing fantastic oh yeah really loving that uh that amazon gift card bro hey hey quake hold on me uh i think you messed up no friend preston preston wait dude hold on you can't sleep late what are you doing oh you're trying because this card's booming no no no no no no no no i'm not oh dude you're so lucky moms are disabled aha the admins have outsmarted you okay looks a little funky but we're gonna call it good because i gotta get started on the grand prize we need some cobblestone or we'll go with the stone that'll be good and we don't want brown let's see which concrete colors do we have light gray light gray is definitely and the stone that's gonna be good okay this is going to be the free option he doesn't have to pay any money for this just what if what if oh wait i got an idea i in a little bit it's okay mike's gonna blue screen i adjusted your um your gift card amount is it two dollars he's muted right now he doesn't even see it i changed it from 500 to 100 i might actually lower it let me take a zero away time is running low it's at 20 minutes right now and i need bars bars bars bars bars bars bars bars bars wait i can put a negative in there so he owes you money he has a negative gift card all right i'm gonna change that to yeah yeah negative 500. perfect perfect keith might never film the video with me again but that's a risk i'm willing to take there we go 500. it has been done boys listen if you guys want to see us raise the budget in these building challenges leave a like down below if you get 150 000 likes the next whatever you build i'll buy we'll raise the budget to a thousand dollars and then just keep on going because why not oh my god guys i think keith is building shoes of gray yeezys that i've been joking with him about getting for like the last three weeks i'm gonna put them here because they're free he already has them he just has to take them off his speed and give them to me i'm trying to make two of them battle and then i'm gonna throw in the arena you know the whole the whole pack literally saw this and i was like that's a beyblade only ogs will get that man hey i had maybelline no quick you're like 10. there's no way yeah we had bee blades they were actually basically you're not you're not a knight what it's okay this is so much fun please do us do us a massive favor if you haven't already hit that red subscribe button making it great if you want to see more of these building competitions i absolutely love these hey i'm on my different microphone now you wanted to go do you want to lower um uh yeah drop it all the way down to the second block like right here okay second block copy that captain is that good yes okay so you see okay so it's got kind of a weird form so on this side can you guys this gray right here on the left uh starting from here up on this block go up to wherever this level is i don't know so you want it to be like all blue yes can i get a time update uh after i help him cheat okay yay [Music] all right guys i'm gonna get water and come back and i expect to see some pristine builds okay or i might run a cheeky slash nuke command what i'm just kidding i'm just kidding we gotta elevate it up just to yeah so it looks like it eases into the design uh-huh hi sal no i heard you guys talking saying in my headphones he's dead i'm like guys i'm still here uh i i heard you got shoes or a tank i don't know what kind of button uh yeah he said it they do look like shoes i knew it are they not [ __ ] they're not shoes they are no they are shoes okay i've given you a source image in the recording chat if you'd like to help a brother out oh yeah he lost internet keith oh where what what what what what uh what what uh i don't know whichever plot we first started on i went to the left and went on that one but that's okay okay okay okay i'm going back i'm going back i'm going back you want the fridge or you want just one red bull i want the fridge to build a one red bull for you oh my gosh you guys all gave up on your builds and helped me with my red bullish mini fridge well done all right i got you i got you i got you you guys all free red bull i promise what are you a red bull and brass ambassador or something no whenever preston unmutes i can't say red bull anymore but either way it's going to be great please go help me so it's great might not look as good because you're very well designed over there and mine is not going to be that well designed i just want a red bull mini fridge bro going as fast as i can this is a big build though for 15 minutes so i thought i had 30 minutes well he also doesn't know how to use world edit uh or keith do you know how to use world edit nope yeah two people don't know how these world that are working on the giant box build guys i'm just saying i really want these beyblades but sow more power i'm i'm almost got the sides built up well one side is it possible to just make it look as close to a fridge as possible and it counts i'm back let's go boys you bet are you actually back you say that i'm trying to get the question i don't know yes make it look just make it look rough just make it look rough god this this is going to go perfectly with the new monitor i just got today if you ever visit you can play with the beyblades oh you're right dude i i i love beyblades i haven't played with them since elementary school when they banned them i had boys let me give you a time check 10 minutes 10 minutes that's good that's good that's good so we can coordinate we gotta go on a separate channel so we can coordinate yeah i gotta go gotcha i got you hey keith can you go back to your build um you messed it up keith is helping sal because i like that again no you go okay good good don't worry i'll change his build no no no no no no okay good work hey get get off my build get off my bill did you guys even you guys know you could set your fly speed too right yeah i knew that um oh my gosh guys come on you've been playing so fast this game has been around for 12 years i know you can do a spectator why are you building a red bull can he just want one red bull it's a refrigerator isn't it it's all right i'm coming back to hell finish i'm coming out i'm coming back i'll finish help me finish keith i'll be finished bro i really need this man i got you i got you i got you i'm coming as fast as i can okay you just i'm just following your lead all right guys don't don't tell the kids i'm not i'm not gonna blow up i'm not gonna blow this red bull mini fridge i just i need it not gonna blow it up all right hey on that side go on the right side i'm not going to blow it up blue like connect it to the other blue i feel like we just put a flat top on it and call it good don't tell them thank you bro thank you come on come on come on come on we made some adjustments if anybody flicks this lever his build's going down nice phenomenal arena i'm liking it dude i like it it's a very nice beyblade thank you thank you oh [ __ ] i just realized i really i don't want quick to win because you won the thousand dollars in the hide and seek like i gotta be known as the person who wins everything he can't no you cannot you should be the new chandler you gotta be the guy no that's keely are you kidding me that's rough okay oh you know i gotta say uh oh okay i think i'm done honestly guys chico's build is looking the best tico's build is definitely looking the best dude i love getting sweaters i love air listen man air is free okay yeah i honestly think i might be done my build a bold statement i said it might be done and then go help perp go go go go go go go stressed out right now it's just it's there it's there okay it's like i'm not gonna blow it up okay why are you doing more why are you doing more no no no no no no no leave one there we go boom dang quick for being as young as you are you don't like to have fun i hate [ __ ] even do you even have blue eyes i do oh i just i just move i didn't know that broke it honestly this is uh tell me oh hello oh hell help me sell okay i'll help you okay three and a half minutes left oh perfect we got plenty time we got plenty of time i'm gonna build layers on the inside there you go okay thanks hey can you make this whole could you yeah yeah i drink it all glass like making glass too yeah yes you want to be pained or regular um regular okay and i'm making like the grill across the the front because you're cool see i'm being a good person i know how to use world debt so i'm helping south thank you friend this is where style wins it even though i have a video about the channel wins i get 50 bucks no i'll give you 50 bucks maybe i know three seconds the maybe all right i got the roof on i got to go double check the health of my build because i don't trust preston i i know i keep checking over at mine just in case i feel like he's going to screw something up i feel like i need some clothes at oh yeah guys preston literally put tnt around it i got i need to literally delete this as fast as possible before preston gets back get get out of here get out of here get out of here no more tnt no tnt no tnt no tnt and i knew he was going to do something hold on i need to go check that my build isn't being tampered with and having tnt on it again oh guys it's actually looking pretty sick yeah i love it i do have to go inside real quick to uh i'm very i'm very impressed i have to fix something i gotta put stuff i gotta put stuff on the back i gotta put blue in the back there's not enough blue in the back also so i have a question instead of doing a red bull mini fridge why don't you just make like a black mini fridge you know like a more of a simpler design no i wanna [Applause] um i'll do i'll do left to right normally only god can judge but in this situation where are you judging tico tried guys but really in the end it just he should've been before tonight yeah he went a little too creative very abstract um not choosing that one big surprise this is gizzy's he wants a new monitor yo gizzy so i like it but uh like no specifications is it 1080p oh you wanted you wanted i was just like a 500 monitor like i don't know like you would explain this one to me mr ross is this one of those razor spinner things so it's uh two two beyblades mid battle in a in a battle arena yes so what's up with this guy he uh he's not decked out it's one of the cheaper ones you know like one of those things that's the metal fusion edition and this is the beyblade burst this one's trash that's the original yeah see exactly as he's saying exactly confident ross are you looking for one baby like that's 500 or a lot of baby lights that add up to 500. i was looking for two in an arena i just saw it there's a bit of a sob story to go along i i recently moved and there wasn't room for my beyblade so oh no i'm trying to look to replace them oh he's going to bring out that he's trying to get these two inches no wait ross you built something wrong come down here come look what do you build wrong oh so let me explain to you how a beyblade arena works if you look on the side it does not go up vertically typically there is a dip all right so that the beyblades can get stuck and there is no dip on the sides just in the corners therefore this is an insufficient build let's also just go ahead and hold on just getting just anybody helped no just kidding ross made my build out of dirt this is my 500 amazon gift card and then my free build is preston's yeezys oh this is this is the nemesis office the last two weeks i've come in in black easies and keith goes i want to trade you my really crappy ones for your really good ones i don't know mine are better tempting i've just worn them and i want to try he's got the gray yeezys and i've got the original black ones he's like you can trade them like these now i feel like we might have potentially a clear winner here because quick even put on display ports on the graphics card yeah hdmi i like i like how you separated hd and my it's the hdmi that seems like an insufficient graphics what if we get a hundred dollar mini fridge each no i don't want the water oh he's trying to split it like you're like nothing what are you talking about so i feel like we have to have a uh you know it's kind of like voting season right now here in america so i think everybody needs to cast their votes i will read the ballots gentlemen we have one point for ross yes one point for keith who's another point for ross but wait a second another point for keith oh wait that's six that's everybody that's like no no no because there's one more five that's five there's one more are you guys ready for the final ballot the winner of the whatever you build we buy challenge is
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 3,537,386
Rating: 4.9041595 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: _mFpITbdd5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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