What Your Hands Say About Your Personality

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[Music] hey what your hands can tell about your personality we all like to take personality tests and learn something new about ourselves based on the type of coffee we pick it turns out it is not just our choices but also our palms that can tell a lot about us experts of the American Academy of hand analysis professional psychologists reveal the basics of scientific hand analysis yes it is a real thing are you ready to find out what your palm shape and fingers length tell about you then hit thumbs up and let's start counting down from number 5 determine your strong hand this one is simple you're either right or left handed your lead hands palm and fingers reflect your business and personal qualities while the fingers on your other hand tell about your attitude to your family and friends [Music] number 4 determine your strong and weak fingers every person has strong and weak fingers and the stronger some of them are the more expressed are certain traits of your character if a finger is bent leading to another one or forward or can't do certain things it's weak if a finger is long and straight then it's strong if you want to analyze your fingers take into account those on your lead hand for those cases where a few of your fingers are strong the characteristics sum up a strong thumb on your lead hand says that you're striving for success in your profession you are ambitious and talented if you want any proof of that Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso both had strong thumbs they did more than well in their talents don't you think those who have a strong index finger are interested in power shrewd and strong when it comes to character and willpower kanye west and his long index finger is a good example of just that the middle finger is your responsibility efficiency confidence growth and wisdom Pope Francis has a super strong middle finger so strong his ring and Indian fingers are actually leaning towards it his sense of responsibility and his wisdom are out of the question your ring finger is your artistry and self-expression Oprah Winfrey has a really long ring finger longer than her index finger who would doubt her creativity and charisma finally the little finger to picture communicative skills when it's weak the person might have relationship issues and self identity problems no offense Lindsay Lohan and her fans but her little finger looks quite curved we know things sometimes get weird about her [Music] number three analyze your hand shape we all know different astrological signs are controlled by different elements fire water air or earth it turns out it's not just about being an Aquarius or Leo your hand shape is also associated with one of the elements each of the elements gives you certain personality traits fire-type if you have long rectangular palms but short fingers you belong to the fire type you love adventures and action which makes your life complete a natural leader you always get what you want and fast just because you don't like to wait charismatic excitable just like fire you are led by your impulses Whitney Houston had that type of hands and we all remember her as a super energetic driven ambitious and talented lady doing nothing was a real torture for her action-oriented character will always love you for that and your fantastic voice Whitney earth-type realistic reliable and practical workaholics are inspired by their element Mother Earth how can you recognize one of these by their square or rectangular palms and short fingers these people are committed to what they do and to whom they love so they normally have long term happy relationships and successful careers all these qualities sound perfect for a good politician and we can name at least two examples of earth-type people who picked a political career and became US presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton Plus there is another example across the ocean Prince William remember we mentioned that commitment to relationships his happy family pictures proved just that water type people with ullevål palms and long elegant fingers are famous for their creativity and rich imagination they feel the pain of others and happily take care of them help and share this compassion comes at a price for them sometimes they feel anxious and depressed because of their high emotional levels when we speak of a big kind heart and creative nature Angelina Jolie is probably one of the first people who come to mind I'm not sure if it was just her narrow palms and long fingers that made her so loving and caring but she sure fits well with the water type description airtime love is in the air yeah in fact the air is more about intellectual abilities square or rectangle shape palms and long fingers are a sign of a super bright mind Hey look at my hands move and nothing like that the heads of airtight people are busy with excellent ideas they can't help but analyze and systemize everything around them they seek to understand just about everything and when they do they will likely debate it these intellectuals are also charming and have great communicative skills take Michelle Obama for example this lady knows what she's doing and is loved by so many people definitely the thinking time to note the shape of your fingertips a round shape speaks of your wish to be at peace with others and your fear of disapproval you like to avoid conflict and we don't blame you Square and flat fingertips mean that you're precise and dislike uncertainty you just want to be sure of everything and expect that honesty and directness from others shovel-shaped broad tips tell all about your favor of ingenuity and dislike of beaten paths normal and average or basically swear words for you why take that road if someone has been there before a sharp shape says that you gladly quit practical activities in favor of unusual and esoteric ones you probably know a thing or two about palm reading and have hobbies the names of which say nothing to most of the people and soon you must be leaving for your archery training or was it haiku writing time number one look at the gaps between your fingers place your hands on a flat surface or hold them in front of you comfortably if your fingers are wide apart from each other you're probably independent and fond of experiments your fingers are closely set you are prudent careful and possibly self contain if your ring and middle fingers are apart you're hard to influence if they are close to each other you tend to live up to social expectations and follow the rules look at the distance between your ring and little finger if the gap is wide then you tend to avoid serious talks and decisions which affects both your work and home relationships compare it with your friends hand and if it seems to be average you are probably an independent thinker with a flair of adventurousness about you if you have any doubts regarding the seriousness of all this hand analysis we have something to tell you it's getting more and more approved by scientists as long as it's not about reading your future based in your palm lines therapists and counselors and even geneticists around the world are actually treating it more and more seriously these days it turns out our finger prints are developed before our birth at 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy and stay the same throughout our lives the patterns on our palms are something like the map of our brain neural pathways those pathways are made of thoughts and actions that define us other peculiarities of our hands change as our preferences and character changes over time and analysis can be a way of learning more about ourselves to finding explanations and improving our emotional health finally some researchers say certain genetic disorders and markings and hand shape are linked to each other it is quite possible that hand research will contribute to the study of genetic abnormalities in the future and then no one will doubt its scientific status do you believe that you can learn something about a person's character judging by his or her hands where any of the descriptions we gave accurate for you feel free to share in the comment section give this video a like if you found it interesting if it gets 50,000 likes we'll share more unusual ways to get to know yourself and others better subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about our updates remember life is better on the bright side
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Keywords: palm reading, how to read your own palm, what your palms say about you, your personality, your character, personality test, dominant personality traits, read your palm, strong hand, weak fingers, strong fingers, hand shape, your fingertips
Id: ozJdKFd8pXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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