Will You Be Rich or Poor? True Personality Test

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[Music] will you be rich or poor personality test they say money can't buy you happiness but most of us still wouldn't mind having a little more of those unhappy bills so let's find out if you're gonna have more than enough or barely enough to get by you've got 10 questions to answer don't overthink it just go with the first option you like and before you take this test to find out if you'll be rich or poor make sure you subscribe to our channel there are plenty of money-saving tricks and advice on the bright side of life you know just in case one you're offered a deal you either get ten thousand dollars right now or have to wait a year but get one hundred thousand dollars what would you choose a i'd say no to both there must be some sort of a catch here b grab the money right now of course c i'll wait a year and get more cash if you chose option a you get 20 points b is worth 10 points and c is a 30. two you're shopping for a new pair of shoes the shop assistant tells you they have an unbeatable deal going on at the moment buy two pairs get one free will you go for the second pair you didn't really plan on buying just to get the third one for free a of course it's a great deal b i'll look around and see if there's something good no promises though c i came to get one pair and that's what i'm sticking to did you pick option a then you just got 10 points b gives you 20 points and c is worth 30. [Music] three speaking of shopping do you make shopping lists and keep a budget a absolutely b nope who's got time for that anyway c sometimes just when i'm running low on money add 30 points to your score if you went for an a 10 points for b and 20 for c 4. a new smartphone is coming out and everyone's talking about it your phone is still functioning all right will you still get the latest greatest model everybody's buzzing about a nah i'm good b yeah but only if i can afford it c i need it in my life right now i'd even borrow money to get it option a is worth 30 points b will add 20 points to your final score and c is a 10 point option five what's the perfect birthday gift for you a money money money b online courses or a music library subscription c something fun i'd never buy for myself a is worth 10 points b gives you 30 points and go ahead and add 20 points to your tally if you chose option c 6. your friend calls you up and tells you he's got two free tickets to a concert of your favorite band the concert is in two days and it's a thousand miles away that means you'd need to pay for travel and accommodation what do you say a no because it wasn't in my monthly budget b yes of course c let me first see how much the plane tickets in hotel will cost me option a will give you 30 more points b is 10 more and c gives you 20. seven which of the following sounds most like your eating habits a junk food for life b i keep it healthy and cook for myself i take leftovers to work or school see i do enjoy eating out but just at cute or atmospheric restaurants junk food junkies get 10 points for option a b is worth 30 points and c gives you 20. eight would you rather have a well-paid secure job that's boring or do something financially risky that you enjoy a stability is everything i'd take that mundane job b i try to make the most out of my hobby see i do what i love money isn't everything if you like the security that option a will give you then go ahead and add 20 points to your total for b you get 30 points and risky c is worth 10 points nine imagine you're offered a promotion but they'd have to fire your best friend what would you do a of course i'd turn it down b talk to my friend then make a decision c take it my friend will understand option a is worth 10 points b will add 20 points to your final score and you get 30 points if you chose option c [Music] finally an easy one to finish it off just kidding it's actually the toughest question out there 10. what's the meaning of life in your opinion a to achieve all your goals including financial ones b it's all about enjoying the journey not getting to the destination c changing the world for the better goal achievers get 30 points for option a those who went for b get 20 and c is worth 10 points [Music] time to sum it all up if you got 100 to 160 points you'll be living in saving mode in other words you probably won't be rich when it comes to money but as far as having adventures making memories and being surrounded by friends you'll actually be as wealthy as they come money isn't your number one priority and you aren't too careful about it you often spend more than you can afford without thinking of the consequences simply because it brings you joy well yolo people still say that right in case your final score is between 170 and 230 points you'll be quite comfortable you'll always have just enough money to pay the bills eat out every now and then and buy good quality things you know money comes to those who work hard so you plan your spending and don't make irrational decisions sounds okay right [Music] if your total came to 230 to 300 points congratulations you're a future rockefeller you'll be diving into your very own pool of gold money means the world to you and you're ready to give it all to have it all you count every cent to multiply what you already have you're hard-working and determined with that entrepreneurial spirit to make something out of nothing what was your final score tell us in the comments below don't forget to give us a like and click subscribe to stay on the bright side of life you
Views: 11,184,023
Rating: 4.693224 out of 5
Keywords: personality test, personality quiz, will you be rich or poor, will you be rich, personality types, personality traits, test your personality, reveals the truth, personality test questions, psychology tricks, psychological tips, quiz, tests for guys, signs you’ll be rich, future Rockefeller, find out about your future
Id: QwqMbj88lT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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