Your Finger Shape Determines Your Health and Personality

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[Music] your finger shape determines your personality type and health risks prevention is better than cure with regards to your health however a visit to your doctor isn't cheap luckily there's an ingenious way to discover potential health risks and it's totally free all you have to do is talk to the hand specifically your own hand along with its ten digits this method is scientifically proven pinky promise you can also learn more about yourself by looking at your fingers before you inspect those fingers of yours don't forget to click the subscribe button and turn on notifications to join us on the bright side of life number 7 ring finger vs. index finger dr. kelly Wesselman a Rheumatologist from georgia says you can learn a lot by looking at your hands alright let's start with the basics measure your ring finger against your index finger based on a 15-year study conducted by the University of Warwick and the Institute of cancer research men with an index finger longer than the ring finger have a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer however a team of Chinese researchers revealed that men with this trait are at risk of coronary artery disease women with a shorter index finger are twice as likely to have osteoarthritis in their knees and that's according to research from the University of Nottingham in both men and women a shorter index finger indicates higher verbal and physical aggression on a more positive note it reveals a better sense of direction and superb athletic ability moreover researchers from the University of Cambridge found that men with this feature have inherent moneymaking skills number six fingernail take a closer look at your finger particularly your nail what is its shape if it looks like an almond which many consider to be the most beautiful nail shape your refine gentle and oozing with creativity a short nail means you're impatient and a quick thinker these characteristics also apply to those with long and wide nails if you have long and narrow nails you might be a bit selfish and narrow-minded however you can also be sweet tempered and romantic you can be a bit hot-headed if you have short and wide nails fan-shaped fingernails indicate that you get nervous fairly easily you're lucky if the shape of your nail is broad and square because it means you're balanced upright honest patient and easygoing your nail also reflects your health the Mayo Clinic tells of serious finger nail problems like nail pitting depressions in the nails is a sign of a multitude of diseases like psoriasis reactive arthritis and alopecia areata nail clubbing rounded and enlarged nails is associated with liver disease heart disorders inflammatory bowel disease and lung problems spoon nails look like they've been scooped out and you can actually hold the drop of water in them this is a sign of iron deficiency hemochromatosis hypothyroidism and heart disease Terri's nail is a health issue where the tip of the nail has a narrow pink band which is sometimes a sign of aging it's also a symptom of congestive heart failure kidney failure liver disease and diabetes bows line is an indentation across the nail it indicates that a person may have scarlet fever measles mumps pneumonia diabetes or a zinc deficiency nail separation also known as Oneko leases is a serious health problem where the nail slightly detaches from the nail bed the slightly loose nail turns opaque with the yellow white or green shade it is associated with thyroid disease psoriasis injury or infection and a negative reaction to a drug yellow nail syndrome is a sign of chronic bronchitis and swelling of the hands there is another nail issue not included on the Mayo Clinic's list it's called half-and-half nail a condition in which the top half has a brown shade and the bottom half is white according to a study conducted by dr. wente Wong of zio yin armed forces General Hospital and dr. Chiu Chow woo-woo of National Defense Medical Center it's an indicator of chronic kidney disease if you have a dark colored line on your nail bed it can be a sign of a dangerous skin cancer called melanoma New York dermatologist dr. Jay bridge alamin reveals number five finger shapes in the book Chinese medical palmistry your health in your hand five types of finger shape are mentioned take a good look at your fingers do they resemble a square cone spoon or drumstick shape or are they thin and long here are the health risks associated with these shapes square shaped fingers have a blunt fingertip and may indicate the possibility of gall stones or neurasthenia cone-shaped fingers have a round and long shape with a pointed finger tip this type of digit may lead to illnesses below the neck and above the diaphragm spoon shaped fingers look like soup spoons and are an indication of illnesses like diabetes and heart or cerebrovascular disease drumstick shaped fingers may be an indicator of lung cancer heart disease and chronic respiratory disease thin and long fingers indicate that the person might be prone to emotional depression or gastrointestinal disease number four thumb don't leave your thumb in the dark because it can shed light on your personality in health too let's tackle its appearance first what is the shape of your thumb is it long short shaped like an hourglass with a waist or in an obtuse angle a long thumb indicates that you can be a natural leader because you love to be in control short thumbs reveal that you need to improve your self-esteem an hourglass thumb signifies that you're a warm and understanding person an obtuse angle thumb implies that you're calm meditative and creative now try stretching your thumb does it remain stiff and inflexible or can you bend the tip with ease if your thumb is inflexible then you might be afraid of change careful with your finances and difficult to manipulate on the other hand a flexible thumb means you're easygoing and adaptable to change but you're also gullible Chinese medical palmistry also highlights the important of this part of the hand in the book the ideal thumb is full long and strong which are all signs of good health however a person with a short thumb may be prone to headaches hypertension and heart disease number three palms nope you're not going to read the lines on your palm you only have to look at it do you have blotchy red palms this condition is called palmar erythema and it's a symptom of liver disease do your palms sweat easily hmm perhaps you're nervous or maybe your crash is around the corner kidding aside clammy hands may be a sign of thyroid disease menopause or hyperhidrosis since you're looking at your palms right now take a hard squint at your fingerprints what pattern do you see is it a spiral arch or loop based on a study by the MRC environmental epidemiology unit at the University of Southampton a finger print with a spiral or floral pattern indicates high blood pressure the more whorls you have the higher your blood pressure will climb number two hand grip strength your hand grip is one of the markers of your overall heart health how can you measure it give someone a hand shake a 2018 study conducted by a group of American and British researchers found that a stronger shake indicates a lower risk of cardiovascular problems and less heart remodeling in addition it's a sign of a good memory and enhanced cognitive abilities and that's based on a 2018 UK biobank study if your grip is weak your risk of having heart problems cancer or respiratory disease is 20% higher based on research conducted by the University of Glasgow number one Littlefinger this is also known as your pinky finger there are three types of pinky type a the length of this finger is equal to the upper most joint of your ring finger type B its length is a bit longer than the upper most joint of your ring finger type C your little fingers length is slightly shorter than the uppermost joint of your ring finger now let's discuss the associated traits of each type type a if this looks like your pinky you're a reserved type of person more open with people you have a connection with you portray a strong cool independent image that sometimes makes you seem a bit arrogant and eccentric but you also enjoy having a good laugh every now and then type B you don't like to initiate conversation you fall deeply in love and give your full attention but you're scared of getting hurt you're a goal-oriented person and you never crack under pressure type C you don't hold a grudge you're uncomfortable with anything new and unknown you may respect people's opinions but you can be bossy and always keep your problems to yourself you want others to depend on you and you want to earn their trust in terms of health types a and B have a healthy spleen and stomach type C's are associated with poor digestion diarrhea malabsorption and irregular bowel movements of course if you ever have any concerns about your mental or physical health you should see a doctor as soon as possible how did your little hands on assessment go tell us in the comments don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click Subscribe stay on the bright side of life you
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Keywords: finger shape, your personality, health risks, square-shaped fingers, cone-shaped fingers, spoon-shaped fingers, drumstick-shaped fingers, long fingers, thin fingers, red palms
Id: BTqd_7oujSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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