Will You Be Successful? | The Most Accurate Personality Test

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[Music] will you be successful in life there is no easy path to success and only a select few have what it takes to make it to the top to find out whether or not you'll be among these fortunate ones just click that subscribe button and ring the notification bell to join the bright side of life and let's get into it for today's test you'll have 10 questions all you got to do is decide whether a B or C fits you best be sure to keep track of your answer choices so that you can find out your results at the end so grab a pen and a piece of paper and let's take a look at the first question question number 1 what time do you usually wake up a I'm an early bird so definitely before 8 a.m. B I'm somewhere between 8 a.m. and noon C I'm a night owl for sure so my morning begins after 12 p.m. question two are you a confident person a most of the time I'm pretty confident in myself and my abilities be I have my ups and downs just like everybody else so it can change depending on the day see I'm kind of self-conscious and awkward but I'm working on finding harmony within myself question number three what's your main goal in life a I want to be independent strong and the best at what I do be I'm very family-oriented I want to have a big house and lots of kids see I think happiness and a no regrets attitude is what we should all strive for I want to live my life to the fullest and enjoy every second of it [Music] question number four are you a team player a sure behind every successful person there's a dream team that helped them get there right B does it matter to me I can work great both by myself and with others see nope I like to do things my own way [Music] question number five what's your idea of a perfect day a going to a master class reading or learning something new be meeting up with friends over a cup of coffee and having long meaningful talks see staying in bed eating and bringing on TV shows or movies [Music] question number six one of your best friends just told you that they got a huge promotion how does it make you feel eh of course I'm really happy it's my best friend and they worked so hard for this can't wait to celebrate this victory with them B I'm excited for them sure but deep down I'm a tiny bit envious I wish something like this happened to me C well good for them but not gonna lie I'm super jealous it should have been me question number seven you have a week to finish a very important paper what are you gonna do a get to work right away so that I can perfect every little detail be I'll put it off for a couple of days but then pull myself together and get it done si procrastinate is my middle name I'm used to doing everything at the last minute question number eight what scares you the most a losing control be losing someone I love see failure [Music] you [Music] question number nine you've been working around the clock on a huge project trying to make it as perfect as it can be but when you proudly show it to your boss he harshly criticizes you saying that you should completely change at least half of your work what's your reaction eh I'll listen carefully to every mistake he points out and try to do it better be it'll certainly hurt my feelings and I'll probably feel upset for the rest of the week but eventually get right back on the horse see what all this effort for nothing I'm definitely gonna be ticked off [Music] question number 10 Congrats you've just won a million dollars what are you gonna do with it eh I'll invest the money in something I believe in or use it to advance my career B I'll probably buy a house or a car and save the rest C well I'm off on vacate to have the best time ever see ya all right now it's time to count your A's B's and C's will you be successful in life let's check the results if you chose mostly A's congratulations you're definitely going places my friend you have the brains skills and determination and you aren't afraid of making mistakes and failing from time to time instead of beating yourself up you learn and grow your motivation is a huge advantage too since you usually don't need any additional inspiration you know what you want and you're excited for the journey the one thing that's missing from your life is just a little bit of relaxation don't get me wrong working towards your dream is amazing but you shouldn't forget about having some fun and spending time with your loved ones too you have to learn to let your hair down every now and then and enjoy the moment when you find this balance your life will play out in brand-new colors if option B was your go-to for this test you have every chance to be successful one day if you put your mind to it you're smart ambitious sweet and most people really enjoy your company you have plenty of friends and you love making new acquaintances it helps that you can find common ground with just about everyone the only thing that's missing is a little bit of assertiveness this doesn't mean that you should just up and change your sweet nature though because being a good and understanding leader only gives you more points for being awesome but you still have to learn to say no be more demanding and speak up for yourself there are tons of obstacles on the way to true success and you need to have inner strength and power to overcome all of them if you work on this side of your personality you'll be unstoppable if you have mostly C's in your tally then you've got a long way to success ahead of you and it's not like you don't have the necessary qualities you're independent opinionated and open minded but you do lack two of the most important things ambition and hard work you usually prefer to go with the flow and expect things to work out for themselves remember if you want to be successful you have to be in charge of your own life take risks at least calculated ones and be willing to put your sweat and tears into it your dream won't come true while you're on the couch glued to your TV or phone screen but it will get closer and closer if you take at least one step towards it every day so don't waste all your amazing potential on unproductive activity start now and one day you'll certainly be on top of your game what results did you get tell us in the comments below don't forget to give this video like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side [Music]
Views: 1,275,298
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Keywords: personality test, personality quiz, will you be rich or poor, will you be rich, personality types, personality traits, test your personality, personality test questions, psychological tips, tests for girls, signs you’ll be rich, living in saving mode, future Rockefeller, find out about your future
Id: w4m-ZuW1qzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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