What would happen, if an Ai played gorilla tag?

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[Music] oh what's up everybody it's sleepy here back with another video and today it's going to be like very interesting um but before I get into that look what I finally fixed and got back after so long no I did not fix this with monkey mod manager cuz they are not deciding to fix it no it doesn't have all of the cosmetics and it doesn't have all the right materials so it has this one it just looks like that has this one pretty cool this one just a lighter has gold which is kind of cool has this one which I'll be wearing in the video and it has this one which is rainbow and then it has this one just very and this one doesn't work so yeah I fixed that I'll teach you how to fix that in a different video but that's not what we're doing today okay today I was wondering what if an AI actually played gorilla [Laughter] tag you serious just listen listen listen to my theory so we know that there is many ghost which are AIS which was made by leming to be a protection for the game but they turned out as being ghost right so I was kind of wondering what if I became a real Ai and gorilla tag okay so pbv he's an AI he is literally in gorilla tag I've seen many videos of him everywhere I'll just Mark a million everywhere like just look at that there's so many videos ofv and all them say he's an AI so what if I became my own AI I I will name him underground okay our ghost name is going to be underground well honestly let's not call him a ghost let's just call him an AI That's room don't mind the freaking computer I know it's so weird I don't know what's going on with it I'm going to figure out how to fix it okay delete that Underground [Music] I don't know it just happened all right under change name to underground okay my new name is underground okay before we get into this yes I'm going to be pitch black literally pitch take that off hats take that off HBL oh yeah I know a lot of you guys in the comments are saying why don't why don't you just troll with your Unity stick I would troll with this thing but it is so banable you do not understand it is so banable take off all of this no [Music] cosmetics and then another hble goly and and bam okay no Cosmetics on uh I'll see you when I turn into an [Music] AI okay I got [Music] the okay I [Music] got I am so sorry about that I turn my volume all the way up and I try to scare you okay well I got the AI mod on basically it's literally just a like a walk mod like you can press buttons go with your hand and fly and walk and you're going to use a computer which is a very weird do not recommend it it lit it's weird but okay let's get out of here oh yeah but yeah let's go ahead and get into it so we're just going to be trolling as underground and why do I have party hat on take it off take it off take it off I do not like that here we go right here now we go down and then we take off we take off we take off party head we do not we do not want party [Music] hat okay I got no cosmetic on I still don't know how to fully control this mod so I don't know what's going to happen but let's do a forest Lobby first right sucked my meat off I'm you I'm a child so I can't do that I'm 16 Buddy all um no matter of fact I'm seven my fault bro [Music] all right bro somebody's getting tickled tonight I don't care anymore who wants to get tick tou oh he's right there yo he's so simple no way he's so simple and this kid's just having a grand all time flying around I mean if you want to go ahead bro have a good old day with it going to with you tonight don't worry baby they did not care they did not care at all they were like nope I don't really care I do not care your color code hey purple what's your color code is no one doing the glitch come here coming 89 there you go you know how to do the glitch guys it's it's D stain monkeys there's the dur stain yingyang monkeys yingyang dur stain monkeys monkey right here right here monkey monkey yeah we're going in the clouds so many monkeys they suck oh my God you actually suck oh my God that's crazy I'm some Che chill oh wait he has I feel like I met this guy [Music] before can I eat your cat can I eat your cat if you look if you look has an ID no can I eat your cat oh my God this monkey sucks oh my God he sucks so much he sucks oh my God this monkey bro monkey bro monkey bro he suck Sonic I did make it back into the server bro I need to join a private code somehow like a ghost code and literally scare the living crap out of kids and I need push to talk because like do I just like I don't know what I do do I press enter I don't know how to work computer bro are you okay so first you be next come here I'm sorry for talking like that short dang guys what's new in the update what's new in the update I can't Mo it's not personal where where it's not in personal it's not in personal oh no person oh there's you are cheating he's cheating he's right here how I have a PC but I really don't know how to get that modd he's just on PC the big fat one out no he's just on PC that's all no yeah he's just playing through his keyboard he his keyboard yeah that's yeah he's that's just stand idle just see how it bounces up and down onc bro how do you get I want the old version so monkey manager gorilla tag installed how do I get it s [Music] sorry I just had to help that kid get the mod uh because he was like begging like okay I I have you to like I I need it I need it so I just added to him and I'll tell him later and I sped that up for you cuz I'm going to let but um if you did see the thing it's shiny G tag add him you got to add him man got to add him he was in the video got to add everybody bro every YouTuber does not have come here baby girl come here baby girl I it green is eight who wants to see finger pain who want hey do you want to see finger painter sure wait let me tell you something let me tell you something I know it's not finger finger so Zer so red is zero green is eight and blue is n do yall subscribe to me I'm a real YouTuber for real I'm a real YouTuber bro I don't even have to color code my color code is yellow yes you're going to be lying cuz like I what the color code I got it this color code oh bro bro hold on I dropped my controller my controller what was the color code be good kids the packet no it's just a spelling packet I had to do but I have what the color code 986 986 is a v 986 so five color code red is zero this is Z then green is H so option and then blue is nine who named I juster first I'll read the paper when I'm done playing and then out you for theas you're so scared Bu you're so F ons I just want to can you like see this right here huh yes [Music] I all I just need do I have anything on [Music] now do you when you left me in the or I mean uh nothing I didn't say that you said that anybody know gorilla ghost Jeffrey 36 Yes actually using mods he's actually using mods too which is funny PC yeah but it's still mods I mean I like I like that I like that it's so funny go Zoom [Music] goom go [Music] Zoom he's [Music] [Applause] floating he's walk he's gone he's gone he's walking on air he's walk the N word and you didn't say anything you're a [ __ ] W report this [ __ ] W he's a mo he's a mo he's a mo he's a mo who who just said the like 30 times okay uh I'll see y'all back on my A6 okay uh I'm back with my headset and um uh dude that mod was literally the funnest mod I've ever like played with in a while dude I was literally playing on PC I've always wanted to do that trust me like I've always wanted to do that for so long and I finally did it but we did I mean there was some people that freaked out a little bit I guess but not really but listen to me if you want this mod it will be in the description so my Discord which has a mod so download both things in the Discord [Music] now you could also subscribe and like have you ever thought of subscribing okay but actually though um yeah I think that video was like really fun and I hope you guys enjoy the mod like it's really fun trust me um but yeah I hope my mic quality was good I am sorry for yelling in the mic like that I really but yeah peace out and one thing I say before I go I'm an AI okay I'm a real AI I'm not real this is not my real face oh yeah next video is totally not it might not be a face reveal it to it's totally not going to be a face reveal next video totally not um but uh yeah yeah thank you for all the views and followers you guys are going crazy um but before I go you thought just because I was an AI blah blah blah blah blah poopy butt let's put a video of an ai ai [Music] song girl it's delicious to girl it's to girl it's delicious to girl it's
Channel: sl3epy_vr
Views: 320,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l01CPHtTPp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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