What Would An Antimatter Universe Look Like?

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in horror films a frequent theme is one in which the mirror image of a person exists separately it's the exact opposite an evil entity that wants to destroy its master on the other side of a mirror the most amazing thing is that our universe has a similar evil twin what is the mysterious mirror image of our universe and what happens if you go there the reason that we can speculate that the universe has a mirror image is the theory of CP T symmetry the letters C and this abbreviation means conjugation of charges that is each elementary particle has a twin with an opposite charge antineutrons electrons anti electrons or positrons and so on every particle discovered by scientists has a twin the letter P implies the symmetry of space that is all three directions in our 3d world have opposite directions T respectively means that for the forward flow of time there's a symmetric flow in the opposite direction there was a similar symmetry right at the moment of the birth of our universe in the first nano and pecos seconds after the Big Bang matter and antimatter were equally divided a little later for every 1 billion particles and antiparticles there was one extra particle now in the part of the universe that we are observing no significant accumulations of antimatter have been detected scientists wondered why this supersymmetry was broken and where this huge amount of antimatter disappeared - without a trace in fact if the entire huge array of antimatter remained our universe would have disappeared immediately after the Big Bang after all when an antiparticle meets a particle a so-called annihilation occurs particles simply disappear in a flash of light with the release of a huge amount of energy therefore at first physicists assume that initially there was more matter antimatter and matter are mutually destroyed and excess matter formed the universe that we have now but such a hypothesis has many mathematical inconsistencies so I had to look for another explanation Canadian scientists from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics led by Neil Turok have proposed their own theory they came to the conclusion that immediately after the Big Bang in one direction the universe arose that we know and live in and in the opposite direction the anti universe was born it consists entirely of antimatter and time in the anti universe goes from the future to the past that is right now there's your antimatter copy which sits upside down in front of an upturned computer and already knows how this video will end as it looks backwards in time this raises many questions what does life look like when everything is composed of antimatter can we ever make contact with the antimatter universe scientists tried to answer this question by creating anti particles in laboratory as early as 1932 the first positrons or anti electrons were discovered in cosmic rays and in 1955 scientists from Berkeley managed to obtain anti protons later thanks to advanced technologies physicists were able to obtain not just antiparticles but whole anti-atoms anti helium and antihydrogen however at first it was very difficult to study them anti-atoms collided with hydrogen atoms and after just 172 milliseconds were mutually destroyed to prolong the existence of anti particles scientists use special electromagnetic traps called the quadrupole loft configuration which for a short time prevents particles and antiparticles from coming into contact with and annihilating each other so in 2011 antihydrogen lasted as long as 1,000 seconds and in 2014 eighty anti hydrogen atoms were created for the purpose of a detailed study by 2022 scientists plan to construct a portable trap for antiparticles and then drive the antimatter in a truck several hundred meters to another site for further experiments but still most studies have not yet been able to give clear answers about what exactly antimatter is however one thing is clear if by some miracle you managed to get into the anti universe you are doomed since each cell of your body consists of ordinary matter in the anti universe you will explode with the release of a huge amount of energy and then disappear without a trace on the other hand this will provide the inhabitants of the MIR world with the most vivid sight in their life or vice versa with your presence you might destroy all life on our twin planet in the anti universe the fact is that the interaction of one gram or about point zero three ounces of antimatter and matter is equal in strength to an explosion with the power of 21.5 kilotons which is slightly more than the power of The Fatman dropped on Nagasaki the average person has a mass of 165 pounds or 75 kilograms which equals the explosive energy of approximately 76,000 786 Fatman bombs therefore in any case a guest from the opposite universe will lead to disastrous consequences but guess what nearly the same thing only on a much smaller scale happens inside your body every hour together with food and air you often get the radioactive potassium-40 isotope in your body interacting with your molecules it begins to decay and emit positrons ak8 anti electrons thus you emit 180 anti particles per hour in about 4000 per day true they're instantly destroyed by ordinary matter and turned into gamma radiation such an amount of antimatter is really quite small but that's all that will remain of you after entering into the anti universe if you manage to safely extract some material from the mirror world which could make you fabulously rich indeed according to NASA estimates for 2006 one milligram of positrons or point zero one five grains caused about twenty-five million dollars a gram of anti hydrogen or point zero three ounces in 1999 value of sixty two point five trillion dollars it's probably better to forget about such large sums of money because instead of money you will suffer a painful and intense death the second point and also the reason that it's difficult to enter into the mirror world is time the anti universe exists in time before the Big Bang that is it's located more than fourteen billion years ago even if we learn how to safely approach antiparticles we'll need to find a way to travel far back into the past theoretically time travel is possible but only within our universe at least for now however it's entirely possible that you I and all the people around us are living in the anti universe some physicists believe that no matter which side of the Big Bang our universe is on will still perceive the environment as ordinary matter and the passage of time will only go forward even if we're on the opposite side it's worth noting that even in the absence of contact with the anti universe we constantly influence each other each time scientists create or destroy a new particle and antiparticle is born or dies accordingly as much as we would like even if contact with the anti universe is ever possible it will end in mutual self-destruction however the very possibility of the existence of a mirror copy of our world and each of us literally turns our worldview inside out however a theory has recently appeared that could fully disprove the existence of the anti universe the main evidence of its existence is based on the absence of a large amount of antimatter in our universe but researchers from the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States and the University of Kansas found on another explanation for this according to their assumptions the Higgs troika is to blame it consists of three types of particles the so-called Higgs bosons one of which is known also as a god particle they differ from the rest of the particles in that they produce an incredibly large amount of energy and as a result they decay within a short period of time creating a stream of particles of ordinary matter which destroyed almost all antimatter in the universe but out of the three alleged bosons only one has been discovered so far so the anti universe theory still could be true so I look forward to your comments no matter which universe you are from if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so and click on the belt to be notified about the many new and interesting videos that await you ahead
Channel: Ridddle
Views: 1,660,076
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Keywords: Ridddle, riddle, what if, what, if, what would happened, What Happens If, sci, science, smart, experiment, Antimatter, Antimatter Universe, Universe
Id: LC3rrqPSEw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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