How to use 1000000000 totems per second

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in this video I'm gonna be destroying Minecraft with ungodly huge numbers such as increasing the game speed by like a billion times or disenchanting this monstrosity so first of all let me show you guys what I've done but let me go and get a grass block and if I get a grass ball from the inventory it becomes 2 billion like it's lagging even like looking at this thing lags my game I don't know why oh no no this item is cursed let me drop it and see what happens now let's destroy Minecraft with incredibly High enchantments so this is multichotter just Multi Shot just Multi Shot one and it just shoots one error because this is how it's supposed to be like like sure this is multija 2 and it should be shooting two arrows because it's two obviously and this is a multi shot three and it should be shooting three arrows now you guys are probably asking what the heck happens if you shoot multi shutter 10 well it shoots 10 arrows so maltesia 10 should be enough to kill a skeleton almost instantaneously because it shoots so many arrows let's see that was so nice it just killed it instantaneously so we got 400 creepers and we're gonna be killing them with Multi Shot 1000 and let's see three two one film and holy crap there's so many arrows and we just kill like one like a hundred creepers and like 0.1 second let's see if 1 000 arrows are enough to kill a warden in one shot so let's get it so we got 1 000 multi-shot arrow and we're gonna oh you're too close you're too close we're gonna kill this Warden bam and dude no freaking way that was very nice my computer is screwing for help so I want to go back to 100 because it doesn't lag and I wanna fight a Wither so let's get it can we kill the Wither in just one shot because we actually have one in one Arrow we're actually now we have two more but oh oh my gosh okay three two one bam okay okay now it's immune to uh a range attacks nice I got negative Stephanie case score all right now what will happen if you try multi let me shoot my thing so I want to try whoa so there was voltage at one billion and as soon as I loaded it my game is like so we have tried a multi-shadow 1 billionaire now let's try the insane Fortune pickaxe but on a phone so let me show you guys a brand new phone that I got today from red magic and I'm gonna be using this to show you guys the insane Fortune pickaxe but wait if you look closely there is literally a built-in cooling fan with shoulder triggers the funny thing is it doesn't end there the phone has a very high performing CPU GPU Ram paired with an insane capacitive battery that charges super quick imagine a gaming laptop that has shrunken down into the size of your hand red Magic 8 is pro is the ultimate gaming phone that is available on this planet that won't break your bank if you check out it antutu's website which is a tool used to measure phone's performance their Benchmark score for red Magic 8 is pro Beach every single Android phones that ever existed in the history of mankind so if you want to unlock the ultimate mobile gaming experience you can get one for yourself today for less than any brand new Samsung or iPhones out there even if you're not planning on Switching your phone anytime soon it is still worth considering as it is an amazing value so now I might have been using this insane Fortune pickaxe but I'll be comparing with my s22 I know this isn't the most verified but it still gives me an idea of how much of a beast red magic 8s Pro is as the FPS was two times higher compared to the s22 after mining two times I've also tried it with an insane amount of skeletons and the results were same so yeah thank you very much magic for sponsoring today's video and let's get back to the video so we've tried insanely High instruments now let's try to disenchant them so we got sharp ad wait does it actually work okay so ten thousand let's get it and holy crap that is a lot of XPS but not as much as I expected so this is one billion and let's try this thing how is my game still alive this is so illegal so this time we're gonna be destroying Minecraft with friction so this is friction 0.6 which is normal for every Minecraft block like it works perfectly fine it's like a normal Minecraft block and this one is friction 0.98 which is the same as ice balls I believe and as you see it is sort of slippery now this one is one and it's exactly the same as that all right now let's try friction 2.0 and see what happens what the heck was that let's try it once more but with more blocks and I think the results may be interesting let's just do one block holy crap and okay now let's try this wanna 100 and see what happens oh what dude no freaking way dude what the heck dude we're out of negative 5 million that completely broke Minecraft and I cannot even go back to my original position now just out of curiosity let's see what happens if I um try this one I think my Minecraft may just crash because I may go over the two billion limit uh three two one film Okay so I'm just not even moving anymore that's how it is right Minecraft's like bro that's too much that's Minecraft function perfectly fine well it does Minecraft's like bro like this is no no I did it again and I think it worked now oh no oh no no so that was with positive friction so let's go ahead and try the negative friction so this is friction level zero like creation zero and see what happens as you see as soon as I step on this thing I cannot move whatsoever where I can't even jump wow uh let's go to a credit mod and then destroy the thing and even if I destroy this thing I cannot move let's do a slash kill and see if he'll fix it holy crap that was extremely fast that huh how did my Minecraft crash all right now this is friction negative one and I think something really weird might happen so let's try to move forward and I cannot move forward if I try to move forward I just go backwards if I try to go backwards I just go forward but extremely slowly wait oh whoa whoa whoa okay that was really weird so I'm gonna try to go here and then as soon as I touch the block I just vibrate like this oh it is impossible to get out of this block bro whoa as you see once I am on top of the friction negative one block it is impossible for me to it was possible for me to get out whoa all right this is friction negative one thousand I don't know why I did one thousand I did 100 over there but that's one thousand now so deal with it what the heck My Game just crashed so I'm back at it again and uh this time let's try negative honestly I'm not even gonna try this one whoa all I did was throw an item in there and it just crashed my game the sugar boxes inside of another sugar box well that is not the case anymore because I've changed the code so I can put sugar boxes inside of sugar boxes it's getting so laggy no I'm genuinely scared if I hold it it's like bro please don't hold this thing shut up put it on top of this Cactus if I can okay and then uh throw it oh it landed oh no oh no oh no let's go ahead and find a villager okay or we can just spawn one honestly what did I even say fine they're all gone because they'll know what's gonna happen pretty soon they're gonna get decimated by my stupid my stupidity but yeah check this out I made it so that I can use Sonic booms against anything in Minecraft how dare you hide from me you disgraceful NPC are you ready for this [Music] so I forgot to tell you guys that was 1 000 Sonic booms not just one it was one thousand because I don't know I have no idea let's show another one and then no dude that was so freaking loud hahaha someone Ender Dragon let's see how fast I can destroy this thing with just one click because I'm pretty sure I have the Ultimate Sonic Boom power holy crap I forgot to delete my infinitely flowing water coat about check this out I wanna try something really really really really really really really really really really really really really stupid eh go foreign villager film yes and then bam three two one film nice wait hold up no it was that villager right so upon reviewing the footage I discovered that that villager right there came from the sky like it fell from the sky I have no idea how the heck that happened but yeah I did so it's just money for the code I thought I can shoot 10 000 Sonic booms and I think this may break my speaker and then move get in there yes and then let's see how far you're gonna are you freaking kidding me die yes get in there stay there and then let's try this thing three two one film whoa whoa no way dude so the Villager is gone that's obvious but where where did it go so let's see let's check it out so no villager still no villager uh oh I found them yes it was perfect so we're currently at the 1890 2012 22. very nice so you know how wardens are in part of the push well let's see what happens if it goes up against 10 000 Sonic booms bam ain't no way bro how are you so strong oh my God it's lagging no no so this is Minecraft but four times slower so as you see it is extremely freaking slow and this is me trying to mine a grasp one and it is painfully slow so this video is about big numbers so let's go to make Minecraft time a little bit faster this is Minecraft but four times faster normal speed holy crap that was stupid fast uh hello spider let's make the game time like 20 times faster look at that thing just dancing bro I am extremely fast so do you think I could survive look at my arm I can't I can survive in this freaking Minecraft world whoa whoa this is actually pretty fun I'm kind of stuck here so let me just get back up oh no nice what is this what is this oh no it's becoming nighttime I think we may be able to go a little bit faster than this my Minecraft screen is having a seizure I don't know what's happening okay so we're in a Minecraft world and uh creative oh there's no I cannot switch it oh my gosh it is extremely laggy and uh if I go I cannot stop I just cannot stop I don't know what the heck is going on I cannot even respawn it gone oh look at the Moon just and there's a sun this is probably something you've never seen before Oh My Gosh bro so this totem right here is infinite let me prove it to you guys real quick so I'm gonna fall from a hundred meter distance and as you see I did not die because I wasn't creating what I'm a dingus uh yeah because it's m though let me go ahead and die okay and oh no dude holy crap dude oh my God oh my gosh so as you see I'm currently dying 20 times per second but this is not enough I'm gonna be cranking up this number way higher than you can ever imagine it and let me show the insanity to this this is gonna be extremely insane so like as you see I am back to being extremely fast and I'm gonna change the survival mode my game is lagging already all right this time I made a freezing extremely fast so this cannot be done by using random pick speed so check this out it is almost instantaneous so let's see if the infinitely flowing water can escape this cold region where it freezes almost instantaneously touchdown okay so as you see it is starting to freeze and it is really slowing down but oh it's not enough it's not enough wait is it enough no it's not actually so let's see what happens if I try the exact same thing but with a faster freeze rate there is no way this will not work because this is extremely cold it's like negative 2 000 degrees this should be good yes yes freeze it freeze it why are you not free what is this thing it's kind of cute yes I think it works it sort of kind of maybe worked I mean did it actually work whoa so as you see the extreme cold was able to I kind of stopped the water it's not really stopping it it's actually gonna overflow pretty soon no it overflowed I hate my life let's just say that never happened so it looks like a water volcano so that's what happens if water freezes 10 times faster than normal so lastly if you want to get called a hacker by people with boring phones go ahead and check out a red magic LS Pro thanks for watching
Channel: Element X
Views: 93,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UlnkmTX8Imo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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