What we EAT in a DAY as Victoria's Secret Models

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good morning guys I'm super excited for this video because today I'm gonna eat us jasmine with jasmine it's gonna eat it's me and the funny thing is like I eat 80% of the time very healthy but for her it's the opposite so it's gonna be very interesting I'm gonna go prep her breakfast now and then we're gonna go to her house and wake her up I made my overnight oats you guys have seen this before and I'm gonna add the blueberries I'll wash them before I'm gonna put those on top then I'm gonna put some of these hemp seeds on there and then we're gonna add a teaspoon or know a tablespoon of this almond butter I'm sure she's gonna hate this consistency Lauren hates it too because it's like fairy I don't add a lot of water so it's like very heavy to eat [Music] so we made it to Justin's house I think she's upstairs I can hear it looks gorgeous but I'm not sure how hey oh my god it smells so good I hope you took some supplements before coming and eating all my fatty food I actually brought some supplements I needed some digestive enzymes but I also brought you something okay it really helps with digestion food I think you are gonna have a really hard time with digesting my food because it's very heavy on the stomach so you might not be able to finish it all because I definitional I mean you know how I eat I eat like it's all first tiny portions yeah and I eat again in like five minutes yeah that's true so you're gonna have a hard time with that one but you don't have to finish it and I may make a shot for you what are these ones those are I got them Santa just of enzymes but apparently they help with they just digesting so I only take them area like if I go to cash for like something right you like heavy food that my buddy's not used to I know I'm like staring at my plate like like I told them before that you're not a sweet tooth no no and I am what's in it chocolate protein powder Lawrence hates it because it's very sweet there you go do you shot it no I just it just seems like right here yeah I used to take a shot of it like every morning and you do it every morning sometimes know when I travel though yeah because you have to travel the thing so maybe I should buy like Apple sitter like supplements oh they have this yeah very strong there we go what else is in here okay so there's like chocolate protein peanut butter or almond butter usually almond butter better give you the the Hawaiian peanut butter that was and then it has hemp seeds chocolate protein powder and blueberries okay you're ready what is this that's just water with lemon you would like it so drink it with my foot or before I drink it with it I but I drink like water with lemon throughout the whole day yeah yeah I just because they don't like the taste of normal water so then I do you like yeah make it a little better so do you normally eat with your hands yep no oh yeah ken's oh yeah it's a gourmet service here she's gonna die it's like so thick and so sweet it's not gonna like it we're gonna go work out an hour and I'm very afraid that she's not able to move because it's such like a have anything in the stomach a little fairy princess for you I eat them I take the supplements before my foot right okay I'm really nervous about this because you said it's sweet mm-hmm and I don't eat sweets like do I put it I'd like to put it on top and kind of make like a little open sandwich kindness okay and then I like rip the bacon and like put a little like bacon bits on a rip the bacon all right with your hands okay you're nice you can be a lady okay but do you you stir this or it's already stirred I stirred it and then you take like each bite with a little bit of peanut butter okay here goes nothing I don't even know how to do it you do it bite by bite this is like a dessert what early how do you eat this every morning you're so sweet I'm just in bit I'm so excited for the next morning no mm-hmm I mean I think it's really good but it was very sweet how's yours over there salty it's gonna bring but I mean it's not bad I mean salty yeah what's your other like typical breakfast like if you're not doing this if you're like on so sugar you know me okay avocado toast what does that it mmm or a nasty bow that's evil there's a good one somewhere around here but I had recently and I want to try them the back here Bulls have you been there apparently those ones are very good mm-hmm so live organics mm-hmm it's very good so life is really good yeah yeah I want to go there again I have a really nice one in Malibu okay so wait you put just oh yeah have you been doing no meet yeah hopefully it doesn't say so I'm not sure how much meat you're gonna give me today but you don't have to eat it all honestly a really great sir who's right hmm and that keeps you full Farrell along with us the oats are just like very slow it's like carbohydrates don't for me to swallow it stuck yeah it's gonna sit in your stomach like a like a stone like a weight yeah sometimes I even make some open up through it so it gets like a little less sick liquor no milk and good any cuts no no okay look how could you get there but Lawrence also hates it he's like I hate to taste a protein what is he to sweet breakfast eater it's something like this or like his oatmeal but then without anything in it like plain and I find oatmeal without any protein like super boring I don't discuss things like Carr told me did you put anything on the toast butter um I haven't had dairy in a while as well I'm gonna have energy for the workout it would honestly take me like an hour to finish all this because it's so thick yeah that's true but honestly it is really good I just don't know if I could do it every day every other day and maybe a little less do you ever put any other type of fruit in here um I love blueberries but sometimes I do like outer berries hey Mookie are you hungry too maybe mommy has something for you mmm she likes a bacon oh you like the bacon hmm help you Oh snorts when she bites it mm-hmm so today we're going to do doc phones mm-hmm are we working out with Yeti Oh perfect I've never worked out with him but you said he was um he's really good and like using your own body weight so what should we work out you do like full body your legs you know what to do mmm I'm saying full body okay that's good I haven't done any weights for a little bit we might take a look in your fridge oh there's a cake in there I can already predict what's in there probably energy drink mm-hmm that the blue one Red Bull no the one in the orange with the orange like top you always have Gatorade yeah then maybe there's some eggs bacon and water mmm maybe Red Bull no I don't know if you're doing red bull Bullard I think protein drinks hmm I think that's pretty much it I think it's gonna be fairly empty yep I only grocery shop when I have like having friends over or something that I'm like forced to go to the store and if otherwise I just order it or we go out to eat most of the time what's your favorite thing to orient toward rté my close mates yeah pop pop eyes I never had pop eyes oh my god it's so good but it's so far otherwise I would have taken you today what is it like chicken fried chicken have fried chicken but what's really good it's like these spicy tenders amazing YUM yeah I love it but they're very spicy not very spicy you could also get like regular one okay I mean if I feel like you like the peanut butter I've basically just been in the corner like this eating new fear brother no I like it I like it I like it [Music] so we're heading to the duck pond to do a workout because to have a talk on Hannah laying out it's actually a really nice one it's super epic and I think we're gonna do a full body workout and yeah that's where we're gonna do so that's good oh I kind of Miss Sofia sure that we had like the show I know where towards yeah because wants to show was there I was so nice ooh I know the show would have been what yesterday yeah yeah yesterday I would have been so fit yeah I was like I went to the gym yesterday I was like you know on earth to PS show yes I'm going to the gym right yeah I should have done that because this here is very different compared to last year's yeah hopefully one day yeah I hope so Jim I really honestly don't like people keep this [Music] I do feel like after workout I have more energy that sometimes I'm very like tired in the morning maybe because I went out or something yeah and then like I have to go work out I don't want to but I know that if I move my body now I'll feel energized that I think the first like hardest step is like getting yourself to like a minute and then in a warm-up I'm like why do I always have to go through those first 10 to 15 minutes and then what's a minute I'm like alright did you ever drink like um coffee or much or anything before you workout like a caffeine boost so I never do coffee coffee it makes me super jittery and like I get like a headache after drinking I wasn't to like lattes for a little bit Oh like addicted to it for maybe like a month and then I started just feeling too jittery also because I don't eat much breakfast when I do eat yeah I think and then I tried matcha and I was obsessed with matcha for sometime and they say they do you don't get the jitters but I still get really jittery I have to just be really careful even like if I drink Coke or something with any sort of like super sensitive form is so sensitive so I kind of don't drink anything maybe sometimes I'll have like a English breakfast tea in the morning if I need like to really wake up but I put like a lot of milk in it so that it dilutes it a bit yeah yeah I'm so sensitive to caffeine like when I have too much mantra I get jittery - yeah but I love the taste you switched tomorrow right yeah okay coffee anymore no I feel like coffee gets me like a lot of energy and then I crash and like macho's more spread through the whole day [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean I'm looking at this menu now and I'm trying to see anything that like I would order two things on my mind but you're gonna hate so it's perfect that I'm gonna hate I'm gonna hate it but I never order it okay I don't think I'm very hungry yeah I got like like Jasmine hungry I already to read it ginger shut because that's the stuff that I do yeah yeah dude like that or no I throw it in my water actually the whole thing [Applause] like that yeah purpose do you use all the every time at lunch sure yeah wait this restaurant is completely vegetarian right yeah it is yeah I never got a vegetarian restaurant so I've been really hard time deciding I don't think I could honestly I don't think I could ever go vegetarian no no I like I love like chicken and meat so much but they has bad as I feel for like I just I crave it but then it is really good stop they're really tasteless still I have to do one day where I like go and like try it and no one tells me that it's not real good because I think it's also mental thing oh yeah I'm gonna try it I'm too hard timers like assisting two o'clock if I give up because avocado walk is amazing I like it also when it's a little bit spicy do you like cilantro because I feel like people don't like it or they feel no no and now they put like micro cilantro on everything micro yeah then you can take it off and it ruins honestly i start saying when I go to restaurants that I'm allergic to cilantro because they put it on everything urgent it's probably in this ginger so I'm not worrying as long as no cilantro okay I know what I'm get you want to tell me where you're gonna order me no it's wait till we order okay I feel like it's gonna be a bowl that you're gonna give me so I'm ordering full you know what is it oh she said it's her favorite so I mean we're ordering each other's nails and we totally different so yeah alright it's the whole day you are gonna have the chimichanga but it's a chimichanga so big fried burrito No then I can't walk him to yes good luck all right it was either that or the huevos rancheros yeah that's what I would eat well then I'm happy with that chimichanga [Music] and you know I would like it if it was popped oh yeah that's really good it looks good it's not bad not without the cilantro without the cilantro it looks pretty good thank you that is you're gonna die I'm gonna die but am I gonna be I'm gonna be eating in Jasmine proportions yeah eat like me so I will eat like that much of it taking this cilantro up so these days for camellia man so I feel a little like I give you a little bit of avocado yeah all right you're gonna be parting on [Music] yeah so I can't be very good yeah it looks amazing that's right okay it works out I am proof yay I wonder what this is in there potatoes a little spicy you don't like spicy spicy I'm not used to it are you surprised I love spicy food yeah I like I like to add a little bit more no more a little bit more ok let's swap for a second it actually does taste like that's like real meat the chorizo part right [Music] amazing okay but not today we go my child yes yes my child you could have a mantra [Music] we're gonna order in and we chose to kiya or gennyca that's what I call organics and I'm gonna order it what I would order myself and then wonder what I would or there you are you see perfect okay so I can't look right no you can't look at her eyes yeah I got it you got it yeah okay this one's fun but you had a burrito earlier so yeah it took I has great burritos oh let me see yoga stuff in your jaw I swear whatever I'm filming a YouTube video it's a cow I stared at the dog okay back to you oh I can't look at it no looking okay yeah yeah alright you press order no I didn't press order should I do it yeah okay okay alrighty I'm nervous so hi is really good yeah everything is good with ours good so we should be fine okay good now yeah all right what do we got and let's see what we have Oh surprise extra [ __ ] why come on II thought it was for you oh sure I think oh I ordered you as well what is this Oh shaved Brussels sprouts that's you oh do you like Brussels yeah I - okay this is also for you what is that corn I love corn you got today there's some sauce on it so it should be fine this looks like the chicken tacos for you okay this must be your order like that you you picks this right yeah it's plenty a chips with cuacamole boxes are very hard to open yeah they are a burrito is it for me nope [Music] a bowl that's for me but it's a taco salad so it's very nice with chicken avocado tortilla corn I think you'll like it it looks good how do you feel about yours I'm gonna take a bite and see let's taste this corn Bon Appetit why don't you like corn just not your favorite not your thing oh very spicy yes ma'am oh that's right you said you don't like spicy earlier no and it's very spicy this is great also spicy and Sam mm-hmm try it oh maybe and must the bite I just got was the only thing mmm not compared to them but I don't hate it pretty spicy it's pretty spicy but I don't I wouldn't actually really [Laughter] oh my god that is spicy it didn't yeah there was no disclaimer for this there was no disclaimer for the spicy corn it just said corn yeah all right but it's it's not we can eat it you know I have to just about it go all right mmm I actually really like this I feel like never come back Rose I never need to have this number on this number tonight's your night yeah tonight it's taco night it's not Taco Tuesday but this one is very spicy - you went to my house one night photography a but we had pizza yeah yeah we have pizza on Taco Tuesday that's right I think we're gonna finish the food and then we're going to downtown LA for a fun night and I hope you guys like this video Thank You jasmine for being here - showing me your weight you eat but never again don't forget to follow Jasmine on her YouTube channel and you have to see you guys very soon [Music]
Channel: Romee Strijd
Views: 5,918,640
Rating: 4.9070415 out of 5
Id: uE1wN46Ru0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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